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synced 2025-03-25 22:00:54 +02:00
Fix settings fetching failure for updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function Updates() {
const hasUpdates = isPopulated && !hasError && items.length > 0;
const noUpdates = isPopulated && !hasError && !items.length;
const externalUpdaterPrefix = translate('UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError');
const externalUpdaterPrefix = translate('UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError');
const externalUpdaterMessages: Partial<Record<UpdateMechanism, string>> = {
external: translate('ExternalUpdater'),
apt: translate('AptUpdater'),
@ -262,10 +262,16 @@ function Updates() {
{updatesError ? <div>{translate('FailedToFetchUpdates')}</div> : null}
{updatesError ? (
<Alert kind={kinds.WARNING}>
) : null}
{generalSettingsError ? (
<Alert kind={kinds.DANGER}>
) : null}
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
"TorrentDelayTime": "Torrent-Verzögerung: {torrentDelay}",
"TorrentBlackholeTorrentFolder": "Torrent-Ordner",
"UpdateStartupNotWritableHealthCheckMessage": "Das Update kann nicht installiert werden, da der Startordner „{startupFolder}“ für den Benutzer „{userName}“ nicht beschreibbar ist.",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "{appName} kann nicht direkt aktualisiert werden.",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "{appName} kann nicht direkt aktualisiert werden.",
"UpdateStartupTranslocationHealthCheckMessage": "Das Update kann nicht installiert werden, da sich der Startordner „{startupFolder}“ in einem App Translocation-Ordner befindet.",
"Uptime": "Betriebszeit",
"UpgradesAllowed": "Upgrades erlaubt",
@ -288,10 +288,10 @@
"CustomFormatsSettings": "Custom Formats Settings",
"CustomFormatsSettingsSummary": "Custom Formats and Settings",
"CustomFormatsSettingsTriggerInfo": "A Custom Format will be applied to a release or file when it matches at least one of each of the different condition types chosen.",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationFlag": "Flag",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationLanguage": "Language",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationExceptLanguage": "Except Language",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationExceptLanguageHelpText": "Matches if any language other than the selected language is present",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationFlag": "Flag",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationLanguage": "Language",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationMaximumSize": "Maximum Size",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationMaximumSizeHelpText": "Release must be less than or equal to this size",
"CustomFormatsSpecificationMinimumSize": "Minimum Size",
@ -679,6 +679,7 @@
"ExtraFileExtensionsHelpText": "Comma separated list of extra files to import (.nfo will be imported as .nfo-orig)",
"ExtraFileExtensionsHelpTextsExamples": "Examples: '.sub, .nfo' or 'sub,nfo'",
"Failed": "Failed",
"FailedToFetchSettings": "Failed to fetch settings",
"FailedToFetchUpdates": "Failed to fetch updates",
"FailedToLoadCustomFiltersFromApi": "Failed to load custom filters from API",
"FailedToLoadQualityProfilesFromApi": "Failed to load quality profiles from API",
@ -688,7 +689,6 @@
"FailedToLoadTagsFromApi": "Failed to load tags from API",
"FailedToLoadTranslationsFromApi": "Failed to load translations from API",
"FailedToLoadUiSettingsFromApi": "Failed to load UI settings from API",
"FailedToUpdateSettings": "Failed to update settings",
"False": "False",
"FeatureRequests": "Feature Requests",
"File": "File",
@ -1347,11 +1347,11 @@
"NotificationsGotifySettingIncludeSeriesPosterHelpText": "Include series poster in message",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsAppToken": "App Token",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsAppTokenHelpText": "The Application Token generated by Gotify",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsPriorityHelpText": "Priority of the notification",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsMetadataLinks": "Metadata Links",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsMetadataLinksHelpText": "Add a links to series metadata when sending notifications",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsPreferredMetadataLink": "Preferred Metadata Link",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsPreferredMetadataLinkHelpText": "Metadata link for clients that only support a single link",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsPriorityHelpText": "Priority of the notification",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsServer": "Gotify Server",
"NotificationsGotifySettingsServerHelpText": "Gotify server URL, including http(s):// and port if needed",
"NotificationsJoinSettingsApiKeyHelpText": "The API Key from your Join account settings (click Join API button).",
@ -2058,6 +2058,7 @@
"Upcoming": "Upcoming",
"UpcomingSeriesDescription": "Series has been announced but no exact air date yet",
"UpdateAll": "Update All",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "Unable to update {appName} directly,",
"UpdateAutomaticallyHelpText": "Automatically download and install updates. You will still be able to install from System: Updates",
