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Diggy Installation and Configuration
Diggy is a custom RedMew scenario. You start out with nothing but a market, your pick-axe and some walls deep, deep in the mine. The goal is to launch a rocket, but be careful, there's not a lot of space and the mine is unstable!
- Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3lheDK-6Cw
- Time lapse video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cRsx-wl_fk (By Namelesshunter Gaming)
: Scenarios- also known as soft-mods- are scripted maps. They can be played online without having to download any mods as the script is included in the map.
Scenario Information
The idea of Diggy is similar to vanilla, except that it greatly changes how to build your factory. As you're in a cave, each rock you dig, each support entity you remove and every tile you mine, can cause a collapse. You can use walls, stone paths and (refined) concrete floor to increase the strength of your mine and reduce the chance of a collapse.
Whenever you place or remove a wall for example, the stress level of the area around it (9x9 tiles) will rise or lower. When a certain threshold is reached, the cave will collapse. You can stop this by quickly placing walls or run away as fast as you can. Letting the cave collapse will destroy structures below it! The recommended pattern on dirt is to place a wall every 4th tile. Using stone paths and concrete will increase this to 5 tiles while refined concrete will make it 6.
How to start Diggy for Single-player mode
Step 1
Download the zip file from https://github.com/Valansch/RedMew/archive/develop.zip
Step 2
- Windows: extract the the zip file into
- MacOS: extract the the zip file into
~/Library/Application Support/factorio/Scenarios/Diggy
- Linux: extract the the zip file into
Make sure it's called Diggy and there's a control.lua
in the root of that directory.
: these locations are based on the default configuration defined by factorio. If your installation is not default, you have to find your scenarios directory in another way.
Step 3
Open map_layout.lua
in that directory and look for --require "map_gen.combined.diggy"
Change this to require "map_gen.combined.diggy"
, by removing the double dashes.
Step 4
In factorio start either a local or online game via Scenarios. Select Diggy
User scenarios
and start it up.
Note: Downloading the latest version might not always be a functional version, please consult on discord for a working version if this is the case.
Step 5 (optional)
Diggy is designed to work for at least 15 players online, working together. It's advised to change the configuration
to adjust the difficulty for your needs. You can find the config in map_gen/Diggy/Config.lua
. Most options should be
well-explained. For Single-player it's recommend to enable cheats with modified values. You can change the starting
items and some pre-defined cheat values (if cheats are enabled) under the SetupPlayer
config item.
Configuring Diggy
Changing or Disabling Biter Spawning
You can find the biter spawning feature in the config file under AlienSpawner
. If you don't want biters to spawn
according to the Diggy scenario, turn this feature off completely.
Disabling Collapses
While one of the core features, it can also be fun to play without. To turn off collapses completely, you can turn off
this feature under DiggyCaveCollapse
. If you experience performance issues while digging, you can turn off this
feature as well as it can be quite heavy.
Configuring Resource Spawning
At the moment, Diggy is not yet using any of the build-in mechanics to spawn resources and you will have to manually add
them. The resource spawning mechanism is quite complex, so don't hesitate to us how to configure it on Discord. Most
basic configuration can be found under ScatteredResources
. To customize the resource weights, you have to configure
those specifics in the map_gen/Diggy/Orepattern
directory. Resources are defined with a weight, meaning you can add
your own resources (for example bobs or angels) with a value and the scenario will automatically calculate the proper
spawn chances.
Adding Market Items
Items can be configured by adding the desired item under the MarketExchange
configuration. You only have to define a
level at which it unlocks, a price or prices in case it can cost more, and what the item prototype is. For a list of
items, you can look up each possible item on the Factorio raw data page.