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synced 2025-03-03 15:32:30 +02:00
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{"To delete a tag, untag the associated notes.":"タグを削除するには、関連するノートからタグを外してください。","Please select the note or notebook to be deleted first.":"ます削除するノートかノートブックを選択してください。","Press Ctrl+D or type \"exit\" to exit the application":"アプリケーションを終了するには、Ctrl+Dまたは\"exit\"と入力してください","More than one item match \"%s\". Please narrow down your query.":"一つ以上のアイテムが\"%s\"に一致しました。クエリを絞るようにしてください。","No notebook selected.":"ノートブックが選択されていません。","No notebook has been specified.":"ノートブックが選択されていません。","Y":"","n":"","N":"","y":"","Cancelling background synchronisation... Please wait.":"バックグラウンド同期を中止中… しばらくお待ちください。","No such command: %s":"コマンドが違います:%s","The command \"%s\" is only available in GUI mode":"コマンド \"%s\"は、GUIのみで有効です。","Cannot change encrypted item":"","Missing required argument: %s":"引数が足りません:%s","%s: %s":"","Your choice: ":"選択:","Invalid answer: %s":"無効な入力:%s","Attaches the given file to the note.":"選択されたファイルをノートに添付","Cannot find \"%s\".":"\"%s\"は見つかりませんでした。","Displays the given note.":"選択されたノートを表示","Displays the complete information about note.":"ノートに関するすべての情報を表示","Gets or sets a config value. If [value] is not provided, it will show the value of [name]. If neither [name] nor [value] is provided, it will list the current configuration.":"設定を行います。[value]がない場合は、[name]で示された設定項目の値を表示します。両方とも指定されていない場合は、現在の設定のリストを表示します。","Also displays unset and hidden config variables.":"未設定または非表示の設定項目も表示します。","%s = %s (%s)":"","%s = %s":"","Duplicates the notes matching <note> to [notebook]. If no notebook is specified the note is duplicated in the current notebook.":"<note>に一致するノートを[notebook]に複製します。[notebook]が指定されていない場合は、現在のノートブックに複製を行います。","Marks a to-do as done.":"ToDoを完了として","Note is not a to-do: \"%s\"":"ノートはToDoリストではありません:\"%s\"","Manages E2EE configuration. Commands are `enable`, `disable`, `decrypt`, `status` and `target-status`.":"","Enter master password:":"","Operation cancelled":"","Starting decryption... Please wait as it may take several minutes depending on how much there is to decrypt.":"","Completed decryption.":"","Enabled":"Enabled","Disabled":"無効","Encryption is: %s":"","Edit note.":"ノートを編集する。","No text editor is defined. Please set it using `config editor <editor-path>`":"テキストエディタが設定されていません。`config editor <editor-path>`で設定を行ってください。","No active notebook.":"有効なbノートブックがありません。","Note does not exist: \"%s\". Create it?":"\"%s\"というノートはありません。お作りいたしますか?","Starting to edit note. Close the editor to get back to the prompt.":"ノートの編集の開始。エディタを閉じると元の画面に戻ることが出来ます。","Error opening note in editor: %s":"","Note has been saved.":"ノートは保存されました。","Exits the application.":"アプリケーションの終了。","Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.":"Exports Joplin data to the given path. By default, it will export the complete database including notebooks, notes, tags and resources.","Destination format: %s":"Destination format: %s","Exports only the given note.":"選択されたノートのみを出力する。","Exports only the given notebook.":"選択されたノートブックのみを出力する。","Displays a geolocation URL for the note.":"ノートの位置情報URLを表示する。","Displays usage information.":"使い方を表示する。","For information on how to customise the shortcuts please visit %s":"","Shortcuts are not available in CLI mode.":"CLIモードではショートカットは使用できません。","Type `help [command]` for more information about a command; or type `help all` for the complete usage information.":"コマンドのさらなる情報は、`help [command]`で見ることが出来ます;または、`help all`ですべての使用方法の情報を表示できます。","The possible commands are:":"有効なコマンドは:","In any command, a note or notebook can be referred to by title or ID, or using the shortcuts `$n` or `$b` for, respectively, the currently selected note or notebook. `$c` can be used to refer to the currently selected item.":"すべてのコマンドで、ノートまたはノートブックは、題名またはID、または選択中の物はそれぞれショートカット`$n`または`$b`で指定できます。