- New MediaRouter demo (still buggy)
- Removed TCEFMediaObserverComponent and merged all the ICefMediaObserver methods and events into TChromium.
- Fixed some Media Observer parameters
- Added TChromium.RequestContext
- Added TChromium.MediaRouter
- Added TChromium.MediaObserver
- Added TChromium.Registration
- Added groups to the demos with a secondary subprocess project
- Added some conditional directives for MacOS (MACOS IS NOT SUPPORTED YET!)
- Removed some Windows dependencies in the FMXExternalPumpBrowser demo
- Added TChromium.ParentFormHandle property
- Modified CefPostTask and CefPostDelayedTask to return a boolean value.
- Added CefCurrentlyOn helper function.
- Replaced all "CEF3" mentions by "CEF".
- Fixed ICEFPostData and TCefPostData declarations
- Fixed CustomAbsolutePath to convert the relative path to absolute path even when CustomPathCanonicalize fails.
- Added a POST example to the URLRequest demo.
- Updated the PostInspectorBrowser demo for the new ICEFPostData decalrations.
- Fixed issue #179 : Added a new EditorBrowser demo.
- Fixed issue #195 : Added VizDisplayCompositor to the disabled features list
- Fixed issue #206 : Added a context menu option to show the DevTools in SimpleFMXBrowser. Added TCEFFMXChromium.ShowDevTools and TCEFFMXChromium.CloseDevTools.
- Added a new menu option to MiniBrowser to simulate key presses in normal mode.
- Added more parameter checks in CefRegisterExtension
- Minor change registering the extension in JSExtension demo. The TempHandler reference is valid until it reaches the "finally".
- Added some Linux and MacOS initialization (doesn't work yet)
- GlobalCEFApp.MustFreeLibrary is now FALSE by default.
- GlobalCEFApp set to nil in all demos.
- ResponseFilterBrowser now uses the critical section in Chromium1ResourceLoadComplete.
- Added overloaded TChromium.LoadURL to load a URL in a frame.
- Added url and cookiename parameters to TChromium.DeleteCookies to delete the cookies from that url and/or name.
- Chromium 64.0.3282.119 which should include partial MP3 support.
- Fixed stability issues when you closed the browser due to circular interface references.
- Fixed TCefRTTIExtension thanks to Pier.
- Added the JSRTTIExtension demo to test TCefRTTIExtension.
- Added the TCustomResponseFilter class to filter the resource contents.
- Added the ResponseFilterBrowser demo to test the new TCustomResponseFilter class.
- New MDIExternalPumpBrowser demo.
- New JSWindowBindingSubProcess demo.
- Added more comments and checks in some initialization functions of TCEFApplication.
- New TCEFServerComponent. The new CEF3 includes a http and websockets server for communication between applications in localhost.
- New JSDialogBrowser demo to showhow to use custom forms in javascript dialogs.
- New SimpleServer demo which uses TCEFServerComponent.
- Removed all the code that could be removed from the DPR files and moved to another units.
- Now the GlogalCEFApp checks all the CEF3 binaries and stores the missing files in GlogalCEFApp.MissingLibFiles. The default error message gives a list of missing files.
- New GlobalCEFApp.Status property. Use it with GlobalCEFApp.ShowMessageDlg set to False if you want to show customized error messages.
- Now TCEFClient only creates the necessary handlers if you use any their events in TChromium.
- Fixed a destruction bug in OSRExternalPumpBrowser
- Added the procedures to handle WM_ENTERMENULOOP and WM_EXITMENULOOP to all the demos.