mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
2024-06-15 14:35:15 -04:00

6625 lines
222 KiB

# Copyright (C) YEAR Laurent Cozic
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Joplin-CLI package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Türkçe\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: Arda Kılıçdağı <arda@kilicdagi.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (Turkey)\n"
"Language: tr_TR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.4\n"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:600
msgid "- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note."
msgstr "-Kamera: fotoğraf çekimi ve fotoğrafın nota eklenebilmesi için."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:603
msgid "- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note."
msgstr ""
"- Konum: coğrafi konum bilgilerinin bir nota eklenmesine izin vermek için."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:597
msgid ""
"- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem "
msgstr ""
"- Depolama: notlara dosya eklenmesine ve dosya sistemi senkronizasyonunun "
"etkinleştirilmesine izin vermek için."
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:322
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:328
msgid "\"%s\" is missing the required \"%s\" property."
msgstr "“%s”, işlemler için gerekli olan “%s” özelliğini barındırmıyor."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:262
msgid "(%s)"
msgstr "(%s)"
#: packages/lib/services/plugins/api/JoplinViewsDialogs.ts:76
msgid "(In plugin: %s)"
msgstr "(Şu eklentide: %s)"
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetNone.ts:16
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Hiçbiri)"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:417 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:418
msgid "(wysiwyg: %s)"
msgstr "(ne görürsen onu alırsın: %s)"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:745
#: packages/lib/shim-init-node.ts:255
msgid "(You may disable this prompt in the options)"
msgstr "(Ayarlardan bu istemi kapatabilirsiniz)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:1023
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:725
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "&Düzenle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:1019
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:599
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:679
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Dosya"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:848
msgid "&Go"
msgstr "&Git"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:901
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Yardım"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:866
msgid "&Note"
msgstr "&Not"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:879
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Araçlar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:767
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Görüntüle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:891
msgid "&Window"
msgstr "&Pencere"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1739 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1930
msgid "%d days"
msgstr "%d gün"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:148
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:149
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:150
msgid "%d GB"
msgstr "%d GB"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:145
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:146
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:147
msgid "%d GB storage space"
msgstr "%d GB depolama alanı"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1509
msgid "%d hour"
msgstr "%d saat"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1510 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1511
msgid "%d hours"
msgstr "%d saat"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:136
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:137
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:138
msgid "%d MB"
msgstr "%d MB"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:133
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:134
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:135
msgid "%d MB per note or attachment"
msgstr "Not veya ek dosya başına %d MB"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1506 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1507
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1508
msgid "%d minutes"
msgstr "%d dakika"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmnote.ts:34
msgid "%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?"
msgstr "%d not eşleşti. Silinsin mi?"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmnote.ts:40
msgid "%d notes will be permanently deleted. Continue?"
msgstr "%s notları kalıcı olarak silecek. Devam edilsin mi?"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListControls/NoteListControls.tsx:227
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListControls/NoteListControls.tsx:237
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/duplicateNote.ts:18
msgid "%s - Copy"
msgstr "%s - Kopyala"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:192
msgid "%s (%s) could not be uploaded: %s"
msgstr "%s (%s) yüklenemedi: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:667
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/WarningBanner.tsx:64
msgid "%s (%s) would like to share a notebook with you."
msgstr "%s (%s) sizinle bir not defteri paylaşmak istiyor."
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:306
msgid "%s (%s): %s"
msgstr "%s (%s): %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:103
msgid "%s (pre-release)"
msgstr "%s (ön-sürüm)"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:962 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:963
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:964
msgid "%s / %s"
msgstr "%s / %s"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:961
msgid "%s / %s / %s"
msgstr "%s / %s / %s"
#: packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:74
msgid "%s %s (%s, %s)"
msgstr "%s %s (%s, %s)"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-config.ts:87
msgid "%s = %s"
msgstr "%s = %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-config.ts:85
msgid "%s = %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s = %s (%s)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/SyncWizard/Dialog.tsx:217
msgid ""
"%s is not optimised for synchronising many small files so your initial "
"synchronisation will be slow."
msgstr ""
"%s pek çok dosyanın senkronu için optimize bir değil, bu sebeple ilk "
"senkronizasyon zaman alabilir."
#: packages/app-mobile/plugins/PluginRunner/dialogs/PluginPanelViewer.tsx:75
msgid "%s tab opened"
msgstr "%s sekme açık"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:286
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:287
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:288
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:291
msgid "%s: %d"
msgstr "%s: %d"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:343
msgid "%s: %d notes"
msgstr "%s: %d not"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:325
msgid "%s: %d/%d"
msgstr "%s: %d/%d"
#: packages/app-cli/app/cli-utils.js:156
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:261
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:227
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:265
msgid "%s: Missing password."
msgstr "%s: Eksik parola."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:14
msgid ""
"<tag-command> can be \"add\", \"remove\", \"list\", or \"notetags\" to "
"assign or remove [tag] from [note], to list notes associated with [tag], or "
"to list tags associated with [note]. The command `tag list` can be used to "
"list all the tags (use -l for long option)."
msgstr ""
"<tag-command> [note] öğesine [tag] koymak yada silmek için “add”, “remove”, "
"“list”, veya “notetags” kullanabilirsiniz, [tag] ile iliştirilmiş notları "
"listeler veya [note] ile iliştirilmiş etiketleri listeler. `tag list` komutu "
"ile tüm kullanılabilinir etiketleri listeleyebilirsiniz. (-l kullanarak uzun "
"versiyona ulaşabilirsiniz)."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-todo.js:14
msgid ""
"<todo-command> can either be \"toggle\" or \"clear\". Use \"toggle\" to "
"toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the "
"target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \"clear\" to "
"convert the to-do back to a regular note."
msgstr ""
"<todo-command> “toggle” veya “clear” olabilir. “toggle” kullanarak yapılacak "
"listesinin tamamlanma değerini değiştirebilirsiniz. (Eğer hedef öğe not ise "
"yapılacaklar listesine dönüştürülür). “clear” kullanarak yapılacaklar "
"listesini normal nota dönüştürebilirsiniz."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1535
msgid "A3"
msgstr "A3"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1533
msgid "A4"
msgstr "A4"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1536
msgid "A5"
msgstr "A5"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/index.tsx:75
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:240
msgid "About"
msgstr "Hakkında"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:605
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:942
msgid "About Joplin"
msgstr "Joplin hakkında"
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:328
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:333
msgid "accelerator"
msgstr "hızlandırıcı"
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:385
msgid "Accelerator \"%s\" is not valid."
msgstr "Kısayol \"%s\" geçersiz."
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:354
msgid ""
"Accelerator \"%s\" is used for \"%s\" and \"%s\" commands. This may lead to "
"unexpected behaviour."
msgstr ""
"Kısayol \"%s\", \"%s\" ve \"%s\" komutları için kullanılıyor. Bu beklenmeyen "
"sonuçlara sebep verebilir."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:668
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/IncomingShareItem.tsx:40
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Kabul Et"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/index.tsx:98
msgid "Accepted invitations"
msgstr "Kabul edilen davetiyeler"
#: packages/lib/WebDavApi.js:451
msgid "Access denied: Please check your username and password"
msgstr "Erişim reddedildi: Lütfen kullanıcı adınızı ve parolanızı kontrol edin"
#: packages/lib/WebDavApi.js:449
msgid "Access denied: Please re-enter your password and/or username"
msgstr ""
"Erişim reddedildi: Lütfen parolanızı ve/veya kullanıcı adınızı yeniden girin"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:144
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Hesap"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:31
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:48
msgid "Account information"
msgstr "Hesap bilgisi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:35
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:51
msgid "Account type"
msgstr "Hesap tipi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:106
msgid "Action"
msgstr "İşlem"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:172
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/MarkdownToolbar.tsx:58
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:659
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "İşlem"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:167
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktif"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:18
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:816
msgid "Actual Size"
msgstr "Asıl Boyut"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1559
msgid "Add body"
msgstr "Gövde Ekle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ActionButton.tsx:82
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Yeni bir şey ekle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/setTags.ts:43
msgid "Add or remove tags:"
msgstr "Etiket ekle veya kaldır:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:276
msgid "Add recipient:"
msgstr "Alıcı ekle:"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1632
msgid "Add title"
msgstr "Başlık ekle"
#: packages/lib/services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerService.ts:134
msgid "Add to dictionary"
msgstr "Sözlüğe ekle"
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:162
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:286
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Yönetici"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/dashboard.ts:10
msgid "Admin dashboard"
msgstr "Yönetici paneli"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:138
msgid "Advanced options"
msgstr "Gelişmiş seçenekler"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:660
msgid "Advanced settings"
msgstr "Gelişmiş seçenekler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/StatusScreen/StatusScreen.tsx:196
msgid "Advanced tools"
msgstr "Gelişmiş araçlar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:99
msgid ""
"All data, including notes, notebooks and tags will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
"Not defterleri, etiketler ve notlar da dahil olmak üzere tüm veriler kalıcı "
"olarak silinecek."
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:227
msgid "All item sync failures have been marked as \"ignored\"."
msgstr "Tüm senkronizasyon hataları \"yoksayılmış\" olarak işaretlendi."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/listItemComponents/AllNotesItem.tsx:61
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Notes.tsx:184
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:557
msgid "All notes"
msgstr "Tüm notlar"
#: packages/lib/onedrive-api-node-utils.js:46
msgid "All potential ports are in use - please report the issue at %s"
msgstr ""
"Tüm potensiyel portlar kullanımdadır - lütfen %s hata bildirimi yapınız"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1230
msgid "Allows debugging mobile plugins. See %s for details."
msgstr "Mobil eklentilerde hata ayıklamayı etkinleştir. Detaylar için %s ."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-config.ts:19
msgid "Also displays unset and hidden config variables."
msgstr ""
"Ayrıca ayarlanmamış ve gizlenmiş yapılandırma değişkenlerini de görüntüler."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:204
msgid "Also publish linked notes"
msgstr "Ayrıca linklenmiş notları paylaş"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:784
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Her zaman"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1187
msgid "Always ask"
msgstr "Her zaman sor"
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:421
msgid "Always open %s files without asking."
msgstr "%s tipindeki dosyaları her zaman sormadan aç."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1188
msgid "Always resize"
msgstr "Her zaman yeniden boyutlandır"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mv.ts:37
msgid ""
"Ambiguous notebook \"%s\". Please use notebook id instead - press \"ti\" to "
"see the short notebook id or use $b for current selected notebook"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" not defteri belirlenemedi. Lütfen not defteri id'lerini kulllanın. "
"\"ti\" a basarak not defterinin kısa id'sini görebilir, veya $b ile mevcut "
"seçili not defteri hakkında bilgiye erişebilirsiniz"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mkbook.ts:33
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mv.ts:30
msgid ""
"Ambiguous notebook \"%s\". Please use short notebook id instead - press "
"\"ti\" to see the short notebook id"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" not defteri belirlenemedi. Lütfen kısa not defteri id'sini kullanın. "
"\"ti\" a basarak kısa not defteri id'sini görebilirsiniz"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/promptRestoreAutosave.ts:13
msgid "An autosaved drawing was found. Attach a copy of it to the note?"
msgstr ""
"Otomatik kaydedilmiş bir çizim bulundu. Not'a bunun kopyasını iliştirmek "
"ister misiniz?"
#: packages/app-desktop/ElectronAppWrapper.ts:95
msgid "An error occurred: %s"
msgstr "Bir hata oluştu: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:107
msgid "An update is available, do you want to download it now?"
msgstr "Güncelleme mevcut, şimdi indirmek ister misiniz?"
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/getVersionInfoText.ts:21
msgid "Android API level: %d"
msgstr "Android API Level'ı: %d"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:48
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:24
msgid ""
"Any email sent to this address will be converted into a note and added to "
"your collection. The note will be saved into the Inbox notebook"
msgstr ""
"Bu adrese gönderilen her e-posta bir nota dönüştürülecek ve koleksiyonunuza "
"eklenecektir. Not Gelen Kutusu not defterine kaydedilecektir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2802
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Görünüm"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2807
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Uygulama"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ButtonBar.tsx:39
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Uygula"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:37
msgid "Are you sure you want to renew the authorisation token?"
msgstr "Kimlik doğrulama jetonunu yenilemek istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/resetLayout.ts:14
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to return to the default layout? The current layout "
"configuration will be lost."
msgstr ""
"Standart uygulama görünümüne geri dönmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Tüm "
"kişiselleştirilmiş mevcut uygulama görünümü (layout) kaybolacak."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:573
msgid "Arguments:"
msgstr "Argümanlar:"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:436
msgid "Aritim Dark"
msgstr "Aritim Dark"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/promptRestoreAutosave.ts:25
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useActionButtons.ts:48
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Ekle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:75
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.tsx:675
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1134
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Dosya ekle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1138
msgid "Attach photo"
msgstr "Fotoğraf ekle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1238
msgid "Attach..."
msgstr "Ekle..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-attach.ts:13
msgid "Attaches the given file to the note."
msgstr "Verilen dosyayı nota iliştirir."
#: packages/server/src/models/UserModel.ts:247
#: packages/server/src/models/UserModel.ts:264
msgid "attachment"
msgstr "ek dosya"
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:509
msgid "Attachment conflict: \"%s\""
msgstr "Ek dosyalarında çakışma: \"%s\""
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:780
msgid "Attachment download behaviour"
msgstr "Ek indirme davranışı"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:277
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Ek Dosyalar"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:301
msgid "Attachments that could not be downloaded"
msgstr "Eklenti dosyası indirilemedi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:421
msgid ""
"Attention: If you change this location, make sure you copy all your content "
"to it before syncing, otherwise all files will be removed! See the FAQ for "
"more details: %s"
msgstr ""
"Dikkat: Bu konumu değiştirirseniz, senkronize etmeden önce tüm içeriğinizi "
"kopyaladığınızdan emin olun, aksi takdirde tüm dosyalar kaldırılır! Daha "
"fazla bilgi için SSS bölümüne bakın: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:72
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:86
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/OneDriveLoginScreen.tsx:49
msgid ""
"Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token)."
msgstr "Yetkilendirme tamamlanmadı (yetkilendirme anahtarı karşılanmadı)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:139
msgid "Authorisation token:"
msgstr "Yetkilendirme anahtarı:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudLoginScreen.tsx:88
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/JoplinCloudLoginScreen.tsx:162
msgid "Authorise"
msgstr "Yetkilendir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:786
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Otomatik"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:30
msgid "Auto-add disabled accounts for deletion"
msgstr "Silmek için devre dışı bırakılmış hesapları otomatik olarak ekle"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:998
msgid "Auto-pair braces, parentheses, quotations, etc."
msgstr "Parantez, çift tırnak gibi değerlerin çiftlerini otomatik ekle."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1480
msgid "Automatically check for updates"
msgstr "Otomatik olarak güncellemeleri denetle"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1917
msgid "Automatically delete notes in the trash after a number of days"
msgstr "Çöp kutusundaki notları belirli bir gün ardından siler"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:909
msgid "Automatically switch theme to match system theme"
msgstr "Temayı system temasına göre otomatik olarak değiştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ButtonBar.tsx:48
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:816
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteRevisionViewer.tsx:209
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:323
#: packages/lib/commands/historyBackward.ts:6
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Geri"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:347
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Temel"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/BetaChip.tsx:37
msgid "Beta"
msgstr "Beta"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/biometricAuthenticate.ts:17
msgid ""
"Biometric unlock is not setup on the device. Please set it up in order to "
"unlock Joplin. If the device is on lockout, consider switching it off and on "
"to reset biometrics scanning."
msgstr ""
"Bu cihazda biyometrik kilit açma etkineltirilmemiş. Lütfen Joplin'i açmak "
"için bunu ayarlayın. Eğer cihazda bunu yapamıyorsanız ayarı açıp kapatarak "
"biyometrik doğrulamayı sıfırlayabilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:55
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useInlineFormattingButtons.ts:14
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Kalın"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:226
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:324
msgid "Browse all plugins"
msgstr "Tüm eklentilere göz at"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:612
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Gözat..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:222
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/PluginChips.tsx:54
msgid "Built-in"
msgstr "Dahili"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:85
msgid "Bulleted List"
msgstr "Maddeli liste"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:129
msgid "by %s"
msgstr "%s tarafından"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:160
msgid "Can Share"
msgstr "Paylaşılabilir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:119
msgid "Can view"
msgstr "Görüntüleyebilir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:120
msgid "Can view and edit"
msgstr "Görüntüleyebilir ve düzenleyebilir"
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:349 packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:365
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:423
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:109
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/emptyTrash.ts:17
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:816
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/DialogButtonRow.tsx:79
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/ShortcutRecorder.tsx:82
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/permanentlyDeleteNote.ts:20
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/utils/canManuallySortNotes.ts:11
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/PromptDialog.tsx:315
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:218
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:135
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx:27
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/TrashNotification/TrashNotification.tsx:71
#: packages/app-desktop/services/plugins/UserWebviewDialogButtonBar.tsx:30
#: packages/app-mobile/components/CameraView.tsx:195
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ModalDialog.tsx:88
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:107
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:70
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:192
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:210
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:748
#: packages/app-mobile/components/SelectDateTimeDialog.tsx:155
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:167
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:217
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:253
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:528
#: packages/app-mobile/plugins/PluginRunner/dialogs/PluginDialogWebView.tsx:125
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/showMessageBox.ts:17
#: packages/lib/shim-init-node.ts:256
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "İptal et"
#: packages/app-cli/app/app.ts:142
msgid "Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait."
msgstr "Arka plan senkronizasyonu iptal ediliyor... Lütfen bekleyin."
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:206
msgid "Cancelling..."
msgstr "İptal ediliyor..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:289
msgid "Cancelling... Please wait."
msgstr "İptal ediliyor... Lütfen bekleyin."
#: packages/lib/shim-init-node.ts:314
msgid "Cannot access %s"
msgstr "%s erişilemiyor"
#: packages/app-cli/app/base-command.ts:19
msgid "Cannot change encrypted item"
msgstr "Şifrelenmiş öğe değiştirilemiyor"
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:616
msgid "Cannot copy note to \"%s\" notebook"
msgstr "Not, \"%s\" not defterine kopyalanamadı"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Notes.tsx:170
msgid "Cannot create a new note: %s"
msgstr "Yeni bir not oluşturulamadı: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-attach.ts:22
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-cat.ts:26 packages/app-cli/app/command-cp.ts:25
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-cp.ts:28
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-done.ts:22
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-export.ts:38
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-export.ts:43
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-geoloc.ts:21
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:67
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:37
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mv.ts:25 packages/app-cli/app/command-mv.ts:46
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ren.ts:24
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-restore.ts:20
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmbook.ts:30
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmnote.ts:30
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-search.js:27
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-set.ts:33
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:33
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:36
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:42
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:43
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:81
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:87
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-todo.js:21
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-use.ts:22
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:270
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:287
msgid "Cannot find \"%s\"."
msgstr "\"%s\" bulunamıyor."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mkbook.ts:28
msgid "Cannot find: \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" bulunamadı"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:202
msgid "Cannot initialise synchroniser."
msgstr "Senkronizasyon başlatılamadı."
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:237
msgid "Cannot load \"%s\" module for format \"%s\" and output \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" modülü \"%s\" formatı ve \"%s\" çıktısı için yüklenemedi"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:250
msgid "Cannot load \"%s\" module for format \"%s\" and target \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" modülü \"%s\" formatı ve \"%s\" hedefi için yüklenemedi"
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:628
msgid "Cannot move note to \"%s\" notebook"
msgstr "Not, \"%s\" not defterine taşınamadı"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/folder.js:73
#: packages/lib/models/Folder.ts:853
msgid "Cannot move notebook to this location"
msgstr "Not defteri bu konuma taşınamıyor"
#: packages/lib/onedrive-api.ts:468
msgid ""
"Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the "
"synchronisation again may fix the problem."
msgstr ""
"Anahtar yenilenemiyor: kimlik doğrulama verileri eksik. Senkronizasyonu "
"tekrar başlatmak sorunu çözebilir."
#: packages/server/src/models/UserModel.ts:246
msgid "Cannot save %s \"%s\" because it is larger than the allowed limit (%s)"
msgstr "%s \"%s\" kaydedilemedi, çünkü izin verilen limitten (%s) daha büyük"
#: packages/server/src/models/UserModel.ts:263
msgid ""
"Cannot save %s \"%s\" because it would go over the total allowed size (%s) "
"for this account"
msgstr ""
"%s \"%s\" kaydedilemedi, çünkü bu hesap için izin verilen limitten (%s) daha "
#: packages/lib/services/share/ShareService.ts:337
msgid ""
"Cannot share encrypted notebook with recipient %s because they have not "
"enabled end-to-end encryption. They may do so from the screen Configuration "
"> Encryption."
msgstr ""
"Şifrelenmiş not defteri %s ile paylaşılamadı, çünkü alıcı uçtan uca "
"şifreleme aktifleştirmemiş. Ayarlar > Şifreleme kısmından bu ayarı açabilir."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:331
msgid "Case sensitive"
msgstr "Büyük küçük harf duyarlı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleLayoutMoveMode.ts:7
msgid "Change application layout"
msgstr "Ugulama görünümünü değiştir"
#: packages/lib/services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerService.ts:210
msgid "Change language"
msgstr "Dil değiştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:106
msgid "Characters"
msgstr "Karakter"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:107
msgid "Characters excluding spaces"
msgstr "Karakter (boşluklar hariç)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:622
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:917
msgid "Check for updates..."
msgstr "Güncellemeleri kontrol et..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:267
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:473
msgid "Check synchronisation configuration"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon yapılandırmasını kontrol et"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:90
msgid "Checkbox"
msgstr "Onay Kutusu"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/plugins/lists.js:2149
msgid "Checkbox list"
msgstr "Onay Kutusu listesi"
#: packages/lib/components/shared/config/config-shared.ts:97
msgid "Checking... Please wait."
msgstr "Kontrol ediliyor... Lütfen bekleyin."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1141
msgid "Choose an option"
msgstr "Bir seçim yap"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ExtensionBadge.tsx:72
msgid "Chrome Web Store"
msgstr "Chrome Web Mağazası"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:150
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/PromptDialog.tsx:322
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/search.tsx:193
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Temizle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/SelectDateTimeDialog.tsx:152
msgid "Clear alarm"
msgstr "Alarmı silin"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/SearchPlugins.tsx:140
msgid "Clear search"
msgstr "Aramayı temizle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteRevisionViewer.tsx:204
msgid ""
"Click \"%s\" to restore the note. It will be copied in the notebook named "
"\"%s\". The current version of the note will not be replaced or modified."
msgstr ""
"Notu geri yükleme için şuna tıklayın: \"%s\". %s isimli not defterine "
"kopyalanacak. Notun güncel versiyonunun yeri değiştirilmeyecek ya da "
"üzerinde değişiklik yapılmayacak."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:382
msgid "Click to add tags..."
msgstr "Etiket eklemek için tıklayın..."
