mirror of https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:57 +02:00

1812 lines
79 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This is a RedMew-customized version of Nexala's luacheckrc and differs in
the following ways:
- RedMew adds its own globals. See: globals, or search for "RedMew-specific globals"
- Removes entries for certain LuaBootstrap (aka script) functions as they should
be used through the event module
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
-- .luacheckrc
-- This file is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-- Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
-- distribute this file, either in source code form or as a compiled
-- binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
-- means.
-- In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
-- of this file dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
-- software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
-- of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
-- successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
-- relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
-- software under copyright law.
-- For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>
-- ]]
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
-- Current Factorio Version 0.17.0, luacheck version 0.23.0
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
--[Set Defaults]--
2018-11-22 17:29:53 -05:00
local LINE_LENGTH = false -- It is 2017 limits on length are a waste
local IGNORE = {'21./%w+_$', '21./^_%w+$', '213/[ijk]', '213/index', '213/key', '58[1-2]'}
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
local NOT_GLOBALS = {'coroutine', 'io', 'socket', 'dofile', 'loadfile'} -- These globals are not available to the factorio API
local STD_CONTROL = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_control+stdlib+factorio_defines'
local STD_DATA = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_data+stdlib+stdlib_data+factorio_defines'
-- In a perfect world these would be STD_DATA and STD_CONTROL (mostly)
local STD_BASE_DATA = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_data+factorio_defines+factorio_base_data'
local STD_BASE_CONTROL = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_control+factorio_defines+factorio_base_control'
--[Assume Factorio Control stage as default]--
2021-03-31 12:01:17 +01:00
globals = {'print', '_DEBUG', '_CHEATS', '_DUMP_ENV', 'ServerCommands', 'Debug', '_LIFECYCLE', '_STAGE', '_NO_CUTSCENE'} -- RedMew-specific globals
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
max_line_length = LINE_LENGTH
not_globals = NOT_GLOBALS
ignore = IGNORE
quiet = 1 -- pass -q option
max_cyclomatic_complexity = 75
codes = true
--List of files and directories to exclude
exclude_files = {
--Ignore special folders
'**/.*/*', --Ignore if path starts with .
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
--Ignore development mods
--Ignore map luas
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
--[Mod Prototypes]--
--Set default prototype files
files['**/data.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/data-updates.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/data-final-fixes.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings-updates.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings-final-fixes.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/prototypes/'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings/'].std = STD_DATA
--Find and replace ignores *.cfg, migrations, *.txt, control.lua, *.json, trailer, scenarios, campaigns, *.glsl
local base_scenarios = {
std = STD_BASE_CONTROL .. '+factorio_base_scenarios+factorio_base_story',
--ignore = {'212/event', '111', '112', '113', '211', '212', '213', '311', '411', '412', '421', '422', '423', '431', '432', '512'}
ignore = {'...'}
files['**/base/scenarios/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/base/tutorials/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/base/campaigns/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/wip-scenario/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/base/migrations/'] = {std = STD_BASE_CONTROL}
files['**/core/lualib/'] = {std = STD_BASE_CONTROL}
files['**/core/lualib/util.lua'] = {globals = {'util', 'table'}, ignore = {'432/object'}}
files['**/core/lualib/silo-script.lua'] = {globals = {'silo_script'}, ignore = {'4../player'}}
files['**/core/lualib/production-score.lua'] = {globals = {'production_score', 'get_price_recursive'}, ignore = {'4../player'}}
files['**/core/lualib/story*'] = {std = '+factorio_base_story', ignore = {'42./k', '42./filter'}}
files['**/core/lualib/mod-gui.lua'] = {globals = {'mod_gui'}}
files['**/core/lualib/camera.lua'] = {globals = {'camera'}}
files['**/core/lualib/builder.lua'] = {globals = {'Builder', 'builder', 'action', 'down', 'right'}}
files['**/core/lualib/bonus-gui-ordering/'] = {std = STD_BASE_DATA}
files['**/core/lualib/dataloader.lua'] = {globals = {'data'}}
files['**/core/lualib/circuit-connector-*'] = {std = STD_BASE_DATA..'+factorio_circuit_connector_generated'}
files['**/core/lualib/bonus-gui-ordering.lua'] = {globals = {'bonus_gui_ordering'}}
files['**/base/prototypes/'] = {std = STD_BASE_DATA}
files['**/core/prototypes/'] = {std = STD_BASE_DATA}
files['**/core/prototypes/noise-programs.lua'] = {ignore = {'212/x', '212/y', '212/tile', '212/map'}}
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
--(( stdlib ))--
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
local stdlib_control = {
std = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_control+stdlib+factorio_defines',
max_line_length = LINE_LENGTH
local stdlib_data = {
std = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_data+stdlib+factorio_defines',
max_line_length = LINE_LENGTH
-- Assume control stage for stdlib
files['**/stdlib/'] = stdlib_control
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
-- Assume generic content for stdlib utils
files['**/stdlib/utils/**'].std = 'lua52c+stdlib'
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
-- STDLIB data files
files['**/stdlib/data/'] = stdlib_data
-- STDLIB Busted Spec
files['**/spec/**'] = {
globals = {'serpent', 'log', 'SLOG', 'RESET'},
std = 'lua52c+busted+factorio_defines+factorio_control+stdlib'
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
} --))
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
--(( Factorio ))--
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
stds.factorio = {
--Set the read only variables
read_globals = {
-- @log@: Gives writing access to Factorio's logger instance.
