mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-20 20:55:18 +02:00

Updated welcome notes

This commit is contained in:
Laurent Cozic 2019-02-05 21:14:32 +00:00
parent 949ea7afb7
commit c2bd453e8c
3 changed files with 15 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ module.exports = {
"notes": [
"id": "8a1556e382704160808e9a7bef7135d3",
"title": "1. Welcome to Joplin",
"body": "# Welcome to Joplin\n\nJoplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which helps you write and organise your notes, and synchronise them between your devices. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in [Markdown format](https://joplin.cozic.net/#markdown). Joplin is available as **💻 desktop**, **📱 mobile** and **🔡 terminal** applications.\n\n![](./AllClients.png)\n\n## Joplin is divided into three parts\n\nJoplin has three main columns:\n\n- **Sidebar**: It contains the list of your notebooks and tags, as well as the synchronisation status.\n- **Note List**: It contains the current list of notes - either the notes in the currently selected notebook, or the notes in the currently selected tag.\n- **Note Editor**: The note editor contains both an editor panel, where your write your note in Markdown, and a viewer panel, which shows the rendered note. To edit notes, you may also use an [external editor](https://joplin.cozic.net/#external-text-editor). For example, if you like WYSIWYG editors, you can use something like Typora as an external editor and it will display the note as well as any embedded image.\n\n## Writing notes in Markdown\n\nMarkdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Joplin supports a [Github-flavoured Markdown syntax](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) with a few variations and additions.\n\nIn general, while Markdown is a markup language, it is meant to be human readable, even without being rendered. This is a simple example (you can see how it looks in the viewer panel):\n\n* * *\n\n# Heading\n\n## Sub-heading\n\nParagraphs are separated by a blank line. Text attributes _italic_, **bold** and `monospace` are supported. You can create bullet lists:\n\n* apples\n* oranges\n* pears\n\nOr numbered lists:\n\n1. wash\n2. rinse\n3. repeat\n\nThis is a [link](https://joplin.cozic.net) and, finally, below is an horizontal rule:\n\n* * *\n\nA lot more is possible including adding code samples, math formulaes or checkbox lists - see the [Markdown documentation](https://joplin.cozic.net/#markdown) for more information.\n\n## Organising your notes\n\n### With notebooks\n\nJoplin notes are organised into a tree of notebooks and sub-notebooks.\n\n- On **💻 desktop**, you can create a notebook by clicking on New Notebook, then you can drag and drop them into other notebooks to organise them as you wish.\n- On **📱 mobile**, press the \"+\" icon and select \"New notebook\".\n- On **🔡 terminal**, press `:mn`!\n\n![](./SubNotebooks.png)\n\n### With tags\n\nThe second way to organise your notes is using tags:\n\n- On **💻 desktop**, right-click on any note in the Note List, and select \"Edit tags\". You can then add the tags, separating each one by a comma.\n- On **📱 mobile**, open the note and press the \"⋮\" button and select \"Tags\".\n- On **🔡 terminal**, type `:help tag` for the available commands.\n\n* * *\n\n**Next:** [How to import notes from other applications](:/b863cbc514cb4cafbae8dd6a4fcad919).",
"title": "1. Welcome to Joplin! 🗒️",
"body": "# Welcome to Joplin! 🗒️\n\nJoplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which helps you write and organise your notes, and synchronise them between your devices. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in [Markdown format](https://joplin.cozic.net/#markdown). Joplin is available as **💻 desktop**, **📱 mobile** and **🔡 terminal** applications.\n\nThe notes in this notebook give an overview of what Joplin can do and how to use it. In general the three applications share roughly the same functionalities, and they are not the differences will be clearly indicated.\n\n![](./AllClients.png)\n\n## Joplin is divided into three parts\n\nJoplin has three main columns:\n\n- **Sidebar**: It contains the list of your notebooks and tags, as well as the synchronisation status.\n- **Note List**: It contains the current list of notes - either the notes in the currently selected notebook, or the notes in the currently selected tag.\n- **Note Editor**: The note editor contains of course an actual editor, where your write your note in Markdown, and a viewer, which shows the rendered note. To edit notes, you may also use an [external editor](https://joplin.cozic.net/#external-text-editor). For example, if you like WYSIWYG editors, you can use something like Typora as an external editor and it will display the note as well as any embedded image.