`$c`で選択中のアイテムを参照できます。","To move from one pane to another, press Tab or Shift+Tab.":"ペイン間を移動するには、TabかShift+Tabをおしてください。","Use the arrows and page up/down to scroll the lists and text areas (including this console).":"リストや入力エリアの移動には矢印キーまたはPage Up/Downを使用します。","To maximise/minimise the console, press \"tc\".":"To maximise/minimise the console, press \"tc\".","To enter command line mode, press \":\"":"コマンドラインモードに入るには、\":\"を入力してください。","To exit command line mode, press ESCAPE":"コマンドラインモードを終了するには、ESCキーを押してください。","For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`":"For the list of keyboard shortcuts and config options, type `help keymap`","Imports data into Joplin.":"","Source format: %s":"Source format: %s","Do not ask for confirmation.":"確認を行わない。","Found: %d.":"見つかりました:%d","Created: %d.":"作成しました:%d","Updated: %d.":"アップデートしました:%d","Skipped: %d.":"スキップしました:%d","Resources: %d.":"リソース:%d","Tagged: %d.":"タグ付き:%d","Importing notes...":"ノートのインポート…","The notes have been imported: %s":"ノートはインポートされました:%s","Displays the notes in the current notebook. Use `ls /` to display the list of notebooks.":"現在のノートブック中のノートを表示します。ノートブックのリストを表示するには、`ls /`と入力してください。","Displays only the first top <num> notes.":"上位 <num>件のノートを表示する。","Sorts the item by <field> (eg. title, updated_time, created_time).":"アイテムを<field>で並び替え (例: title, updated_time, created_time).","Reverses the sorting order.":"逆順に並び替える。","Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-ttd` would display notes and to-dos.":"Displays only the items of the specific type(s). Can be `n` for notes, `t` for to-dos, or `nt` for notes and to-dos (eg. `-tt` would display only the to-dos, while `-ttd` would display notes and to-dos.","Either \"text\" or \"json\"":"\"text\"または\"json\"のどちらか","Use long list format. Format is ID, NOTE_COUNT (for notebook), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (for to-dos), TITLE":"長い形式のリストフォーマットを使用します。フォーマットは:ID, NOTE_COUNT (ノートブックのみ), DATE, TODO_CHECKED (ToDoのみ), TITLE","Please select a notebook first.":"ますはノートブックを選択して下さい。","Creates a new notebook.":"あたらしいノートブックを作成します。","Creates a new note.":"あたらしいノートを作成します。","Notes can only be created within a notebook.":"ノートは、ノートブック内のみで作ることが出来ます。","Creates a new to-do.":"新しいToDoを作成します。","Moves the notes matching <note> to [notebook].":"<note>に一致するアイテムを、[notebook]に移動します。","Renames the given <item> (note or notebook) to <name>.":"<item> (ノートまたはノートブック)の名前を、<name>に変更します。","Deletes the given notebook.":"指定されたノートブックを削除します。","Deletes the notebook without asking for confirmation.":"ノートブックを確認なしで削除します。","Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.":"Delete notebook? All notes and sub-notebooks within this notebook will also be deleted.","Deletes the notes matching <note-pattern>.":"<note-pattern>に一致するノートを削除する。","Deletes the notes without asking for confirmation.":"ノートを確認なしで削除します。","%d notes match this pattern. Delete them?":"%d個のノートが一致しました。削除しますか?","Delete note?":"ノートを削除しますか?","Searches for the given <pattern> in all the notes.":"指定された<pattern>をすべてのノートから検索する。","Sets the property <name> of the given <note> to the given [value]. Possible properties are:\n\n%s":"<note>のプロパティ<name> を、指示された[value]に設定します。有効なプロパティは:\n\n%s","Displays summary about the notes and notebooks.":"ノートとノートブックのサマリを表示します。","Synchronises with remote storage.":"リモート保存領域と同期します。","Sync to provided target (defaults to sync.target config value)":"指定のターゲットと同期します。(標準: sync.targetの設定値)","Authentication was not completed (did not receive an authentication token).":"認証は完了していません(認証トークンが得られませんでした)","To allow Joplin to synchronise with Dropbox, please follow the steps below:":"","Step 1: Open this URL in your browser to authorise the application:":"","Step 2: Enter the code provided by Dropbox:":"","Not authentified with %s. Please provide any missing credentials.":"","Synchronisation is already in progress.":"同期はすでに実行中です。","Lock file is already being hold. If you know that no synchronisation is taking place, you may delete the lock file at \"%s\" and resume the operation.":"ロックファイルがすでに保持されています。