-- @serpent@: Lua serializer and pretty printer. (https://github.com/pkulchenko/serpent)
-- @table_size@: Returns the number of elements inside an LUA table
util = {
fields = {
"by_pixel", "distance", "findfirstentity", "positiontostr", "formattime", "moveposition", "oppositedirection",
2019-01-05 01:36:49 -05:00
"ismoduleavailable", "multiplystripes", "format_number", "increment", "color", "conditional_return",
April fools maps (#1404) * Upload pinguin scenario * Fix relative path * Pinguin scenario modularization * Update enemy_turrets.lua Added energy interface controls to limit power available to enemy laser turrets, with laser_shots_per_level constant for balancing. * Update floor_is_lava.lua Now spawns fire under players when level is half of max. * Explosion Scare Module Added explosion_scare module. Chooses players to randomly explode (non-damaging) a number of times before switching to new targets. Explosion intensity increases as module increases. * Update pinguin.lua Removed comment block over modules. * Added New Module: permanent_factory Has a very small chance to make an entity unminable and undestructible when placed. * MeteOres Added new module: MeteOres. Spawns a random meteor that damages entities, creates ore, and spawns biters. * Update meteOres.lua Added explosion to meteor * Added Auto Build Added auto_build module. Selects random players, and automatically builds the item in their cursor nearby for a while, before changing targets. * New module: Unorganized Recipes Added a new module to hide recipe groups and subgroups for random players. This leads to "unorganized" crafting menus. * Update auto_build.lua Fixed typo. I must have changed base targets to 0 instead of the global level when preparing this file for commit. * Add Biter Ores Module Add new module. Spawns ores on death of biters, worms, and spawners, based on difficulty of biter and level. looks for ores on the tile the biter dies on to add to, otherwise looks nearby for an ore type and uses that, otherwise decides on a new ore type to spawn. This should allow players to set up "farms" for their ores, creating reasonable ore patches. Contains a RANDOM_ORES constant that will make the search radius small and ensure random ores are placed instead. * Update biter_ores.lua Found typo. radius should be .1 not 1 for tile directly beneath biter. * Updated Existing Modules Got luacheck setup in my IDE so we don't have to wait for RedMew to run it. Fixed white-space and other linting errors. * Split AF scenarios * Add alien biomes module * Draft april-fools scenarios * Fix draft issues --------- Co-authored-by: R. Nukem <Reoisasa@gmail.com>
2024-03-29 00:27:27 +01:00
"add_shift", "merge", "premul_color", "encode", "decode", "insert_safe", "list_to_map",
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
table = {
fields = {
"compare", "deepcopy", "shallow_copy"
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
table = {
fields = {
"compare", "deepcopy", "shallow_copy"
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
stds.factorio_control = {
read_globals = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
-- @commands@:
commands = {
fields = {
"commands", "game_commands", "remove_command"
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
other_fields = false,
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
-- @settings@:
settings = {
fields = {
startup = {read_only = false, other_fields = true},
global = {read_only = false, other_fields = true},
player_default = {read_only = false, other_fields = true},
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
-- @script@: Provides an interface for registering event handlers.
