mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2024-12-24 10:27:10 +02:00

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:laurent22/joplin

This commit is contained in:
Laurent Cozic 2019-03-29 09:04:10 +00:00
commit cbf3ab2ec2
2 changed files with 12 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ class NoteTextComponent extends React.Component {
// Disable warning: "Automatically scrolling cursor into view after
// selection change this will be disabled in the next version set
// editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity to disable this message"
editorProps={{$blockScrolling: true}}
editorProps={{$blockScrolling: Infinity}}
// This is buggy (gets outside the container)

View File

@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ fi
# Get the latest version to download
version=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/laurent22/joplin/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")')
version=$(wget -qO - "https://api.github.com/repos/laurent22/joplin/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")')
# Check if it's in the latest version
if [[ ! -e ~/.joplin/VERSION ]] || [[ $(< ~/.joplin/VERSION) != "$version" ]]; then
echo 'Downloading Joplin...'
# Delete previous version
rm -f ~/.joplin/*.AppImage ~/.local/share/applications/joplin.desktop ~/.joplin/VERSION
# Delete previous version (in future versions joplin.desktop shouldn't exist)
rm -f ~/.joplin/*.AppImage ~/.local/share/applications/joplin.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/appimagekit-joplin.desktop ~/.joplin/VERSION
# Creates the folder where the binary will be stored
mkdir -p ~/.joplin/
@ -72,7 +72,14 @@ if [[ ! -e ~/.joplin/VERSION ]] || [[ $(< ~/.joplin/VERSION) != "$version" ]]; t
echo 'Create Desktop icon.'
if [[ $desktop =~ .*gnome.*|.*kde.*|.*xfce.*|.*mate.* ]]
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=Joplin\nExec=/home/$USER/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage\nIcon=/home/$USER/.joplin/Icon512.png\nType=Application\nCategories=Application;" >> ~/.local/share/applications/joplin.desktop
: "${TMPDIR:=/tmp}"
# This command extracts to squashfs-root by default and can't be changed...
# So we run in in the tmp directory and clean up after ourselves
(cd $TMPDIR && ~/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage --appimage-extract joplin.desktop &> /dev/null)
APPIMAGE_VERSION=$(grep "^X-AppImage-BuildId=" $TMPDIR/squashfs-root/joplin.desktop | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1)
rm -rf $TMPDIR/squashfs-root
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=Joplin\nComment=Joplin for Desktop\nExec=/home/$USER/.joplin/Joplin.AppImage\nIcon=/home/$USER/.joplin/Icon512.png\nStartupWMClass=Joplin\nType=Application\nCategories=Application;\n$APPIMAGE_VERSION" >> ~/.local/share/applications/appimagekit-joplin.desktop