2013-01-12 10:02:20 +03:00
"name": "video.js",
2020-06-05 19:11:38 +02:00
"description": "An HTML5 video player that supports HLS and DASH with a common API and skin.",
2021-03-12 19:54:24 +02:00
"version": "7.11.7",
2017-05-26 01:40:35 +02:00
"main": "./dist/video.cjs.js",
2018-07-03 18:04:41 +02:00
"module": "./dist/video.es.js",
2016-08-17 23:16:41 +02:00
"style": "./dist/video-js.css",
2015-03-12 20:23:47 +02:00
"copyright": "Copyright Brightcove, Inc. <https://www.brightcove.com/>",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
2014-02-15 03:52:48 +03:00
"keywords": [
2020-06-19 20:39:36 +02:00
2020-06-05 19:11:38 +02:00
2015-08-03 21:19:36 +02:00
2014-02-15 03:52:48 +03:00
2015-08-03 21:19:36 +02:00
2014-02-15 03:52:48 +03:00
2018-08-10 21:13:32 +02:00
"homepage": "https://videojs.com",
2013-01-12 10:02:20 +03:00
"author": "Steve Heffernan",
"scripts": {
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"sandbox": "node build/sandbox.js",
"prestart": "npm-run-all sandbox",
"start": "npm-run-all -p watch karma-server",
2019-08-07 22:06:14 +02:00
"clean": "shx rm -rf ./dist ./test/dist ./docs/api ./lang/zh-Han*.json",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"postclean": "shx mkdir -p ./dist/lang ./test/dist",
"changelog": "conventional-changelog -p videojs -i CHANGELOG.md -s",
"build": "npm-run-all build-dev minify copy zip",
"build-dev": "npm-run-all clean lint-errors build:js build:css build:lang build:test",
"build:test": "npm-run-all build:test:*",
"build:test:a11y": "shx cp sandbox/descriptions.html.example sandbox/descriptions.test-a11y.html",
"build:test:browserify": "browserify test/require/browserify.js -o test/dist/browserify.js",
"build:test:webpack": "webpack --hide-modules test/require/webpack.js test/dist/webpack.js",
"copy": "npm-run-all copy:*",
"copy:fonts": "shx cp -R node_modules/videojs-font/fonts dist/font",
"copy:examples": "shx cp -R docs/examples dist/",
"build:js": "rollup -c",
"build:css": "npm-run-all build:css:*",
2019-12-02 21:14:18 +02:00
"build:css:cdn": "sass --load-path='./' --no-source-map src/css/vjs-cdn.scss dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"postbuild:css:cdn": "postcss --verbose --config postcss.config.js -d dist/alt dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css",
2019-12-02 21:14:18 +02:00
"build:css:default": "sass --load-path='./' --no-source-map src/css/vjs.scss dist/video-js.css",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"postbuild:css:default": "postcss --verbose --config postcss.config.js -d dist/ dist/video-js.css",
2019-08-07 22:06:14 +02:00
"prebuild:lang": "npm-run-all -s prebuild:lang:*",
"prebuild:lang:chinese-s": "shx cp lang/zh-CN.json lang/zh-Hans.json",
"prebuild:lang:chinese-t": "shx cp lang/zh-TW.json lang/zh-Hant.json",
"build:lang": "vjslang --dir dist/lang",
"postbuild:lang": "shx cp -R lang/* dist/lang/",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"minify": "npm-run-all minify:*",
2019-08-30 20:14:53 +02:00
"minify:js": "node build/minify.js",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"minify:css": "npm-run-all minify:css:*",
