Video.js is officially available via CDN, npm, and Bower.
Video.js works out of the box with not only HTML `<script>` and `<link>` tags, but also all major bundlers/packagers/builders, such as Browserify, Node, WebPack, etc.
Please refer to the [Getting Started][getting-started] document for details.
> **Note:** Video.js works with `<video>` _and_ `<audio>` elements, but for simplicity we'll refer only to `<video>` elements going forward.
Once you have Video.js [loaded on your page][getting-started], you're ready to create a player!
The core strength of Video.js is that it decorates a [standard `<video>` element][w3c-video] and emulates its associated [events and APIs][w3c-media-events], while providing a customizable DOM-based UI.
Video.js supports all attributes of the `<video>` element (such as `controls`, `preload`, etc), but it also supports [its own options](#options). There are two ways to create a Video.js player and pass it options, but they both start with a standard `<video>` element with the attribute `class="video-js"`:
By default, when your web page finishes loading, Video.js will scan for media elements that have the `data-setup` attribute. The `data-setup` attribute is used to pass options to Video.js. A minimal example looks like this:
On the modern web, a `<video>` element often does not exist when the page finishes loading. In these cases, automatic setup is not possible, but manual setup is available via [the `videojs` function][videojs].
> **Note:** This guide only covers how to pass options during player setup. For a complete reference on _all_ available options, see the [options guide](/docs/guides/
There are three ways to pass options to Video.js. Because Video.js decorates an HTML5 `<video>` element, many of the options available are also available as [standard `<video>` tag attributes][video-attrs]:
Alternatively, you can use the `data-setup` attribute to pass options as [JSON][json]. This is also how you would set options that aren't standard to the `<video>` element:
Finally, if you're not using the `data-setup` attribute to trigger the player setup, you can pass in an object of player options as the second argument to the `videojs` function:
Default options for all players can be found at `videojs.options` and can be changed directly. For example, to set `{autoplay: true}` for all future players:
Many attributes are so-called [boolean attributes][boolean-attrs]. This means they are either on or off. In these cases, the attribute _should have no value_ (or should have its name as its value) - its presence implies a true value and its absence implies a false value.
Because Video.js techs have the potential to be loaded asynchronously, it isn't always safe to interact with a player immediately upon setup. For this reason, Video.js players have a concept of "readiness" which will be familiar to anyone who has used jQuery before.
Essentially, any number of ready callbacks can be defined for a Video.js player. There are three ways to pass these callbacks. In each example, we'll add an identical class to the player: