Added TCEFWorkScheduler.CreateDelayed
Added TFMXWorkScheduler.CreateDelayed
Added an event to wait until the context is initialized in FMXExternalPumpBrowser2 and OSRExternalPumpBrowser for Linux
Fixed SimpleOSRBrowser in Linux
Added the TBufferPanel.CopyOriginalBuffer property
Added the TBufferPanel.MustInitBuffer property
Added the TBufferPanel.OrigBuffer property
Added the TBufferPanel.OrigBufferWidth property
Added the TBufferPanel.OrigBufferHeight property
Renamed TBufferPanel.PopupBuffer to TBufferPanel.OrigPopupBuffer
Renamed TBufferPanel.PopupBufferWidth to TBufferPanel.OrigPopupBufferWidth
Renamed TBufferPanel.PopupBufferHeight to TBufferPanel.OrigPopupBufferHeight
Renamed TBufferPanel.PopupBufferBits to TBufferPanel.OrigPopupBufferBits
Renamed TBufferPanel.PopupScanlineSize to TBufferPanel.OrigPopupScanlineSize
Added the TBufferPanel.UpdateOrigBufferDimensions function
Added the TBufferPanel.UpdateOrigPopupBufferDimensions function
Added the GlobalCEFApp.DisableZygote property
Added the GlobalCEFApp.OnPrintStart event.
Added the GlobalCEFApp.OnPrintSettings event.
Added the GlobalCEFApp.OnPrintDialog event.
Added the GlobalCEFApp.OnPrintJob event.
Added the GlobalCEFApp.OnPrintReset event.
Added the GlobalCEFApp.OnGetPDFPaperSize event.
- Fixed issue #255
- Changed GlobalCEFApp.DefaultEncoding property type to ustring
- Changed GlobalCEFApp.OverrideSpellCheckLang property type to ustring
Added TBufferPanel.ForcedDeviceScaleFactor property.
Added TFMXBufferPanel.ForcedDeviceScaleFactor property.
Updated ConsoleBrowser2 and WebpageSnapshot demos to use the new TBufferPanel.ForcedDeviceScaleFactor property.
- Split the Lazarus demos directory into "Lazarus_Windows" and "Lazarus_Linux".
- Added OSRExternalPumpBrowser and TinyBrowser2 demos to "Lazarus_Linux".
- Set TBufferPanel.GetScreenScale as virtual.
- Added DevTools to the SchemeRegistrationBrowser demo.
- Modified the SchemeRegistrationBrowser demo to receive XMLHttpRequest requests from JavaScript.
- Added an overloaded version of TChromiumCore.CreateBrowser to create popup browser windows in the TinyBrowser2 demo.
- Added more comments in the DOMVisitor demo describing alternative ways to send information between processes.
- Added TChromiumCore.ReplaceMisspelling
- Added TChromiumCore.AddWordToDictionary
- Added TChromiumCore.OpenerWindowHandle
- Added TChromiumCore.MouseCursorChangeDisabled
- Removed the 'Print to PDF stream...' menu option from the MiniBrowser demo because it's only available in headless chrome.
- Added TCEFJson.SaveToFile and TCEFJson.LoadFromFile functions
- Added more code comments to DOMVisitor
- Replaced all the code to save the browser preferences in TChromiumCore with the new TCEFJson functions
Added TChromium.Offline property.
Added a menu option to the MiniBrowser demo to clear the cache with the DevTools methods.
Added a menu option to the MiniBrowser demo to take a screenshot with the DevTools methods.