\n\n## Writing notes in Markdown\n\nMarkdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Joplin supports a [Github-flavoured Markdown syntax](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) with a few variations and additions.\n\nIn general, while Markdown is a markup language, it is meant to be human readable, even without being rendered. This is a simple example (you can see how it looks in the viewer panel):\n\n* * *\n\n# Heading\n\n## Sub-heading\n\nParagraphs are separated by a blank line. Text attributes _italic_, **bold** and `monospace` are supported. You can create bullet lists:\n\n* apples\n* oranges\n* pears\n\nOr numbered lists:\n\n1. wash\n2. rinse\n3. repeat\n\nThis is a [link](https://joplin.cozic.net) and, finally, below is an horizontal rule:\n\n* * *\n\nA lot more is possible including adding code samples, math formulaes or checkbox lists - see the [Markdown documentation](https://joplin.cozic.net/#markdown) for more information.\n\n## Organising your notes\n\n### With notebooks 📔\n\nJoplin notes are organised into a tree of notebooks and sub-notebooks.\n\n- On **desktop**, you can create a notebook by clicking on New Notebook, then you can drag and drop them into other notebooks to organise them as you wish.\n- On **mobile**, press the \"+\" icon and select \"New notebook\".\n- On **terminal**, press `:mn`\n\n![](./SubNotebooks.png)\n\n### With tags 🏷️\n\nThe second way to organise your notes is using tags:\n\n- On **desktop**, right-click on any note in the Note List, and select \"Edit tags\". You can then add the tags, separating each one by a comma.\n- On **mobile**, open the note and press the \"⋮\" button and select \"Tags\".\n- On **terminal**, type `:help tag` for the available commands.\n\n* * *\n\n**Next:** [How to import notes from other applications](:/b863cbc514cb4cafbae8dd6a4fcad919).",
"tags": [
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ module.exports = {
"id": "b863cbc514cb4cafbae8dd6a4fcad919",
"title": "2. Importing and exporting notes",
"body": "# Importing and exporting notes\n\n## Importing from Evernote\n\nJoplin was designed as a replacement for Evernote and so can import complete Evernote notebooks, as well as notes, tags, resources (attached files) and note metadata (such as author, geo-location, etc.) via ENEX files.\n\nTo import Evernote data, first export your Evernote notebooks to ENEX files as described [here](https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-back-up-export-and-restore-import-notes-and-notebooks). Then do the following: Open File > Import > ENEX and select your file. The notes will be imported into a new separate notebook. If needed they can then be moved to a different notebook, or the notebook can be renamed, etc.\n\n[More info about Evernote import](https://joplin.cozic.net/#importing-from-evernote)\n\n# How to import other notes\n\nJoplin can also import notes from [many other apps](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#importing-from-other-applications) as well as [from Markdown or text files](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#importing-from-markdown-files).\n\n# How to export notes\n\nJoplin can export to the JEX format (Joplin Export file), which is an archive that can contain multiple notes, notebooks, etc. This is a format mostly designed for backup purposes. You may also export to other formats such as plain Markdown files, as JSON or as PDF. Find out [more info about exporting notes](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#exporting) on the official website.\n\n* * *\n\n**Next:** [How to synchronise your notes](:/25b656aac0564d1a91ab98295aa3cc58)",
"title": "2. Importing and exporting notes ↔️",
"body": "# Importing and exporting notes ↔️\n\n## Importing from Evernote\n\nJoplin was designed as a replacement for Evernote and so can import complete Evernote notebooks, as well as notes, tags, images, attached files and note metadata (such as author, geo-location, etc.) via ENEX files.\n\nTo import Evernote data, first export your Evernote notebooks to ENEX files as described [here](https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-back-up-export-and-restore-import-notes-and-notebooks). Then, on **desktop**, do the following: Open File > Import > ENEX and select your file. The notes will be imported into a new separate notebook. If needed they can then be moved to a different notebook, or the notebook can be renamed, etc. Read [more about Evernote import](https://joplin.cozic.net/#importing-from-evernote).\n\n# Importing from other apps\n\nJoplin can also import notes from [many other apps](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#importing-from-other-applications) as well as [from Markdown or text files](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#importing-from-markdown-files).\n\n# Exporting notes\n\nJoplin can export to the JEX format (Joplin Export file), which is an archive that can contain multiple notes, notebooks, etc. This is a format mostly designed for backup purposes. You may also export to other formats such as plain Markdown files, to JSON or to PDF. Find out [more about exporting notes](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#exporting) on the official website.\n\n* * *\n\n**Next:** [How to synchronise your notes](:/25b656aac0564d1a91ab98295aa3cc58)",