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaBootstrap.html)
script = {
fields = {
2023-10-04 08:40:06 +02:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
other_fields = false,
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
-- @remote@: Allows inter-mod communication by providing a repository of interfaces that is shared by all mods.
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaRemote.html)
remote = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
interfaces = {read_only = false, other_fields = true},
"add_interface", "remove_interface", "call"
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
read_only = true,
other_fields = false,
rcon = {
fields = {'print'}
rendering = {
other_fields = false,
read_only = true,
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
helpers = {
other_fields = false,
read_only = true,
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
-- @game@: Main object through which most of the API is accessed.
-- It is, however, not available inside handlers registered with @script.on_load@.
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaGameScript.html)
game ={
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
other_fields = false,
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
read_only = false,
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-04-16 18:06:05 -04:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-03-27 18:39:29 -04:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
backer_names = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
blueprints = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
connected_players = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
default_map_gen_settings = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
difficulty = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
difficulty_settings = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
enemy_has_vision_on_land_mines = {read_only = false, other_fields = false},
finished = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
finished_but_continuing = {read_only = true, other_fields = false},
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
forces = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
map_settings = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
permissions = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
player = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
players = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
speed = {read_only = false, other_fields = false},
styles = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
surfaces = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
tick = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
tick_paused = {read_only = false, other_fields = false},
ticks_played = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
ticks_to_run = {read_only = false, other_fields = false},
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
prototypes = {
other_fields = false,
read_only = true,
fields = {
achievement = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
active_trigger = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
airborne_pollutant = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
ammo_category = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
asteroid_chunk = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
autoplace_control = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
burner_usage = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
collision_layer = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
custom_event = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
custom_input = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
damage = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
decorative = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
entity = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
equipment = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
equipment_category = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
equipment_grid = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
fluid = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
font = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
fuel_category = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
item = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
item_group = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
item_subgroup = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
map_gen_preset = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
mod_setting = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
module_category = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
named_noise_expression = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
named_noise_function = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
particle = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
procession = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
procession_layer_inheritance_group = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
quality = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
recipe_category = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
resource_category = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
shortcut = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
space_connection = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
space_location = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
style = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
surface = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
surface_property = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
technology = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
tile = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
trivial_smoke = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
virtual_signal = {read_only = true, other_fields = true},
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
globals = {
-- @global@: The global dictionary, useful for storing data persistent across a save-load cycle.
-- Writing access is given to the mod-id field (for mod-wise saved data).
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/Global.html)
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
-- @MOD@: Keep it organized, use this variable for anything that "NEEDS" to be global for some reason.
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
stds.factorio_data = {
read_globals = {
data = {
fields = {
raw = {
other_fields = true,
read_only = false
"extend", "is_demo"
settings = {
fields = {
"startup", "global", "player",
--Popular mods
angelsmods = {
other_fields = true
bobmods = {
other_fields = true
mods = {
other_fields = true
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
} --))
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
--(( Factorio Globals are bad mkay ))--
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
stds.factorio_base_control = {
read_globals = {"silo_script", "mod_gui", "camera"}
stds.factorio_base_scenarios = {
globals = {
"check_automate_science_packs_advice", "check_research_hints", "check_supplies", "manage_attacks", "all_dead",
"on_win", "difficulty_number", "init_attack_data", "handle_attacks", "count_items_in_container", "progress", "scanned",
"check_light", "check_machine_gun", "level", "story_table",
"tightspot_prices", "tightspot_make_offer", "tightspot_init", "tightspot_get_required_balance",
"tightspot_init_level", "tightspot_init_spending_frame", "tightspot_init_progress_frame", "tightspot_update_progress", "tightspot_update_spending",
"tightspot_get_missing_to_win", "tightspot_sell_back", "tightspot_start_level", "tightspot_show_level_description", "tightspot_update_speed_label",
"map_ignore", "tightspot_check_level", "land_price",
"transport_belt_madness_init", "transport_belt_madness_init_level", "transport_belt_madness_create_chests", "transport_belt_madness_fill_chests",
"transport_belt_madness_start_level", "map_ignore", "map_clear", "map_load", "map_save", "transport_belt_madness_show_level_description",
"transport_belt_madness_check_level", "transport_belt_madness_next_level", "transport_belt_madness_clear_level", "transport_belt_madness_contains_next_level",
"restricted", "check_built_items", "result", "disable_combat_technologies", "apply_character_modifiers", "apply_combat_modifiers", "apply_balance",
"load_config", "starting_area_constant", "create_next_surface", "end_round", "prepare_next_round", "silo_died","choose_joining_gui",
"destroy_joining_guis", "create_random_join_gui", "create_auto_assign_gui", "create_pick_join_gui", "create_config_gui", "make_config_table", "default",
"make_team_gui", "make_team_gui_config", "add_team_button_press", "trash_team_button_press", "remove_team_from_team_table", "add_team_to_team_table",
"set_teams_from_gui", "on_team_button_press", "make_color_dropdown", "create_balance_option", "create_disable_frame", "disable_frame", "parse_disabled_items",
"set_balance_settings", "config_confirm", "parse_config_from_gui", "get_color", "roll_starting_area", "delete_roll_surfaces", "auto_assign",
"destroy_config_for_all", "prepare_map", "set_evolution_factor", "update_players_on_team_count", "random_join", "init_player_gui",
"destroy_player_gui", "objective_button_press", "admin_button_press", "admin_frame_button_press", "diplomacy_button_press", "update_diplomacy_frame",
"diplomacy_frame_button_press", "team_changed_diplomacy", "diplomacy_check_press", "get_stance", "give_inventory", "setup_teams", "disable_items_for_all",
"set_random_team", "set_diplomacy", "create_spawn_positions", "set_spawn_position", "set_team_together_spawns", "chart_starting_area_for_force_spawns",
"check_starting_area_chunks_are_generated", "check_player_color", "check_round_start", "clear_starting_area_enemies", "check_no_rush_end", "check_no_rush_players",
"finish_setup", "chart_area_for_force", "setup_start_area_copy", "update_copy_progress", "update_progress_bar", "copy_paste_starting_area_tiles",
"copy_paste_starting_area_entities", "create_silo_for_force", "setup_research", "on_chunk_generated", "get_distance_to_nearest_spawn",
"create_wall_for_force", "fpn", "give_items", "create_item_frame", "create_technologies_frame", "create_cheat_frame", "create_day_frame",
"time_modifier", "points_per_second_start", "points_per_second_level_subtract", "levels", "update_info", "get_time_left", "update_time_left",
"on_joined", "make_frame", "update_frame", "update_table", "calculate_task_item_multiplayer", "setup_config", "select_from_probability_table",
"select_inventory", "select_equipment", "select_challange_type", "save_round_statistics", "start_challenge", "create_teams", "set_areas",
"decide_player_team", "set_teams", "refresh_leaderboard", "set_player", "generate_technology_list", "generate_research_task","setup_unlocks",
"check_technology_progress", "generate_production_task", "generate_shopping_list_task", "set_gui_flow_table", "create_visibility_button",
