mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00
Trying to organize mod handler a bit better.
- vcmi will now generate checksum for base game (H3 data) - only text files in Data in config directories affect checksum
This commit is contained in:
@ -321,6 +321,41 @@ void CContentHandler::afterLoadFinalization()
void CContentHandler::preloadData(CModInfo & mod)
bool validate = (mod.validation != CModInfo::PASSED);
// print message in format [<8-symbols checksum>] <modname>
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\t\t[" << std::noshowbase << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0')
<< mod.checksum << "] " << mod.name;
if (validate && mod.identifier != "core")
if (!JsonUtils::validate(mod.config, "vcmi:mod", mod.identifier))
mod.validation = CModInfo::FAILED;
if (!preloadModData(mod.identifier, mod.config, validate))
mod.validation = CModInfo::FAILED;
void CContentHandler::load(CModInfo & mod)
bool validate = (mod.validation != CModInfo::PASSED);
if (!loadMod(mod.identifier, validate))
mod.validation = CModInfo::FAILED;
if (validate)
if (mod.validation != CModInfo::FAILED)
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\t\t[DONE] " << mod.name;
logGlobal->errorStream() << "\t\t[FAIL] " << mod.name;
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\t\t[SKIP] " << mod.name;
for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::RESOURCE_QUANTITY; ++i)
@ -479,30 +514,58 @@ static JsonNode loadModSettings(std::string path)
return JsonNode();
/// loads mod info data from mod.json
static void loadModInfoJson(CModInfo & mod, const JsonNode & config)
CModInfo::CModInfo(std::string identifier,const JsonNode & local, const JsonNode & config):
dependencies(config["depends"].convertTo<std::set<std::string> >()),
conflicts(config["conflicts"].convertTo<std::set<std::string> >()),
mod.name = config["name"].String();
mod.description = config["description"].String();
mod.dependencies = config["depends"].convertTo<std::set<std::string> >();
mod.conflicts = config["conflicts"].convertTo<std::set<std::string> >();
/// load mod info from local config
static void loadModInfoConfig(CModInfo & mod, const JsonNode & config)
JsonNode CModInfo::saveLocalData()
if (config.isNull())
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << std::noshowbase << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << checksum;
JsonNode conf;
conf["active"].Bool() = enabled;
conf["validated"].Bool() = validation != FAILED;
conf["checksum"].String() = stream.str();
return conf;
void CModInfo::updateChecksum(ui32 newChecksum)
if (newChecksum != checksum)
mod.enabled = true;
mod.validated = false;
mod.checksum = 0;
checksum = newChecksum;
validation = PENDING;
void CModInfo::loadLocalData(const JsonNode & data)
bool validated = false;
if (data.isNull())
enabled = true;
checksum = 0;
mod.enabled = config["active"].Bool();
mod.validated = config["validated"].Bool();
mod.checksum = strtol(config["checksum"].String().c_str(), nullptr, 16);
enabled = data["active"].Bool();
validated = data["validated"].Bool();
checksum = strtol(data["checksum"].String().c_str(), nullptr, 16);
if (enabled)
validation = validated ? PASSED : PENDING;
validation = validated ? PASSED : FAILED;
void CModHandler::initializeMods(std::vector<std::string> availableMods)
@ -519,21 +582,17 @@ void CModHandler::initializeMods(std::vector<std::string> availableMods)
if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(modFileName)))
const JsonNode config = JsonNode(ResourceID(modFileName));
CModInfo & mod = allMods[name];
mod.identifier = name;
loadModInfoJson(mod, config);
loadModInfoConfig(mod, modList[name]);
CModInfo mod(name, modList[name], JsonNode(ResourceID(modFileName)));
allMods[name] = mod;
if (mod.enabled)
logGlobal->warnStream() << "\t\t Directory " << name << " does not contains VCMI mod";
coreMod = CModInfo("core", modConfig["core"], JsonNode(ResourceID("config/gameConfig.json")));
coreMod.name = "Original game files";
if (!checkDependencies(detectedMods))
@ -574,16 +633,25 @@ static ui32 calculateModChecksum(const std::string modName, ISimpleResourceLoade
modChecksum.process_bytes(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.data()), GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.size());
// second - add mod.json into checksum because filesystem does not contains this file
ResourceID modConfFile("mods/" + modName + "/mod", EResType::TEXT);
ui32 configChecksum = CResourceHandler::getInitial()->load(modConfFile)->calculateCRC32();
modChecksum.process_bytes(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&configChecksum), sizeof(configChecksum));
// third - add all loaded files from this mod into checksum
// FIXME: remove workaround for core mod
if (modName != "core")
ResourceID modConfFile("mods/" + modName + "/mod", EResType::TEXT);
ui32 configChecksum = CResourceHandler::getInitial()->load(modConfFile)->calculateCRC32();
modChecksum.process_bytes(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(&configChecksum), sizeof(configChecksum));