同期作業が行われていない場合は、\"%s\"にあるロックファイルを削除して、作業を再度行ってください。","Synchronisation target: %s (%s)":"同期先: %s (%s)","Cannot initialize synchroniser.":"同期プロセスを初期化できませんでした。","Starting synchronisation...":"同期を開始中...","Cancelling... Please wait.":"中止中...お待ちください。","<tag-command> can be \"add\", \"remove\" or \"list\" to assign or remove [tag] from [note], or to list the notes associated with [tag]. The command `tag list` can be used to list all the tags.":"<tag-command> は\"add\", \"remove\", \"list\"のいずれかで、指定したノートからタグをつけたり外したり出来ます。`tag list`で、すべてのタグを見ることが出来ます。","Invalid command: \"%s\"":"無効な命令: \"%s\"","<todo-command> can either be \"toggle\" or \"clear\". Use \"toggle\" to toggle the given to-do between completed and uncompleted state (If the target is a regular note it will be converted to a to-do). Use \"clear\" to convert the to-do back to a regular note.":"<todo-command>は、\"toggle\"または\"clear\"を指定できます。\"toggle\"を指定すると、指定したToDoの完了済み/未完を反転できます。指定したノートが通常のノートであれば、ToDoに変換されます。\"clear\"を指定すると、ToDoを通常のノートに変換できます。","Marks a to-do as non-completed.":"ToDoを未完としてマーク","Switches to [notebook] - all further operations will happen within this notebook.":"ノートブック [notebook]に切り替え - これ以降の作業は、指定のノートブック内で行われます。","Displays version information":"バージョン情報の表示","%s %s (%s)":"","Enum":"列挙","Type: %s.":"種類: %s.","Possible values: %s.":"取り得る値: %s.","Default: %s":"規定値: %s","Possible keys/values:":"取り得るキーバリュー: ","Type `joplin help` for usage information.":"Type `joplin help` for usage information.","Fatal error:":"致命的なエラー: ","The application has been authorised - you may now close this browser tab.":"アプリケーションは認証されました - ブラウザを閉じて頂いてかまいません。","The application has been successfully authorised.":"アプリケーションは問題なく認証されました。","Please open the following URL in your browser to authenticate the application. The application will create a directory in \"Apps/Joplin\" and will only read and write files in this directory. It will have no access to any files outside this directory nor to any other personal data. No data will be shared with any third party.":"このアプリケーションを認証するためには下記のURLをブラウザで開いてください。アプリケーションは\"Apps/Joplin\"フォルダを作成し、その中のファイルのみを読み書きします。あなたの個人的なファイルや、ディレクトリ外のファイルにはアクセスしません。第三者にデータが共有されることもありません。","Search:":"検索: ","Welcome to Joplin!\n\nType `:help shortcuts` for the list of keyboard shortcuts, or just `:help` for usage information.\n\nFor example, to create a notebook press `mb`; to create a note press `mn`.":"Joplinへようこそ!\n\n`:help shortcuts`と入力することで、キーボードショートカットのリストを見ることが出来ます。また、`:help`で使い方を確認できます。\n\n例えば、ノートブックの作成には`mb`で出来、ノートの作成は`mn`で行うことが出来ます。","One or more items are currently encrypted and you may need to supply a master password. To do so please type `e2ee decrypt`. If you have already supplied the password, the encrypted items are being decrypted in the background and will be available soon.":"","Exporting to \"%s\" as \"%s\" format. Please wait...":"","Importing from \"%s\" as \"%s\" format. Please wait...":"","PDF File":"PDF File","File":"ファイル","New note":"新しいノート","New to-do":"新しいToDo","New notebook":"新しいノートブック","Import":"インポート","Export":"Export","Print":"","Hide %s":"","Quit":"終了","Edit":"編集","Copy":"コピー","Cut":"切り取り","Paste":"貼り付け","Bold":"","Italic":"","Insert Date Time":"","Edit in external editor":"","Search in all the notes":"すべてのノートを検索","View":"","Toggle sidebar":"","Toggle editor layout":"","Tools":"ツール","Synchronisation status":"同期状況","Web clipper options":"","Encryption options":"","General Options":"General Options","Help":"ヘルプ","Website and documentation":"Webサイトとドキュメント","Make a donation":"Make a donation","Check for updates...":"","About Joplin":"Joplinについて","%s %s (%s, %s)":"","Open %s":"","Exit":"","OK":"","Cancel":"キャンセル","Current version is up-to-date.":"","An update is available, do