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#pragma once
2010-12-17 18:47:07 +00:00
#include "../lib/ConstTransitivePtr.h"
#include "GameConstants.h"
#include "HeroBonus.h"
#include "IHandlerBase.h"
2010-12-17 18:47:07 +00:00
* CHeroHandler.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class CHeroClass;
class CDefHandler;
class CGameInfo;
class CGHeroInstance;
struct BattleHex;
class JsonNode;
class CRandomGenerator;
2010-08-17 14:58:13 +00:00
struct SSpecialtyInfo
{ si32 type;
si32 val;
si32 subtype;
si32 additionalinfo;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & type & val & subtype & additionalinfo;
2010-08-17 14:58:13 +00:00
struct SSpecialtyBonus
/// temporary hold
ui8 growsWithLevel;
BonusList bonuses;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & growsWithLevel & bonuses;
struct InitialArmyStack
ui32 minAmount;
ui32 maxAmount;
CreatureID creature;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & minAmount & maxAmount & creature;
HeroTypeID ID;
si32 imageIndex;
std::vector<InitialArmyStack> initialArmy;
CHeroClass * heroClass;
2013-02-12 19:49:40 +00:00
std::vector<std::pair<SecondarySkill, ui8> > secSkillsInit; //initial secondary skills; first - ID of skill, second - level of skill (1 - basic, 2 - adv., 3 - expert)
2010-08-17 14:58:13 +00:00
std::vector<SSpecialtyInfo> spec;
std::vector<SSpecialtyBonus> specialty;
std::set<SpellID> spells;
bool haveSpellBook;
bool special; // hero is special and won't be placed in game (unless preset on map), e.g. campaign heroes
ui8 sex; // default sex: 0=male, 1=female
/// Localized texts
std::string name; //name of hero
std::string biography;
std::string specName;
std::string specDescr;
std::string specTooltip;
/// Graphics
std::string iconSpecSmall;
std::string iconSpecLarge;
std::string portraitSmall;
std::string portraitLarge;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & ID & imageIndex & initialArmy & heroClass & secSkillsInit & spec & specialty & spells & haveSpellBook & sex & special;
h & name & biography & specName & specDescr & specTooltip;
h & iconSpecSmall & iconSpecLarge & portraitSmall & portraitLarge;
class DLL_LINKAGE CHeroClass
enum EClassAffinity
std::string identifier;
std::string name; // translatable
//double aggression; // not used in vcmi.
TFaction faction;
ui8 id;
ui8 affinity; // affility, using EClassAffinity enum
// default chance for hero of specific class to appear in tavern, if field "tavern" was not set
// resulting chance = sqrt(town.chance * heroClass.chance)
ui32 defaultTavernChance;
CCreature * commander;
std::vector<int> primarySkillInitial; // initial primary skills
std::vector<int> primarySkillLowLevel; // probability (%) of getting point of primary skill when getting level
std::vector<int> primarySkillHighLevel;// same for high levels (> 10)
std::vector<int> secSkillProbability; //probabilities of gaining secondary skills (out of 112), in id order
std::map<TFaction, int> selectionProbability; //probability of selection in towns
std::string imageBattleMale;
std::string imageBattleFemale;
std::string imageMapMale;
std::string imageMapFemale;
2014-01-06 17:45:21 +00:00
bool isMagicHero() const;
SecondarySkill chooseSecSkill(const std::set<SecondarySkill> & possibles, CRandomGenerator & rand) const; //picks secondary skill out from given possibilities
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & identifier & name & faction & id & defaultTavernChance;// & aggression;
h & primarySkillInitial & primarySkillLowLevel;
h & primarySkillHighLevel & secSkillProbability;
h & selectionProbability & affinity & commander;
h & imageBattleMale & imageBattleFemale & imageMapMale & imageMapFemale;
EAlignment::EAlignment getAlignment() const;
struct DLL_LINKAGE CObstacleInfo
si32 ID;
std::string defName;
2013-02-12 22:24:48 +00:00
std::vector<ETerrainType> allowedTerrains;