"UpdateAvailableHealthCheckMessage": "New update is available: {version}",
"UpdateFiltered": "Update Filtered",
@ -2065,7 +2066,6 @@
"UpdateMonitoring": "Update Monitoring",
"UpdateScriptPathHelpText": "Path to a custom script that takes an extracted update package and handle the remainder of the update process",
"UpdateSelected": "Update Selected",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "Unable to update {appName} directly,",
"UpdateStartupNotWritableHealthCheckMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{startupFolder}' is not writable by the user '{userName}'.",
"UpdateStartupTranslocationHealthCheckMessage": "Cannot install update because startup folder '{startupFolder}' is in an App Translocation folder.",
"UpdateUiNotWritableHealthCheckMessage": "Cannot install update because UI folder '{uiFolder}' is not writable by the user '{userName}'.",
@ -1576,7 +1576,7 @@
"ShowPath": "Mostrar ruta",
"ShowNetwork": "Mostrar red",
"TvdbIdExcludeHelpText": "La ID de TVDB de la serie a excluir",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "No se pudo actualizar {appName} directamente,",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "No se pudo actualizar {appName} directamente,",
"UpgradesAllowedHelpText": "Si se deshabilita las calidades no serán actualizadas",
"WithFiles": "Con archivos",
"SystemTimeHealthCheckMessage": "La hora del sistema está desfasada más de 1 día. Las tareas programadas pueden no ejecutarse correctamente hasta que la hora sea corregida",
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
"UpcomingSeriesDescription": "Sarja on julkistettu, mutta tarkka esitysaika ei ole vielä tiedossa.",
"UnselectAll": "Tyhjennä valinnat",
"UpdateMonitoring": "Päivitä valvontatila",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "{appName}ia ei voida päivittää suoraan,",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "{appName}ia ei voida päivittää suoraan,",
"UpgradeUntilThisQualityIsMetOrExceeded": "Päivitä kunnes tämä laatu on savutettu tai ylitetty",
"Updates": "Päivitykset",
"UpdateSelected": "Päivitä valitut",
@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
"UnmonitoredOnly": "Non surveillé uniquement",
"UpdateMechanismHelpText": "Utilisez le programme de mise à jour intégré de {appName} ou un script",
"UpdateSelected": "Mise à jour sélectionnée",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "Impossible de mettre à jour directement {appName},",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "Impossible de mettre à jour directement {appName},",
"UpdateStartupNotWritableHealthCheckMessage": "Impossible d'installer la mise à jour car le dossier de démarrage « {startupFolder} » n'est pas accessible en écriture par l'utilisateur « {userName} ».",
"UpdateStartupTranslocationHealthCheckMessage": "Impossible d'installer la mise à jour, car le dossier de démarrage « {startupFolder} » se trouve dans un dossier App Translocation.",
"UpdaterLogFiles": "Journaux du programme de mise à jour",
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@
"UnsavedChanges": "Cambiamenti Non Salvati",
"UnselectAll": "Deseleziona Tutto",
"UpdateAll": "Aggiorna Tutto",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "Impossibile aggiornare {appName} direttamente,",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "Impossibile aggiornare {appName} direttamente,",
"UseSeasonFolderHelpText": "Ordina episodi dentro all cartella della stagione",
"VideoCodec": "Codec Video",
"DownloadClientValidationCategoryMissingDetail": "La categoria che ha inserito non esiste in {clientName}. Crealo prima su {clientName}.",
@ -889,7 +889,7 @@
"UnsavedChanges": "Alterações Não Salvas",
"UpdateAutomaticallyHelpText": "Baixe e instale atualizações automaticamente. Você ainda poderá instalar a partir do Sistema: Atualizações",
"UpdateMechanismHelpText": "Usar o atualizador integrado do {appName} ou um script",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "Incapaz de atualizar o {appName} diretamente,",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "Incapaz de atualizar o {appName} diretamente,",
"UpdateUiNotWritableHealthCheckMessage": "Não é possível instalar a atualização porque a pasta de IU '{uiFolder}' não pode ser salva pelo usuário '{userName}'.",
"UpgradeUntil": "Atualizar Até",
"UpgradeUntilCustomFormatScore": "Atualizar até pontuação de formato personalizado",
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@
"External": "Внешний",
"Never": "Никогда",
"Ok": "Ок",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "Невозможно обновить {appName} напрямую,",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "Невозможно обновить {appName} напрямую,",
"WeekColumnHeader": "Заголовок столбца недели",
"OrganizeModalHeader": "Упорядочить и переименовать",
"MultiLanguages": "Многоязычный",
@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@
"UiSettingsLoadError": "无法加载UI设置",
"UnknownEventTooltip": "未知事件",
"UpdateScriptPathHelpText": "自定义脚本的路径,该脚本处理获取的更新包并处理更新过程的其余部分",
"UpdateSonarrDirectlyLoadError": "无法直接更新{appName},",
"UpdateAppDirectlyLoadError": "无法直接更新{appName},",
"View": "查看",
"Negate": "反选",
"ListTagsHelpText": "从此列表导入时将添加标记",
Reference in New Issue
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