// third - add all detected text files from this mod into checksum
auto files = filesystem->getFilteredFiles([](const ResourceID & resID)
return resID.getType() == EResType::TEXT;
return resID.getType() == EResType::TEXT &&
( boost::starts_with(resID.getName(), "DATA") ||
boost::starts_with(resID.getName(), "CONFIG"));
// these two files may change between two runs of vcmi and must be handled separately
files.erase(ResourceID("CONFIG/SETTINGS", EResType::TEXT));
files.erase(ResourceID("CONFIG/MODSETTINGS", EResType::TEXT));
for (const ResourceID & file : files)
ui32 fileChecksum = filesystem->load(file)->calculateCRC32();
@ -594,22 +662,16 @@ static ui32 calculateModChecksum(const std::string modName, ISimpleResourceLoade
void CModHandler::loadModFilesystems()
coreMod.updateChecksum(calculateModChecksum("core", CResourceHandler::getCoreData()));
for(std::string & modName : activeMods)
ResourceID modConfFile("mods/" + modName + "/mod", EResType::TEXT);
auto fsConfigData = CResourceHandler::getInitial()->load(modConfFile)->readAll();
const JsonNode fsConfig((char*)fsConfigData.first.get(), fsConfigData.second);
auto filesystem = genModFilesystem(modName, fsConfig);
CModInfo & mod = allMods[modName];
auto filesystem = genModFilesystem(modName, mod.config);
CResourceHandler::get()->addLoader(filesystem, false);
logGlobal->traceStream() << "Generating checksum for " << modName;
ui32 newChecksum = calculateModChecksum(modName, filesystem);
if (allMods[modName].checksum != newChecksum)
allMods[modName].checksum = newChecksum;
allMods[modName].validated = false; // force (re-)validation
mod.updateChecksum(calculateModChecksum(modName, filesystem));
@ -629,57 +691,20 @@ void CModHandler::load()
CStopWatch totalTime, timer;
std::set<std::string> modsForValidation;
for (auto & mod : allMods)
if (mod.second.enabled && !mod.second.validated)
CContentHandler content;
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tInitializing content handler: " << timer.getDiff() << " ms";
// first - load virtual "core" mod that contains all data
// TODO? move all data into real mods? RoE, AB, SoD, WoG
content.preloadModData("core", JsonNode(ResourceID("config/gameConfig.json")), true);
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tParsing original game data: " << timer.getDiff() << " ms";
for(const TModID & modName : activeMods)
bool needsValidation = modsForValidation.count(modName);
// print message in format [<8-symbols checksum>] <modname>
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\t\t[" << std::noshowbase << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0')
<< allMods[modName].checksum << "] " << allMods[modName].name;
std::string modFileName = "mods/" + modName + "/mod.json";
const JsonNode config = JsonNode(ResourceID(modFileName));
if (needsValidation)
allMods[modName].validated = JsonUtils::validate(config, "vcmi:mod", modName);
allMods[modName].validated &= content.preloadModData(modName, config, needsValidation);
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tParsing mod data: " << timer.getDiff() << " ms";
content.loadMod("core", true);
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tLoading original game data: " << timer.getDiff() << " ms";
for(const TModID & modName : activeMods)
bool needsValidation = modsForValidation.count(modName);
allMods[modName].validated &= content.loadMod(modName, needsValidation);
if (needsValidation)
if (allMods[modName].validated)
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\t\t[DONE] " << allMods[modName].name;
logGlobal->errorStream() << "\t\t[FAIL] " << allMods[modName].name;
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\t\t[SKIP] " << allMods[modName].name;
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tLoading mod data: " << timer.getDiff() << "ms";
@ -690,27 +715,15 @@ void CModHandler::load()
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tHandlers post-load finalization: " << timer.getDiff() << " ms";
logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tAll game content loaded in " << totalTime.getDiff() << " ms";
static JsonNode modInfoToJson(const CModInfo & mod)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << std::noshowbase << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << mod.checksum;
JsonNode conf;
conf["active"].Bool() = mod.enabled;
conf["validated"].Bool() = mod.validated;
conf["checksum"].String() = stream.str();
return conf;
void CModHandler::afterLoad()
JsonNode modSettings;
for (auto & modEntry : allMods)
modSettings["activeMods"][modEntry.first] = modInfoToJson(modEntry.second);
modSettings["activeMods"][modEntry.first] = modEntry.second.saveLocalData();
modSettings["core"] = coreMod.saveLocalData();
std::ofstream file(*CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(ResourceID("config/modSettings.json")), std::ofstream::trunc);
file << modSettings;
@ -97,18 +97,22 @@ class CContentHandler
void afterLoadFinalization();
/// preloads all data from fileList as data from modName.
