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#pragma once
#include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../../lib/CBuildingHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CTownHandler.h"
#include "AIUtility.h"
* Goals.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
struct HeroPtr;
class VCAI;
class FuzzyHelper;
2013-10-19 05:52:30 +00:00
namespace Goals
struct AbstractGoal;
class VisitTile;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Goals::AbstractGoal> TSubgoal;
typedef std::vector<TSubgoal> TGoalVec;
2013-10-19 05:52:30 +00:00
enum EGoals
WIN, DO_NOT_LOSE, CONQUER, BUILD, //build needs to get a real reasoning
BUILD_STRUCTURE, //if hero set, then in visited town
GATHER_TROOPS, // val of creatures with objid
GET_OBJ, //visit or defeat or collect the object
FIND_OBJ, //find and visit any obj with objid + resid //TODO: consider universal subid for various types (aid, bid)
VISIT_HERO, //heroes can move around - set goal abstract and track hero every turn
VISIT_TILE, //tile, in conjunction with hero elementar; assumes tile is reachable
DIG_AT_TILE //elementar with hero on tile
//method chaining + clone pattern
#define VSETTER(type, field) virtual AbstractGoal & set ## field(const type &rhs) {field = rhs; return *this;};
#define OSETTER(type, field) CGoal<T> & set ## field(const type &rhs) override { field = rhs; return *this; };
#if 0
#define SETTER
#endif // _DEBUG
enum {LOW_PR = -1};
TSubgoal sptr(const AbstractGoal & tmp);
class AbstractGoal
bool isElementar; VSETTER(bool, isElementar)
bool isAbstract; VSETTER(bool, isAbstract)
float priority; VSETTER(float, priority)
int value; VSETTER(int, value)
int resID; VSETTER(int, resID)
int objid; VSETTER(int, objid)
int aid; VSETTER(int, aid)
int3 tile; VSETTER(int3, tile)
HeroPtr hero; VSETTER(HeroPtr, hero)
const CGTownInstance *town; VSETTER(CGTownInstance *, town)
int bid; VSETTER(int, bid)
AbstractGoal (EGoals goal = INVALID) : goalType (goal)
priority = 0;
isElementar = false;
isAbstract = false;
value = 0;
aid = -1;
resID = -1;
tile = int3(-1, -1, -1);
town = nullptr;
virtual ~AbstractGoal(){};
//FIXME: abstract goal should be abstract, but serializer fails to instantiate subgoals in such case
virtual AbstractGoal * clone() const {return const_cast<AbstractGoal*>(this);};
virtual TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() {TGoalVec vec; return vec;};
virtual TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() {return sptr(AbstractGoal());};
EGoals goalType;
std::string name() const;
virtual std::string completeMessage() const {return "This goal is unspecified!";};
bool invalid() const;
static TSubgoal goVisitOrLookFor(const CGObjectInstance *obj); //if obj is nullptr, then we'll explore
static TSubgoal lookForArtSmart(int aid); //checks non-standard ways of obtaining art (merchants, quests, etc.)
static TSubgoal tryRecruitHero();
2013-11-24 15:30:17 +00:00
///Visitor pattern
//TODO: make accept work for shared_ptr... somehow
virtual void accept (VCAI * ai); //unhandled goal will report standard error
virtual float accept (FuzzyHelper * f);
virtual bool operator== (AbstractGoal &g);
virtual bool fulfillsMe (Goals::TSubgoal goal) //TODO: multimethod instead of type check
return false;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & goalType & isElementar & isAbstract & priority;
h & value & resID & objid & aid & tile & hero & town & bid;
template <typename T> class CGoal : public AbstractGoal
CGoal<T> (EGoals goal = INVALID) : AbstractGoal (goal)
priority = 0;
isElementar = false;
isAbstract = false;
value = 0;
aid = -1;
resID = -1;
tile = int3(-1, -1, -1);
town = nullptr;
OSETTER(bool, isElementar)
OSETTER(bool, isAbstract)
OSETTER(float, priority)
OSETTER(int, value)
OSETTER(int, resID)
OSETTER(int, objid)
OSETTER(int, aid)
OSETTER(int3, tile)
OSETTER(HeroPtr, hero)
OSETTER(CGTownInstance *, town)
OSETTER(int, bid)
void accept (VCAI * ai) override;
float accept (FuzzyHelper * f) override;
CGoal<T> * clone() const override
return new T(static_cast<T const&>(*this)); //casting enforces template instantiation
TSubgoal iAmElementar()
shared_ptr<AbstractGoal> ptr;
return ptr;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<AbstractGoal&> (*this);
//h & goalType & isElementar & isAbstract & priority;
//h & value & resID & objid & aid & tile & hero & town & bid;
class Invalid : public CGoal<Invalid>
Invalid() : CGoal (Goals::INVALID) {priority = -1e10;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Win : public CGoal<Win>
Win() : CGoal (Goals::WIN) {priority = 100;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class NotLose : public CGoal<NotLose>
NotLose() : CGoal (Goals::DO_NOT_LOSE) {priority = 100;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
//TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Conquer : public CGoal<Conquer>