"check_item_lists", "update_task_gui", "check_end_of_round", "end_round_gui_update", "try_to_check_victory", "update_gui", "check_start_round",
"check_start_set_areas", "check_start_setting_entities", "check_set_areas", "check_clear_areas", "check_chests", "check_chests_shopping_list",
"check_chests_production", "check_input_chests", "fill_input_chests", "check_victory", "shopping_task_finished", "calculate_force_points",
"update_research_task_table", "update_production_task_table", "update_shopping_list_task_table", "create_joined_game_gui", "pre_ending_round",
"player_ending_prompt", "update_end_timer", "update_begin_timer", "team_finished", "save_points_list", "give_force_players_points",
"update_winners_list", "set_spectator", "set_character", "give_starting_inventory", "give_equipment", "shuffle_table", "format_time",
"spairs", "fill_leaderboard", "create_grid", "simple_entities", "save_map_data", "clear_map", "create_tiles", "recreate_entities",
"map_sets", "give_points", "init_forces", "init_globals", "init_unit_settings", "check_next_wave", "next_wave", "calculate_wave_power",
"wave_end", "make_next_spawn_tick", "check_spawn_units", "get_wave_units", "spawn_units", "randomize_ore", "set_command", "command_straglers",
"unit_config", "make_next_wave_tick", "time_to_next_wave", "time_to_wave_end", "rocket_died", "unit_died", "get_bounty_price", "setup_waypoints",
"insert_items", "give_starting_equipment", "give_spawn_equipment", "next_round_button_visible", "gui_init", "create_wave_frame", "create_money_frame",
"create_upgrade_gui", "update_upgrade_listing", "upgrade_research", "get_upgrades", "get_money", "update_connected_players", "update_round_number",
"set_research", "set_recipes", "check_deconstruction", "check_blueprint_placement", "loop_entities", "experiment_items",
"setup", "story_gui_click", "clear_surface", "add_run_trains_button", "puzzle_condition", "basic_signals",
"loop_trains", "Y_offset", "ghosts_1", "ghosts_2", "required_path", "through_wall_path", "count", "check_built_real_rail",
"current_ghosts_count", "other", "rails", "set_rails", "straight_section", "late_entities", "entities", "stop",
"intermission", "create_entities_on_tick", "on_player_created", "required_count", "non_player_entities", "clear_rails",
"chest", "damage", "furnace", "init_prototypes", "build_infi_table", "junk", "update_player_tags", "time_left", "team_production",
"create_task_frame", "create_visibilty_buttons", "update_leaderboard", "in_in_area"
stds.factorio_base_data = {
globals = {
"make_cursor_box", "make_full_cursor_box",
"default_container_padding", "default_orange_color", "default_light_orange_color", "warning_red_color",
"achievement_green_color", "achievement_tan_color", "orangebuttongraphcialset", "bluebuttongraphcialset",
"bonus_gui_ordering", "trivial_smoke", "technology_slot_base_width", "technology_slot_base_height", "default_frame_font_vertical_compensation",
"transport_belt_connector_frame_sprites", "transport_belt_circuit_wire_connection_point", "transport_belt_circuit_wire_max_distance",
"transport_belt_circuit_connector_sprites", "ending_patch_prototype", "basic_belt_horizontal", "basic_belt_vertical",
"basic_belt_ending_top", "basic_belt_ending_bottom", "basic_belt_ending_side", "basic_belt_starting_top", "basic_belt_starting_bottom",
"basic_belt_starting_side", "fast_belt_horizontal", "fast_belt_vertical", "fast_belt_ending_top", "fast_belt_ending_bottom",
"fast_belt_ending_side", "fast_belt_starting_top", "fast_belt_starting_bottom", "fast_belt_starting_side", "express_belt_horizontal",
"express_belt_vertical", "express_belt_ending_top", "express_belt_ending_bottom", "express_belt_ending_side", "express_belt_starting_top",
"express_belt_starting_bottom", "express_belt_starting_side",
--Circuit Connectors
"circuit_connector_definitions", "default_circuit_wire_max_distance", "inserter_circuit_wire_max_distance",
"universal_connector_template", "belt_connector_template", "belt_frame_connector_template", "inserter_connector_template",
--Inserter Circuit Connectors
"inserter_circuit_wire_max_distance", "inserter_default_stack_control_input_signal",
"make_heavy_gunshot_sounds", "make_light_gunshot_sounds", "make_laser_sounds",
"gun_turret_extension", "gun_turret_extension_shadow", "gun_turret_extension_mask", "gun_turret_attack",
"laser_turret_extension", "laser_turret_extension_shadow", "laser_turret_extension_mask",
"pipecoverspictures", "pipepictures", "assembler2pipepictures", "assembler3pipepictures", "make_heat_pipe_pictures",
"generate_arithmetic_combinator", "generate_decider_combinator", "generate_constant_combinator",
"destroyed_rail_pictures", "rail_pictures", "rail_pictures_internal", "standard_train_wheels", "drive_over_tie",
"rolling_stock_back_light", "rolling_stock_stand_by_light",
"make_enemy_autoplace", "make_enemy_spawner_autoplace", "make_enemy_worm_autoplace",
"make_spitter_attack_animation", "make_spitter_run_animation", "make_spitter_dying_animation",
"make_spitter_attack_parameters", "make_spitter_roars", "make_spitter_dying_sounds",
"make_spawner_idle_animation", "make_spawner_die_animation",
"make_biter_run_animation", "make_biter_attack_animation", "make_biter_die_animation",
"make_biter_roars", "make_biter_dying_sounds", "make_biter_calls",
"make_worm_roars", "make_worm_dying_sounds", "make_worm_folded_animation", "make_worm_preparing_animation",
"make_worm_prepared_animation", "make_worm_attack_animation", "make_worm_die_animation",
"tile_variations_template", "make_water_autoplace_settings",
