mirror of https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons.git synced 2025-02-04 01:53:43 +02:00
Alexandre Paradis a253682eb8
Add some icons in Readme (#4816)
* Add some icons in Readme

* Align icons at left

* Add some more icons

* Remove inline image

- Use relative icons path

* Format Third Party Extensions
 as a table

* force website build

* added readme-icons foler with icons for the readme.md file, as well as icons for light and dark modes in the readme.md titles

* restored corrupted svgs for readme-icons

* moved the icons to asset/readme, added icons for Drawio, Hexo and Jetpack Compose

* - Use `develop` branch absolutified links for README images
- Strip dark image theme links before publish to Github and npm
- Clean third party extensions table

* Commit to tag (ony inside master branch)

* Fix differences in README

* Reintroduce link in README logo

* Drop uneeded newline from README

* Fix error in README

* Add newlines for SVGs

* Newlines for all SVGs

* Reuse black icons from library

* Commit using Github Actions bot

* Reuse diagrams.net library icon for white version

* Fix comment

* Bump 'strip-gh-theme-links' action to v2

* removed assets/readme icons

* Test with 'fill=white'

* Test with 'style="fill:white"'

* added filter:invert(1) to PHP, TS, Simple Icons and Blender

* added readme-icons test, changed the name of light icons in assets/readme

* reloaded icons in Readme

* fixed typo in iconsPath for readme-icons test

* fixed typo on the darkiconsPath resolution

* restored absolute paths

* minimized the white icons on assets/readme

* restored test scripts

* Apply changes

* Disable color output testing in CI

* Revert latest change

Co-authored-by: Eric Cornelissen <ericornelissen@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Álvaro Mondéjar <mondejar1994@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jorge Amado Soria Ramirez <darksoul.uci@gmail.com>
2022-01-09 15:04:36 -06:00

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1.1 KiB

<svg fill="white" role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>PHP</title><path d="M7.01 10.207h-.944l-.515 2.648h.838c.556 0 .97-.105 1.242-.314.272-.21.455-.559.55-1.049.092-.47.05-.802-.124-.995-.175-.193-.523-.29-1.047-.29zM12 5.688C5.373 5.688 0 8.514 0 12s5.373 6.313 12 6.313S24 15.486 24 12c0-3.486-5.373-6.312-12-6.312zm-3.26 7.451c-.261.25-.575.438-.917.551-.336.108-.765.164-1.285.164H5.357l-.327 1.681H3.652l1.23-6.326h2.65c.797 0 1.378.209 1.744.628.366.418.476 1.002.33 1.752a2.836 2.836 0 0 1-.305.847c-.143.255-.33.49-.561.703zm4.024.715l.543-2.799c.063-.318.039-.536-.068-.651-.107-.116-.336-.174-.687-.174H11.46l-.704 3.625H9.388l1.23-6.327h1.367l-.327 1.682h1.218c.767 0 1.295.134 1.586.401s.378.7.263 1.299l-.572 2.944h-1.389zm7.597-2.265a2.782 2.782 0 0 1-.305.847c-.143.255-.33.49-.561.703a2.44 2.44 0 0 1-.917.551c-.336.108-.765.164-1.286.164h-1.18l-.327 1.682h-1.378l1.23-6.326h2.649c.797 0 1.378.209 1.744.628.366.417.477 1.001.331 1.751zM17.766 10.207h-.943l-.516 2.648h.838c.557 0 .971-.105 1.242-.314.272-.21.455-.559.551-1.049.092-.47.049-.802-.125-.995s-.524-.29-1.047-.29z"/></svg>