#: packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:76
msgid "Client ID: %s"
msgstr "İstemci ID: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:351
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:176
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:402
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:222
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/SyncWizard/Dialog.tsx:274
#: packages/app-desktop/services/plugins/UserWebviewDialogButtonBar.tsx:33
#: packages/app-mobile/components/DismissibleDialog.tsx:81
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:163
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useActionButtons.ts:56
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/ToolbarOverflowRows.tsx:105
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:201
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:144
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Kapat"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/Dropdown.tsx:185
msgid "Close dropdown"
msgstr "Açılır menüyü kapat"
#: packages/lib/models/settings/settingValidations.ts:33
msgid ""
"Close the application, then delete your profile in \"%s\", and start the "
"application again. Make sure you create a backup first by exporting all your "
"notes as JEX."
msgstr ""
"Uygulamayı kapatın, ardından \"%s\" klasöründeki profilinizi silin, ve de "
"uygulamayı yeniden başlatın. Bunları yapmadan once tüm notlarınızı JEX "
"biçiminde dışları aktarmayı unutmayın."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:26
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:687
msgid "Close Window"
msgstr "Pencereyi Kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/useLinkTooltips.ts:39
msgid "Cmd-click to open"
msgstr "Açmak için cmd-klik"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/useLinkTooltips.ts:45
msgid "Cmd-click to open: %s"
msgstr "%s açmak için cmd-klik"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:70
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useInlineFormattingButtons.ts:34
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kod"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.tsx:685
msgid "Code Block"
msgstr "Kod Bloğu"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.tsx:1378
msgid "Code View"
msgstr "Kod Görünümü"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:173
msgid "Collaborate on a notebook with others"
msgstr "Başkalarıyla işbirliği halinde not defterlerini ortak yönetin"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/SyncWizard/Dialog.tsx:170
msgid "Collaborate on notebooks with others"
msgstr "Başkalarıyla işbirliği halinde not defterlerini ortak yönetin"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:430
msgid "Collapse"
msgstr "Daralt"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/listItemComponents/ExpandIcon.tsx:26
msgid "Collapse %s"
msgstr "Daralt %s"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:351
msgid "Coming alarms"
msgstr "Yaklaşan alarmlar"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1649
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, "
"or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom."
"pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your "
"changes before clicking on \"Check synchronisation configuration\"."
msgstr ""
"Sertifikaları yüklemek için dizinlere veya bireysel sertifika dosyalarına "
"giden yolların virgülle ayrılmış listesi. Örneğin: /my/cert_dir, /other/"
"custom.pem. TLS ayarlarında değişiklik yaparsanız, \"Senkronizasyon "
"yapılandırmasını kontrol et\" seçeneğini tıklamadan önce değişikliklerinizi "
"kaydetmeniz gerektiğini unutmayın."
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:322
msgid "command"
msgstr "komut"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/KeymapConfigScreen.tsx:177
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Komut"
#: packages/app-desktop/plugins/GotoAnything.tsx:696
msgid "Command palette"
msgstr "Komut paleti"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/commandPalette.ts:7
msgid "Command palette..."
msgstr "Komut paleti…"
#: packages/lib/services/noteList/defaultListRenderer.ts:24
msgid "Compact"
msgstr "Kompakt"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:12
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:70
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Tamamlandı"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:81
msgid "Completed decryption."
msgstr "Şifre çözümü tamamlandı."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/TaskButton.tsx:92
msgid ""
"Completed with warnings:\n"
msgstr ""
"Uyarılarla tamamlandı:\n"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:207
msgid "Completed: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Tamamlandı: %s (%s)"
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:64
msgid "completion date"
msgstr "tamamlanma zamanı"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:28
msgid "Compress old changes"
msgstr "Eski değişiklikleri sıkıştır"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:130
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:832
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:506
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Yapılandırma"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:139
msgid "Confirm password cannot be empty"
msgstr "Şifre boş olamaz"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:96
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:170
msgid "Confirm password:"
msgstr "Parolayı doğrula:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:157
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:61
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Doğrulama"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:330
msgid "Conflicted: %d"
msgstr "Çakışan: %d"
#: packages/lib/models/Folder.ts:167
msgid "Conflicts"
msgstr "Çakışmalar"
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:478
msgid "Conflicts (attachments)"
msgstr "Çakışmalar (ek dosyalar)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:256
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:470
msgid "Connect to Joplin Cloud"
msgstr "Joplin Cloud'a bağlan"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:208
msgid "Consolidated billing"
msgstr "Birleştirilmiş faturalandırma"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/SearchPlugins.tsx:107
msgid "Content provided by %s"
msgstr "İçerik %s tarafından sağlandı"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:102
msgid "Content provided by: %s"
msgstr "İçerik sağlayıcı: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:65
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Devam et"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1290
msgid "Convert to note"
msgstr "Nota çevir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1290
msgid "Convert to todo"
msgstr "Yapılacak listesi olarak çevir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/voiceTyping/VoiceTypingDialog.tsx:89
msgid "Converting speech to text..."
msgstr "Ses metne dönüştürülüyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:586
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:35
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/utils/useContextMenu.ts:94
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:188
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/copyDevCommand.ts:8
msgid "Copy dev mode command to clipboard"
msgstr "Geliştirici modu komutunu panoya kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:207
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:221
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/utils/NoteListUtils.ts:119
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1305
msgid "Copy external link"
msgstr "Harici bağlantıyı kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:171
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Resmi kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:216
msgid "Copy Link Address"
msgstr "Bağlantı Adresini Kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudLoginScreen.tsx:94
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/JoplinCloudLoginScreen.tsx:169
msgid "Copy link to website"
msgstr "Web sitesinin adresini kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/utils/NoteListUtils.ts:104
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1299
msgid "Copy Markdown link"
msgstr "Markdown bağlantısını kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:156
msgid "Copy path to clipboard"
msgstr "Yolu panoya kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:215
msgid "Copy Shareable Link"
msgid_plural "Copy Shareable Links"
msgstr[0] "Paylaşılabilir Bağlantıyı Kopyala"
msgstr[1] "Paylaşılabilir Bağlantıları Kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:52
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:75
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Panoya kopyala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:143
msgid "Copy token"
msgstr "Anahtarı kopyala"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:618
msgid "Copy version info"
msgstr "Sürüm bilgisini kopyala"
#: packages/lib/components/shared/dropbox-login-shared.js:43
msgid ""
"Could not authorise application:\n"
"Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Uygulama yetkilendirilemedi:\n"
"Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
#: packages/lib/JoplinServerApi.ts:113
msgid ""
"Could not connect to Joplin Server. Please check the Synchronisation options "
"in the config screen. Full error was:\n"
msgstr ""
"Joplin Sunucusuna bağlanılamadı. Lütfen senkronizasyon yapılandırması "
"ekranını kontrol edin. Hatanın tamamı:\n"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:324
msgid "Could not connect to plugin repository."
msgstr "Eklenti sunucusuna bağlanılamadı."
#: packages/app-desktop/InteropServiceHelper.ts:220
msgid "Could not export notes: %s"
msgstr "Notlar dışarı aktarılamadı: %s"
#: packages/lib/components/shared/config/plugins/useOnInstallHandler.ts:71
msgid "Could not install plugin: %s"
msgstr "Eklenti yüklenemedi: %s"
#: packages/lib/services/share/invitationRespond.ts:20
msgid ""
"Could not respond to the invitation. Please try again, or check with the "
"notebook owner if they are still sharing it.\n"
"The error was: \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Davetiyeye cevap verilemedi. Lütfen yeniden deneyin, ya da eğer hala "
"paylaşımdaysa not defteri sahibiyle bu durumu paylaşın.\n"
"Hata mesajı: \"%s\""
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:56
msgid "Could not switch profile: %s"
msgstr "Profil değiştirilemedi: %s"
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:219
msgid "Could not upgrade master key: %s"
msgstr "Ana şifreleme anahtarı güncellenemedi: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/leaveSharedFolder.ts:26
msgid ""
"Could not verify the share status of this notebook - aborting. Please try "
"again when you are connected to the internet."
msgstr ""
"Bu not defterinin paylaşım durumu doğrulanamadı, bu sebeple işlem iptal "
"ediliyor. Lütfen internet bağlantınız varken bu işlemi yeniden deneyin."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/biometricAuthenticate.ts:20
msgid "Could not verify your identity: %s"
msgstr "Kimliğiniz doğrulanamadı: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/PromptDialog.tsx:301
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Oluştur"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mkbook.ts:19
msgid "Create a new notebook under a parent notebook."
msgstr "Ana not defteri altında yeni bir not defteri oluştur."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteList.tsx:102
msgid "Create a notebook"
msgstr "Yeni bir not defteri oluşturur"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/addProfile.ts:9
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileEditor.tsx:88
msgid "Create new profile..."
msgstr "Yeni bir profil oluşturur..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:166
msgid "Create notebook"
msgstr "Not defteri oluştur"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:257
msgid "Create user"
msgstr "Kullanıcı oluştur"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:14
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:67
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Oluşturuldu"
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:61
msgid "created date"
msgstr "oluşturma zamanı"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:199
msgid "Created local items: %d."
msgstr "Oluşturulan yerel öğeler: %d."
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:288
msgid "Created locally"
msgstr "Yerel olarak oluşturuldu"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:201
msgid "Created remote items: %d."
msgstr "Oluşturulan uzak öğeler: %d."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:140
msgid "Created: "
msgstr "Oluşturulma: "
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:51
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:90
msgid "Created: %d."
msgstr "Oluşturuldu: %d."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:120
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1101
msgid "Created: %s"
msgstr "Oluşturulma: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mknote.js:12
msgid "Creates a new note."
msgstr "Yeni bir not oluşturur."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mkbook.ts:14
msgid "Creates a new notebook."
msgstr "Yeni bir not defteri oluşturur."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mktodo.js:12
msgid "Creates a new to-do."
msgstr "Yeni bir yapılacak öğe (to-do) oluşturur."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteTitle/NoteTitleBar.tsx:114
msgid "Creating new note..."
msgstr "Yeni not oluşturuluyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteTitle/NoteTitleBar.tsx:114
msgid "Creating new to-do..."
msgstr "Yeni yapılacaklar listesi oluşturuluyor..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/ExportDebugReportButton.tsx:29
msgid "Creating report..."
msgstr "Rapor oluşturuluyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/useLinkTooltips.ts:41
msgid "Ctrl-click to open"
msgstr "Açmak için ctrl-klik"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/useLinkTooltips.ts:47
msgid "Ctrl-click to open: %s"
msgstr "%s açmak için ctrl-klik"
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:90
msgid "Current version is up-to-date."
msgstr "Sürümünüz güncel."
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:62
msgid "custom order"
msgstr "özel sıralama"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/utils/canManuallySortNotes.ts:10
msgid "Custom order"
msgstr "Özel sıralama"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1449
msgid "Custom stylesheet for Joplin-wide app styles"
msgstr "Joplin-geneli uygulama stili için özel stil sayfası"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1432
msgid "Custom stylesheet for rendered Markdown"
msgstr "Derlenmiş Markdown notları için özel stil dosyası"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1648
msgid "Custom TLS certificates"
msgstr "Özel TLS sertifikaları"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:194
msgid "Customise the note publishing banner"
msgstr "Not yayımlama başlığını özelleştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:40
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/utils/useContextMenu.ts:84
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:180
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Kes"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:431
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Karanlık"
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:117
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Kontrol Paneli"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:169
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Tarih"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:838
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Tarih biçimi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1739 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1930
msgid "days"
msgstr "gün"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useListButtons.ts:43
msgid "Decrease indent level"
msgstr "Girintileme derecesini düşür"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:66
msgid "Decrypted items: %d"
msgstr "Şifresi çözülen öğeler: %d"
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:45
msgid "Decrypted items: %s / %s"
msgstr "Şifresi çözülen öğeler: %s / %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx:48
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:515
msgid "Decrypting items: %d/%d"
msgstr "Şifresi çözülenler: %d/%d"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1363 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1370
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1571
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Varsayılan"
#: packages/app-cli/app/help-utils.js:71
msgid "Default: %s"
msgstr "Varsayılan: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:184
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/permanentlyDeleteNote.ts:20
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:122
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:218
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:139
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:462
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:555
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:207
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1333
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:246
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:217
msgid "Delete attachment \"%s\"?"
msgstr "\"%s\" eki silinsin mi?"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:27
msgid "Delete expired sessions"
msgstr "Süresi geçmiş oturumları sil"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:22
msgid "Delete expired tokens"
msgstr "Süresi geçmiş jetonları sil"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:110
msgid "Delete line"
msgstr "Satırı sil"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1473
msgid "Delete local data and re-download from sync target"
msgstr "Yerel veriyi silip senkronizasyon sunucusundan yeniden indir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/deleteNote.ts:7
msgid "Delete note"
msgstr "Notu sil"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/deleteFolder.ts:9
msgid "Delete notebook"
msgstr "Not defterini sil"
#: packages/lib/components/shared/config/plugins/useOnDeleteHandler.ts:16
msgid "Delete plugin \"%s\"?"
msgstr "\"%s\" eklentisi silinsin mi?"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:102
msgid "Delete profile \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" profilini sil"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:464
msgid "Delete selected notes"
msgstr "Seçili notları sil"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/deleteFolder.ts:22
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:226
msgid ""
"Delete the Inbox notebook?\n"
"If you delete the inbox notebook, any email that's recently been sent to it "
"may be lost."
msgstr ""
"Gelen Kutusu not defteri silinsin mi?\n"
"Gelen kutusu not defterini silerseniz, yakın zamanda gönderilen tüm e-"
"postalar kaybolabilir."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:245
msgid ""
"Delete this invitation? The recipient will no longer have access to this "
"shared notebook."
msgstr "Bu davetiye kaldırılsın mi? Alıcı paylaşılan nota artık erişemeyecek."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:98
msgid "Delete this profile?"
msgstr "Bu profil silinsin mi?"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:69
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:207
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Silinme"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:203
msgid "Deleted local items: %d."
msgstr "Silinen yerel öğeler: %d."
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:204
msgid "Deleted remote items: %d."
msgstr "Silinen uzaktaki öğeler: %d."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmnote.ts:20
msgid "Deletes notes permanently, skipping the trash."
msgstr "Notları çöp kutusuna da almadan kalıcı olarak sil."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmbook.ts:14
msgid "Deletes the given notebook."
msgstr "Verilen not defterini siler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmbook.ts:19
msgid "Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation."
msgstr "Onay istemeden not defterini siler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmnote.ts:14
msgid "Deletes the notes matching <note-pattern>."
msgstr "Eşleşen notları siler <note-pattern>."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmnote.ts:19
msgid "Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation."
msgstr "Onay istemeden notları siler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-export.ts:24
msgid "Destination format: %s"
msgstr "Hedef biçimi: %s"
#: packages/lib/services/noteList/defaultLeftToRightListRenderer.ts:25
#: packages/lib/services/noteList/defaultMultiColumnsRenderer.ts:8
msgid "Detailed"
msgstr "Detaylı"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/Module.ts:62
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Dizin"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:514
msgid "Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)"
msgstr "Eşitlenecek dizin (tam yol)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:144
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Pasif"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:226
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:284
msgid "Disable encryption"
msgstr "Şifrelemeyi devre dışı bırak"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:629
msgid "Disable safe mode and restart"
msgstr "Güvenli modu kapatıp yeniden başlat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:93
msgid "Disable Web Clipper Service"
msgstr "Web Alıntılama Servisini Kapat"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:129
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:237
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/KeymapConfigScreen.tsx:138
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/PluginChips.tsx:85
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:306
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1505
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Pasif"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:200
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:243
msgid ""
"Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be "
"re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to "
msgstr ""
"Şifrelemeyi devre dışı bırakmak *tüm* notlarınızın ve eklerinizin yeniden "
"senkronize edileceği ve senkronizasyon hedefine şifrelenmemiş olarak "
"gönderileceği anlamına gelir. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/promptRestoreAutosave.ts:19
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Vazgeç"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:102
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:275
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:210
msgid "Discard changes"
msgstr "Değişiklikleri iptal et"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:457
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Vazgeç"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-geoloc.ts:13
msgid "Displays a geolocation URL for the note."
msgstr "Not için bir coğrafi konum URL'i görüntüler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:28
msgid "Displays only the first top <num> notes."
msgstr "Yalnızca ilk <num> notu görüntüler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:31
msgid ""
"Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` "
"for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the "
"to-dos, while `-tnt` would display notes and to-dos."
msgstr ""
"Sadece belirli tip öğeleri gösterir. Notlar için `n`, yapılacaklar "
"listeleri için `t` veya not ve yapılacaklar listesi için `nt` (örnek: `-tt` "
"sadece yapılacaklar listesini gösterirken, `-tnt` not ve yapılacaklar "
"listesini gösterir)"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-status.js:13
msgid "Displays summary about the notes and notebooks."
msgstr "Notlar ve not defterleri hakkında özet görüntüler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-cat.ts:18
msgid "Displays the complete information about note."
msgstr "Notla ilgili tüm bilgileri görüntüler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-cat.ts:14
msgid "Displays the given note."
msgstr "Verilen notu görüntüler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:19
msgid ""
"Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list "
"of notebooks."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli not defterindeki notları görüntüler. Not defteri listesini "
"görüntülemek için `ls /` kullanın."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:13
msgid "Displays usage information."
msgstr "Kullanım bilgilerini görüntüler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-version.ts:11
msgid "Displays version information"
msgstr "Sürüm bilgisini görüntüler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:729
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/utils/canManuallySortNotes.ts:11
msgid "Do it now"
msgstr "Hemen yap"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:28
msgid "Do not ask for confirmation."
msgstr "Onay için sorma."
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:55
msgid ""
"Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* "
"way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password "
msgstr ""
"Şifrenizi kaybetmeyin, verilerinizin şifresini çözmenin \"*tek yolu* bu "
"şifreyi girmek olacaktır. Şifrelemeyi etkinleştirmek için lütfen parolanızı "
"aşağıya girin."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2848
msgid "Donate, website"
msgstr "Bağış yap, web sitesi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/EditLinkDialog.tsx:150
#: packages/app-mobile/components/voiceTyping/VoiceTypingDialog.tsx:115
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:34
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Tamam"
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:109
msgid "Download"
msgstr "İndirme"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:130
msgid "Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:"
msgstr "Tarayıcınız için uygun uzantıyı indirin ve yükleyin:"
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:409
msgid "Downloaded"
msgstr "İndirildi"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:286
msgid "Downloaded and decrypted"
msgstr "İndirildi ve şifresi çözüldü"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:287
msgid "Downloaded and encrypted"
msgstr "İndirildi ve şifrelendi"
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:408
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "İndiriliyor"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/voiceTyping/VoiceTypingDialog.tsx:90
msgid "Downloading %s language files..."
msgstr "%s dil dosyaları indiriliyor..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:256
msgid "Downloading resources..."
msgstr "Kaynaklar indiriliyor..."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:432
msgid "Dracula"
msgstr "Dracula"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1245
msgid "Draw picture"
msgstr "Çizim yap"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:919
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Çizim"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.tsx:1378
msgid "Drop notes or files here"
msgstr "Not veya dosyaları buraya sürükleyin"
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetDropbox.js:25
msgid "Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:229
msgid "Dropbox Login"
msgstr "Dropbox Girişi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:13
msgid "Due"
msgstr "Şu tarihe kadar:"
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:63
msgid "due date"
msgstr "şu tarihe kadar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/duplicateNote.ts:7
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:502
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:561
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Çoğalt"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:114
msgid "Duplicate line"
msgstr "Satırı Kopyala"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:504
msgid "Duplicate selected notes"
msgstr "Seçili notları klonla"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-cp.ts:13
msgid ""
"Duplicates the notes matching <note> to [notebook]. If no notebook is "
"specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook."
msgstr ""
"<Not> ile eşleşen notları [notebook] not defterine çoğaltır. Not "
"belirtilmemişse, not geçerli not defterinde çoğaltılır."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/openFolderDialog.ts:12
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/openEditDialog.ts:89
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteBodyViewer/hooks/useEditPopup.ts:119
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteBodyViewer/hooks/useOnResourceLongPress.ts:39
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:134
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1598
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:233
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Düzenle"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/startExternalEditing.ts:10
msgid "Edit in external editor"
msgstr "Harici editörde düzenle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/EditLinkDialog.tsx:142
msgid "Edit link"
msgstr "Link'i düzenle"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-edit.ts:17
msgid "Edit note."
msgstr "Notu düzenle."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:166
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/folder.js:97
msgid "Edit notebook"
msgstr "Not defterini düzenle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileEditor.tsx:88
msgid "Edit profile"
msgstr "Profili düzenle"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/editProfileConfig.ts:9
msgid "Edit profile configuration..."