"tags": [
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ module.exports = {
"id": "25b656aac0564d1a91ab98295aa3cc58",
"title": "3. Synchronising your notes",
"body": "# Synchronising your notes\n\nOne of the goals of Joplin was to avoid being tied to any particular company or service, whether it is Evernote, Google or Microsoft. As such the synchronisation is designed without any hard dependency to any particular service. You basically choose the service you prefer among those supported, setup the configuration, and the app will be able to sync between your computers or mobile devices.\n\nThe supported cloud services are the following:\n\n## Setting up Dropbox synchronisation\n\nSelect \"Dropbox\" as the synchronisation target in the config screen (it is selected by default). Then, to initiate the synchronisation process, click on the \"Synchronise\" button in the sidebar and follow the instructions.\n\n## Setting up Nextcloud synchronisation\n\nNextcloud is a self-hosted, private cloud solution. It can store documents, images and videos but also calendars, passwords and countless other things and can sync them to your laptop or phone. As you can host your own Nextcloud server, you own both the data on your device and infrastructure used for synchronisation. As such it is a good fit for Joplin.\n\nTo set it up, go to the config screen and select Nextcloud as the synchronisation target. Then input the WebDAV URL (to get it, go to your Nextcloud page, click on Settings in the bottom left corner of the page and copy the URL). Note that it has to be the **full URL**, so for example if you want the notes to be under `/Joplin`, the URL would be something like `https://example.com/remote.php/webdav/Joplin` (note that \"/Joplin\" part). And **make sure to create the \"/Joplin\" directory in Nextcloud**. Finally set the username and password. If it does not work, please [see this explanation](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/61#issuecomment-373282608) for more details.\n\n## Setting up OneDrive or WebDAV synchronisation\n\nOneDrive and WebDAV are also supported as synchronisation services. Please see [the export documentation](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#exporting) for more information.\n\n## Using End-To-End Encryption\n\nJoplin supports end-to-end encryption (E2EE) on all the applications. E2EE is a system where only the owner of the data can read it. It prevents potential eavesdroppers - including telecom providers, internet providers, and even the developers of Joplin from being able to access the data. Please see the [End-To-End Encryption Tutorial](https://joplin.cozic.net/e2ee/) for more information about this feature and how to enable it.\n\n* * *\n\n**Next:** [Some other tips on how to use Joplin](:/2ee48f80889447429a3cccb04a466072)",
"title": "3. Synchronising your notes 🔄",
"body": "# Synchronising your notes 🔄\n\nOne of the goals of Joplin was to avoid being tied to any particular company or service, whether it is Evernote, Google or Microsoft. As such the synchronisation is designed without any hard dependency to any particular service. You basically choose the service you prefer among those supported, setup the configuration, and the app will be able to sync between your computers or mobile devices.\n\nThe supported cloud services are the following:\n\n## Setting up Dropbox synchronisation\n\nSelect \"Dropbox\" as the synchronisation target in the config screen (it is selected by default). Then, to initiate the synchronisation process, click on the \"Synchronise\" button in the sidebar and follow the instructions.\n\n## Setting up Nextcloud synchronisation\n\nNextcloud is a self-hosted, private cloud solution. It can store documents, images and videos but also calendars, passwords and countless other things and can sync them to your laptop or phone. As you can host your own Nextcloud server, you own both the data on your device and infrastructure used for synchronisation. As such it is a good fit for Joplin.\n\nTo set it up, go to the config screen and select Nextcloud as the synchronisation target. Then input the WebDAV URL (to get it, go to your Nextcloud page, click on Settings in the bottom left corner of the page and copy the URL). Note that it has to be the **full URL**, so for example if you want the notes to be under `/Joplin`, the URL would be something like `https://example.com/remote.php/webdav/Joplin` (note that \"/Joplin\" part). And **make sure to create the \"/Joplin\" directory in Nextcloud**. Finally set the username and password. If it does not work, please [see this explanation](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/61#issuecomment-373282608) for more details.\n\n## Setting up OneDrive or WebDAV synchronisation\n\nOneDrive and WebDAV are also supported as synchronisation services. Please see [the export documentation](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#exporting) for more information.\n\n## Using End-To-End Encryption\n\nJoplin supports end-to-end encryption (E2EE) on all the applications. E2EE is a system where only the owner of the data can read it. It prevents potential eavesdroppers - including telecom providers, internet providers, and even the developers of Joplin from being able to access the data. Please see the [End-To-End Encryption Tutorial](https://joplin.cozic.net/e2ee/) for more information about this feature and how to enable it.\n\n* * *\n\n**Next:** [Some other tips on how to use Joplin](:/2ee48f80889447429a3cccb04a466072)",
"tags": [
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ module.exports = {
"id": "2ee48f80889447429a3cccb04a466072",
"title": "4. Tips",
"body": "# Tips\n\nThe first few notes should have given you an overview of the main functionalities in Joplin, but there's more it can do. See below for some of these features and how to get more help using the app:\n\n## Web clipper\n\n**TODO: add image**\n\nThe Web Clipper is a browser extension that allows you to save web pages and screenshots from your browser. To start using it, open the Joplin desktop application, go to the Web Clipper Options and follow the instructions.\n\nMore info on the official website: https://joplin.cozic.net/clipper\n\n## Attachments\n\nAny kind of file can be attached to a note. In Markdown, links to these files are represented as a simple ID to the resource. In the note viewer, these files, if they are images, will be displayed or, if they are other files (PDF, text files, etc.) they will be displayed as links. Clicking on this link will open the file in the default application.\n\nImages can be attached either by clicking on \"Attach file\" or by pasting (with Ctrl+V) an image directly in the editor, or by drag and dropping an image.\n\nMore info about attachments: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#attachments--resources\n\n## Search\n\nJoplin supports advanced search queries, which are fully documented on the official website: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#searching\n\n## Alarms\n\nAn alarm can be associated with any to-do. It will be triggered at the given time by displaying a notification. To use this feature, see the documentation: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#notifications\n\n## Other Joplin applications\n\nBesides the desktop application, Joplin is also available as a terminal application and as a mobile application. Both these apps can sync between them and with the desktop app.\n\n**TODO: Add screenshot of mobile**\n**TODO: Add screenshot of CLI**\n\n## Community and further help\n\n- For general discussion about Joplin, user support, software development questions, and to discuss new features, go to the [Joplin Forum](https://discourse.joplin.cozic.net/). It is possible to login with your GitHub account.\n- The latest news are posted [on the Patreon page](https://www.patreon.com/joplin).\n- For bug reports and feature requests, go to the [GitHub Issue Tracker](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues).\n\n## Donations\n\nDonations to Joplin support the development of the project. Developing quality applications mostly takes time, but there are also some expenses, such as digital certificates to sign the applications, app store fees, hosting, etc. Most of all, your donation will make it possible to keep up the current development standard.\n\nPlease see the [donation page](https://joplin.cozic.net/donate/) for information on how to support the development of Joplin.",
"title": "4. Tips 💡",
"body": "# Tips 💡\n\nThe first few notes should have given you an overview of the main functionalities in Joplin, but there's more it can do. See below for some of these features and how to get more help using the app:\n\n## Web clipper\n\n**TODO: add image**\n\nThe Web Clipper is a browser extension that allows you to save web pages and screenshots from your browser. To start using it, open the Joplin desktop application, go to the Web Clipper Options and follow the instructions.\n\nMore info on the official website: https://joplin.cozic.net/clipper\n\n## Attachments\n\nAny kind of file can be attached to a note. In Markdown, links to these files are represented as a simple ID to the resource. In the note viewer, these files, if they are images, will be displayed or, if they are other files (PDF, text files, etc.) they will be displayed as links. Clicking on this link will open the file in the default application.