Conquer() : CGoal (Goals::CONQUER) {priority = 10;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Build : public CGoal<Build>
Build() : CGoal (Goals::BUILD) {priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class Explore : public CGoal<Explore>
Explore() : CGoal (Goals::EXPLORE){priority = 1;};
Explore(HeroPtr h) : CGoal (Goals::EXPLORE){hero = h; priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
bool fulfillsMe (TSubgoal goal) override;
class GatherArmy : public CGoal<GatherArmy>
GatherArmy() : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_ARMY){};
GatherArmy(int val) : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_ARMY){value = val; priority = 2.5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class BoostHero : public CGoal<BoostHero>
BoostHero() : CGoal (Goals::INVALID){priority = -1e10;}; //TODO
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
//TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override {return sptr(Invalid());};
class RecruitHero : public CGoal<RecruitHero>
RecruitHero() : CGoal (Goals::RECRUIT_HERO){priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class BuildThis : public CGoal<BuildThis>
BuildThis() : CGoal (Goals::BUILD_STRUCTURE){}; //FIXME: should be not allowed (private)
BuildThis(BuildingID Bid, const CGTownInstance *tid) : CGoal (Goals::BUILD_STRUCTURE) {bid = Bid; town = tid; priority = 5;};
BuildThis(BuildingID Bid) : CGoal (Goals::BUILD_STRUCTURE) {bid = Bid; priority = 5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class CollectRes : public CGoal<CollectRes>
2013-10-19 11:37:22 +00:00
CollectRes() : CGoal (Goals::COLLECT_RES){};
CollectRes(int rid, int val) : CGoal (Goals::COLLECT_RES) {resID = rid; value = val; priority = 2;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class GatherTroops : public CGoal<GatherTroops>
GatherTroops() : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_TROOPS){priority = 2;};
GatherTroops(int type, int val) : CGoal (Goals::GATHER_TROOPS){objid = type; value = val; priority = 2;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class GetObj : public CGoal<GetObj>
GetObj() {}; // empty constructor not allowed
GetObj(int Objid) : CGoal(Goals::GET_OBJ) {objid = Objid; priority = 3;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (GetObj &g) {return g.objid == objid;}
bool fulfillsMe (TSubgoal goal) override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class FindObj : public CGoal<FindObj>
FindObj() {}; // empty constructor not allowed
FindObj(int ID) : CGoal(Goals::FIND_OBJ) {objid = ID; priority = 1;};
FindObj(int ID, int subID) : CGoal(Goals::FIND_OBJ) {objid = ID; resID = subID; priority = 1;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class VisitHero : public CGoal<VisitHero>
VisitHero() : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_HERO){};
VisitHero(int hid) : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_HERO){objid = hid; priority = 4;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
//bool operator== (VisitHero &g) {return g.objid == objid;}
bool fulfillsMe (TSubgoal goal) override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class GetArtOfType : public CGoal<GetArtOfType>
GetArtOfType() : CGoal (Goals::GET_ART_TYPE){};
GetArtOfType(int type) : CGoal (Goals::GET_ART_TYPE){aid = type; priority = 2;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
class VisitTile : public CGoal<VisitTile>
2013-10-19 11:37:22 +00:00
//tile, in conjunction with hero elementar; assumes tile is reachable
VisitTile() {}; // empty constructor not allowed
VisitTile(int3 Tile) : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_TILE) {tile = Tile; priority = 5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
//bool operator== (VisitTile &g) {return g.tile == tile;}
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class ClearWayTo : public CGoal<ClearWayTo>
ClearWayTo() : CGoal (Goals::CLEAR_WAY_TO){};
ClearWayTo(int3 Tile) : CGoal (Goals::CLEAR_WAY_TO) {tile = Tile; priority = 5;};
ClearWayTo(int3 Tile, HeroPtr h) : CGoal (Goals::CLEAR_WAY_TO) {tile = Tile; hero = h; priority = 5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (ClearWayTo &g) {return g.tile == tile;}
class DigAtTile : public CGoal<DigAtTile>
2013-10-19 11:37:22 +00:00
//elementar with hero on tile
DigAtTile() : CGoal (Goals::DIG_AT_TILE){};
DigAtTile(int3 Tile) : CGoal (Goals::DIG_AT_TILE) {tile = Tile; priority = 20;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (DigAtTile &g) {return g.tile == tile;}
class CIssueCommand : public CGoal<CIssueCommand>
std::function<bool()> command;
2013-10-19 11:37:22 +00:00
CIssueCommand(): CGoal(ISSUE_COMMAND){};
CIssueCommand(std::function<bool()> _command): CGoal(ISSUE_COMMAND), command(_command) {priority = 1e10;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
//TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override {return sptr(Invalid());};
2013-10-19 05:52:30 +00:00