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Using Webpack with Video.js
video.js, and the playback technologies such as videojs-contrib-hls all work in a Webpack based build environment. Here are several configuration changes specific to Webpack that will get you up and running.
Video.js CSS:
To add the CSS that the player requires, simply add
to the file where the player is also included or initialized.
Handling .eot files in Webpack
In addition to this, you may run into a problem where Webpack does not know how to load .eot files required for IE8 support by default. This can be solved by installing the file-loader and url-loader packages. Install them by running:
npm install --save-dev file-loader url-loader
With both packages installed, simply add the following to you webpack.config file in the 'loaders' section:
loader: 'url-loader?limit=100000',
test: /\.(png|woff|woff2|eot|ttf|svg)$/
Using Webpack with videojs-contrib-hls
Import the HLS library with a line such as:
import * as HLS from 'videojs-contrib-hls';
In order to use the tech, we must also introduce webworkers with the package 'webworkify-webpack-dropin', run:
npm install --save-dev webworkify-webpack-dropin
To utilize this in your page, simply create an alias in your webpack.config.js file with:
resolve: {
alias: {
webworkify: 'webworkify-webpack-dropin'
Source maps that use the 'eval' tag are not compatible with webworkify, so this may need to be changed also. Source maps such as 'cheap-eval-module-source-map' should be changed to 'cheap-source-map' or anything else that fits your build without using 'eval' source maps.