msgstr "Profil ayarlarını düzenle…"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:144
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:961 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:962
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:963
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Düzenleyici"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1356
msgid "Editor font"
msgstr "Editör fontu"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1382
msgid "Editor font family"
msgstr "Editör yazı tipi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1344
msgid "Editor font size"
msgstr "Editör yazı boyutu"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1403
msgid "Editor maximum width"
msgstr "Düzenleyici azami genişlik"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1395
msgid "Editor monospace font family"
msgstr "Metin düzenleyici monospace (sabit genişlikteki) yazı tipi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:118
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:122
msgid "Editor: %s"
msgstr "Düzenleyici: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:32
msgid "Either \"text\" or \"json\""
msgstr "\"metin\" ya da \"json\""
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1572
msgid "Emacs"
msgstr "Emacs"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:39
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:55
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/emails.ts:127
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:140
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-posta"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:47
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:23
msgid "Email to note"
msgstr "E-posta'dan not'a"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:187
msgid "Email to Note"
msgstr "E-postadan Nota"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2841
msgid "Email To Note, login information"
msgstr "Not'u e-posta'dan gönder, giriş bilgileri"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/emails.ts:111
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:133
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "E-posta"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:191
msgid "emphasised text"
msgstr "vurgulanan metin"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/emptyTrash.ts:16
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/emptyTrash.ts:8
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:157
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:161
msgid "Empty trash"
msgstr "Çöp kutusunu boşalt"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:144
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/BiometricPopup.tsx:86
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:184
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1278
msgid "Enable ^sup^ syntax"
msgstr "^sup^ söz dizimini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1282
msgid "Enable ++insert++ syntax"
msgstr "++insert++ söz dizimini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1274
msgid "Enable ==mark== syntax"
msgstr "==mark== söz dizimini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1277
msgid "Enable ~sub~ syntax"
msgstr "~sub~ söz dizimini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1280
msgid "Enable abbreviation syntax"
msgstr "Kısaltma söz dizimini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1271
msgid "Enable audio player"
msgstr "Ses / Müzik oynatıcıyı aktifleştir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/BiometricPopup.tsx:82
msgid "Enable biometrics authentication?"
msgstr "Biyometrik doğrulama kullanılsın mı?"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1279
msgid "Enable deflist syntax"
msgstr "Deflist söz dizimini etkinleştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:226
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:284
msgid "Enable encryption"
msgstr "Şifrelemeyi etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1275
msgid "Enable footnotes"
msgstr "Dip notları etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1268
msgid "Enable Fountain syntax support"
msgstr "Fountain söz dizimi desteğini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1265
msgid "Enable Linkify"
msgstr "Linkify’ı aktifleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1281
msgid "Enable markdown emoji"
msgstr "Markdown emoji desteğini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1267
msgid "Enable math expressions"
msgstr "Matematik ifadelerini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1269
msgid "Enable Mermaid diagrams support"
msgstr "Mermaid flowchart tipi diagram desteğini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1283
msgid "Enable multimarkdown table extension"
msgstr "Çoklu markdown tablo eklentisini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1729
msgid "Enable note history"
msgstr "Not tarihçesini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:881
msgid "Enable optical character recognition (OCR)"
msgstr "Optik karakter tanıma (OCR)'ı etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2847
msgid "Enable or disable plugins"
msgstr "Eklentileri aktifleştir veya pasifleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1273
msgid "Enable PDF viewer"
msgstr "PDF görüntüleyiciyi aktifleştir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:119
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1241
msgid "Enable plugin support"
msgstr "Eklenti özelliğini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1263
msgid "Enable soft breaks"
msgstr "Kelime kaydırmasını etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1110
msgid "Enable spellcheck in the text editor"
msgstr "Metin düzenleyicide yazım doğrulamasını aktifleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1276
msgid "Enable table of contents extension"
msgstr "Tablo içerik eklentisini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1121
msgid "Enable the Markdown toolbar"
msgstr "Markdown araç çubuğunu etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1264
msgid "Enable typographer support"
msgstr "Dizgi desteğini etkinleştir"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1272
msgid "Enable video player"
msgstr "Video oynatıcıyı aktifleştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:104
msgid "Enable Web Clipper Service"
msgstr "Web Alıntılama Servisini Aç"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:129
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:237
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:95
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:306
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Etkin"
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:50
msgid ""
"Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be "
"re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target."
msgstr ""
"Şifrelemeyi devre devreye alırsanız *tüm* notlarınızın ve eklerinizin "
"yeniden senkronize edileceği ve senkronizasyon hedefine şifrelenmemiş olarak "
"gönderileceği anlamına gelir."
#: packages/lib/models/BaseItem.ts:913
msgid "Encrypted"
msgstr "Şifrelenmiş"
#: packages/lib/models/BaseItem.ts:975
msgid "Encrypted items cannot be modified"
msgstr "Şifrelenmiş öğeler değiştirilemez"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2809
msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Şifreleme"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:538
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:290
msgid "Encryption Config"
msgstr "Yapılandırmayı şifrele"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:129
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:306
msgid "Encryption is: %s"
msgstr "Şifreleme: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:160
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:261
msgid "Encryption keys"
msgstr "Şifreleme anahtarları"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:237
msgid "Encryption:"
msgstr "Şifreleme:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:235
msgid "End-to-end encryption"
msgstr "Uçtan uca şifreleme"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/dropbox-login.js:66
msgid "Enter code here"
msgstr "Kodu buraya girin"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:40
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:86
msgid "Enter master password:"
msgstr "Ana parolayı girin:"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/folder.js:100
msgid "Enter notebook title"
msgstr "Not defteri başlığını girin"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:122
msgid "Enter password"
msgstr "Parolayı girin"
#: packages/app-cli/app/help-utils.js:56
msgid "Enum"
msgstr "Enum"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/TaskButton.tsx:72
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/PluginChips.tsx:45
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:114
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:33 packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:410
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-edit.ts:83
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/startExternalEditing.ts:23
msgid "Error opening note in editor: %s"
msgstr "Editörde not açılırken hata oluştu: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/KeymapConfigScreen.tsx:65
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/leaveSharedFolder.ts:31
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginUploadButton.tsx:83
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/AcceptedShareItem.tsx:67
#: packages/app-mobile/components/voiceTyping/VoiceTypingDialog.tsx:91
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:210
msgid "Error: %s"
msgstr "Hata: %s"
#: packages/lib/components/shared/config/config-shared.ts:101
msgid ""
"Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that "
"the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:"
msgstr ""
"Hata. Lütfen URL, kullanıcı adı, şifre vb .'nin doğru olduğunu ve "
"senkronizasyon hedefinin erişilebilir olduğunu kontrol edin. Raporlanan hata:"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:242
msgid "Errors only"
msgstr "Sadece hatalar"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:74
msgid "Evernote Export File (as HTML)"
msgstr "Evernote Dosya Dışa Aktarım (HTML olarak)"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:83
msgid "Evernote Export File (as Markdown)"
msgstr "Evernote Dosya Dışa Aktarım (Markdown olarak)"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:92
msgid "Evernote Export Files (Directory, as HTML)"
msgstr "Evernote Dosya Dışa Aktarım (Klasör, HTML biçiminde)"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:101
msgid "Evernote Export Files (Directory, as Markdown)"
msgstr "Evernote Dosya Dışa Aktarım (Klasör, Markdown biçiminde)"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-exit.ts:11
msgid "Exits the application."
msgstr "Uygulamadan çıkar."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:430
msgid "Expand"
msgstr "Genişlet"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/listItemComponents/ExpandIcon.tsx:28
msgid "Expand %s"
msgstr "Genişlet %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/KeymapConfigScreen.tsx:171
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:191
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/utils/NoteListUtils.ts:167
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Dışa aktar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:641
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:697
msgid "Export all"
msgstr "Tümünü dışa aktar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteExportButton.tsx:20
msgid "Export all notes as JEX"
msgstr "Tüm notları JEX biçiminde dışarı aktar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/StatusScreen/StatusScreen.tsx:199
msgid "Export debug report"
msgstr "Hata Ayıklama Raporunu Dışa Aktar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/ExportDebugReportButton.tsx:14
msgid "Export Debug Report"
msgstr "Hata Ayıklama Raporunu Dışa Aktar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/ExportProfileButton.tsx:16
msgid "Export profile"
msgstr "Profili dışarı aktar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteExportButton.tsx:75
msgid "Exported successfully!"
msgstr "Başarıyla dışa aktarıldı!"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/ExportProfileButton.tsx:36
msgid "Exporting profile..."
msgstr "Profil dışa aktarılıyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/InteropServiceHelper.ts:199
msgid "Exporting to \"%s\" as \"%s\" format. Please wait..."
msgstr "\"%s\" den \"%s\" biçiminde dışa aktarılıyor. Lütfen bekleyin..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteExportButton.tsx:25
msgid "Exporting..."
msgstr "Dışa aktarılıyor..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-export.ts:14
msgid ""
"Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the "
"complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources."
msgstr ""
"Joplin verilerini belirtilen yere aktarır. Varsayılan olarak, not "
"defterleri, notlar, etiketler ve kaynaklar dahil olmak üzere tüm "
"veritabanını dışa aktarır."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-export.ts:24
msgid "Exports only the given note."
msgstr "Yalnızca seçilen notu dışa aktarır."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-export.ts:24
msgid "Exports only the given notebook."
msgstr "Yalnızca seçilen not defterini dışa aktarır."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1714
msgid "Fail-safe"
msgstr "Tedbir Modu"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1715
msgid ""
"Fail-safe: Do not wipe out local data when sync target is empty (often the "
"result of a misconfiguration or bug)"
msgstr ""
"Tedbir Modu: Senkronize hedefi boş olduğunda yerel verileri silme (bazen "
"yanlış ayar ve hata sonucu olur)"
#: packages/app-cli/app/main.js:100
msgid "Fatal error:"
msgstr "Büyük hata:"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:625
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:633
msgid "Feature flags"
msgstr "Özellik bilgileri"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:205
msgid "Fetched items: %d/%d."
msgstr "Alınan öğeler: %d/%d."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx:53
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:520
msgid "Fetching resources: %d/%d"
msgstr "Kaynaklar alınıyor: %d/%d"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/Module.ts:62
msgid "File"
msgstr "Dosya"
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetFilesystem.ts:18
msgid "File system"
msgstr "Dosya sistemi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:213
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:214
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtrele"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/NoteTagsDialog.tsx:215
msgid "Filter tags"
msgstr "Etikerleri filtrele"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useActionButtons.ts:56
msgid "Find and replace"
msgstr "Bul ve değiştir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:253
msgid "Find: "
msgstr "Ara: "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ExtensionBadge.tsx:65
msgid "Firefox Extension"
msgstr "Firefox Eklentisi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:559
msgid "Fix search index"
msgstr "Arama indeksini düzelt"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:559
msgid "Fixing search index..."
msgstr "Arama indeksi düzeltiliyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:854
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/commands/focusElementNoteBody.ts:7
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/commands/focusElementNoteTitle.ts:8
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/commands/focusElementNoteList.ts:9
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/commands/focusElementSideBar.ts:10
msgid "Focus"
msgstr "Odaklan"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1153 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1170
msgid "Focus body"
msgstr "Gövde kısmına odaklan"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1152 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1169
msgid "Focus title"
msgstr "Başlığa odaklan"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/ExportProfileButton.tsx:38
msgid "For debugging purpose only: export your profile to an external SD card."
msgstr ""
"Sadece hata ayıklama amacıyla için: Profilinizi harici SD kart'a çıktı alın."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1694
msgid "For example \"%s\""
msgstr "Örneğin \"%s\""
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:37
msgid "For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s"
msgstr ""
"Kısayolları nasıl özelleştirebileceğiniz hakkında bilgi için lütfen %s "
"adresini ziyaret edin"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:294
msgid ""
"For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advice on how to "
"enable it please check the documentation:"
msgstr ""
"Uçtan Uca Şifreleme (E2EE) hakkında bilgi ve nasıl aktif edilebileceğine "
"dair ipuçları için lütfen belgeleri inceleyin:"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:85
msgid ""
"For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`"
msgstr ""
"Klavye kısayolları ve yapılandırma seçenekleri listesi için `help keymap` "
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:678
msgid "Force path style"
msgstr "Zorlanan yol biçimi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/MarkdownToolbar.tsx:46
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Biçimlendirme"
#: packages/lib/commands/historyForward.ts:6
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "İleri"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:50
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:89
msgid "Found: %d."
msgstr "Bulundu: %d."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/SectionSelector.tsx:45
msgid "From a plugin"
msgstr "Bir eklenti aracılığıyla"
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/getVersionInfoText.ts:42
msgid "FTS enabled: %d"
msgstr "FTS aktif edildi: %d"
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:109
msgid "Full changelog"
msgstr "Tüm sürüm geçmişi"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:136
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Tam adı"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2800
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:114
msgid "General"
msgstr "Genel"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:240
msgid "Generated"
msgstr "Oluşturma"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:185
msgid "Generating link..."
msgid_plural "Generating links..."
msgstr[0] "Bağlantı oluşturuluyor..."
msgstr[1] "Bağlantılar oluşturuluyor..."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2843
msgid "Geolocation, spellcheck, editor toolbar, image resize"
msgstr ""
"Yerel konum, dil doğrulaması, düzenleyici araç çubuğu, resim yeniden "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ExtensionBadge.tsx:93
msgid "Get it now:"
msgstr "Hemen al:"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1481
msgid "Get pre-releases when checking for updates"
msgstr "Güncellemeleri kontrol ederken ön sürümleri alın"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-config.ts:14
msgid ""
"Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the "
"value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the "
"current configuration."
msgstr ""
"Ayar değeri alınır veya ayarlanır. Eğer [değer] sağlanmamışsa, [isim] kısmı "
"gözükecektir. Eğer [isim] ve [değer] bilgilerinin ikisi de mevcut değilse, "
"mevcut olan yapılandırmayı listeleyecek."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:44
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:59
msgid "Go to Joplin Cloud profile"
msgstr "Joplin Cloud profiline git"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1113
msgid "Go to source URL"
msgstr "URL kaynağına git"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/gotoAnything.ts:13
#: packages/app-desktop/plugins/GotoAnything.tsx:688
msgid "Goto Anything..."
msgstr "Şuraya Git..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:182
msgid "Grant authorisation"
msgstr "Yetkilendirme ver"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:116
msgid "Have you authorised the application login in the above URL?"
msgstr ""
"Uygulamanın giriş yapması için yukarıdaki URL'i kullanıp izin verdiniz mi?"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useHeaderButtons.ts:14
msgid "Header %d"
msgstr "Başlık %d"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/MarkdownToolbar.tsx:50
msgid "Headers"
msgstr "Başlıklar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:95
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Başlık"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:231
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:265
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:284
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Yardım"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:113
msgid "Here's what we do to make plugins safer:"
msgstr "Eklentileri daha güvenli kılmak için bunları yapıyoruz:"
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/getVersionInfoText.ts:44
msgid "Hermes enabled: %d"
msgstr "Hermes aktif edildi: %d"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:658
msgid "Hide %s"
msgstr "Şunu Gizle: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:221
msgid "Hide advanced"
msgstr "Gelişmiş'leri gizle"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:206
msgid "Hide disabled"
msgstr "İptal edilmişleri gizle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:160
msgid "Hide disabled keys"
msgstr "İnaktif anahtarları gizle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:22
msgid "Hide Joplin"
msgstr "Joplin'i Gizle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useActionButtons.ts:67
msgid "Hide keyboard"
msgstr "Klavyeyi gizle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/ToggleOverflowButton.tsx:19
msgid "Hide more actions"
msgstr "Daha fazla seçenekler kısmını gizle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/setupToolbarButtons.ts:14
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Vurgula"
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:150
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:279
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Ana sayfa"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:100
msgid "Horizontal Rule"
msgstr "Yatay kural"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:176
msgid "HTML Directory"
msgstr "HTML Dizini"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:110
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "HTML dökümanı"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:169
msgid "HTML File"
msgstr "HTML Dosyası"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:65
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Köprü link"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:141
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "İkon"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:168
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:325
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:79
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:66
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:105
msgid "ID"
msgstr "Kimlik"
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:31 packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:324
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "Boşta"
#: packages/lib/services/joplinCloudUtils.ts:37
msgid ""
"If you have already authorised, please wait for the application to sync to "
"Joplin Cloud."
msgstr ""
"Eğer hali hazırda giriş yaptıysanız, lütfen uygulamanın Joplin Cloud ile "
"senkronizasyonu için kısa bir süre bekleyin."
#: packages/app-desktop/ElectronAppWrapper.ts:89
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:360
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/StatusScreen/StatusScreen.tsx:121
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/status.tsx:146
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Vazgeç"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1673
msgid "Ignore TLS certificate errors"
msgstr "TLS sertifikası hatalarını yoksay"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:236
msgid "Ignored items that cannot be synchronised"
msgstr "Yoksayılmış ve sekntron edilmeyen öğeler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:106
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Resim"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/KeymapConfigScreen.tsx:170
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:637
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:694
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:231
msgid "Import"
msgstr "İçe aktar"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2814
msgid "Import and Export"
msgstr "İçeri ve Dışarı Aktar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteImportButton.tsx:66
msgid ""
"Import failed. Make sure a JEX file was selected.\n"
"Details: %s"
msgstr ""
"İçe aktarım başarısız. JEX dosyası seçtiğinizden emin olun.\n"
"Detaylar: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteImportButton.tsx:21
msgid "Import from JEX"
msgstr "JEX dosyasından içe aktar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteImportButton.tsx:22
msgid "Import notes from a JEX (Joplin Export) file."
msgstr "Notları JEX (Joplin Export, dışa aktarım) dosyasından içe aktar."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2846
msgid "Import or export your data"
msgstr "Verini içeri veya dışarı aktar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteImportButton.tsx:76
msgid "Imported successfully!"
msgstr "Başarıyla içe aktarıldı!"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:311
msgid "Importing from \"%s\" as \"%s\" format. Please wait..."
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" kaynağından \"%s\" biçiminde içe aktarılıyor. Lütfen bekleyin..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:68
msgid "Importing notes..."
msgstr "Notlar içe aktarılıyor..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteImportButton.tsx:26
msgid "Importing..."
msgstr "Dışa aktarılıyor..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:16
msgid "Imports data into Joplin."
msgstr "Joplin'e veri aktarır."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:781
msgid ""
"In \"Manual\" mode, attachments are downloaded only when you click on them. "
"In \"Auto\", they are downloaded when you open the note. In \"Always\", all "
"the attachments are downloaded whether you open the note or not."
msgstr ""
"“Manuel” modda, ek dosyalar sadece tıklanıldığında indirilir. “Otomatik” "
"modda, notlar açıldığında indirilir. “Her zaman” modunda, tüm ek dosyalar "
"notu açsanız da açmasanız da indirilir."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:78
msgid ""
"In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or "
"using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected "
"note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item."
msgstr ""
"Herhangi bir komutta, bir not veya note defteri başlık veya ID ile, veya "
"`$n` `$b` kestirmelerini kullanılarak atfedilebilinir. Sırasıyla, güncel "
"seçili not veya not defteri. `$c` kullanarak güncel seçili öğeye atıf "
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:498
msgid ""
"In order to associate a geo-location with the note, the app needs your "
"permission to access your location.\n"
"You may turn off this option at any time in the Configuration screen."
msgstr ""
"Notlarla konum bilgisi (geo-location) eşleştirebilmek için uygulamaya konum "
"izni verilmesi gerekmekte.\n"
"Daha sonra, Ayarlar ekranından bu izni istediğiniz zaman geri alabilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:346
msgid ""
"In order to do so, your entire data set will have to be encrypted and "
"synchronised, so it is best to run it overnight.\n"
"To start, please follow these instructions:\n"
"1. Synchronise all your devices.\n"
"2. Click \"%s\".\n"
"3. Let it run to completion. While it runs, avoid changing any note on your "
"other devices, to avoid conflicts.\n"
"4. Once sync is done on this device, sync all your other devices and let it "
"run to completion.\n"
"Important: you only need to run this ONCE on one device."
msgstr ""
"Bu işlemi yapmak için tüm veriniz yeniden şifrelenip senkron edilecek. Bu "
"işlemi bu sebeple gece yapmanız önerilir.\n"
"Başlamak için lütfen aşağıdaki aşamaları takip edin:\n"
"1. Tüm cihazlarınızla notlarınızı senkron edin.\n"
"2. \"%s\"' imgesine tıklayın.\n"
"3. İşlemin tamamlanmasını bekleyin. İşlem çalışırken notlarınızda çakışmayı "
"önlemek için notlarınızda değişiklik yapmayın.\n"
"4. Senkronizasyon işlemi cihazınızda bitince diğer tüm cihazlarınızla da "
"senkron ederek işlemi tammalayın.\n"
"Önemli: Bu işlemi cihaz başına SADECE BİR KERE yapmanız yeterlidir."
#: packages/lib/services/synchronizer/syncInfoUtils.ts:461
msgid "In order to synchronise, please upgrade your application to version %s+"
msgstr ""
"Senkron etmek için uygulamayı en az %s sürümüne veya daha yeni bir sürüme "
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:120
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:218
msgid ""
"In order to use file system synchronisation your permission to write to "
"external storage is required."
msgstr ""
"Dosya sistemi senkronizasyonu için, hedef depolamada sizin yazma yetkiniz "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:120
msgid "In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:"
msgstr "Web alıntı aracını kullanmak için aşağıdakileri yapmanız gerekir:"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:325
msgid "In progress"
msgstr "Devam etmekte"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:566
msgid "In: %s"
msgstr "İçinde: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/PluginChips.tsx:69
msgid "Incompatible"
msgstr "Uyumsuz"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useListButtons.ts:52
msgid "Increase indent level"
msgstr "Girintileme seviyesini artır"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:126
msgid "Indent less"
msgstr "Daha az girintile"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:130
msgid "Indent more"
msgstr "Daha çok girintile"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:217
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Bilgi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.tsx:693
msgid "Inline Code"
msgstr "İç Kod"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/setupToolbarButtons.ts:24
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Gir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:193
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v6/useEditorCommands.ts:74
msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
msgstr "Köprü Link ekle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:105
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.tsx:725
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useActionButtons.ts:39
msgid "Insert time"
msgstr "Zaman ekle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:190
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/buttons/InstallButton.tsx:18
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Yükle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:230
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginUploadButton.tsx:25
msgid "Install from file"
msgstr "Dosyadan yükle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:192
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/buttons/InstallButton.tsx:19
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/PluginChips.tsx:92
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Yüklendi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:199
msgid "Installed (%d):"
msgstr "Yüklenme (%d):"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:191
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/buttons/InstallButton.tsx:17
msgid "Installing..."
msgstr "Yükleniyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:36
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Geçersiz"
#: packages/lib/services/KeymapService.ts:333
msgid "Invalid %s: %s."
msgstr "Hatalı %s: %s."