"make_unit_melee_ammo_type", "make_trivial_smoke", "make_4way_animation_from_spritesheet", "flying_robot_sounds",
"productivitymodulelimitation", "crash_trigger", "capsule_smoke", "make_beam", "playeranimations",
"make_blood_tint", "make_shadow_tint",
"water_transition_template", "make_water_transition_template", "water_autoplace_settings", "water_tile_type_names",
stds.factorio_base_story = {
globals = {
"story_init_helpers", "story_update_table", "story_init", "story_update", "story_on_tick", "story_add_update",
"story_remove_update", "story_jump_to", "story_elapsed", "story_elapsed_check", "story_show_message_dialog",
"set_goal", "player_set_goal", "on_player_joined", "flash_goal", "set_info", "player_set_info", "export_entities",
"list", "recreate_entities", "entity_to_connect", "limit_camera", "find_gui_recursive", "enable_entity_export",
"add_button", "on_gui_click", "set_continue_button_style", "add_message_log", "story_add_message_log",
"player_add_message_log", "message_log_frame", "message_log_scrollpane", "message_log_close_button",
"message_log_table", "toggle_message_log_button", "toggle_objective_button", "message_log_init",
"add_gui_recursive", "add_toggle_message_log_button", "add_toggle_objective_button", "mod_gui",
"flash_message_log_button", "flash_message_log_on_tick", "story_gui_click", "story_points_by_name", "story_branches",
"player", "surface", "deconstruct_on_tick", "recreate_entities_on_tick", "flying_congrats", "story_table"
stds.factorio_circuit_connector_generated = {
globals = {
'default_circuit_wire_max_distance', 'circuit_connector_definitions', 'universal_connector_template',
'belt_connector_template', 'belt_frame_connector_template', 'inserter_connector_template', 'inserter_connector_template',
'inserter_circuit_wire_max_distance', 'inserter_default_stack_control_input_signal', 'transport_belt_connector_frame_sprites',
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
} --))
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
--(( STDLIB ))--
stds.stdlib = {
read_globals = {
2019-03-01 19:30:43 -05:00
table = {
fields = {
"map", "avg", "count_keys", "sum", "max", "remove", "insert", "invert", "first", "sort", "compare", "maxn", "any", "array_to_dictionary",
"each", "flatten", "keys", "filter", "remove_keys", "flexcopy", "find", "fullcopy", "values", "pack", "deepcopy", "concat", "clear", "min",
"is_empty", "merge", "size", "dictionary_merge", "unpack", "last"
string = {
fields = {
"is_space", "is_empty", "match", "title", "upper", "gmatch", "trim", "split", "len", "ordinal_suffix", "dump", "shorten", "reverse",
"ends_with", "byte", "starts_with", "join", "is_alpha", "lower", "is_upper", "is_digit", "is_alnum", "rjust", "center", "ljust", "format",
"char", "is_lower", "contains", "gsub", "find", "rep", "sub"
math = {
fields = {
"asin", "max", "modf", "midrange_mean", "pow", "ldexp", "maxuint16", "fmod", "round_to", "randomseed", "huge", "harmonic_mean", "tan",
"maxint32", "quadratic_mean", "pi", "energetic_mean", "minint8", "frexp", "generalized_mean", "rad", "sin", "sinh", "min", "geometric_mean",
"atan", "avg", "cosh", "maxint8", "arithmetic_mean", "exp", "sum", "round", "maxuint64", "minint64", "ceil", "maxint64", "atan2", "floor_to",
"floor", "log", "maxint16", "minint16", "tanh", "acos", "deg", "cos", "log10", "maxuint8", "abs", "weighted_mean", "random", "maxuint32",
"sqrt", "minint32"
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
globals = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
"prequire", "rawtostring", "traceback", "inspect", "serpent", "inline_if", "install",
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
"EVENT", "GUI", "PLAYER", "FORCE", "log"
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
stds.stdlib_control = {
stds.stdlib_data = {
globals = {
} --))
stds.factorio_defines = {
read_globals = {
defines = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
alert_type = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
behavior_result = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
build_check_type = {
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
chain_signal_state = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
chunk_generated_status = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
circuit_condition_index = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
circuit_connector_id = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
command = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
compound_command = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
control_behavior = {
fields = {
inserter = {
fields = {
circuit_mode_of_operation = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
hand_read_mode = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
lamp = {
fields = {
circuit_mode_of_operation = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
logistic_container = {
fields = {
circuit_mode_of_operation = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
mining_drill = {
fields = {
resource_read_mode = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
roboport = {
fields = {
circuit_mode_of_operation = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
train_stop = {
fields = {
circuit_mode_of_operation = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
transport_belt = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
content_read_mode = {
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
type = {
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
controllers = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