\n\nImages can be attached either by clicking on \"Attach file\" or by pasting (with Ctrl+V) an image directly in the editor, or by drag and dropping an image.\n\nMore info about attachments: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#attachments--resources\n\n## Search\n\nJoplin supports advanced search queries, which are fully documented on the official website: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#searching\n\n## Alarms\n\nAn alarm can be associated with any to-do. It will be triggered at the given time by displaying a notification. To use this feature, see the documentation: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin#notifications\n\n## Other Joplin applications\n\nBesides the desktop application, Joplin is also available as a terminal application and as a mobile application. Both these apps can sync between them and with the desktop app.\n\n**TODO: Add screenshot of mobile**\n**TODO: Add screenshot of CLI**\n\n## Community and further help\n\n- For general discussion about Joplin, user support, software development questions, and to discuss new features, go to the [Joplin Forum](https://discourse.joplin.cozic.net/). It is possible to login with your GitHub account.\n- The latest news are posted [on the Patreon page](https://www.patreon.com/joplin).\n- For bug reports and feature requests, go to the [GitHub Issue Tracker](https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues).\n\n## Donations\n\nDonations to Joplin support the development of the project. Developing quality applications mostly takes time, but there are also some expenses, such as digital certificates to sign the applications, app store fees, hosting, etc. Most of all, your donation will make it possible to keep up the current development standard.\n\nPlease see the [donation page](https://joplin.cozic.net/donate/) for information on how to support the development of Joplin.",
"tags": [

View File

@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ A lot more is possible including adding code samples, math formulaes or checkbox
Joplin notes are organised into a tree of notebooks and sub-notebooks.
- On **💻 desktop**, you can create a notebook by clicking on New Notebook, then you can drag and drop them into other notebooks to organise them as you wish.
- On **📱 mobile**, press the "+" icon and select "New notebook".
- On **🔡 terminal**, press `:mn`
- On **desktop**, you can create a notebook by clicking on New Notebook, then you can drag and drop them into other notebooks to organise them as you wish.
- On **mobile**, press the "+" icon and select "New notebook".
- On **terminal**, press `:mn`
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ Joplin notes are organised into a tree of notebooks and sub-notebooks.
The second way to organise your notes is using tags:
- On **💻 desktop**, right-click on any note in the Note List, and select "Edit tags". You can then add the tags, separating each one by a comma.
- On **📱 mobile**, open the note and press the "⋮" button and select "Tags".
- On **🔡 terminal**, type `:help tag` for the available commands.
- On **desktop**, right-click on any note in the Note List, and select "Edit tags". You can then add the tags, separating each one by a comma.
- On **mobile**, open the note and press the "⋮" button and select "Tags".
- On **terminal**, type `:help tag` for the available commands.
* * *

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Joplin was designed as a replacement for Evernote and so can import complete Evernote notebooks, as well as notes, tags, images, attached files and note metadata (such as author, geo-location, etc.) via ENEX files.
To import Evernote data, first export your Evernote notebooks to ENEX files as described [here](https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-back-up-export-and-restore-import-notes-and-notebooks). Then, on **💻 desktop**, do the following: Open File > Import > ENEX and select your file. The notes will be imported into a new separate notebook. If needed they can then be moved to a different notebook, or the notebook can be renamed, etc. Read [more about Evernote import](https://joplin.cozic.net/#importing-from-evernote).
To import Evernote data, first export your Evernote notebooks to ENEX files as described [here](https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-back-up-export-and-restore-import-notes-and-notebooks). Then, on **desktop**, do the following: Open File > Import > ENEX and select your file. The notes will be imported into a new separate notebook. If needed they can then be moved to a different notebook, or the notebook can be renamed, etc. Read [more about Evernote import](https://joplin.cozic.net/#importing-from-evernote).
# Importing from other apps