map_info_text=Delve deep for greater treasures, but also face increased dangers.\n\nThe team's pickaxe and backpack can be upgraded at the market.\nThe prices may be rerolled by spending some fish.\nBiter evolution scales with depth.\n\nBreaking rocks is exhausting and might make you hungry.\nSo don´t forget to eat some fish once in a while to stay well fed.\nBe careful, eating too much might have it´s consequences too.\n\nAs you dig, you will encounter impassable dark chasms or rivers.\nSome explosives may cause parts of the ceiling to crumble, filling the void, creating new ways.\nAll they need is a container and a well aimed shot.\n\nDarkness is a hazard in the mines, stay near your lamps..
map_info_main_caption=--Desert Oasis--
map_info_sub_caption=Survival in the dry sands.
map_info_text=This is a harsh world, the heat is unbearable and the sand is sharp like diamonds.\nMake sure to stay properly hydrated.\nDrink some water from a pond, or sip it out of a barrel to stay refreshed.\n\nWe shall not attempt to travel without a proper vehicle.\nMany building foundations are not possible to be set up outside of the oasis.\nRailways between them however should be possible.\n\nLuckily the ship's moisture meter module did survive the crash.\nIt may come in handy!
map_info_main_caption=-- E x p a n s e --
map_info_text=The blue chests are hungry.\nFeed them and they will reward you with more land.\n\nThe friendly infini tree will provide you with all the wood you ever wanted.\nThe everlasting rock with be happy to provide resources for you.\n\nIf you find yourself stuck, put a reroll token, the small plane toy, in the chest to get a new offer.\nUnlocking chests may drop additional tokens.
map_info_sub_caption=~You put your robe and wizard hat on. You are still in a dungeon.~
map_info_text=Expand into the depths for treasure.\nEverytime a new room is discovered, the depth-meter in your left top will increase.\n\nEnemies get more chonky.\nResources yield more ore.\nLoot gets more shiny.\n\nYou can use the green smelly dungeon sewers for long range transports.\n\nHow far can you make it?
map_info_sub_caption=~You put your robe and wizard hat on. You are still in a dungeon.~
map_info_text=Expand into the depths for treasure.\nEverytime a new room is discovered, the depth-meter in your left top will increase.\n\nEnemies get more chonky.\nResources yield more ore.\nLoot gets more shiny.\n\nBut for real challenge and real shinies, you need to go also deeper.\nUse arrow buttons on top to change floors!\n\nHow far can you make it?
descend=Descend to lower floor.\nEach floor has stronger enemies and better treasure.\nRIGHT-CLICK: Descend 5 floors.\nSHIFT-CLICK: Desscend to lowest accessible Floor.
ascend=Ascend to higher floor.\nRIGHT-CLICK: Ascend 5 floors.\nSHIFT-CLICK: Ascend to Floor 0.
travel_down=You have descended to deeper part of dungeon.
travel_up=You have ascended to previous part of dungeon.
first_visit=__1__ [lvl __2__] was first to reach Floor __3__!
too_small=The dungeon needs to be bigger for continuing in this direction.
treasure_room=Treasure room was found on Floor __1__!
tech_unlock=__1__ unlock was found on Floor __2__!
boss_arena=!!Dungeon Bosses!!\nRequires level 5 to join.\n\nCurrent boss level: __1__\nBoss bonus HP: __2__%\nBoss bonus damage: __3__%\nRewards: cca __4__ XP\n\nUp to four players can fight at once.
arena_occupied=Arena is in use! Wait for previous player to end his fight!
arena_level_needed=You need level 5 to join the arena!
robots_following=You cannot enter arena with robots following you!
arena_level_max=You defeated all the bosses already!
player_lost=[ARENA]: __1__ lost his battle to Boss lvl __2__!
player_won=[ARENA]: __1__ defeated the Boss lvl __2__!
spidertron_not_allowed=Spidertrons are not allowed in first 20 floors!
map_info_main_caption=M O U N T A I N F O R T R E S S
map_info_sub_caption=..diggy diggy choo choo..
map_info_text=The biters have caught the scent of fish in the cargo wagon.\nGuide the choo into the mountain and protect it as long as possible!\nThis however will not be an easy task,\nsince their strength and numbers increase over time.\n\nIn additon, the southern grounds collapse over time.\n\nDelve deep for greater treasures, but also face increased dangers.\nMining productivity research, will overhaul your mining equipment,\nreinforcing your pickaxe as well as increasing the size of your backpack.\n\nAs you dig, you will encounter impassable dark chasms or rivers.\nSome explosives may cause parts of the ceiling to crumble, filling the void, creating new ways.\nAll they need is a container and a well aimed shot.\n\nYou may find some supply goods, if you enter the wagon.\nGood luck on your journey!
map_info_main_caption=T E R R I T O R I A L C O N T R O L
map_info_sub_caption=..alone in the darkness..
map_info_text=Citizen Log #468-2A-3287, Freelancer Trent. \n\nTo whoever is reading this message, \nAny natural resources are rare and the ones worth while are too hard for me to reach. \nLuckily, the wrecks yield all kinds of useful scraps, but also various dangers. \nAlmost lost half a leg some days ago while digging out some scrap. \nThe wildlife is extremely aggressive, especially at the time of night. \nMost of these insect appearing like creatures seem to live underground. \nStay near your light sources, if you want to have a chance of surviving here! \n\n###Log End###