you want to download it now?":"","Yes":"","No":"","The web clipper service is enabled and set to auto-start.":"","Status: Started on port %d":"","Status: %s":"Status: %s","Disable Web Clipper Service":"","The web clipper service is not enabled.":"","Enable Web Clipper Service":"","Joplin Web Clipper allows saving web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.":"","In order to use the web clipper, you need to do the following:":"","Step 1: Enable the clipper service":"","This service allows the browser extension to communicate with Joplin. When enabling it your firewall may ask you to give permission to Joplin to listen to a particular port.":"","Step 2: Install the extension":"","Download and install the relevant extension for your browser:":"","Check synchronisation configuration":"Check synchronisation configuration","Notes and settings are stored in: %s":"ノートと設定は、%sに保存されます。","Apply":"","Submit":"","Save":"保存","Disabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent unencrypted to the sync target. Do you wish to continue?":"","Enabling encryption means *all* your notes and attachments are going to be re-synchronised and sent encrypted to the sync target. Do not lose the password as, for security purposes, this will be the *only* way to decrypt the data! To enable encryption, please enter your password below.":"","Disable encryption":"","Enable encryption":"","Master Keys":"","Active":"アクティブ","ID":"","Source":"","Created":"Created","Updated":"Updated","Password":"","Password OK":"","Note: Only one master key is going to be used for encryption (the one marked as \"active\"). Any of the keys might be used for decryption, depending on how the notes or notebooks were originally encrypted.":"注意:\"active\"に指定されたマスターキーのみが暗号化に使用されます。暗号化に使用されたキーの応じて、すべてのキーが暗号解除のために使用されます。","Missing Master Keys":"","The master keys with these IDs are used to encrypt some of your items, however the application does not currently have access to them. It is likely they will eventually be downloaded via synchronisation.":"","For more information about End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) and advices on how to enable it please check the documentation:":"","Status":"状態","Encryption is:":"","Back":"戻る","New notebook \"%s\" will be created and file \"%s\" will be imported into it":"\"%s\"という名前の新しいノートブックが作成され、ファイル\"%s\"がインポートされます。","Please create a notebook first.":"ますはノートブックを作成して下さい。","Please create a notebook first":"ますはノートブックを作成して下さい。","Notebook title:":"ノートブックの題名:","Add or remove tags:":"タグの追加・削除:","Separate each tag by a comma.":"それぞれのタグをカンマ(,)で区切ってください。","Rename notebook:":"ノートブックの名前を変更:","Rename tag:":"Rename tag:","Set alarm:":"アラームをセット:","Layout":"レイアウト","Search...":"Search...","Some items cannot be synchronised.":"いくつかの項目は同期されませんでした。","View them now":"今すぐ表示","Some items cannot be decrypted.":"Some items cannot be decrypted.","Set the password":"","Add or remove tags":"タグの追加・削除","Duplicate":"","%s - Copy":"%s - Copy","Switch between note and to-do type":"ノートとToDoを切り替え","Copy Markdown link":"","Delete":"削除","Delete notes?":"ノートを削除しますか?","No notes in here. Create one by clicking on \"New note\".":"ノートがありません。新しいノートを作成して下さい。","There is currently no notebook. Create one by clicking on \"New notebook\".":"ノートブックがありません。新しいノートブックを作成してください。","Open...":"","This file could not be opened: %s":"This file could not be opened: %s","Save as...":"Save as...","Copy path to clipboard":"","Copy Link Address":"","Unsupported link or message: %s":"","This note has no content. Click on \"%s\" to toggle the editor and edit the note.":"","strong text":"","emphasized text":"","List item":"","Insert Hyperlink":"","Attach file":"ファイルを添付","Tags":"タグ","Set alarm":"アラームをセット","In: %s":"","Hyperlink":"","Code":"","Numbered List":"","Bulleted List":"","Checkbox":"","Heading":"","Horizontal Rule":"","Click to stop external