#: packages/app-cli/app/cli-utils.js:167
msgid "Invalid answer: %s"
msgstr "Yanlış cevap: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:90
msgid "Invalid command: \"%s\""
msgstr "Geçersiz komut: \"%s\""
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2283
msgid "Invalid option value: \"%s\". Possible values are: %s."
msgstr "Geçersiz seçenek değeri: \"%s\". Mümkün değerler: %s."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:48
msgid "Invalid password"
msgstr "Hatalı parola"
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/getVersionInfoText.ts:23
msgid "iOS version: %s"
msgstr "iOS sürümü: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:60
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useInlineFormattingButtons.ts:24
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "İtalik"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:194
msgid "Item \"%s\" could not be downloaded: %s"
msgstr "\"%s\" öğesi indirilemedi: %s"
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:158
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:281
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Öğeler"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:252
msgid "Items that cannot be decrypted"
msgstr "Şifresi çözülemeyen öğeler"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:185
msgid "Items that cannot be synchronised"
msgstr "Senkronize edilemeyen öğeler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:911
msgid "Join us on Twitter"
msgstr "Twitter'da bize katılın"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/SyncWizard/Dialog.tsx:268
msgid ""
"Joplin can synchronise your notes using various providers. Select one from "
"the list below."
msgstr ""
"Joplin notlarınızı pek çok sağlayıcıyı kullanarak senkron edebilir. Lütfen "
"aşağıdan bunlardan birini seçin."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2812 packages/lib/SyncTargetJoplinCloud.ts:30
msgid "Joplin Cloud"
msgstr "Joplin Cloud"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:230
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/JoplinCloudLoginScreen.tsx:148
msgid "Joplin Cloud Login"
msgstr "Joplin Cloud Giriş"
#: packages/lib/services/plugins/PluginService.ts:517
msgid "Joplin Desktop"
msgstr "Joplin Masaüstü"
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:419
msgid ""
"Joplin doesn't recognise the %s extension. Opening this file could be "
"dangerous. What would you like to do?"
msgstr ""
"Joplin %s eklentisini algılayamadı. Bu dosyayı açmak tehlikeli olabilir. Ne "
"yapmak istiyorsunuz?"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:149
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:66
msgid "Joplin Export Directory"
msgstr "Joplin Dışa Aktarım Dizini"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:143
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:60
msgid "Joplin Export File"
msgstr "Joplin Dışa Aktarım Dosyası"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:254
msgid ""
"Joplin failed to decrypt these items multiple times, possibly because they "
"are corrupted or too large. These items will remain on the device but Joplin "
"will no longer attempt to decrypt them."
msgstr ""
"Muhtemelen bozuk ya da çok büyük oldukları için Joplin bu öğelerin şifresini "
"çözmekte birden fazla kere başarısız oldu. Bu öğeler cihazda kalacak ama "
"Joplin artık şifrelerini çözmeye çalışmayacak."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:908
msgid "Joplin Forum"
msgstr "Joplin Forum"
#: packages/lib/services/plugins/PluginService.ts:515
msgid "Joplin Mobile"
msgstr "Joplin Mobil"
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetJoplinServer.ts:61
msgid "Joplin Server"
msgstr "Joplin Sunucusu"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:709
msgid "Joplin Server email"
msgstr "Joplin Sunucusu e-posta adresi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:721
msgid "Joplin Server password"
msgstr "Joplin Sunucusu ğarola"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:690
msgid "Joplin Server URL"
msgstr "Joplin Sunucusu URL"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:119
msgid ""
"Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser "
"to Joplin."
msgstr ""
"Joplin Web Alıntılama, tarayıcınızdaki web sayfalarını ve ekran "
"görüntülerini Joplin'e kaydetmenizi sağlar."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:612
msgid "Joplin website"
msgstr "Joplin Web Sitesi"
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetJoplinCloud.ts:34
msgid ""
"Joplin's own sync service. Also gives access to Joplin-specific features "
"such as publishing notes or collaborating on notebooks with others."
msgstr ""
"Joplin’in kendi senkronizasyon servisi. Bu servis ayrıca Joplin’e özel, "
"notları paylaşma veya başkalarıyla işbirliği yaparak ortak yönetmenizi "
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useInlineFormattingButtons.ts:45
msgid "KaTeX"
msgstr "KaTeX"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1741
msgid "Keep note history for"
msgstr "Not tarihçesini şu kadar süre tut"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1934
msgid "Keep notes in the trash for"
msgstr "Çöp kutusunda notları şu kadar süre tut:"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1567
msgid "Keyboard Mode"
msgstr "Klavye modu"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/KeymapConfigScreen.tsx:178
msgid "Keyboard Shortcut"
msgstr "Klavye Kısayolu"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2811
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "Klavye Kısayolları"
#: packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:79
msgid "Keychain Supported: %s"
msgstr "Keychain Desteği: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:74
msgid "Keys that need upgrading"
msgstr "Güncellenmesi gereken anahtarlar"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1544
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Yatay"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:826
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Dil"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2838
msgid "Language, date format"
msgstr "Dil, tarih biçimi"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:208
msgid "Last error: %s"
msgstr "Son hata: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:729
msgid "Later"
msgstr "Daha sonra"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:7
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Enlem"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:623
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v6/CodeMirror.tsx:231
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Düzen"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:777
msgid "Layout button sequence"
msgstr "Düzen butonu sıralaması"
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:424
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:118
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/RecommendedBadge.tsx:15
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1908
msgid "Leave it blank to download the language files from the default website"
msgstr "Dil dosyalarını varsayılan web sitesinden indirmek için boş bırakın"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/AcceptedShareItem.tsx:90
msgid "Leave notebook"
msgstr "Not defterinden ayrıl"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/leaveSharedFolder.ts:10
msgid "Leave notebook..."
msgstr "Not defterinden ayrıl..."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1538
msgid "Legal"
msgstr "Legal"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1534
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Kağıt"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:430
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Aydınlık"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:110
msgid ""
"Like any software you install, plugins can potentially cause security issues "
"or data loss."
msgstr ""
"Kurulan her yazılım gibi, eklentiler de potansiyel olarak güvenlik zaafına "
"veya veri kaybına sebep olabilir."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:108
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Satır"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useInlineFormattingButtons.ts:56
msgid "Link"
msgstr "Bağlantı"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/EditLinkDialog.tsx:96
msgid "Link description"
msgstr "Link açıklaması"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:186
msgid "Link has been copied to clipboard!"
msgid_plural "Links have been copied to clipboard!"
msgstr[0] "Bağlantı panoya kopyalandı!"
msgstr[1] "Bağlantılar panoya kopyalandı!"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/EditLinkDialog.tsx:93
msgid "Link text"
msgstr "Bağlantı metni"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:296
msgid "Links with protocol \"%s\" are not supported"
msgstr "“%s” formatlı linkler desteklenmiyor"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:227
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:229
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:230
msgid "List item"
msgstr "Öğeyi listele"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/MarkdownToolbar.tsx:54
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Listeler"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:215
msgid "Loaded"
msgstr "Yüklenme"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/FontSearch.tsx:121
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:115
#: packages/app-mobile/components/voiceTyping/VoiceTypingDialog.tsx:87
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Yükleniyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:71
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Konum"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:155
msgid ""
"Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is "
"taking place, you may delete the lock file at \"%s\" and resume the "
msgstr ""
"Kilit dosyası zaten tutuluyor. Senkronizasyon yapılmadığını biliyorsanız, "
"kilit dosyasını \"%s\" konumunda silebilir ve işleme devam edebilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:558
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:221
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:282
msgid "Log"
msgstr "Log"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/dropbox-login.js:55
msgid "Login with Dropbox"
msgstr "Dropbox ile giriş yap"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/onedrive-login.js:110
msgid "Login with OneDrive"
msgstr "OneDrive ile giriş yapın"
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:285
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Çıkış Yap"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2845
msgid "Logs, profiles, sync status"
msgstr "Loglar, profiller, senkronizasyon durumu"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:8
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Boylam"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:914
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:611
msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Bağış yapın"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MasterPasswordDialog/Dialog.tsx:223
msgid "Manage master password"
msgstr "Ana parolayı yönet"
#: packages/lib/commands/openMasterPasswordDialog.ts:6
msgid "Manage master password..."
msgstr "Ana parolayı yönet..."
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:201
msgid "Manage multiple users"
msgstr "Çoklu kullanıcıları yönet"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:556
msgid "Manage profiles"
msgstr "Profilleri yönet"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:562
msgid "Manage shared notebooks"
msgstr "Paylaşılan not defterlerini yönet"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:336
msgid "Manage your plugins"
msgstr "Eklentileri yönet"
#. `generate-ppk`
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:20
msgid ""
"Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, "
"`status`, `decrypt-file`, and `target-status`."
msgstr ""
"Uçtan Uca Şifreleme ayarını yönetir. Komutlar: `enable`, `disable`, "
"`decrypt`, `status`, `decrypt-file` ve `target-status`."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:785
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuel"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2805
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:118
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:155
msgid "Markdown"
msgstr "Markdown"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:126
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:161
msgid "Markdown + Front Matter"
msgstr "Markdown + Front Matter"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-done.ts:15
msgid "Marks a to-do as done."
msgstr "Yapılacakları yapıldı olarak işaretler."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-undone.js:12
msgid "Marks a to-do as non-completed."
msgstr "Yapılacaklar listesindeki öğeyi tamamlanmamış olarak işaretler."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:74
msgid "Markup"
msgstr "Düzenleme"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:119
msgid "Master Key %s"
msgstr "Ana Anahtar %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:114
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:273
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:104
msgid "Master password"
msgstr "Ana parola"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:274
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:214
msgid "Master password:"
msgstr "Ana parola:"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:809
msgid "Max concurrent connections"
msgstr "Maksimum aynı anda bağlantı"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:148
msgid "Max Item Size"
msgstr "Maks. öğe adedi"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:129
msgid "Max note or attachment size"
msgstr "Azami not veya ek dosya ebatı"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:156
msgid "Max Total Size"
msgstr "Maks. Toplam Boyut"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2842
msgid "Media player, math, diagrams, table of contents"
msgstr "Medya oynatıcı, matematik, diyagramlar, içindekiler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:24
msgid "Minimise"
msgstr "Küçült"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:320
msgid "Missing keys"
msgstr "Eksik anahtarar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:274
msgid "Missing Master Keys"
msgstr "Eksik Ana Anahtar"
#: packages/app-cli/app/cli-utils.js:112
msgid "Missing required argument: %s"
msgstr "Gerekli parametre eksik gözüküyor: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/cli-utils.js:135
msgid "Missing required flag value: %s"
msgstr "Gerekli parametre eksik gözüküyor: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:541
msgid "Mobile data - auto-sync disabled"
msgstr "Mobil veri - otomatik senkronizasyon devre dışı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:659
msgid "More info"
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2815
msgid "More information"
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi"
#: packages/app-cli/app/app.ts:67
msgid "More than one item match \"%s\". Please narrow down your query."
msgstr "Birden fazla öğe \"%s\" ile eşleşiyor. Lütfen sorgunuzu daraltınız."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:115
msgid ""
"Most plugins have source code available for review on the plugin website."
msgstr ""
"Pek çok eklentinin kaynak kodları sitelerinde incelenebilmesi için açık "
"olarak paylaşılmaktadır."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:591
msgid "Move %d notes to notebook \"%s\"?"
msgstr "%d notlarını not defterine taşı \"%s\"?"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmbook.ts:38
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/deleteFolder.ts:20
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:229
msgid ""
"Move notebook \"%s\" to the trash?\n"
"All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be moved to the "
msgstr ""
"“%s” not defteri çöp kutusuna taşınsın mı?\n"
"Not defteri içersindeki tüm not ve alt not defterleri de çöp kutusuna "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/moveToFolder.ts:8
msgid "Move to notebook"
msgstr "Not defterine taşı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/moveToFolder.ts:36
msgid "Move to notebook:"
msgstr "Not defterine taşı:"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/FolderPicker.tsx:59
msgid "Move to notebook..."
msgstr "Not defterine taşı..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mv.ts:14
msgid "Moves the given <item> to [notebook]"
msgstr "Verilen <item> bileşenini [notebook] not defterine taşır"
#: packages/app-cli/app/cli-utils.js:177
#: packages/app-cli/app/setupCommand.ts:23
msgid "n"
msgstr "h"
#: packages/app-cli/app/setupCommand.ts:23
msgid "N"
msgstr "H"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1189
msgid "Never resize"
msgstr "Asla yeniden boyutlandırma"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/listItemComponents/HeaderItem.tsx:46
msgid "New"
msgstr "Yeni"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/index.tsx:120
msgid "New invitations"
msgstr "Yeni davetiyeler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/newNote.ts:10
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListControls/NoteListControls.tsx:110
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListWrapper/NoteListWrapper.tsx:71
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Notes.tsx:251
#: packages/app-mobile/setupQuickActions.ts:18
msgid "New note"
msgstr "Yeni not"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/newFolder.ts:7
msgid "New notebook"
msgstr "Yeni not defteri"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:498
msgid "New Notebook"
msgstr "Yeni Not Defteri"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:81
msgid ""
"New notebook \"%s\" will be created and file \"%s\" will be imported into it"
msgstr ""
"Yeni not defteri \"%s\" oluşturulacak ve \"%s\" dosyası onun içine "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/newSubFolder.ts:6
msgid "New sub-notebook"
msgstr "Yeni alt not defteri"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/NoteTagsDialog.tsx:195
msgid "New tags:"
msgstr "Yeni etiketler:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/newTodo.ts:7
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListControls/NoteListControls.tsx:120
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListWrapper/NoteListWrapper.tsx:71
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Notes.tsx:241
#: packages/app-mobile/setupQuickActions.ts:19
msgid "New to-do"
msgstr "Yeni yapılacak"
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:108
msgid "New version: %s"
msgstr "Yeni sürüm: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:271
msgid "Next match"
msgstr "Sonraki eşleşen"
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetNextcloud.js:25
msgid "Nextcloud"
msgstr "Nextcloud"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:553
msgid "Nextcloud password"
msgstr "Nextcloud parolası"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:541
msgid "Nextcloud username"
msgstr "Nextcloud kullanıcı adı"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:528
msgid "Nextcloud WebDAV URL"
msgstr "Nextcloud WebDAV URL"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:418
msgid "no"
msgstr "hayır"
#: packages/app-desktop/services/plugins/UserWebviewDialogButtonBar.tsx:32
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:747
#: packages/lib/shim-init-node.ts:256 packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:79
msgid "No"
msgstr "Hayır"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-edit.ts:41
msgid "No active notebook."
msgstr "Aktif not defteri yok."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:276
msgid "No item with ID %s"
msgstr "Bu kimlikte öğe yok : %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/index.tsx:92
msgid "No new invitations"
msgstr "Yeni davetiye bulunamadı"
#: packages/app-cli/app/app.ts:104
msgid "No notebook has been specified."
msgstr "Hiçbir not defteri belirtilmedi."
#: packages/app-cli/app/app.ts:98
msgid "No notebook selected."
msgstr "Seçili defter yok."
#: packages/lib/components/shared/NoteList/getEmptyFolderMessage.ts:15
msgid "No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \"New note\"."
msgstr "Burada not yok. \"Yeni not\" üzerine tıklayarak bir tane oluşturun."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:199
msgid "No plugins are installed."
msgstr "Yüklü eklenti yok."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:298
msgid "No resources!"
msgstr "Kaynak yok!"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/SearchPlugins.tsx:84
msgid "No results"
msgstr "Sonuç yok"
#: packages/app-cli/app/app.ts:231
msgid "No such command: %s"
msgstr "Böyle bir komut yok: %s"
#: packages/lib/services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerService.ts:125
msgid "No suggestions"
msgstr "Öneri yok"
#: packages/app-mobile/plugins/PluginRunner/dialogs/PluginPanelViewer.tsx:120
msgid "No tab selected"
msgstr "Seçili sekme yok"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-edit.ts:31
msgid ""
"No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor <editor-path>`"
msgstr ""
"Hiçbir metin editörü tanımlanmadı. Lütfen `config editor <editor-path>` "
"komutunu kullanarak editörü ayarlayınız"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:435
msgid "Nord"
msgstr "Nord"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:123
msgid "Not authenticated with %s. Please provide any missing credentials."
msgstr "%s ile doğrulama sağlanamadı. Lütfen eksik olan tüm bilgileri girin."
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:407
msgid "Not downloaded"
msgstr "İndirilmeyen"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:240
msgid "Not generated"
msgstr "Oluşturulmamış"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/BiometricPopup.tsx:91
msgid "Not now"
msgstr "Şimdi değil"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListControls/NoteListControls.tsx:108
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListWrapper/NoteListWrapper.tsx:70
#: packages/server/src/models/UserModel.ts:247
#: packages/server/src/models/UserModel.ts:264
msgid "note"
msgstr "not"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2803
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Not"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1805
msgid "Note area growth factor"
msgstr "Not alanı büyüme faktörü"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:233
msgid "Note attachments"
msgstr "Ek Dosyalar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:561
msgid "Note attachments..."
msgstr "Ek Dosyalar..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/commands/focusElementNoteBody.ts:6
msgid "Note body"
msgstr "Not gövdesi"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-edit.ts:47
msgid "Note does not exist: \"%s\". Create it?"
msgstr "\"%s\" notu mevcut değil. Oluşturulsun mu?"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:98
msgid "Note editor"
msgstr "Not düzenleyici"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-edit.ts:98
msgid "Note has been saved."
msgstr "Not kaydedildi."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:73
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2808
msgid "Note History"
msgstr "Not Geçmişi"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-done.ts:23
msgid "Note is not a to-do: \"%s\""
msgstr "Bu not yapılacaklar listesi değildir: “%s”"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/commands/focusElementNoteList.ts:8
msgid "Note list"
msgstr "Not listesi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1790
msgid "Note list growth factor"
msgstr "Not listesi büyüme faktörü"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:781
msgid "Note list style"
msgstr "Not listeleme biçimi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/showNoteProperties.ts:7
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:442
msgid "Note properties"
msgstr "Not özellikleri"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/commands/focusElementNoteTitle.ts:7
msgid "Note title"
msgstr "Not başlığı"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1297
msgid "Note: Does not work in all desktop environments."
msgstr "Not: Tüm masaüstü ortamlarında çalışmaz."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:192
msgid ""
"Note: When a note is shared, it will no longer be encrypted on the server."
msgstr "Not: Bir not paylaşıldığında artık sunucuda şifreli olmayacak."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:860
msgid "Note&book"
msgstr "Not&defteri"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2804
msgid "Notebook"
msgstr "Not defteri"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1775
msgid "Notebook list growth factor"
msgstr "Not defteri listesi büyüme faktörü"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:5
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:260
msgid "Notebook: %s"
msgstr "Not defteri: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/AcceptedShareItem.tsx:81
msgid "Notebook: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Not defteri: %s (%s)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useSidebarListData.ts:58
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:561
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:335
msgid "Notebooks"
msgstr "Not defterleri"
#: packages/lib/models/Folder.ts:906
msgid "Notebooks cannot be named \"%s\", which is a reserved title."
msgstr "Not defterine ayrılmış bir başlık adı olan \"%s\" adı verilemez."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleNotesSortOrderField.ts:8
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleNotesSortOrderReverse.ts:9
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notlar"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2827
msgid "Notes and settings are stored in: %s"
msgstr "Notlar ve ayarlar şu konumda saklanır: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mknote.js:16
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-mktodo.js:16
msgid "Notes can only be created within a notebook."
msgstr "Notlar yalnızca bir not defterinde oluşturulabilir."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:80
msgid "Numbered List"
msgstr "Numaralı liste"
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:336 packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:349
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:365 packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:374
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ButtonBar.tsx:34
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/DialogButtonRow.tsx:71
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:586
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/PromptDialog.tsx:308
#: packages/app-desktop/services/plugins/UserWebviewDialogButtonBar.tsx:29
#: packages/app-mobile/components/CameraView.tsx:194
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ModalDialog.tsx:85
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:219
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/ExportProfileButton.tsx:61
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/PluginChips.tsx:66
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/RecommendedBadge.tsx:19
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/AcceptedShareItem.tsx:68
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:211
#: packages/app-mobile/plugins/PluginRunner/dialogs/PluginDialogWebView.tsx:128
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/showMessageBox.ts:13
#: packages/lib/components/shared/config/plugins/useOnInstallHandler.ts:72
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:437
msgid "OLED Dark"
msgstr "OLED Karanlık"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:356
msgid "On %s: %s"
msgstr "%s: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:652
msgid "One of your master keys use an obsolete encryption method."
msgstr ""
"Ana şifreleme anahtarlarınızdan biri eski bir şifreleme yolunu kullanıyor."
#: packages/app-cli/app/gui/NoteWidget.js:48
msgid ""
"One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a "
"master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already "
"supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the "
"background and will be available soon."
msgstr ""
"Bir veya daha fazla öğe şu anda şifreli ve bir ana parola girmeniz "
"gerekebilir. Bunu yapmak için lütfen `e2ee decrypt` yazınız. Parolayı daha "
"önce vermişseniz, şifreli öğelerin arka planda şifresi çözülür ve yakında "
"kullanımınıza hazır olur."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:681
msgid "One or more master keys need a password."
msgstr "Bir veya birden fazla ana anahtar parola istiyor."