"minify:css:cdn": "cleancss dist/alt/video-js-cdn.css -o dist/alt/video-js-cdn.min.css",
"minify:css:default": "cleancss dist/video-js.css -o dist/video-js.min.css",
2018-10-25 21:45:08 +02:00
"watch": "npm-run-all -p watch:*",
2019-07-31 17:54:41 +02:00
"watch:lang": "chokidar --initial 'lang/**/!(zh-Hans|zh-Hant)*.json' -c 'npm run build:lang'",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"watch:rollup": "rollup -c -w --no-progress",
2019-04-29 18:01:37 +02:00
"watch:css": "npm-run-all -p build:css:default build:css:cdn watch:css:*",
2019-06-17 23:31:32 +02:00
"watch:css:default": "npm run build:css:default -- --watch",
"watch:css:cdn": "npm run build:css:cdn -- --watch",
2017-05-26 01:40:35 +02:00
"assets": "node build/assets.js",
2016-07-25 15:49:38 +02:00
"lint": "vjsstandard",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"lint-errors": "vjsstandard --errors",
2018-10-31 17:01:30 +02:00
"karma-server": "karma start test/karma.conf.js --singleRun=false --auto-watch",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"pretest": "npm run build-dev",
"test": "npm-run-all -p test:*",
"test:node-require": "node test/require/node.js",
"test:a11y": "node build/test-a11y.js",
"test:unit": "karma start test/karma.conf.js",
"docs": "npm-run-all clean docs:lint docs:api",
2017-01-24 18:26:39 +02:00
"docs:api": "jsdoc -c .jsdoc.json",
2017-03-21 23:13:06 +02:00
"postdocs:api": "node ./build/fix-api-docs.js",
2018-01-30 20:26:21 +02:00
"docs:lint": "remark -- './{,!(node_modules)/**/}!(CHANGELOG)*.md'",
"docs:fix": "remark --output -- './{,!(node_modules)/**/}!(CHANGELOG)*.md'",
2018-11-30 23:37:29 +02:00
"docs:lang": "node build/translations.js",
2021-01-20 01:47:48 +02:00
"netlify": "node ./build/netlify.js",
"netlify-docs": "node ./build/netlify-docs.js",
2018-10-11 23:29:06 +02:00
"prepublishOnly": "run-p build",
2017-07-14 20:21:07 +02:00
"publish": "node build/gh-release.js",
2019-08-30 20:14:53 +02:00
"version": "is-prerelease || npm run changelog && git add CHANGELOG.md",
2018-11-16 19:28:44 +02:00
"zip": "cd dist && cross-env bestzip \"./video-js-${npm_package_version}.zip\" * && cd .."
2013-01-12 10:02:20 +03:00
"repository": {
"type": "git",
2014-02-19 00:31:18 +03:00
"url": "https://github.com/videojs/video.js.git"
2013-01-12 10:02:20 +03:00
2014-01-24 02:44:52 +03:00
"dependencies": {
2020-03-24 17:04:01 +02:00
"@babel/runtime": "^7.9.2",
2021-03-12 19:42:23 +02:00
"@videojs/http-streaming": "2.6.4",
2019-11-19 23:03:03 +02:00
"@videojs/xhr": "2.5.1",
2017-05-11 23:52:30 +02:00
"global": "4.3.2",
feat: add hotkeys support ("m", "f", "k", and Space) (#5571)
Extend keyboard support for the SeekBar, and pass unhandled keydown events from components back to the player.
Switch from raw keycodes to the keycode module.
Using `userActions.hotkeys`, which can either be a function to match the hotkeys plugin, or an object with properties like `fullscreenKey`, see the documentation for more info.
This is currently off by default, we will consider turning it on by default in the future, see #5765.
Fixes #4048, fixes #3022.