std::vector<BFieldType> allowedSpecialBfields;
ui8 isAbsoluteObstacle; //there may only one such obstacle in battle and its position is always the same
si32 width, height; //how much space to the right and up is needed to place obstacle (affects only placement algorithm)
std::vector<si16> blockedTiles; //offsets relative to obstacle position (that is its left bottom corner)
std::vector<BattleHex> getBlocked(BattleHex hex) const; //returns vector of hexes blocked by obstacle when it's placed on hex 'hex'
2013-02-12 22:24:48 +00:00
bool isAppropriate(ETerrainType terrainType, int specialBattlefield = -1) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & ID & defName & allowedTerrains & allowedSpecialBfields & isAbsoluteObstacle & width & height & blockedTiles;
class DLL_LINKAGE CHeroClassHandler : public IHandlerBase
CHeroClass *loadFromJson(const JsonNode & node);
std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr<CHeroClass> > heroClasses;
std::vector<JsonNode> loadLegacyData(size_t dataSize) override;
void loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data) override;
void loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data, size_t index) override;
void afterLoadFinalization();
std::vector<bool> getDefaultAllowed() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & heroClasses;
class DLL_LINKAGE CHeroHandler : public IHandlerBase
/// expPerLEvel[i] is amount of exp needed to reach level i;
/// consists of 201 values. Any higher levels require experience larger that ui64 can hold
std::vector<ui64> expPerLevel;
/// helpers for loading to avoid huge load functions
void loadHeroArmy(CHero * hero, const JsonNode & node);
void loadHeroSkills(CHero * hero, const JsonNode & node);
void loadHeroSpecialty(CHero * hero, const JsonNode & node);
void loadExperience();
void loadBallistics();
void loadTerrains();
void loadObstacles();
/// Load single hero from json
CHero * loadFromJson(const JsonNode & node);
CHeroClassHandler classes;
std::vector< ConstTransitivePtr<CHero> > heroes;
//default costs of going through terrains. -1 means terrain is impassable
std::vector<int> terrCosts;
2013-02-04 21:58:42 +00:00
struct SBallisticsLevelInfo
ui8 keep, tower, gate, wall; //chance to hit in percent (eg. 87 is 87%)
ui8 shots; //how many shots we have
ui8 noDmg, oneDmg, twoDmg; //chances for shot dealing certain dmg in percent (eg. 87 is 87%); must sum to 100
ui8 sum; //I don't know if it is useful for anything, but it's in config file
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & keep & tower & gate & wall & shots & noDmg & oneDmg & twoDmg & sum;
std::vector<SBallisticsLevelInfo> ballistics; //info about ballistics ability per level; [0] - none; [1] - basic; [2] - adv; [3] - expert
std::map<int, CObstacleInfo> obstacles; //info about obstacles that may be placed on battlefield
std::map<int, CObstacleInfo> absoluteObstacles; //info about obstacles that may be placed on battlefield
ui32 level(ui64 experience) const; //calculates level corresponding to given experience amount
ui64 reqExp(ui32 level) const; //calculates experience required for given level
std::vector<JsonNode> loadLegacyData(size_t dataSize) override;
void loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data) override;
void loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data, size_t index) override;
CHeroHandler(); //c-tor
~CHeroHandler(); //d-tor
std::vector<bool> getDefaultAllowed() const;
* Gets a list of default allowed abilities. OH3 abilities/skills are all allowed by default.
2013-02-04 21:58:42 +00:00
* @return a list of allowed abilities, the index is the ability id
2013-02-04 21:58:42 +00:00
std::vector<bool> getDefaultAllowedAbilities() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & classes & heroes & expPerLevel & ballistics & terrCosts;
h & obstacles & absoluteObstacles;