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetOneDrive.ts:31
msgid "OneDrive"
msgstr "OneDrive"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:228
msgid "OneDrive Login"
msgstr "OneDrive Girişi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/print.ts:18
msgid "Only one note can be printed at a time."
msgstr "Bir seferde yalnızca bir not yazdırılabilir."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteBodyViewer/hooks/useOnResourceLongPress.ts:37
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Aç"
#: packages/app-desktop/app.ts:196
msgid "Open %s"
msgstr "Aç %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:425
msgid "Open it"
msgstr "Aç"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/openPdfViewer.ts:7
msgid "Open PDF viewer"
msgstr "PDF görüntüleyiciyi aç"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/openProfileDirectory.ts:8
msgid "Open profile directory"
msgstr "Profil dizinini aç"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:115
msgid "Open Source"
msgstr "Açık Kaynak"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:461
msgid "Open Sync Wizard..."
msgstr "Senkronizasyon Sihirbazını Aç…"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:87
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Aç..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:200
msgid "Opening section %s"
msgstr "Şu bölüm açılıyor: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:42
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:88
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:98
msgid "Operation cancelled"
msgstr "İşlem iptal edildi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:28
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:547
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:232
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Seçenekler"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useListButtons.ts:22
msgid "Ordered list"
msgstr "Dizilmiş liste"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:499
msgid "Other applications..."
msgstr "Diğer uygulamalar..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:29
msgid "Output format: %s"
msgstr "Çıktı biçimi: %s"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1541
msgid "Page orientation for PDF export"
msgstr "PDF dışa aktarımı için sayfa yönü"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1531
msgid "Page size for PDF export"
msgstr "PDF dışa aktarımı için sayfa boyutu"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:170
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Şifre"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:137
msgid "Password cannot be empty"
msgstr "Parola boş olamaz"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:122
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:158
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola:"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:102
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:140
msgid "Passwords do not match!"
msgstr "Parolalar eşleşmiyor!"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:45
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/utils/useContextMenu.ts:104
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:195
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Yapıştır"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/commands/pasteAsText.ts:6
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:209
msgid "Paste as text"
msgstr "Metin olarak yapıştır"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:598
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/ExportProfileButton.tsx:54
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Yol:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/exportPdf.ts:10
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/exportPdf.ts:25
msgid "PDF File"
msgstr "PDF Dosyası"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:408
msgid "Per user. Minimum of %d users."
msgstr "Kullanıcı başına. Minimum %d kullanıcı."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/permanentlyDeleteNote.ts:8
msgid "Permanently delete note"
msgstr "Notu kalıcı olarak sil"
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:928
msgid "Permanently delete note \"%s\"?"
msgstr "\"%s\" notu kalıcı olarak silinsin mi?"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmbook.ts:36
msgid ""
"Permanently delete notebook \"%s\"?\n"
"All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will be permanently deleted."
msgstr ""
"Not defteri kalıcı olarak silinsin mi?\n"
"Silinecek not defterindeki tüm notlar ve alt notlar da kalıcı olarak "
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:930
msgid "Permanently delete these %d notes?"
msgstr "%d notları kalıcı olarak silinsin mi?"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmbook.ts:20
msgid "Permanently deletes the notebook, skipping the trash."
msgstr "Not defteri kalıcı olarak, çöpe de gönderilmeden silinecek."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:499
msgid "Permission needed"
msgstr "İzin gerekmekte"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/CameraView.tsx:192
msgid "Permission to use camera"
msgstr "Kamera kullanımı için izin"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:261
msgid ""
"Please click on \"%s\" to proceed, or set the passwords in the \"%s\" list "
msgstr ""
"Devam etmek için lütfen \"%s\" butonuna basın, ya da aşağıdaki \"%s\" "
"listesinden parola belirleyin."
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:64
msgid ""
"Please confirm that you would like to re-encrypt your complete database."
msgstr "Lütfen tüm veritabanınızı yeniden şifrelemek istediğinizi doğrulayın."
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:208
msgid ""
"Please enter your password in the master key list below before upgrading the "
msgstr ""
"Anahtarı güncellemek için lütfen ana şifreleme anahtarının parolasını girin."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:373
msgid ""
"Please note that if it is a large notebook, it may take a few minutes for "
"all the notes to show up on the recipient's device."
msgstr ""
"Not defterleri büyük olabilir, ve de bu sebeple alıcı tarafın cihazında tüm "
"notların gözükmesi birkaç dakikayı bulabilir. Bunu lütfen dikkate alın."
#: packages/lib/onedrive-api-node-utils.js:118
msgid ""
"Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the "
"application. The application will create a directory in \"Apps/Joplin\" and "
"will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to "
"any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data "
"will be shared with any third party."
msgstr ""
"Lütfen uygulamayı doğrulamak için tarayıcınızda aşağıdaki URL'yi açın. "
"Uygulama \"Uygulamalar/Joplin\" de bir dizin oluşturacak ve sadece bu "
"dizindeki dosyaları okuyacak ve yazacaktır. Bu dizin dışındaki hiçbir "
"dosyaya veya diğer kişisel verilere erişemeyecektir. Hiçbir veri üçüncü "
"şahıslarla paylaşılmayacaktır."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/voiceTyping/VoiceTypingDialog.tsx:88
msgid "Please record your voice..."
msgstr "Lütfen sesinizi kaydedin..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:66
msgid "Please select a notebook first."
msgstr "Lütfen önce bir not defteri seçin."
#: packages/app-cli/app/app-gui.js:468
msgid "Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first."
msgstr "Lütfen önce silinecek notu veya not defterini seçin."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/StatusScreen/StatusScreen.tsx:31
msgid "Please select where the sync status should be exported to"
msgstr "Lütfen senkronizasyon durumunun nereye aktarılacağını seçin"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:281
msgid "Please specify import format for %s"
msgstr "Lütfen %s için içe aktarma biçimini belirtin"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Importer_Md.ts:38
msgid "Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to."
msgstr "Lütfen notların alınacağı not defterini belirtin."
#: packages/lib/services/plugins/PluginService.ts:511
msgid "Please upgrade Joplin to version %s or later to use this plugin."
msgstr ""
"Bu eklentiyi kullanmak için lütfen Joplin’i %s veya daha yeni sürüme "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/TinyMCE.tsx:1378
msgid ""
"Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also "
"switch to %s to edit the note."
msgstr ""
"Tüm ek dosyaların indirilip şifrelerinin çözülmesi için lütfen bekleyin. "
"Ayrıca %s ile notu düzenleyebilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/SearchPlugins.tsx:119
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:295
msgid "Please wait..."
msgstr "Lütfen bekleyin..."
#: packages/app-mobile/plugins/PlatformImplementation.ts:53
msgid "Plugin message"
msgstr "Eklenti mesajı"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:444
msgid "Plugin panels"
msgstr "Eklenti panelleri"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:111
msgid "Plugin repository failed to load"
msgstr "Eklenti depo sunucusu yüklenemedi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:29
msgid "Plugin search"
msgstr "Eklenti ara"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:107
msgid "Plugin security"
msgstr "Eklenti güvenliği"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:334
msgid "Plugin tools"
msgstr "Eklenti araçları"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1229
msgid "Plugin WebView debugging"
msgstr "Eklenti WebView hata ayıklaması"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/Sidebar.tsx:105
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/MarkdownToolbar.tsx:65
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:531
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2806
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Eklentiler"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:103
msgid ""
"Plugins extend Joplin with features that are not present by default. Plugins "
"can extend Joplin's editor, viewer, and more."
msgstr ""
"Eklentiler Joplin'in özelliklerini daha da geliştirerek normalde olmayan "
"özellikleri dahil eder. Eklentiler Joplin'in editörü, görüntüleyicisi ve "
"daha fazlasına yeni özellikler katabilir."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1543
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Dikey"
#: packages/app-cli/app/help-utils.js:77
msgid "Possible keys/values:"
msgstr "Mümkün ayarlar/değerler:"
#: packages/app-cli/app/help-utils.js:57
msgid "Possible values: %s."
msgstr "Olası değerler: %s."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:28
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Tercihler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:612
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Tercihler..."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:939
msgid "Preferred dark theme"
msgstr "Tercih edilen koyu renk tema"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:923
msgid "Preferred light theme"
msgstr "Tercih edilen açık renk tema"
#: packages/app-cli/app/app-gui.js:758
msgid "Press Ctrl+D or type \"exit\" to exit the application"
msgstr "Uygulamadan çıkmak için Ctrl + D tuşlarına basın veya \"exit\" yazın"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/ShortcutRecorder.tsx:67
msgid "Press the shortcut"
msgstr "Kısayolu girin"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/ShortcutRecorder.tsx:70
msgid ""
"Press the shortcut and then press ENTER. Or, press BACKSPACE to clear the "
msgstr ""
"Kısayolu girin ve ardından ENTER tuşuna basın. Veya BACKSPACE tuşuna basarak "
"kısayolu temizleyin."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/WarningBanner.tsx:39
msgid "Press to set the decryption password."
msgstr "Şifre çözücü parolayı belirlemek için basın."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:281
msgid "Previous match"
msgstr "Önceki eşleşme"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:365
msgid "Previous versions of this note"
msgstr "Bu notun önceki sürümleri"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/print.ts:7
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Yazdır"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:222
msgid "Priority support"
msgstr "Öncelikli destek"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:613
msgid "Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Gizlilik Politikası"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:369
msgid "Pro"
msgstr "Pro"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:26
msgid "Process failed payment subscriptions"
msgstr "Ödeme hatası almış abonelikleri işle"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:24
msgid "Process oversized accounts"
msgstr "Fazla büyük, şişmiş hesapları işle"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:29
msgid "Process user deletions"
msgstr "Kullancı silmelerini yönet"
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:32
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "İşleniyor"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:254
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileEditor.tsx:96
msgid "Profile name"
msgstr "Profil adı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/addProfile.ts:18
msgid "Profile name:"
msgstr "Profil adı:"
#: packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:78
msgid "Profile Version: %s"
msgstr "Profil sürümü: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:157
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profiller"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1313
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Özellikler"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1683
msgid "Proxy enabled"
msgstr "Proxy etkinleştirildi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1705
msgid "Proxy timeout (seconds)"
msgstr "Proxy zaman aşımı (saniye)"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1693
msgid "Proxy URL"
msgstr "Proxy URL"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:240
msgid "Public-private key pair:"
msgstr "Açık - gizli anahtar çifti:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/showShareNoteDialog.ts:6
msgid "Publish note..."
msgstr "Notu yayımla…"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:212
msgid "Publish Notes"
msgstr "Notları Yayımla"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/SyncWizard/Dialog.tsx:169
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:153
msgid "Publish notes to the internet"
msgstr "Notları İnternet’e yayımla"
#: packages/app-desktop/app.ts:198
#: packages/app-desktop/ElectronAppWrapper.ts:85
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:16
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:405
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Çıkış"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:342
msgid "Re-encrypt data"
msgstr "Verini yeniden şifrele"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:354
msgid "Re-encryption"
msgstr "Yeniden şifreleme"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1462
msgid "Re-upload local data to sync target"
msgstr "Yerel veriyi senkronizasyon sunucusuna yeniden yükle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:456
msgid "Read more about it"
msgstr "Hakkında daha fazlasını oku"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:159
msgid "Read time: %s min"
msgstr "Okuma süresü: %s dk"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:312
msgid "Recipient has accepted the invitation"
msgstr "Alıcı davetiyeyi Kabul etti"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:310
msgid "Recipient has not yet accepted the invitation"
msgstr "Alıcı henüz davetiyeyi Kabul etmedi"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:311
msgid "Recipient has rejected the invitation"
msgstr "Alıcı davetiyeyi reddetti"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:334
msgid "Recipients:"
msgstr "Alıcılar:"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/RecommendedBadge.tsx:70
msgid "Recommended"
msgstr "Önerilen"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:114
msgid "Recommended plugins"
msgstr "Önerilen eklentiler"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:742
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:122
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:165
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:395
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Yenile"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:234
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/onedrive-login.js:121
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/status.tsx:173
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Yenile"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:316
msgid "Regular expression"
msgstr "Düzenli ifade (Regex)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:670
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:183
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/IncomingShareItem.tsx:45
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Reddet"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:92
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Sil"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:96
msgid "Remove tag \"%s\" from all notes?"
msgstr "“%s” etiketi tüm notlardan kaldırılsın mı?"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:98
msgid "Remove this search from the sidebar?"
msgstr "Bu aramayı kenar çubuğundan kaldır?"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/renameFolder.ts:8
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/renameTag.ts:8
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Yeniden adlandır"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/renameFolder.ts:22
msgid "Rename notebook:"
msgstr "Not defterini yeniden adlandır:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/renameTag.ts:22
msgid "Rename tag:"
msgstr "Etiketi yeniden adlandır:"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ren.ts:14
msgid "Renames the given <item> (note or notebook) to <name>."
msgstr "<item> öğesini <name> ile yeniden adlandırır (not veya not defteri)."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:149
msgid "Renew token"
msgstr "Jetonu yenile"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:291
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Değiştir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:301
msgid "Replace all"
msgstr "Tümünü değiştir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:239
msgid "Replace with..."
msgstr "Şununla değiştir..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:260
msgid "Replace: "
msgstr "Değiştir: "
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:162
msgid "Report an issue"
msgstr "Hata bildir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:219
msgid "Report any issues concerning the plugin."
msgstr "Eklenti hakkındaki herhangi bir sorunu paylaşabilirsin."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:224
msgid "Report fraudulent plugin"
msgstr "Sahte, hatalı eklentiyi bildir"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:116
msgid "Report system"
msgstr "Raporlama sistemi"
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:137
msgid "Reports"
msgstr "Raporlar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/resetLayout.ts:7
msgid "Reset application layout"
msgstr "Ugulama görünümünü sıfırla"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MasterPasswordDialog/Dialog.tsx:223
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MasterPasswordDialog/Dialog.tsx:224
msgid "Reset master password"
msgstr "Ana parolayı sıfırla"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1183
msgid "Resize large images:"
msgstr "Büyük resimleri yeniden boyutlandır:"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:54
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:93
msgid "Resources: %d."
msgstr "Kaynaklar: %d."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:641
msgid "Restart and upgrade"
msgstr "Yeniden başlat ve güncelle"
#: packages/app-desktop/ElectronAppWrapper.ts:92
msgid "Restart in safe mode"
msgstr "Güvenli modda yeniden başlat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:796
msgid "Restart now"
msgstr "Şimdi yeniden başlat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/ShortcutRecorder.tsx:79
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteRevisionViewer.tsx:203
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:482
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:484
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1321
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:178
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Geri yükle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/restoreNote.ts:10
msgid "Restore note"
msgstr "Notu geri yükle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/restoreFolder.ts:9
msgid "Restore notebook"
msgstr "Not defterini geri yükle"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-restore.ts:12
msgid "Restore the items matching <pattern> from the trash."
msgstr "Çöp kutusundaki <note-pattern> ile eşleşen notları geri yükler."
#: packages/lib/services/trash/index.ts:88
msgid "Restored items"
msgstr "Geri yüklenen notlar"
#: packages/lib/services/RevisionService.ts:248
msgid "Restored Notes"
msgstr "Geri Yüklenen Notlar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/SearchPlugins.tsx:157
msgid "Results (%d):"
msgstr "Sonuçlar (%d):"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/StatusScreen/StatusScreen.tsx:133
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:112
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/status.tsx:140
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Yeniden dene"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/StatusScreen/StatusScreen.tsx:80
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/status.tsx:134
msgid "Retry All"
msgstr "Tümünü yeniden dene"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/revealResourceFile.ts:8
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:133
msgid "Reveal file in folder"
msgstr "Dosyayı klasörde görüntüle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleNotesSortOrderReverse.ts:8
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1010 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1088
msgid "Reverse sort order"
msgstr "Sıralamayı değiştir"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:30
msgid "Reverses the sorting order."
msgstr "Sıralama düzenini tersine çevirir."
#: packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:61
msgid "Revision: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Sürüm: %s (%s)"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-batch.js:10
msgid ""
"Runs the commands contained in the text file. There should be one command "
"per line."
msgstr ""
"Metin dosyasındaki komutları çalıştırır. Her bir komut ayrı satırda "
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetAmazonS3.js:28
msgid "S3"
msgstr "S3"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:654
msgid "S3 access key"
msgstr "S3 erişim anahtarı"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:611
msgid "S3 bucket"
msgstr "S3 deposu"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:642
msgid "S3 region"
msgstr "S3 bölgesi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:666
msgid "S3 secret key"
msgstr "S3 gizli anahtarı"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:627
msgid "S3 URL"
msgstr "S3 URL"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:628
msgid ""
"Safe mode is currently active. Note rendering and all plugins are "
"temporarily disabled."
msgstr ""
"Güvenli mod şu an aktif. Not görselleştirme ve tüm ekelntiler geçici olarak "
"devre dışı."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:129
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/ShortcutRecorder.tsx:76
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MasterPasswordDialog/Dialog.tsx:224
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:162
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:111
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:224
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Kaydet"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/SelectDateTimeDialog.tsx:149
msgid "Save alarm"
msgstr "Alarm kurun"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:107
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:114
msgid "Save as %s"
msgstr "\"%s\" olarak farklı kaydet"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:94
msgid "Save as..."
msgstr "Farklı kaydet..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:107
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:349
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:268
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:210
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Değişiklikleri kaydet"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:100
msgid "Save changes?"
msgstr "Değişiklikleri kaydedilsin mi?"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1089
msgid "Save geo-location with notes"
msgstr "Coğrafi konumu notlarla kaydedin"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:423
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:797
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginStates.tsx:29
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/search.tsx:171
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Arama"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/SearchPlugins.tsx:119
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/SearchPlugins.tsx:152
msgid "Search for plugins..."
msgstr "Eklentileri ara..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:226
msgid "Search for..."
msgstr "Şunu ara..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:164
msgid "Search hidden"
msgstr "Gizli öğeler içerisinde arama"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListControls/commands/focusSearch.ts:6
msgid "Search in all the notes"
msgstr "Tüm notlarda ara"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/commands/showLocalSearch.ts:7
msgid "Search in current note"
msgstr "Mevcut notta ara"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:164
msgid "Search shown"
msgstr "Görünür öğeler içerisinde arama"
#: packages/app-cli/app/gui/FolderListWidget.ts:56
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Ara:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/KeymapConfigScreen.tsx:167
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/lib/SearchInput/SearchInput.tsx:74
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteSearchBar.tsx:189
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:292
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:798
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Ara..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-search.js:13
msgid "Searches for the given <pattern> in all the notes."
msgstr "Tüm notlarda girilen <pattern> i arar."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1481
msgid "See the pre-release page for more details: %s"
msgstr "Daha fazla ayrıntı için sürüm öncesi sayfasına bakın: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/SyncWizard/Dialog.tsx:198
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Seç"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:50
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:408
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Tümünü seç"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:145
msgid "Select emoji..."
msgstr "Emoji seç..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:149
msgid "Select file..."
msgstr "Dosya seç..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/folder.js:109
msgid "Select parent notebook"
msgstr "Ana not defterini seç"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:351
msgid "Send bug report"
msgstr "Hata raporu gönder"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-server.js:38
msgid "Server is already running on port %d"
msgstr "Sunucu zaten %d portunda çalışıyor"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-server.js:44
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-server.js:47
msgid "Server is not running."
msgstr "Sunucu çalışmıyor."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-server.js:44
msgid "Server is running on port %d"
msgstr "Sunucu %d portunda çalışıyor"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/editAlarm.ts:11
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1252
#: packages/app-mobile/components/SelectDateTimeDialog.tsx:144
msgid "Set alarm"
msgstr "Alarm kur"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/editAlarm.ts:29
msgid "Set alarm:"
msgstr "Alarm kur:"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1403
msgid ""
"Set it to 0 to make it take the complete available space. Recommended width "
"is 600."
msgstr ""
"0 olarak belirtmeniz durumunda tüm uygun boş alanı kullanacaktır. Önerilen "
"genişlik değeri 600."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:635
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:682
msgid "Set the password"
msgstr "Parola belirle"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-set.ts:22
msgid ""
"Sets the property <name> of the given <note> to the given [value]. Possible "
"properties are:\n"
msgstr ""
"<name> özelliğini verilen <note> içinde verilen [value] ile değiştirir. "
"Olası özellikler şunlardır:\n"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:280
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteBodyViewer/hooks/useOnResourceLongPress.ts:41
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:56
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1261
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Paylaş"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/NoteExportButton.tsx:21
msgid ""
"Share a copy of all notes in a file format that can be imported by Joplin on "
"a computer."
msgstr ""
"Tüm notların bir kopyasını Joplin tarafından bir bilgisayara aktarılabilecek "
"bir dosya biçiminde paylaşın."
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:125
msgid "Share a notebook with others"
msgstr "Not defterini başkalarıyla paylaşın"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/AcceptedShareItem.tsx:82
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/IncomingShareItem.tsx:33
msgid "Share from %s (%s)"
msgstr "%s (%s) üzerinden paylaş"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:391
msgid "Share Notebook"
msgstr "Not Defterini Paylaş"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/showShareFolderDialog.ts:6
msgid "Share notebook..."
msgstr "No deferini paylaş..."
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:215
msgid "Share permissions"
msgstr "Paylaşım izinleri"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/index.tsx:107
msgid "Shares"
msgstr "Paylaşım"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:357
msgid "Sharing notebook..."
msgstr "Not paylaşılıyor..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:45
msgid "Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode."
msgstr "CLI modunda kısayollar mevcut değil."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/SearchPanel.tsx:211
msgid "Show advanced"
msgstr "Gelişmiş seçenekleri göster"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/ToggleAdvancedSettingsButton.tsx:19
msgid "Show Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Gelişmiş Seçenekleri Göster"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:242
msgid "Show all"
msgstr "Tümünü göster"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:970
msgid "Show completed to-dos"
msgstr "Tamamlanan yapılacaklar listesini göster"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:206
msgid "Show disabled"
msgstr "İptal olmuşları görüntüle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:160
msgid "Show disabled keys"
msgstr "İnaktif anahtarları görüntüle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/FontSearch.tsx:130
msgid "Show monospace fonts only."
msgstr "Sadece monospace (sabit genişlikteki) yazı tiplerini göster."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/ToggleOverflowButton.tsx:19
msgid "Show more actions"
msgstr "Daha fazla seçenekler kısmını göster"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:952
msgid "Show note counts"
msgstr "Not sayacını göster"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1020
msgid "Show sort order buttons"
msgstr "Not sıralama butonlarını göster"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1295
msgid "Show tray icon"
msgstr "Tepsi simgesini göster"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:307
msgid "Show/hide the sidebar"
msgstr "Kenar çubuğunu göster/gizle"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1184
msgid "Shrink large images before adding them to notes."
msgstr "Büyük resimleri notlara eklemeden önce yeniden boyutlandırır."
#: packages/app-mobile/root.tsx:1137
msgid "Side menu closed"
msgstr "Yan menü kapalı"
#: packages/app-mobile/root.tsx:1137
msgid "Side menu opened"
msgstr "Yan menü açık"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/commands/focusElementSideBar.ts:9
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:306
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Kenar çubuğu"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:104
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boyut"
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:109
msgid "Skip this version"
msgstr "Bu sürümü pas geç"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:67
msgid "Skipped items: %d (use --retry-failed-items to retry decrypting them)"
msgstr ""
"Atlanan öğeler: %d (--retry-failed parametresi ile şifrelemelerini çözmeyi "
"yeniden deneyebilirsiniz)"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:53
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:92
msgid "Skipped: %d."
msgstr "Atlandı: %d."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:434
msgid "Solarised Dark"
msgstr "Koyu Solarize"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:433
msgid "Solarised Light"
msgstr "Açık Solarize"
#: packages/lib/models/settings/settingValidations.ts:21
msgid ""
"Some attachments could not be downloaded. Please try to download them again."
msgstr "Bazı ek dosyalar indirilemedi. Lütfen yeniden indirmeyi deneyin."
#: packages/lib/models/settings/settingValidations.ts:18
msgid ""
"Some attachments need to be downloaded. Set the attachment download mode to "
"\"always\" and try again."
msgstr ""
"Bazı ek dosyaların indirilmesi gerekmekte. Ek dosya indirme biçimini \"her "
"zaman\" olarak seçip yeniden deneyin."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:646
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/WarningBanner.tsx:51
msgid "Some items cannot be decrypted."
msgstr "Bazı öğelerin şifresi çözülemiyor."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:675
msgid "Some items cannot be synchronised."
msgstr "Bazı öğeler senkronize edilemiyor."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/WarningBanner.tsx:42
msgid "Some items cannot be synchronised. Press for more info."
msgstr "Bazı öğeler senkronize edilemiyor. Detayları için tıklayın."
#: packages/lib/models/settings/settingValidations.ts:24
msgid ""
"Some items could not be synchronised. Please try to synchronise them first."
msgstr ""
"Bazı öğeler senkronize edilemiyor. Lütfen ilk olarak bunları senkronize "
"etmeyi deneyin."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1075
msgid "Sort notebooks by"
msgstr "Notları şuna göre sırala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/utils/canManuallySortNotes.ts:10
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:519
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:978
msgid "Sort notes by"
msgstr "Notları sırala"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:138
msgid "Sort selected lines"
msgstr "Seçili satırları sırala"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:29
msgid "Sorts the item by <field> (eg. title, updated_time, created_time)."
msgstr ""
"Öğeyi <field> olarak sıralar (örneğin başlık, güncellenme_zamanı, "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:9
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Kaynak"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:27
msgid "Source format: %s"
msgstr "Kaynak biçimi: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:139
msgid "Source: "
msgstr "Kaynak: "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useOnRenderItem.tsx:398
msgid "Spacer"
msgstr "Ara boşluk"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1720
msgid ""
"Specify the port that should be used by the API server. If not set, a "
"default will be used."
msgstr ""
"API sunucu tarafından kullanılacak portu belirleyiniz. Belirlenmez ise "
"varsayılan bir değer kullanılır."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/showSpellCheckerMenu.ts:11
#: packages/lib/services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerService.ts:218
msgid "Spell checker"
msgstr "Metin doğrulama"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:961 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:963
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:964
msgid "Split View"
msgstr "Görünümü böl"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1310
msgid "Start application minimised in the tray icon"
msgstr "Uygulamayı tepsi simgesinde küçültülmüş olarak başlat"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-server.js:14
msgid ""
"Start, stop or check the API server. To specify on which port it should run, "
"set the api.port config variable. Commands are (%s)."
msgstr ""
"API sunucu kontrolünü başlat, durdur veya kontrol et. Hangi port üzerinden "
"çalışacağını api.port ayar değişkeni ile ayarlayınız. Komutlar (%s)."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-e2ee.ts:58
msgid ""
"Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending "
"on how much there is to decrypt."
msgstr ""
"Şifre çözme başlatılıyor... Çözülecek dosya sayısına bağlı olarak biraz "
"zaman alabilir, lütfen bekleyiniz."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:233
msgid "Starting synchronisation..."
msgstr "Senkronizasyon başlatılıyor..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-edit.ts:76
msgid "Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt."
msgstr ""
"Notu düzenlemeye başlıyorsunuz. Doğrulamaya dönmek için editörü kapamanız "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:164
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "İstatistik"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/showNoteContentProperties.ts:8
msgid "Statistics..."
msgstr "İstatistikler..."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:305
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/status.tsx:171
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Durum"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:87
msgid "Status: %s"
msgstr "Durum: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:81
msgid "Status: Started on port %d"
msgstr "Durum: %d portunda başlatıldı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:123
msgid "Step 1: Enable the clipper service"
msgstr "Adım 1: Alıntılama servisini aktif et"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:82
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/DropboxLoginScreen.tsx:46
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/dropbox-login.js:59
msgid "Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:"
msgstr "1. Adım: Uygulamayı yetkilendirmek için bu URL'i tarayıcınızda açın:"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:84
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/DropboxLoginScreen.tsx:50
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/dropbox-login.js:65
msgid "Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:"
msgstr "Adım 2: Dropbox tarafından sağlanan kodu girin:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:129
msgid "Step 2: Install the extension"
msgstr "Adım 2: Uzantıyı yükleyin"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/toggleExternalEditing.ts:29
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Dur"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/stopExternalEditing.ts:8
msgid "Stop external editing"
msgstr "Dış düzenlemeyi durdur"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:141
msgid "Storage space"
msgstr "Depolama alanı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/setupToolbarButtons.ts:19
msgid "Strikethrough"
msgstr "Ortadan çizgili"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:190
msgid "strong text"
msgstr "kuvvetli metin"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/DropboxLoginScreen.tsx:55
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/dropbox-login.js:68
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Gönder"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/setupToolbarButtons.ts:36
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "Alt Simge"
#: packages/lib/components/shared/config/config-shared.ts:99
msgid "Success! Synchronisation configuration appears to be correct."
msgstr "Başarılı! Senkronizasyon yapılandırması doğru görünüyor."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/TinyMCE/utils/setupToolbarButtons.ts:30
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Üst Simge"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:146
msgid "Swap line down"
msgstr "Satırı aşağıdaki ile değiştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:142
msgid "Swap line up"
msgstr "Satırı yukarıdaki ile değiştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleNoteType.ts:7
msgid "Switch between note and to-do type"
msgstr "Not ve yapılacaklar tipi arasında değişim yap"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:536
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:503
msgid "Switch profile"
msgstr "Profili değiştir"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/utils/NoteListUtils.ts:85
msgid "Switch to note type"
msgstr "Not tipine dönüştür"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/switchProfile1.ts:7
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/switchProfile2.ts:7
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/switchProfile3.ts:7
msgid "Switch to profile %d"
msgstr "%d profiline geç"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/utils/NoteListUtils.ts:94
msgid "Switch to to-do type"
msgstr "Yapılacaklar tipine dönüştür"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-use.ts:12
msgid ""
"Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this "
msgstr ""
"[notebook] not defterine geçer - daha sonraki tüm işlemler bu not defterinde "
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:160
msgid "Sync as many devices as you want"
msgstr "İstediğin kadar cihazı senkronize et"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:557
msgid "Sync Status"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon Durumu"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:321
msgid "Sync status (synced items / total items)"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon durumu (senkronize öğeler / toplam öğeler)"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:271
msgid "Sync target must be upgraded! Run `%s` to proceed."
msgstr ""
"Senkronizasyon hedefinin güncellenmesi gerekmekte. Devam etmek için `%s` "
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/UpgradeSyncTargetScreen.tsx:59
msgid "Sync Target Upgrade"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon Hedefi Güncellemesi"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:41
msgid "Sync to provided target (defaults to sync.target config value)"
msgstr ""
"Sağlanan hedefe senkronize et (varsayılan olarak sync.target değeri "
#: packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:77
msgid "Sync Version: %s"
msgstr "Yeni sürüm: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/SyncWizard/Dialog.tsx:168
msgid "Sync your notes"
msgstr "Notları senkron et"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2840
msgid "Sync, encryption, proxy"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon, şifreleme, proxy"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2801
msgid "Synchronisation"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1502
msgid "Synchronisation interval"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon aralığı"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:150
msgid "Synchronisation is already in progress."
msgstr "Senkronizasyon zaten devam ediyor."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:515
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:234
msgid "Synchronisation Status"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon Durumu"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:472
msgid "Synchronisation target"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon hedefi"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:200
msgid "Synchronisation target: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Senkronizasyon hedefi: %s (%s)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx:27
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:528
#: packages/lib/commands/synchronize.ts:8
msgid "Synchronise"
msgstr "Senkroniza Et"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1522
msgid "Synchronise only over WiFi connection"
msgstr "Sadece WiFi bağlantısı varken senkronize et"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:36
msgid "Synchronises with remote storage."
msgstr "Uzak depolama ile senkronize eder."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:184
msgid "Synchronising..."
msgstr "Senkronize Ediliyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:356
msgid "Synchronizing..."
msgstr "Senkronize Ediliyor..."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1537
msgid "Tabloid"
msgstr "Tablo"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/NoteTagsDialog.tsx:204
msgid "tag1, tag2, ..."
msgstr "etiket1, etiket2, ..."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:55
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:94
msgid "Tagged: %d."
msgstr "Etiket: %d."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/setTags.ts:7
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:10
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Sidebar/hooks/useSidebarListData.ts:77
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1282
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/tags.js:101
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:500
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Etiketler"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1139
msgid "Take photo"
msgstr "Fotoğraf çek"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/NoteExportSection/TaskButton.tsx:72
msgid "Task \"%s\" failed with error: %s"
msgstr "\"%s\" görevi başarısız. Hata mesajı: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useListButtons.ts:32
msgid "Task list"
msgstr "Görevler"
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:129
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:283
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Görevler"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:391
msgid "Teams"
msgstr "Ekipler"
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService.ts:134
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Metin belgesi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1530
msgid "Text editor command"
msgstr "Metin editörü komutu"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:167
msgid ""
"The [Web Clipper](%s) is a browser extension that allows you to save web "
"pages and screenshots from your browser."
msgstr ""
"[Web Alıntılama](%s), tarayıcınızdaki web sayfalarını ve ekran görüntülerini "
"Joplin'e kaydetmenizi sağlar."
#: packages/lib/services/profileConfig/index.ts:106
msgid ""
"The active profile cannot be deleted. Switch to a different profile and try "
msgstr "Profil aktifken silinemez. Bir başka profile geçip yeniden deneyin."
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:476
msgid ""
"The app is now going to close. Please relaunch it to complete the process."
msgstr ""
"Uygulama şimdi kapanacak. İşlemi tamamlamak için lütfen uygulamayı "
"kapandıktan sonar yeniden çalıştırın."
#: packages/app-desktop/app.ts:349
msgid ""
"The application did not close properly. Would you like to start in safe mode?"
msgstr "Uygulama düzgün kapanmadı. Güvenli modda başlatmak ister misiniz?"
#: packages/lib/onedrive-api-node-utils.js:87
msgid ""
"The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab."
msgstr ""
"Uygulama yetkilendirildi - şimdi bu tarayıcı sekmesini kapatabilirsiniz."
#: packages/lib/components/shared/dropbox-login-shared.js:39
msgid "The application has been authorised!"
msgstr "Uygulamaya yetki verildi!"
#: packages/lib/onedrive-api-node-utils.js:89
msgid "The application has been successfully authorised."
msgstr "Uygulama başarıyla yetkilendirildi."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:718
msgid "The application must be restarted for these changes to take effect."
msgstr "Değişikliklerin uygulanabilmesi için uygulama yeniden başlatılmalıdır."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:535
msgid ""
"The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different "
msgstr "Eğer başka bir not'a geçerseniz ek dosyalar artık izlenmeyecek."
#: packages/app-cli/app/app.ts:282
msgid "The command \"%s\" is only available in GUI mode"
msgstr "\"%s\" komutu sadece grafik arayüzünde kullanılabilir"
#: packages/server/src/middleware/notificationHandler.ts:25
msgid ""
"The default admin password is insecure and has not been changed! [Change it "
msgstr ""
"Varsayılan admin parolası güvenli değil ve de henüz güncellenmedi! [Şimdi "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:344
msgid ""
"The default encryption method has been changed to a more secure one and it "
"is recommended that you apply it to your data."
msgstr ""
"Varsayılan şifreleme yolu daha güvenli bir yola güncellendi, bu sebeple tüm "
"verinizi yeniden şifrelemenizi öneriyoruz."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:658
msgid ""
"The default encryption method has been changed, you should re-encrypt your "
msgstr ""
"Varsayılan şifreleme yolu daha güvenli bir yola güncellendi, bu sebeple tüm "
"verinizi yeniden şifrelemelisiniz."
#: packages/lib/services/profileConfig/index.ts:105
msgid "The default profile cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Varsayılan profil silinemez"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1530
msgid ""
"The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. "
"If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor."
msgstr ""
"Editör komutu (argüman içerebilir) not açmak için kullanılacaktır. Eğer "
"sağlanmadıysa, varsayılan düzenleyiciyi otomatik olarak algılamaya çalışır."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1777 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1792
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1807
msgid ""
"The factor property sets how the item will grow or shrink to fit the "
"available space in its container with respect to the other items. Thus an "
"item with a factor of 2 will take twice as much space as an item with a "
"factor of 1.Restart app to see changes."
msgstr ""
"Faktör özelliği, dosyanın diğer dosyaların da ebatına sadık kalarak yeterli "
"alan olduğu sürece hangi değerle büyüyüp ufalacağını tanımlar. Faktör değeri "
"2 olan bir bileşen, faktör değeri 1 olana nazaran 2 kat fazla alan kaplar. "
"Değişiklikleri görmek için uygulamayı yeniden başlatın."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:550
msgid "The following attachment matches your search query:"
msgid_plural "The following attachments match your search query:"
msgstr[0] "Şu ek dosyası sorgunuzla eşleşmekte:"
msgstr[1] "Şu ek dosyaları sorgunuzla eşleşmekte:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:534
msgid "The following attachments are being watched for changes:"
msgstr "Şu ek dosyaları değişiklikler için izlenmekte:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:75
msgid ""
"The following keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is "
"recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded key will still be able to decrypt "
"and encrypt your data as usual."
msgstr ""
"Mevcut anahtarlarınız eski bir şifreleme algoritmasını kullanıyor, bu "
"sebeple güncellenmesi gerekir. Güncellenen şifreleme ahatarları eskisi gibi "
"verinizi şifreleme ve şifre çözmede kullanılacaktır."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:292
msgid "The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s"
msgstr ""
"Joplin mobil uygulaması şu anda bu tür bir bağlantıyı desteklemiyor: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:256
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/RecommendedBadge.tsx:12
msgid ""
"The Joplin team has vetted this plugin and it meets our standards for "
"security and performance."
msgstr ""
"Joplin ekibi bu eklentinin güvenlik ve performans konusunda standartlarını "
"sağladığını beyan eder."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:321
msgid ""
"The keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the "
"application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will "
"eventually be downloaded via synchronisation."
msgstr ""
"Bu kimlikleri olan anahtarlar öğelerinizden bazılarını şifrelemek için "
"kullanılır, ancak uygulama şu anda bunlara erişemez. Büyük olasılıkla "
"senkronizasyon yoluyla indirilmeleri sağlanacaktır."
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:217
msgid "The master key has been upgraded successfully!"
msgstr "Ana anahtar başarıyla güncellendi!"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/encryption-config.tsx:275
msgid ""
"The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, "
"however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely "
"they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation."
msgstr ""
"Bu kimlikleri olan ana anahtarlar öğelerinizden bazılarını şifrelemek için "
"kullanılır, ancak uygulama şu anda bunlara erişemez. Büyük olasılıkla "
"senkronizasyon yoluyla indirilmeleri sağlanacaktır."
#: packages/lib/services/RevisionService.ts:272
msgid "The note \"%s\" has been successfully restored to the notebook \"%s\"."
msgstr "“%s” notu başarılı bir şekilde “%s” not defterine geri yüklendi."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/TrashNotification/TrashNotification.tsx:65
msgid "The note was successfully moved to the trash."
msgid_plural "The notes were successfully moved to the trash."
msgstr[0] "Not başarıyla çöp kutusuna taşındı."
msgstr[1] "Notlar başarıyla çöp kutusuna taşındı."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/TrashNotification/TrashNotification.tsx:63
msgid "The notebook and its content was successfully moved to the trash."
msgstr "Not defteri ve içerikleri başarıyla çöp kutusuna taşındı."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/folder.js:76
msgid "The notebook could not be saved: %s"
msgstr "Not defteri kaydedilemedi: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:73
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:110
msgid "The notes have been imported: %s"
msgstr "Notlar içe aktarıldı: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:74
msgid "The possible commands are:"
msgstr "Kullanılabilir komutlar:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:251
msgid ""
"The recipient could not be removed from the list. Please try again.\n"
"The error was: \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Alıcı listeden çıkarılamadı. Lütfen yeniden deneyin.\n"
"Hata mesajı: \"%s\""
#: packages/lib/models/settings/settingValidations.ts:35
msgid ""
"The sync target cannot be changed for the following reason: %s\n"
"If the issue cannot be resolved, you may need to clear your data first by "
"following these instructions:\n"
msgstr ""
"Senkronizasyon hedef yolu şu sebepten değiştirilemiyor: %s\n"
"Eğer bu sorun çözülemezse, verinizi temizleyip aşağıdaki adımları "
"uygulamanız gerekebilir:\n"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:640
msgid ""
"The sync target needs to be upgraded before Joplin can sync. The operation "
"may take a few minutes to complete and the app needs to be restarted. To "
"proceed please click on the link."
msgstr ""
"Senkronizasyon hedefi'nin Joplin senkronizasyona yeniden başlamadan once "
"güncellenmesi gerekir. Bu işlem notlarınızıın yoğunluğuna göre birkaç dakika "
"sürebilir, ve de bu işlem ardından uygulama yeniden başlatılacaktır. Bu "
"işlemi başlatmak için lütfen linke tıklayın."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/WarningBanner.tsx:45
msgid "The sync target needs to be upgraded. Press this banner to proceed."
msgstr ""
"Senkronizasyon hedefinin güncellenmesi gerekmekte. Devam etmek için bu "
"butona basın."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:634
msgid "The synchronisation password is missing."
msgstr "Senkronizasyon parolası eksik."
#: packages/lib/models/Tag.ts:231
msgid "The tag \"%s\" already exists. Please choose a different name."
msgstr "\"%s\" etiketi mevcut. Lütfen başka isim seçin."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:474
msgid ""
"The target to synchronise to. Each sync target may have additional "
"parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below)."
msgstr ""
"Senkronize edilecek hedef. Her senkronizasyon hedefi, `sync.NUM.NAME` olarak "
"adlandırılan ek parametrelere sahip olabilir (tümü aşağıda belgelenmiştir)."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/Root.tsx:181
msgid "The Web Clipper needs your authorisation to access your data."
msgstr ""
"Web Alıntılayıcısı’nın verinize erişebilmesi için izninize ihtiyacı var."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:75
msgid "The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start."
msgstr ""
"Web alıntılama servisi aktif edildi ve otomatik başlatılması için ayarlandı."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:99
msgid "The web clipper service is not enabled."
msgstr "Web alıntılama servisi aktif edilmedi."
#: packages/lib/utils/webDAVUtils.ts:28
msgid ""
"The WebDAV implementation of %s is incompatible with Joplin, and as such is "
"no longer supported. Please use a different sync method."
msgstr ""
"%s için olan WebDAV implementasyonu Joplin ile uyumlu değil, ce bu sebepten "
"artık desteklenmiyor. Lütfen başka bir senkronizasyon metodu kullanın."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:896
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2839
msgid "Themes, editor font"
msgstr "Temalar, editör yazı tipi"
#: packages/lib/components/shared/NoteList/getEmptyFolderMessage.ts:17
msgid "There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button."
msgstr "Şu anda not yok. (+) butonuna tıklayarak bir tane oluşturun."
#: packages/lib/components/shared/NoteList/getEmptyFolderMessage.ts:9
msgid "There are no notes in the trash folder."
msgstr "Çöp kutusunda not bulunamadı."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:266
msgid "There are unsaved changes."
msgstr "Kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler var."
#: packages/lib/services/interop/InteropService_Exporter_Jex.ts:36
msgid "There is no data to export."
msgstr "Çıkartılacak veri bulunmuyor."