2019-01-25 21:10:29 +02:00
"keycode": "^2.2.0",
2021-03-09 18:41:01 +02:00
"remove": "^0.1.5",
2021-03-05 20:13:13 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-replace": "^2.2.0",
2016-06-01 20:30:44 +02:00
"safe-json-parse": "4.0.0",
2019-06-18 22:42:02 +02:00
"videojs-font": "3.2.0",
2019-12-02 21:13:08 +02:00
"videojs-vtt.js": "^0.15.2"
2014-01-24 02:44:52 +03:00
2013-01-12 10:02:20 +03:00
"devDependencies": {
2020-03-24 17:04:01 +02:00
"@babel/core": "^7.9.0",
"@babel/plugin-transform-object-assign": "^7.8.3",
"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "^7.9.0",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.9.0",
2021-03-09 18:41:01 +02:00
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "^2.4.1",
2018-11-16 19:13:19 +02:00
"access-sniff": "^3.2.0",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"autoprefixer": "^9.6.0",
"bestzip": "^2.1.4",
2018-10-31 17:01:30 +02:00
"browserify": "^16.2.3",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"chokidar-cli": "^1.2.2",
"clean-css-cli": "^4.3.0",
2017-05-26 01:40:35 +02:00
"cli-table": "^0.3.1",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"conventional-changelog-cli": "^2.0.21",
2016-10-06 20:09:48 +02:00
"conventional-changelog-videojs": "^3.0.0",
2018-11-16 19:28:44 +02:00
"cross-env": "^5.2.0",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"es5-shim": "^4.5.13",
"es6-shim": "^0.35.5",
"filesize": "^4.1.2",
"gh-release": "^3.5.0",
"humanize-duration": "^3.18.0",
2018-12-03 22:00:51 +02:00
"husky": "^1.2.0",
2020-11-11 00:45:26 +02:00
"is-ci": "^2.0.0",
2021-01-06 19:48:52 +02:00
"jsdoc": "^3.6.6",
2020-11-11 00:45:26 +02:00
"karma": "^5.2.3",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"lint-staged": "^8.2.0",
"markdown-table": "^1.1.3",
2018-04-19 19:23:53 +02:00
"maxmin": "^2.1.0",
2019-08-30 20:14:53 +02:00
"not-prerelease": "^1.0.1",
2018-11-16 07:04:11 +02:00
"npm-merge-driver-install": "^1.1.1",
2018-11-26 19:19:01 +02:00
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"postcss-cli": "^6.1.2",
"qunit": "^2.9.2",
2018-12-03 22:00:51 +02:00
"remark-cli": "^6.0.1",
"remark-lint": "^6.0.4",
"remark-parse": "^6.0.3",
"remark-stringify": "^6.0.4",
"remark-toc": "^5.1.1",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"remark-validate-links": "^8.0.2",
"replace": "^1.1.0",
2020-03-25 23:55:59 +02:00
"rollup": "^2.2.0",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-alias": "^1.5.2",
2020-03-24 17:04:01 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.4.0",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^9.3.4",
"rollup-plugin-ignore": "^1.0.5",
2018-12-03 22:00:51 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-json": "^3.1.0",
2019-08-30 20:56:41 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-multi-entry": "^2.0.2",
2020-03-24 17:04:01 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^4.2.4",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-progress": "^1.1.1",
2019-08-30 20:56:41 +02:00
"rollup-plugin-stub": "^1.2.0",
2019-06-17 23:31:32 +02:00
"sass": "^1.21.0",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"semver": "^5.7.0",
2018-12-03 22:00:51 +02:00
"shelljs": "^0.8.3",
2018-11-08 21:02:07 +02:00
"shx": "^0.3.2",
2019-04-24 16:22:48 +02:00
"sinon": "^7.3.2",
2018-12-03 22:00:51 +02:00
"tui-jsdoc-template": "^1.2.2",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"uglify-js": "^3.6.0",
2018-12-03 22:00:51 +02:00
"unified": "^7.0.2",
2021-03-09 18:41:01 +02:00
"videojs-generate-karma-config": "^7.1.0",
2018-11-16 19:13:19 +02:00
"videojs-languages": "^2.0.0",
2019-06-11 16:54:33 +02:00
"videojs-standard": "^8.0.3",
2017-05-26 01:40:35 +02:00
"webpack": "^1.15.0"
2015-05-01 21:48:28 +02:00
2016-07-25 15:49:38 +02:00
"vjsstandard": {
2015-05-01 21:48:28 +02:00
"ignore": [
2019-08-30 20:14:53 +02:00
2019-08-30 20:56:55 +02:00
2019-08-30 20:14:53 +02:00
2019-11-15 20:44:11 +02:00
2015-05-01 21:48:28 +02:00
2017-03-30 19:46:41 +02:00
2018-09-28 22:06:06 +02:00
"husky": {
"hooks": {
2018-11-16 07:04:11 +02:00
"pre-commit": "lint-staged"
2018-09-28 22:06:06 +02:00
2018-11-16 07:04:11 +02:00
"lint-staged": {
"*.js": [
"vjsstandard --fix",
"git add"
2019-08-30 20:14:53 +02:00
"!(CHANGELOG)*.md": [
"remark --output --",
"git add"
"lang/**/!(zh-Hans|zh-Hant)*.json": [
"node build/translations.js",
"git add docs/translations-needed.md"
2018-11-16 07:04:11 +02:00
2013-01-12 10:02:20 +03:00