If .load() is called, we don't know what the new source will be because of the asynchronous nature of the resource selection algorithm. However, we can know if the src attribute is set on the video element because that's what will be chosen. So, set the src property on the event object to be the src attribute or be the empty string. This matches how currentSrc works where it is an empty string when no source is set. So, when sourceset is triggered and src is "" in the event object, it means that the source is changing.
In addition, we're going to be releasing sourceset as an experimental feature so we could improve the API and make changes in minor releases.
This reverts commit 6fe7a9a.
The PR #4804, which fixes#4720, causes a regression #5005. When testing for the regression, the original issue is no longer reproducible so the fix should be backed out. If someone is still using the old version of chrome and seeing the behavior of #4720, they can continue using the versions of Video.js that contain the fixed made in #4804: 6.5.2, 6.6x, 6.7.x.
If CSS Grid is available, the Captions Settings Dialog will use it for the layout to begin making it more responsive.
It will fallback to the current layout method if CSS Grid isn't available.
Add setFormatTime for Video.js to allow users to change the time format. Example usage:
videojs.setFormatTime((seconds, guide) => `${seconds}, ${guide}`));
Add resetFormatTime to reset the time format to the default.
The option for the player techCanOverridePoster is introduced in this commit. It allows techs to update the post whenever they like. isPosterFromTech_ is introduced as a private player field in order to track when a poster was set by a tech. This allows us to clear the poster whenever the tech is disposed of by the player.
Additionally, attempting to set the same poster more than once will have no effect / no changes will be made, since the poster is the same. This was done in order to stop triggering multiple posterchange events when calling player.poster(aPoster) with techCanOverridePoster set to true.
When a tech is disposed and a poster was set by it, unset the poster.
Pass a `canOverridePoster` option to techs to know whether techCanOverridePoster was set.
Trigger a sourceset event whenever the source is set in the Html5 tech, including initial source. We override the video element's src and setAttribute methods so that we can trigger the sourceset event when people change the src with both the video element and our API methods.
The event object for sourceset will contain the src string that was provided at the time the sourceset was triggered. This is mostly important if a source is being set while a tech is changing.
A Tech has a featuresSourceset option that it can set to for sourceset handling. It can then call the helper triggerSourceset(src) to trigger the sourceset.
When a component is disposed of, without calling ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode() on the data-reactroot in the destroyed component, the React.Component and videojs.Component (here EpisodeList and vjsEpisodeList) remain in memory.
The videojs.Component should listen for its dispose event and unmount its React root in the corresponding React.Component.
If a user disabled the text track setting component, trying to play emulated captions would crash. Add a null check before applying the text track settings.
This is a first in a few changes related to #4902. This just adds a text alternative to the loading spinner. In future PRs, we would make it alert to screen readers and potentially have a generic alerting mechanism.
Using the default example, when disposing the player, a React DOMException was thrown because Video.js removed an element managed by React.
A simple solution is to wrap the player div in a separate div.
Scrubbing inside the seekbar paused the player properly but scrubbing inside the progress control outside the seekbar, the player never paused. This meant that when you scrubbed, if you kept the mouse down but lingered for a moment, the player would continue playing until the mouse moved again.
This fixes it so that the seekbar mousedown and mouseup handlers are called when the progress control mousedown and mouseup handlers are triggered.
Middleware factories currently get run each time a source is set. Because middleware are assocated with a player, the factories should only run once per player.
This PR fixes it so that we associate a middleware instance with a middleware factory per player.
Each time a player is disposed, we will clear the cache of the middleware instances for that player.
These changes address an issue where screen readers may repeatedly and redundantly read TextTrackMenuItem's control text on every texttrackchange event in some browsers.
The source of the problem is in the handleTracksChange() method of TextTrackMenuItem and its subclass OffTextTrackMenuItem, in which this.selected(true/false) gets called even if the selected state has not changed since its previous invocation.
Use ResizeObserver when available for better and more performant resizing information, otherwise, fall back to a throttled resize event on an iframe that's the size of the player.
Allows a video.js user to disable this by setting resizeManager: false as an option since the component will not be initialized.
Add a debounce util.
This reverts #4800 (e0ed0b5) because we end up getting two playerresize events with the dimension methods now.