#: packages/lib/models/Resource.ts:510
msgid ""
"There was a [conflict](%s) on the attachment below.\n"
msgstr ""
"Aşağıdaki ek dosya(lar)da (%s) çakışma meydana geldi.\n"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:52
msgid "There was an error downloading this attachment:"
msgstr "Bu eki indirirken bir hata oluştu:"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:237
msgid ""
"These items failed to sync, but have been marked as \"ignored\". They won't "
"cause the sync warning to appear, but still aren't synced. To unignore, "
"click \"retry\"."
msgstr ""
"Öğeler senkronize edilemedi, ama \"yoksayılmış\" olarak işaretlendi. Bu "
"aksiyon hata mesajlarının çıkmasını engelleyecek, ama bu dosyalar hala "
"senkronize edilmeyecek. Eğer yoksayılmayı geri almak istiyorsanız \"yeniden "
"dene\" tuşuna basın."
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:187
msgid ""
"These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync "
"target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID "
"(which is displayed in brackets above)."
msgstr ""
"Bu öğeler cihazda kalacak, ancak senkronize edilmeyecekler. Bu öğeleri "
"bulmak için, başlığı veya kimliği aratın (yukarıdaki parantez içerisinde "
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2824
msgid ""
"These plugins enhance the Markdown renderer with additional features. Please "
"note that, while these features might be useful, they are not standard "
"Markdown and thus most of them will only work in Joplin. Additionally, some "
"of them are *incompatible* with the WYSIWYG editor. If you open a note that "
"uses one of these plugins in that editor, you will lose the plugin "
"formatting. It is indicated below which plugins are compatible or not with "
"the WYSIWYG editor."
msgstr ""
"Bu eklentiler Markdown tipi gösterimi ek özelliklerle iyileştirir. Bu "
"özellikleri kullanırken unutulmamalıdır ki bu özellikler standart Markdown "
"söz dizimine dahil değildir, ve de bunların çoğu sadece Joplin içerisinde "
"çalışacaktır. Buna ek olarak, bu eklentilerin bazıları zengin metin editörü "
"ile *uyumlu değildir*. Eğer zengin metin editörünüzde bu eklentiyi kullanan "
"bir notu açmaya çalışırsanız eklentinin biçimlendirmesini kaybedersiniz. "
"Zengin metin editörünün hangi eklentileri desteklediği altta belirtilmiştir."
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:174
msgid ""
"This allows another user to share a notebook with you, and you can then both "
"collaborate on it. It does not however allow you to share a notebook with "
"someone else, unless you have the feature \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"Bu başka bir kullanıcının sizinle not defterini paylaşabilmesini sağlar, ve "
"de ikinizin de notun içeriğini düzenleyip değiştirebilmenizi sağlar. Lakin "
"bu özellik eğer \"%s\" özelliği yoksa bu notları başka biriyle "
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:150
msgid "This attachment does not have OCR data (Status: %s)"
msgstr "Ek dosyasında OCR verisi bulunamadı (Durum: %s)"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:54
#: packages/lib/services/ResourceEditWatcher/index.ts:234
msgid "This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet"
msgstr "Bu ek henüz indirilmedi veya şifresi çözülmedi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:286
msgid "This attachment is not downloaded or not decrypted yet."
msgstr "Bu ek henüz indirilmedi veya şifrelenmedi."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:146
msgid ""
"This authorisation token is only needed to allow third-party applications to "
"access Joplin."
msgstr ""
"Bu yetkilendirme yalnızca üçüncü taraf uygulamaların Joplin'e erişmesine "
"izin vermek için gereklidir."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:100
msgid "This drawing may have unsaved changes."
msgstr "Çizimde kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler olabilir."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:284
msgid ""
"This is an advanced tool to show the attachments that are linked to your "
"notes. Please be careful when deleting one of them as they cannot be "
"restored afterwards."
msgstr ""
"Bu gelişmiş araç notlarınıza iliştirdiğiniz ek dosyaları görmenizi sağlar. "
"Lütfen bu aracı kullanırken dikkatli olun, çünkü bu dosyalar silinirse "
"sonrasında geri döndürülemez."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:275
msgid "This note could not be deleted: %s"
msgid_plural "These notes could not be deleted: %s"
msgstr[0] "Bu dosya silinemedi: %s"
msgstr[1] "Bu dosyalar silinemedi: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:262
msgid "This note could not be duplicated: %s"
msgid_plural "These notes could not be duplicated: %s"
msgstr[0] "Bu not klonlanamadı: %s"
msgstr[1] "Bu notlar klonlanamadı: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:601
msgid "This note could not be moved: %s"
msgid_plural "These notes could not be moved: %s"
msgstr[0] "Not taşınamadı: %s"
msgstr[1] "Notlar taşınamadı: %s"
#: packages/lib/models/Note.ts:128
msgid "This note does not have geolocation information."
msgstr "Bu not coğrafi konum bilgisine sahip değil."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:210
msgid "This note has been modified:"
msgstr "Bu not değiştirildi:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v5/CodeMirror.tsx:623
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteBody/CodeMirror/v6/CodeMirror.tsx:231
msgid ""
"This note has no content. Click on \"%s\" to toggle the editor and edit the "
msgstr ""
"Bu nota içerik girilmemiş. Editöre geçiş yapıp notu düzenlemek için \"%s\" "
"butonuna tıklayın."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteRevisionViewer.tsx:129
msgid "This note has no history"
msgstr "Bu notun hiç değişiklik geçmişi yok"
#: packages/lib/services/plugins/PluginService.ts:519
msgid "This plugin doesn't support %s."
msgstr "Bu eklenti %s desteklemiyor."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.tsx:455
msgid ""
"This Rich Text editor has a number of limitations and it is recommended to "
"be aware of them before using it."
msgstr ""
"Zengin metin editöründe bazı kısıtlamalar mevcuttur, ve de kullanmadan önce "
"bunun bilincinde olmanızı öneririz."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:124
msgid ""
"This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When "
"enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen "
"to a particular port."
msgstr ""
"Bu hizmet, tarayıcı uzantısının Joplin ile iletişim kurmasını sağlar. "
"Etkinleştirme anında güvenlik duvarınız Joplin’e belirli bir bağlantı "
"portunu dinlemek için izin vermenizi isteyebilir."
#: packages/lib/components/shared/NoteList/getEmptyFolderMessage.ts:11
msgid "This subfolder of the trash has no notes."
msgstr "Çöp kutusunun bu alt klasöründe not bulunmuyor."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1297
msgid ""
"This will allow Joplin to run in the background. It is recommended to enable "
"this setting so that your notes are constantly being synchronised, thus "
"reducing the number of conflicts."
msgstr ""
"Bu Joplin'in arka planda çalışmasına izin verecektir. Bu ayarı "
"etkinleştirmeniz önerilir; böylece notlarınız sürekli olarak eşitlenir, "
"çakışma sayısı azalır."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:151
msgid "This will open a new screen. Save your current changes?"
msgstr "Yeni bir pencere açılacak. Değişiklikler kaydedilsin mi?"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/emptyTrash.ts:14
#: packages/app-mobile/components/side-menu-content.tsx:159
msgid "This will permanently delete all items in the trash. Continue?"
msgstr ""
"Bu işlem çöp kutusundaki tüm öğeleri kalıcı olarak silecek. Devam edilsin mi?"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-rmnote.ts:40
msgid "This will permanently delete the note \"%s\". Continue?"
msgstr "Bu işlem %s notunu kalıcı olarak silecek. Devam edilsin mi?"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/leaveSharedFolder.ts:16
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ShareManager/AcceptedShareItem.tsx:60
msgid ""
"This will remove the notebook from your collection and you will no longer "
"have access to its content. Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Bu işlem not defterini koleksiyonunuzdan kaldıracak, ve de içeriğine artık "
"erişemeyeceksiniz. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:862
msgid "Time format"
msgstr "Zaman biçimi"
#: packages/lib/models/Folder.ts:48 packages/lib/models/Note.ts:59
msgid "title"
msgstr "başlık"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EditFolderDialog/Dialog.tsx:136
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:11
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:5
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:103
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Başlık"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:81
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/DropboxLoginScreen.tsx:45
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/dropbox-login.js:58
msgid ""
"To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:"
msgstr ""
"Joplin'in Dropbox ile senkronize edilmesine izin vermek için lütfen "
"aşağıdaki adımları izleyin:"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:110
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudLoginScreen.tsx:84
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/JoplinCloudLoginScreen.tsx:153
msgid ""
"To allow Joplin to synchronise with Joplin Cloud, please login using this "
msgstr ""
"Joplin'in Joplin Cloud ile senkronize edilmesine izin vermek için lütfen bu "
"linkli kullanarak giriş yapın:"
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:53
msgid "To continue, please enter your master password below."
msgstr "Devam etmek için lütfen aşağıya ana parolanızı girin."
#: packages/app-cli/app/app-gui.js:458
msgid "To delete a tag, untag the associated notes."
msgstr "Bir etiketi silmek için ilişkilendirilmiş notların etiketini kaldırın."
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:331
msgid "To delete: %d"
msgstr "Sil: %d"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:83
msgid "To enter command line mode, press \":\""
msgstr "Komut satırı moduna girmek için \":\" e basın"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:84
msgid "To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE"
msgstr "Komut satırı modundan çıkmak için ESCAPE tuşuna basın"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/utils/canManuallySortNotes.ts:10
msgid ""
"To manually sort the notes, the sort order must be changed to \"%s\" in the "
"menu \"%s\" > \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Notları manuel olarak sıralamak istiyorsanız menüdeki sıoralama ayarı \"%s\" "
"olarak, \"%s\" > \"%s\" yerinden değiştirilmelidir"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:82
msgid "To maximise/minimise the console, press \"tc\"."
msgstr "Konsolu büyütmek/küçültmek için, \"tc\" ye basınız."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:80
msgid "To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab."
msgstr "Bir bölmeden diğerine geçmek için Tab veya Shift+Tab tuşlarına basın."
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-status.js:44
msgid ""
"To retry decryption of these items. Run `e2ee decrypt --retry-failed-items`"
msgstr ""
"Bu notların şifesini çözmeyi yeniden denemek için şu kodu çalıştırın: `e2ee "
"decrypt —retry-failed-items`"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ProfileSwitcher/ProfileSwitcher.tsx:62
msgid ""
"To switch the profile, the app is going to close and you will need to "
"restart it."
msgstr ""
"Profil değiştirmek için uygulama kapanacak, ve de yeniden başlatmanız "
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:594
msgid ""
"To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable "
"them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions"
msgstr ""
"Düzgün çalışması için uygulamanın aşağıdaki izinlere ihtiyacı var. Lütfen "
"bunları telefon ayarlarınızda, Uygulamalar> Joplin> İzinler’de etkinleştirin"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListControls/NoteListControls.tsx:118
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListWrapper/NoteListWrapper.tsx:70
msgid "to-do"
msgstr "yapılacak"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:6
msgid "To-do"
msgstr "Yapılacaklar"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/note-item.js:145
msgid "to-do: %s"
msgstr "yapılacak: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:134
msgid "Toggle comment"
msgstr "Yorumu aç/kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:926
msgid "Toggle development tools"
msgstr "Geliştirici araçlarını aç/kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleVisiblePanes.ts:6
msgid "Toggle editor layout"
msgstr "Editör düzenini aç / kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleEditors.ts:8
msgid "Toggle editors"
msgstr "Editörleri aç / kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/toggleExternalEditing.ts:8
msgid "Toggle external editing"
msgstr "Dış düzenlemeyi aç/kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleMenuBar.ts:7
msgid "Toggle menu bar"
msgstr "Kenar çubuğunu aç / kapat"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2844
msgid "Toggle note history, keep notes for"
msgstr ""
"Not geçmişi özelliğinin durumunu değiştirip, bu not geçmişlerini şu kadar "
"süre tut"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleNoteList.ts:9
msgid "Toggle note list"
msgstr "Not listesini aç/kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/togglePerFolderSortOrder.ts:7
msgid "Toggle own sort order"
msgstr "Kendi Özel sıralamanı aç / kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/commands/toggleSafeMode.ts:8
msgid "Toggle safe mode"
msgstr "Güvenli modu aç / kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleSideBar.ts:9
msgid "Toggle sidebar"
msgstr "Kenar çubuğunu aç / kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/toggleNotesSortOrderField.ts:7
msgid "Toggle sort order field"
msgstr "Sıralama alanine aç / kapat"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ClipperConfigScreen.tsx:33
msgid "Token has been copied to the clipboard!"
msgstr "Anahtar panoya kopyalandı!"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2813
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Araçlar"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:152
msgid "Total Size"
msgstr "Toplam Boyut"
#: packages/lib/services/ReportService.ts:328
msgid "Total: %d/%d"
msgstr "Toplam: %d/%d"
#: packages/lib/services/trash/index.ts:44
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Çöp kutusu"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:324
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/BiometricPopup.tsx:123
msgid "Try again"
msgstr "Yeniden dene"
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:362
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:384
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:406
msgid "Try it now"
msgstr "Şimdi dene"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:72
msgid ""
"Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help "
"all` for the complete usage information."
msgstr ""
"`help [command]` yazarak komutlar hakkında daha fazla bilgiye "
"ulaşabilirsiniz; yada `help all` yazarak tam kullanım bilgisine "
#: packages/app-cli/app/main.js:98
msgid "Type `joplin help` for usage information."
msgstr "Kullanım bilgisi için `joplin help` yazın."
#: packages/app-desktop/plugins/GotoAnything.tsx:651
msgid ""
"Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # followed "
"by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name. Or type : to search for "
msgstr ""
"Geçiş yapmak için not başlığını veya içeriğin bir kısmın yazın. Alternatif "
"olarak # ile etiket ismi ya da @ ile not defteri ismi yazın. Ayrıca : "
"yazarak komutlar içinde arama yapabilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/NoteTagsDialog.tsx:223
msgid "Type new tags or select from list"
msgstr "Yeni etiketler yazın veya listeden seçin"
#: packages/app-cli/app/help-utils.js:56
msgid "Type: %s."
msgstr "Tip: %s."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1001
msgid "Unable to edit resource of type %s"
msgstr "Kaynak tipi %s düzenlenemedi"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/LogScreen.tsx:114
msgid "Unable to share log data. Reason: %s"
msgstr "Loglar dışarı aktarılamadı. Sebep: %s"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:969
msgid "Uncompleted to-dos on top"
msgstr "Tamamlanmamış yap-list yukarıda"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:738
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/editorCommandDeclarations.ts:118
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/ImageEditor/ImageEditor.tsx:164
#: packages/app-mobile/components/ScreenHeader/index.tsx:385
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Geri al"
#: packages/lib/models/settings/settingValidations.ts:32
msgid ""
"Uninstall and reinstall the application. Make sure you create a backup first "
"by exporting all your notes as JEX from the desktop application."
msgstr ""
"Programı kaldırıp yeniden kurun. Bunu yapmadan önce tüm notlarınızı masaüstü "
"uygulamasından JEX biçiminde dışarı aktardığınızdan emin olun."
#: packages/app-desktop/bridge.ts:417
msgid "Unknown file type"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen dosya tipi"
#: packages/lib/utils/processStartFlags.ts:178
msgid "Unknown flag: %s"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen etiket: %s"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:1118
msgid ""
"Unknown item type downloaded - please upgrade Joplin to the latest version"
msgstr ""
"Bilinmeyen tipte bir dosya indirildi - Lütfen Joplin’i en yeni sürüme "
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/MarkdownToolbar/buttons/useListButtons.ts:12
msgid "Unordered list"
msgstr "Dizilmemiş liste"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareNoteDialog.tsx:164
msgid "Unpublish note"
msgstr "Notu paylaşmayı bırak"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:167
msgid "Unshare"
msgstr "Paylaşmayı bırak"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ShareFolderDialog/ShareFolderDialog.tsx:380
msgid ""
"Unshare this notebook? The recipients will no longer have access to its "
msgstr "Not paylaşımı kaldırılsın mı? Alıcı artık not içeriğine erişemeyecek."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:807
msgid "Unsupported image type: %s"
msgstr "Desteklenmeyen resim türü: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/commands/openItem.ts:47
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteRevisionViewer.tsx:172
#: packages/app-mobile/commands/openItem.ts:32
msgid "Unsupported link or message: %s"
msgstr "Desteklenmeyen bağlantı veya mesaj: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:116
#: packages/lib/models/BaseItem.ts:914 packages/lib/path-utils.ts:27
#: packages/lib/path-utils.ts:71
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Başlıksız"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:205
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:172
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Güncelle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginBox/PluginChips.tsx:77
msgid "Update available"
msgstr "Güncelleme mevcut"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:257
#: packages/server/src/routes/index/users.ts:91
msgid "Update profile"
msgstr "Profili güncelle"
#: packages/server/src/services/TaskService.ts:23
msgid "Update total sizes"
msgstr "Toplam ebatı güncelle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:207
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:208
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteListHeader/utils/getColumnTitle.ts:15
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:68
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:171
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Güncellendi"
#: packages/lib/models/Folder.ts:49 packages/lib/models/Note.ts:60
msgid "updated date"
msgstr "güncelleme zamanı"
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:200
msgid "Updated local items: %d."
msgstr "Güncellenen yerel öğeler: %d."
#: packages/lib/Synchronizer.ts:202
msgid "Updated remote items: %d."
msgstr "Güncellenen uzak öğeler: %d."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:140
msgid "Updated: "
msgstr "Güncelleme: "
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-import.ts:52
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ImportScreen.tsx:91
msgid "Updated: %d."
msgstr "Güncellenme: %d."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1102
msgid "Updated: %s"
msgstr "Güncellendi: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginBox.tsx:206
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/PluginInfoModal.tsx:170
msgid "Updating..."
msgstr "Güncelleniyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:80
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Güncelle"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:42
msgid "Upgrade the sync target to the latest version."
msgstr "Senkronizasyon hedefini en son sürüme yükseltin."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NotePropertiesDialog.tsx:72
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/EditLinkDialog.tsx:113
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteEditor/EditLinkDialog.tsx:116
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: packages/lib/utils/processStartFlags.ts:30
#: packages/lib/utils/processStartFlags.ts:43
#: packages/lib/utils/processStartFlags.ts:94
msgid "Usage: %s"
msgstr "Kullanım: %s"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1857
msgid "Use biometrics to secure access to the app"
msgstr "Uygulamaya erişimde güvenliği artırmak için biyometrik kullanımı"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-ls.ts:33 packages/app-cli/app/command-tag.js:18
msgid ""
"Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, "
"TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE"
msgstr ""
"Uzun liste formatını kullan. Format: ID, NOTE_COUNT (not defterleri için), "
"DATE, TODO_CHECKED (yapılacak listesi için), TITLE"
#: packages/lib/services/spellChecker/SpellCheckerService.ts:185
msgid "Use spell checker"
msgstr "Metin doğrulamayı aktifleştir"
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-help.ts:81
msgid ""
"Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas "
"(including this console)."
msgstr ""
"Liste ve metin alanlarında kaydırma için ok tuşları ve page up/down "
"tuşlarını kullanınız (bu konsol da dahil)."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:901
msgid "Use the arrows to move the layout items. Press \"Escape\" to exit."
msgstr ""
"Yön oklarını kullanarak görünüm elemanlarını dizebilirsiniz. Çıkmak için "
"“Escape” tuşuna basabilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:559
msgid ""
"Use this to rebuild the search index if there is a problem with search. It "
"may take a long time depending on the number of notes."
msgstr ""
"Arama ile ilgili bir sorun olduğunda bunu kullanın. Not sayısına göre bu "
"işlem uzun sürebilir."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/BiometricPopup.tsx:83
msgid ""
"Use your biometrics to secure access to your application. You can always set "
"it up later in Settings."
msgstr ""
"Biyometriğinizi kullanarak uygulamaya güvenli bir biçimde giriş "
"yapabilirsiniz. Bu ayarı dilediğiniz zaman Ayarlar kısmından sonra da "
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1384
msgid ""
"Used for most text in the markdown editor. If not found, a generic "
"proportional (variable width) font is used."
msgstr ""
"Markdown metin düzenleyicilerde pek çok metinde kullanılır. Bu değer "
"bulunamazsa, genişliği karakterlerce değişebilen jenerik bir font "
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1397
msgid ""
"Used where a fixed width font is needed to lay out text legibly (e.g. "
"tables, checkboxes, code). If not found, a generic monospace (fixed width) "
"font is used."
msgstr ""
"Sabit bir metin uzunluğu gerektiren yerlerde (örn: tablolar, doğrulama "
"kutucukları, kod vs.) kullanılır. Eğer bulunamazsa jenerik ve monospace olan "
"bir font kullanılacak."
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:125
msgid "User deletions"
msgstr "Kullancı silmeleri"
#: packages/server/src/routes/admin/users.ts:197
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:121
#: packages/server/src/services/MustacheService.ts:280
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Kullanıcılar"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:171
msgid "Valid"
msgstr "Geçerli"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/biometrics/biometricAuthenticate.ts:10
msgid "Verify your identity"
msgstr "Kimliğini doğrula"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteList/utils/canManuallySortNotes.ts:10
msgid "View"
msgstr "Görüntüle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteEditor/utils/contextMenu.ts:141
msgid "View OCR text"
msgstr "OCR metnini görüntüle"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1106
msgid "View on map"
msgstr "Haritada gör"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:647
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:653
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MainScreen/MainScreen.tsx:676
msgid "View them now"
msgstr "Şimdi görüntüle"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:145
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:961 packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:962
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:964
msgid "Viewer"
msgstr "Görünteleyici"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1573
msgid "Vim"
msgstr "Vim"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1909
msgid "Voice typing language files (URL)"
msgstr "Sesle yazım dil dosyaları (URL)"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:1271
#: packages/app-mobile/components/voiceTyping/VoiceTypingDialog.tsx:119
msgid "Voice typing..."
msgstr "Sesle yazılıyor..."