editing":"","Watching...":"Watching...","to-do":"to-do","note":"note","Creating new %s...":"Creating new %s...","Refresh":"更新","Clear":"クリア","OneDrive Login":"OneDriveログイン","Dropbox Login":"","Options":"オプション","Synchronisation Status":"同期状況","Encryption Options":"","Clipper Options":"Clipper Options","Remove this tag from all the notes?":"すべてのノートからこのタグを削除しますか?","Remove this search from the sidebar?":"サイドバーからこの検索を削除しますか?","Rename":"名前の変更","Synchronise":"同期","Notebooks":"ノートブック","Please select where the sync status should be exported to":"同期状況の出力先を選択してください","Usage: %s":"使用方法: %s","Unknown flag: %s":"不明なフラグ: %s","Dropbox":"","File system":"ファイルシステム","Nextcloud":"","OneDrive":"","OneDrive Dev (For testing only)":"","WebDAV":"","Unknown log level: %s":"","Unknown level ID: %s":"","Cannot refresh token: authentication data is missing. Starting the synchronisation again may fix the problem.":"トークンの更新が出来ませんでした。認証データがありません。同期を再度行うことで解決することがあります。","Could not synchronize with OneDrive.\n\nThis error often happens when using OneDrive for Business, which unfortunately cannot be supported.\n\nPlease consider using a regular OneDrive account.":"OneDriveと同期できませんでした。\n\nOneDrive for Business(未サポート)を使用中はこのエラーが起こることがあります。\n\n通常のOneDriveアカウントの使用をご検討ください。","Cannot access %s":"%sにアクセスできません","Created local items: %d.":"ローカルアイテムの作成: %d.","Updated local items: %d.":"ローカルアイテムの更新: %d.","Created remote items: %d.":"リモートアイテムの作成: %d.","Updated remote items: %d.":"リモートアイテムの更新: %d.","Deleted local items: %d.":"ローカルアイテムの削除: %d.","Deleted remote items: %d.":"リモートアイテムの削除: %d.","Fetched items: %d/%d.":"Fetched items: %d/%d.","State: %s.":"State: %s.","Cancelling...":"中止中...","Completed: %s":"完了: %s","Last error: %s":"Last error: %s","Idle":"","In progress":"","Synchronisation is already in progress. State: %s":"同期作業はすでに実行中です。状態: %s","Encrypted":"","Encrypted items cannot be modified":"Encrypted items cannot be modified","Conflicts":"衝突","Cannot move notebook to this location":"Cannot move notebook to this location","A notebook with this title already exists: \"%s\"":"\"%s\"という名前のノートブックはすでに存在しています。","Notebooks cannot be named \"%s\", which is a reserved title.":"\"%s\"と言う名前はシステムで使用するために予約済みです。名前の変更が出来ません。","title":"title","updated date":"updated date","created date":"created date","Untitled":"名称未設定","This note does not have geolocation information.":"このノートには位置情報がありません。","Cannot copy note to \"%s\" notebook":"ノートをノートブック \"%s\"にコピーできませんでした。","Cannot move note to \"%s\" notebook":"ノートをノートブック \"%s\"に移動できませんでした。","Language":"言語","Date format":"日付の形式","Time format":"時刻の形式","Theme":"テーマ","Light":"明るい","Dark":"暗い","Uncompleted to-dos on top":"Uncompleted to-dos on top","Show completed to-dos":"Show completed to-dos","Sort notes by":"","Reverse sort order":"Reverse sort order","Save geo-location with notes":"ノートに位置情報を保存","When creating a new to-do:":"When creating a new to-do:","Focus title":"Focus title","Focus body":"","When creating a new note:":"When creating a new note:","Show tray icon":"","Note: Does not work in all desktop environments.":"","Global zoom percentage":"","Editor font family":"","This must be *monospace* font or it will not work properly. If the font is incorrect or empty, it will default to a generic monospace font.":"","Automatically update the application":"アプリケーションの自動更新","Synchronisation interval":"同期間隔","%d minutes":"%d 分","%d hour":"%d 時間","%d hours":"%d 時間","Text editor command":"Text editor command","The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.":"The editor command (may include arguments) that will be used to open a note. If none is provided it will try to auto-detect the default editor.","Show advanced options":"詳細な設定の表示","Synchronisation target":"同期先","The target to synchonise to. Each sync target may have additional parameters which are named as `sync.NUM.NAME` (all documented below).":"","Directory to synchronise with (absolute path)":"同期先のディレクトリ(絶対パス)","The path to synchronise with when file system synchronisation is enabled. See `sync.target`.":"ファイルシステム同期の有効時に同期を行うパスです。