deconstruction_item = {
fields = {
entity_filter_mode = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
tile_filter_mode = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
tile_selection_mode = {
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
disconnect_reason = {
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
difficulty = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
difficulty_settings = {
fields = {
recipe_difficulty = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
technology_difficulty = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
direction = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
distraction = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
entity_status = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-03-09 14:11:52 +00:00
render_mode = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
events = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
flow_precision_index = {
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
group_state = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
gui_type = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
relative_gui_position = {
fields = {
relative_gui_type = {
fields = {
2020-12-14 20:34:57 +00:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
input_action = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2020-11-25 17:37:54 +00:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
inventory = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
logistic_member_index = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
logistic_mode = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
mouse_button_type = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
rail_connection_direction = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
rail_direction = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
riding = {
fields = {
acceleration = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
direction = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
shooting = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
signal_state = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
train_state = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
transport_line = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
wire_connector_id = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
wire_type = {
fields = {
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
-- Defines additional modules
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
color = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
other_fields = true
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
anticolor = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
other_fields = true
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
lightcolor = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
other_fields = true
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
time = {
fields = {
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
--[[ Options
2018-11-22 14:59:32 -05:00
"ignore", "std", "globals", "unused_args", "self", "compat", "global", "unused", "redefined",
"unused_secondaries", "allow_defined", "allow_defined_top", "module",
"read_globals", "new_globals", "new_read_globals", "enable", "only", "not_globals",
"max_line_length", "max_code_line_length", "max_string_line_length", "max_comment_line_length",
2019-02-28 18:23:48 -05:00
--[[ Warnings list
-- 011 A syntax error.
-- 021 An invalid inline option.
-- 022 An unpaired inline push directive.
-- 023 An unpaired inline pop directive.
-- 111 Setting an undefined global variable.
-- 112 Mutating an undefined global variable.
-- 113 Accessing an undefined global variable.
-- 121 Setting a read-only global variable.
-- 122 Setting a read-only field of a global variable.
-- 131 Unused implicitly defined global variable.
-- 142 Setting an undefined field of a global variable.
-- 143 Accessing an undefined field of a global variable.
-- 211 Unused local variable.
-- 212 Unused argument.
-- 213 Unused loop variable.
-- 221 Local variable is accessed but never set.
-- 231 Local variable is set but never accessed.
-- 232 An argument is set but never accessed.
-- 233 Loop variable is set but never accessed.
-- 241 Local variable is mutated but never accessed.
-- 311 Value assigned to a local variable is unused.
-- 312 Value of an argument is unused.
-- 313 Value of a loop variable is unused.
-- 314 Value of a field in a table literal is unused.
-- 321 Accessing uninitialized local variable.
-- 331 Value assigned to a local variable is mutated but never accessed.
-- 341 Mutating uninitialized local variable.
-- 411 Redefining a local variable.
-- 412 Redefining an argument.
-- 413 Redefining a loop variable.
-- 421 Shadowing a local variable.
-- 422 Shadowing an argument.
-- 423 Shadowing a loop variable.
-- 431 Shadowing an upvalue.
-- 432 Shadowing an upvalue argument.
-- 433 Shadowing an upvalue loop variable.
-- 511 Unreachable code.
-- 512 Loop can be executed at most once.
-- 521 Unused label.
-- 531 Left-hand side of an assignment is too short.
-- 532 Left-hand side of an assignment is too long.
-- 541 An empty do end block.
-- 542 An empty if branch.
-- 551 An empty statement.
-- 611 A line consists of nothing but whitespace.
-- 612 A line contains trailing whitespace.
-- 613 Trailing whitespace in a string.
-- 614 Trailing whitespace in a comment.
-- 621 Inconsistent indentation (SPACE followed by TAB).
-- 631 Line is too long.