#: packages/lib/services/joplinCloudUtils.ts:27
msgid "Waiting for authorisation..."
msgstr "Yetkilendirme için bekleniyor..."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:227
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/ConfigScreen.tsx:120
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Uyarı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ResourceScreen.tsx:302
msgid "Warning: not all resources shown for performance reasons (limit: %s)."
msgstr "Uyarı: performans sebebi ile tüm kaynaklar görüntülenmedi (limit: %s)."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:116
msgid "We have a system for reporting and removing problematic plugins."
msgstr ""
"Sorunlu eklentilerin raporlama ve kaldırılması için bir sistemimiz mevcut."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:114
msgid ""
"We mark plugins developed by trusted Joplin community members as "
msgstr ""
"Joplin topluluğundaki güvenilir geliştiricilerin geliştirdiği eklentileri "
"\"önerilen\" olarak işaretiliyoruz."
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:2810
#: packages/lib/utils/joplinCloud/index.ts:166
msgid "Web Clipper"
msgstr "Web Alıntılayıcısı"
#: packages/lib/SyncTargetWebDAV.js:24
msgid "WebDAV"
msgstr "WebDAV"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:591
msgid "WebDAV password"
msgstr "WebDAV şifresi"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:566
msgid "WebDAV URL"
msgstr "WebDAV URL"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:579
msgid "WebDAV username"
msgstr "WebDAV kullanıcı adı"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/KeymapConfig/utils/getLabel.ts:20
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:904
msgid "Website and documentation"
msgstr "Web sitesi ve dökümanlar"
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/getVersionInfoText.ts:13
msgid "WebView package: %s"
msgstr "WebView paketi: %s"
#: packages/app-mobile/utils/getVersionInfoText.ts:12
msgid "WebView version: %s"
msgstr "WebView sürümü: %s"
#: packages/app-cli/app/gui/NoteWidget.js:36
msgid ""
"Welcome to Joplin!\n"
"Type `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` "
"for usage information.\n"
"For example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`."
msgstr ""
"Joplin'e Hoş Geldiniz!\n"
"Klavye kısayollarının listesi için `:help shortcuts` yazın veya kullanım "
"bilgileri için sadece `:help` yazın.\n"
"Örneğin, bir not defteri oluşturmak için `mb`; Bir not oluşturmak için `mn` "
"tuşuna basın."
#: packages/lib/WelcomeUtils.ts:63
msgid "Welcome!"
msgstr "Hoş Geldiniz!"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/plugins/EnablePluginSupportPage.tsx:100
msgid "What are plugins?"
msgstr "Eklenti nedir?"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1166
msgid "When creating a new note:"
msgstr "Yeni bir not oluştururken:"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:1149
msgid "When creating a new to-do:"
msgstr "Yeni bir yapılacak oluşturulurken:"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:882
msgid ""
"When enabled, the application will scan your attachments and extract the "
"text from it. This will allow you to search for text in these attachments."
msgstr ""
"Eğer bu özellik aktifleştirilirse, uygulama iliştirilen ek dosyaları "
"tarayarak içindeki metinleri ayıklayacak. Bu sayede bu metinler üzerinden de "
"arama yapabileceksiniz."
#: packages/app-desktop/ElectronAppWrapper.ts:184
msgid "Window unresponsive."
msgstr "Pencere tepkisiz, cevap vermiyor."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/NoteContentPropertiesDialog.tsx:105
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Kelime"
#: packages/app-cli/app/setupCommand.ts:23
msgid "y"
msgstr "h"
#: packages/app-cli/app/cli-utils.js:177
#: packages/app-cli/app/setupCommand.ts:23
msgid "Y"
msgstr "E"
#: packages/lib/models/Setting.ts:417
msgid "yes"
msgstr "evet"
#: packages/app-desktop/services/plugins/UserWebviewDialogButtonBar.tsx:31
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:746
#: packages/lib/shim-init-node.ts:256 packages/lib/versionInfo.ts:79
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Evet"
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/Note.tsx:745
#: packages/lib/shim-init-node.ts:255
msgid ""
"You are about to attach a large image (%dx%d pixels). Would you like to "
"resize it down to %d pixels before attaching it?"
msgstr ""
"Büyük (%dx%d piksel) bir resim iliştirmek üzeresiniz. Bu resmi iliştirmeden "
"önce %d piksel ebatına yeniden boyutlandırmak ister misiniz?"
#: packages/lib/services/joplinCloudUtils.ts:45
msgid "You are logged in into Joplin Cloud, you can leave this screen now."
msgstr "Joplin Cloud'a giriş yaptınız, şimdi ekranı kapatabilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/NoteList.tsx:98
msgid "You currently have no notebooks."
msgstr "Şuan bir note defteriniz yok."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/ConfigScreen/controls/plugins/PluginsStates.tsx:284
msgid "You do not have any installed plugin."
msgstr "Herhangi bir yüklü eklentiniz bulunmamakta."
#: packages/app-cli/app/gui/NoteWidget.js:50
msgid "You may also type `status` for more information."
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi için `durum` yazabilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:344
msgid ""
"You may use the tool below to re-encrypt your data, for example if you know "
"that some of your notes are encrypted with an obsolete encryption method."
msgstr ""
"Bu aracı kullanarak verinizi yeniden şifreleyebilirsiniz. Bu metodu örneğin "
"bazı notlarınızın eski bir şifreleme metoduyla şifrelendiği zamanlarda "
#: packages/lib/services/joplinCloudUtils.ts:53
msgid ""
"You were unable to connect to Joplin Cloud. Please check your credentials "
"and try again. Error:"
msgstr ""
"Joplin Cloud'a bağlanılamadı. Lütfen giriş bilgilerinizi control ederek "
"yeniden deneyin. Hata Mesajı:"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/JoplinCloudConfigScreen.tsx:55
#: packages/app-mobile/components/screens/ConfigScreen/JoplinCloudConfig.tsx:70
msgid "Your account doesn't have access to this feature"
msgstr "Hesabınızın bu özelliğe erişimi yok"
#: packages/app-cli/app/cli-utils.js:160
msgid "Your choice: "
msgstr "Seçiminiz: "
#: packages/lib/components/EncryptionConfigScreen/utils.ts:70
msgid "Your data is going to be re-encrypted and synced again."
msgstr "Veriniz yeniden şifrelenecek ve senkron edilecek."
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/EncryptionConfigScreen/EncryptionConfigScreen.tsx:259
msgid "Your password is needed to decrypt some of your data."
msgstr ""
"Verilerinizin bir kısmının şifrelemesinin çözülmesi için parolanız "
#: packages/app-cli/app/command-sync.ts:262
msgid ""
"Your password is needed to decrypt some of your data. Type `:e2ee decrypt` "
"to set it."
msgstr ""
"Verilerinizin bir kısmının şifrelelemesinin çözülmesi için ana parolanız "
"gerekmektedir. `:e2ee decrypt` yazarak ayarlayabilirsiniz."
#: packages/app-mobile/components/CameraView.tsx:193
msgid "Your permission to use your camera is required."
msgstr "Kamera kullanımı için izniniz gerekmektedir."
#: packages/app-desktop/checkForUpdates.ts:108
msgid "Your version: %s"
msgstr "Sürümünüz: %s"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:827
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:833
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Yakınlaştır"
#: packages/app-desktop/gui/MenuBar.tsx:840
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Uzaklaştır"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Browse and install community plugins."
#~ msgstr "Tüm eklentilere göz at"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Install new plugins"
#~ msgstr "Tüm eklentilere göz at"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Installed plugins"
#~ msgstr "Yüklendi"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Search plugins"
#~ msgstr "Eklentileri ara..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "You currently have %d plugin installed."
#~ msgid_plural "You currently have %d plugins installed."
#~ msgstr[0] "Şuan bir note defteriniz yok."
#~ msgstr[1] "Şuan bir note defteriniz yok."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Incoming shares"
#~ msgstr "Yaklaşan alarmlar"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Leave share"
#~ msgstr "Değişiklikleri kaydet"
#~ msgid "Loading plugin repository..."
#~ msgstr "Eklenti depo sunucusu yükleniyor..."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No description"
#~ msgstr "Link açıklaması"
#~ msgid "Folders"
#~ msgstr "Klasörler"
#~ msgid "Database v%s"
#~ msgstr "Veritabanı v%s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \"New "
#~ "notebook\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Şu anda defter yok. \"Yeni not defteri\" üzerine tıklayarak bir tane "
#~ "oluşturun."
#~ msgid "Unable to export or share data. Reason: %s"
#~ msgstr "Veri dışarı akataılamadı veya paylaşılamadı. Sebep: %s"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Warnings:\n"
#~ "%s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Uyarı:\n"
#~ "%s"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "To allow Joplin to synchronise with Joplin Cloud, open this URL in your "
#~ "browser to authorise the application:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "1. Adım: Uygulamayı yetkilendirmek için bu URL'i tarayıcınızda açın:"
#~ msgid "Delete note?"
#~ msgstr "Notu sil?"
#~ msgid "Joplin Cloud email"
#~ msgstr "Joplin Cloud e-posta"
#~ msgid "Joplin Cloud password"
#~ msgstr "Joplin Sunucusu parola"
#~ msgid "Login"
#~ msgstr "Giriş"
#~ msgid "Login below."
#~ msgstr "Aşağıdan giriş yapabilirsiniz."
#~ msgid "Or create an account."
#~ msgstr "Ya da yeni bir hesap oluştur."
#~ msgid "Thank you! Your Joplin Cloud account is now setup and ready to use."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Teşekkürler! Joplin Cloud hesabınız başarıyla oluşuruldu ve artık "
#~ "kullanıma hazır."
#~ msgid "Logs"
#~ msgstr "Kayıtlar"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%s: Missing password"
#~ msgstr "Ana parola"
#~ msgid "Share and collaborate on a notebook"
#~ msgstr "Bir not defteri paylaş ve üstünde ortak düzenlemeler yap"
#~ msgid "Sharing access control"
#~ msgstr "Paylaşım erişim kontrolü"
#~ msgid "Voice typing"
#~ msgstr "Sesle yazılıyor"
#~ msgid "Encrypted notebooks cannot be renamed"
#~ msgstr "Şifrelenmiş not defterleri yeniden adlandırılamaz"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Changes have been saved"
#~ msgstr "Not kaydedildi."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create KaTeX region"
#~ msgstr "Kullanıcı oluştur"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create link"
#~ msgstr "Oluştur"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create task list"
#~ msgstr "Yeni bir not defteri oluşturur"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove KaTeX region"
#~ msgstr "Kullanıcı oluştur"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unitalic"
#~ msgstr "İtalik"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Bold text"
#~ msgstr "Kalın"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Edit Link"
#~ msgstr "Not defterini düzenle"
#~ msgid "Insert Date Time"
#~ msgstr "Tarih Ekle"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Italicize"
#~ msgstr "İtalik"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Save as SVG"
#~ msgstr "Farklı kaydet..."
#~ msgid "Please click on \"%s\" to proceed"
#~ msgstr "Lütfen devam etmek için \"%s\" tuşuna basın"
#~ msgid "Automatically update the application"
#~ msgstr "Uygulamayı otomatik olarak güncelle"
#~ msgid "Notebook title:"
#~ msgstr "Not defteri başlığı:"
#~ msgid "AWS S3"
#~ msgstr "AWS S3"
#~ msgid "Master keys that need upgrading"
#~ msgstr "Ana anahtarların güncellenmesi lazım"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The following master keys use an out-dated encryption algorithm and it is "
#~ "recommended to upgrade them. The upgraded master key will still be able "
#~ "to decrypt and encrypt your data as usual."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mevcut ana anahtarlarınız eski bir şifreleme algoritmasını kullanıyor, bu "
#~ "sebeple güncellenmesi gerekir. Güncellenen ana şifreleme ahatarları "
#~ "eskisi gibi verinizi şifreleme ve şifre çözmede kullanılacaktır."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to "
#~ "be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target. Do not lose the "
#~ "password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to "
#~ "decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Şifrelemeyi aktif etmek *tüm* notlarınızın ve eklerinizin yeniden "
#~ "senkronize edileceği ve senkronizasyon hedefine şifrelenmiş olarak "
#~ "gönderileceği anlamına gelir. Şifrenizi kaybetmeyin, verilerinizin "
#~ "şifresini çözmenin \"*tek yolu* bu şifreyi girmek olacaktır. Şifrelemeyi "
#~ "etkinleştirmek için lütfen parolanızı aşağıya girin."
#~ msgid "Master Keys"
#~ msgstr "Ana Anahtarlar"
#~ msgid "Password OK"
#~ msgstr "Şifre OK"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Note: Only one master key is going to be used for encryption (the one "
#~ "marked as \"active\"). Any of the keys might be used for decryption, "
#~ "depending on how the notes or notebooks were originally encrypted."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Not: Şifreleme için yalnızca bir ana anahtar kullanılacaktır (\"etkin\" "
#~ "olarak işaretlenmiş olan). Notların veya not defterlerinin orijinal "
#~ "olarak nasıl şifrelendiğine bağlı olarak, anahtarlardan herhangi biri "
#~ "şifre çözme amacıyla kullanılabilir."
#~ msgid "Encryption is:"
#~ msgstr "Şifreleme:"
#, javascript-format
#~ msgid "Encryption will be enabled using the master key created on %s"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Şifreleme %s anında oluşmuş ana anahtar kullanılarak aktifleştirilecek"
#, javascript-format
#~ msgid "%s %s (%s)"
#~ msgstr "%s %s (%s)"
#~ msgid "Insert template"
#~ msgstr "Taslak Ekle"
#~ msgid "Template file:"
#~ msgstr "Taslak dosyası:"
#~ msgid "Create note from template"
#~ msgstr "Taslaktan not oluştur"
#~ msgid "Create to-do from template"
#~ msgstr "Taslaktan yapılacaklar listesi oluştur"
#~ msgid "Open template directory"
#~ msgstr "Taslak dizinini aç"
#~ msgid "Refresh templates"
#~ msgstr "Taslakları güncelle"
#~ msgid "Templates"
#~ msgstr "Şablonlar"
#~ msgid "Share Notes"
#~ msgstr "Notları Paylaş"
#~ msgid "Joplin Server Directory"
#~ msgstr "Joplin Sunucusu Dizini"
#~ msgid "Joplin Server username"
#~ msgstr "Joplin Sunucusu kullanıcı adı"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "marked text"
#~ msgstr "vurgulanan metin"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Mark"
#~ msgstr "Düzenleme"
#~ msgid "Full Release Notes"
#~ msgstr "Sürüm Notlarının Tamamı"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If the font is incorrect or empty, it will default to a generic monospace "
#~ "font."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bu yazı tipi *monospace* olmalıdır, aksi halde bazı karakterler düzgün "
#~ "çıkmayacak. Yazı tipi yanlış seçilmiş veya boş bırakılmışsa, varsayılan "
#~ "monospace yazı tipi kullanılacaktır."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This should be a *monospace* font or some elements will render "
#~ "incorrectly. If the font is incorrect or empty, it will default to a "
#~ "generic monospace font."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bu yazı tipi *monospace* olmalıdır, aksi halde bazı karakterler düzgün "
#~ "çıkmayacak. Yazı tipi yanlış seçilmiş veya boş bırakılmışsa, varsayılan "
#~ "monospace yazı tipi kullanılacaktır."
#~ msgid "Unknown"
#~ msgstr "Bilinmeyen"
#~ msgid "Checking..."
#~ msgstr "Kontrol ediliyor..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The Joplin Nextcloud App is either not installed or misconfigured. Please "
#~ "see the full error message below:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Joplin Nextcloud Uygulaması yüklenmemiş ya da yanlış konfigüre edilmiş. "
#~ "Lütfen aşağıdaki hata mesajını inceleyin:"
#~ msgid "Show Log"
#~ msgstr "Günlüğü Göster"
#~ msgid "Joplin Nextcloud App status:"
#~ msgstr "Joplin Nextcloud Uygulaması durumu:"
#~ msgid "Check Status"
#~ msgstr "Durumu Kontrol Et"
#~ msgid "OneDrive Dev (For testing only)"
#~ msgstr "OneDrive Dev (yalnızca test için)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Type a note title or part of its content to jump to it. Or type # "
#~ "followed by a tag name, or @ followed by a notebook name."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Geçiş yapmak için not başlığını veya içeriğin bir kısmın yazın. "
#~ "Alternatif olarak # ile etiket ismi ya da @ ile not defteri ismi yazın."
#~ msgid "Name"
#~ msgstr "İsim"
#~ msgid "Notebook properties"
#~ msgstr "Not defteri özellikleri"
#~ msgid "emphasized text"
#~ msgstr "vurgulanan metin"
#~ msgid "Click to stop external editing"
#~ msgstr "Dış düzenlemeyi durdurmak için tıklayın"
#~ msgid "Content Properties"
#~ msgstr "İçerik Özellikleri"
#~ msgid "Please create a notebook first."
#~ msgstr "Lütfen önce bir not defteri oluşturun."
#~ msgid "Usage"
#~ msgstr "Kullanım"
#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Çıkış"
#~ msgid "Confirm"
#~ msgstr "Onayla"
#~ msgid "Attach any file"
#~ msgstr "Herhangi bir dosya ekle"
#~ msgid "An unexpected error occured while importing the keymap!"
#~ msgstr "Tuş dizimini içe aktarırken bir hata oluştu!"
#~ msgid "Unknown log level: %s"
#~ msgstr "Bilinmeyen log seviyesi: %s"
#~ msgid "Unknown level ID: %s"
#~ msgstr "Bilinmeyen ID seviyesi: %s"
#~ msgid "Synchronize"
#~ msgstr "Senkronize Et"
#~ msgid "Error loading the keymap from file: %s"
#~ msgstr "%s dosyasından tuş haritası yüklenemedi"
#~ msgid "Error saving the keymap to file: %s"
#~ msgstr "%s dosyasına tuş haritası kaydedilemedi"
#~ msgid "Keymap item %s is invalid because %s is not a valid command."
#~ msgstr "%s tuş haritası geçersizdir, çünkü %s geçerli bir komut değildir."
#~ msgid "Keymap item %s is missing the required \"accelerator\" property."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s tuş haritası, işlemler için gerekli olan \"accelerator\" özelliğini "
#~ "barındırmıyor."
#~ msgid "Keymap item %s is invalid because %s is not a valid accelerator."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%s tuş haritası geçersizdir, çünkü %s geçerli bir accelerator değildir."
#~ msgid "Json Export Directory"
#~ msgstr "Json Dışa Aktarım Dizini"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This item is currently encrypted: %s \"%s\". Please wait for all items to "
#~ "be decrypted and try again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bu öğe şu anda şifreli: %s \"%s\". Lütfen tüm öğelerin şifresinin "
#~ "çözülmesini bekleyin ve tekrar deneyin."
#~ msgid "Remove tag \"%s\" and its descendant tags from all notes?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "“%s” etiketi ve ona bağlı diğer etiketler tüm notlardan kaldırılsın mı?"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Could not synchronise with OneDrive.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "This error often happens when using OneDrive for Business, which "
#~ "unfortunately cannot be supported.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please consider using a regular OneDrive account."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "OneDrive ile senkronize edilemedi.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Ne yazık ki bu hata genelde desteklenemeyen OneDrive İş'i kullanırken "
#~ "meydana gelir.\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "Lütfen normal bir OneDrive hesabı kullanmayı deneyin."
#~ msgid "Use CodeMirror as the code editor (WARNING: BETA)."
#~ msgstr "Metin düzenleyici olarak CodeMirror kulan (UYARI: BETA)."
#~ msgid "Cannot move tag to this location."
#~ msgstr "Etiket bu konuma taşınamıyor."
#~ msgid "Tag name cannot start or end with a `/`."
#~ msgstr "Etiket ismi `/` karakteri ile bitemez."
#~ msgid "Tag name cannot contain `//`."
#~ msgstr "Etiket ismi `//` karakterini içeremez."
#~ msgid "Add or remove tags"
#~ msgstr "Etiket ekle veya kaldır"
#~ msgid "Front"
#~ msgstr "Ön"
#~ msgid "Split"
#~ msgstr "Ayrıştır"
#~ msgid "Resources"
#~ msgstr "Kaynaklar"
#~ msgid "Global zoom percentage"
#~ msgstr "Global yakınlaştırma yüzdesi"
#~ msgid "Synchronisation is already in progress. State: %s"
#~ msgstr "Senkronizasyon zaten devam ediyor. Durum: %s"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Confirm master password:"
#~ msgstr "Ana şifreyi girin:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Confirm password"
#~ msgstr "Ana şifreyi girin:"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Missing required argument: note"
#~ msgstr "Gerekli argüman eksik gözüküyor: %s"
#~ msgid "Synchronisation status"
#~ msgstr "Senkronizasyon durumu"
#~ msgid "General Options"
#~ msgstr "Genel seçenekler"
#~ msgid "Encryption options"
#~ msgstr "Şifreleme seçenekleri"
#~ msgid "Encryption Options"
#~ msgstr "Şifreleme Seçenekleri"
#~ msgid "Clipper Options"
#~ msgstr "Alıntılama Seçenekleri"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Permission to write to external storage"
#~ msgstr "Kamera kullanımı için izin"
#~ msgid "Cancel synchronisation"
#~ msgstr "Senkronizasyonu iptal et"
#~ msgid "Show metadata"
#~ msgstr "Metadata'yı göster"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Click on the (+) button to create a new note or notebook. Click on the "
#~ "side menu to access your existing notebooks."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Yeni bir not veya not defteri oluşturmak için (+) düğmesine tıklayın. "
#~ "Mevcut not defterlerinize erişmek için yandaki menüye tıklayın."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You currently have no notebook. Create one by clicking on (+) button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Şu anda not defteriniz yok. (+) butonuna tıklayarak bir tane oluşturun."
#~ msgid "Separate each tag by a comma."
#~ msgstr "Her etiketi virgülle ayırın."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The path to synchronise with when file system synchronisation is enabled. "
#~ "See `sync.target`."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dosya sistemi senkronizasyonu etkinleştirildiğinde senkronize edilecek "
#~ "yol. Bakınız `sync.target`."