`sync.target`も参考にしてください。","Nextcloud WebDAV URL":"","Nextcloud username":"","Nextcloud password":"","WebDAV URL":"","WebDAV username":"","WebDAV password":"","Custom TLS certificates":"","Comma-separated list of paths to directories to load the certificates from, or path to individual cert files. For example: /my/cert_dir, /other/custom.pem. Note that if you make changes to the TLS settings, you must save your changes before clicking on \"Check synchronisation configuration\".":"","Ignore TLS certificate errors":"","Invalid option value: \"%s\". Possible values are: %s.":"無効な設定値: \"%s\"。有効な値は: %sです。","Joplin Export File":"Joplin Export File","Markdown":"","Joplin Export Directory":"","Evernote Export File":"Evernote Export File","Directory":"","Cannot load \"%s\" module for format \"%s\"":"","Please specify import format for %s":"","This item is currently encrypted: %s \"%s\". Please wait for all items to be decrypted and try again.":"","There is no data to export.":"","Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.":"Please specify the notebook where the notes should be imported to.","Items that cannot be synchronised":"同期が出来なかったアイテム","%s (%s): %s":"","These items will remain on the device but will not be uploaded to the sync target. In order to find these items, either search for the title or the ID (which is displayed in brackets above).":"","Sync status (synced items / total items)":"同期状況 (同期済/総数)","%s: %d/%d":"","Total: %d/%d":"総数: %d/%d","Conflicted: %d":"衝突: %d","To delete: %d":"削除予定: %d","Folders":"フォルダ","%s: %d notes":"%s: %d ノート","Coming alarms":"時間のきたアラーム","On %s: %s":"","There are currently no notes. Create one by clicking on the (+) button.":"ノートがありません。(+)ボタンを押して新しいノートを作成してください。","Delete these notes?":"ノートを削除しますか?","Log":"ログ","Export Debug Report":"デバッグレポートの出力","Encryption Config":"","Configuration":"設定","Move to notebook...":"ノートブックへ移動...","Move %d notes to notebook \"%s\"?":"%d個のノートを\"%s\"に移動しますか?","Press to set the decryption password.":"","Save alarm":"Save alarm","Select date":"日付の選択","Confirm":"確認","Cancel synchronisation":"同期の中止","Decrypting items: %d/%d":"Decrypting items: %d/%d","New tags:":"","Type new tags or select from list":"","To work correctly, the app needs the following permissions. Please enable them in your phone settings, in Apps > Joplin > Permissions":"","- Storage: to allow attaching files to notes and to enable filesystem synchronisation.":"","- Camera: to allow taking a picture and attaching it to a note.":"","- Location: to allow attaching geo-location information to a note.":"","Joplin website":"","Login with Dropbox":"Login with Dropbox","Master Key %s":"","Created: %s":"Created: %s","Password:":"","Password cannot be empty":"","Enable":"Enable","The notebook could not be saved: %s":"ノートブックは保存できませんでした:%s","Edit notebook":"ノートブックの編集","Show all":"","Errors only":"","This note has been modified:":"ノートは変更されています:","Save changes":"変更を保存","Discard changes":"変更を破棄","No item with ID %s":"","The Joplin mobile app does not currently support this type of link: %s":"","Unsupported image type: %s":"サポートされていないイメージ形式: %s.","Attach photo":"写真を添付","Attach any file":"ファイルを添付","Share":"","Convert to note":"ノートに変換","Convert to todo":"ToDoに変換","Hide metadata":"メタデータを隠す","Show metadata":"メタデータを表示","View on map":"地図上に表示","Delete notebook":"ノートブックを削除","Login with OneDrive":"OneDriveログイン","Search":"検索","Click on the (+) button to create a new note or notebook. Click on the side menu to access your existing notebooks.":"(+)ボタンを押してノートやノートブックを作成してください。サイドメニューからあなたのノートブックにアクセスが出来ます。","You currently have no notebook. Create one by clicking on (+) button.":"ノートブックがありません。(+)をクリックして新しいノートブックを作成してください。","Welcome":"ようこそ"} |