bool preloadModData(std::string modName, JsonNode modConfig, bool validate);
/// actually loads data in mod
bool loadMod(std::string modName, bool validate);
std::map<std::string, ContentTypeHandler> handlers;
/// fully initialize object. Will cause reading of H3 config files
/// preloads all data from fileList as data from modName.
/// returns true if loading was successfull
bool preloadModData(std::string modName, JsonNode modConfig, bool validate);
void preloadData(CModInfo & mod);
/// actually loads data in mod
/// returns true if loading was successfull
bool loadMod(std::string modName, bool validate);
void load(CModInfo & mod);
/// all data was loaded, time for final validation / integration
void afterLoadFinalization();
@ -119,6 +123,13 @@ typedef std::string TModID;
class DLL_LINKAGE CModInfo
enum EValidationStatus
/// identifier, identical to name of folder with mod
std::string identifier;
@ -135,25 +146,34 @@ public:
/// CRC-32 checksum of the mod
ui32 checksum;
/// true if mod has passed validation successfully
bool validated;
/// true if mod is enabled
bool enabled;
// mod configuration (mod.json). (no need to store it right now)
// std::shared_ptr<JsonNode> config; //TODO: unique_ptr can't be serialized
EValidationStatus validation;
JsonNode config;
CModInfo(std::string identifier, const JsonNode & local, const JsonNode & config);
JsonNode saveLocalData();
void updateChecksum(ui32 newChecksum);
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & identifier & description & name & dependencies & conflicts & checksum & validated & enabled;
h & identifier & description & name;
h & dependencies & conflicts & config;
h & checksum & validation & enabled;
void loadLocalData(const JsonNode & data);
class DLL_LINKAGE CModHandler
std::map <TModID, CModInfo> allMods;
std::vector <TModID> activeMods;//active mods, in order in which they were loaded
CModInfo coreMod;
void loadConfigFromFile(std::string name);
void loadModFilesystems();
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
CFilesystemList * CResourceHandler::resourceLoader = nullptr;
CFilesystemList * CResourceHandler::initialLoader = nullptr;
CFilesystemList * CResourceHandler::coreDataLoader = nullptr;
CFilesystemGenerator::CFilesystemGenerator(std::string prefix):
filesystem(new CFilesystemList()),
@ -162,13 +163,21 @@ CFilesystemList * CResourceHandler::getInitial()
return initialLoader;
CFilesystemList * CResourceHandler::getCoreData()
return coreDataLoader;
void CResourceHandler::load(const std::string &fsConfigURI)
auto fsConfigData = initialLoader->load(ResourceID(fsConfigURI, EResType::TEXT))->readAll();
const JsonNode fsConfig((char*)fsConfigData.first.get(), fsConfigData.second);
resourceLoader = createFileSystem("", fsConfig["filesystem"]);
coreDataLoader = createFileSystem("", fsConfig["filesystem"]);
resourceLoader = new CFilesystemList();
resourceLoader->addLoader(coreDataLoader, false);
// hardcoded system-specific path, may not be inside any of data directories
resourceLoader->addLoader(new CFilesystemLoader("SAVES/", VCMIDirs::get().userSavePath()), true);
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ public:
static CFilesystemList * get();
static CFilesystemList * getInitial();
static CFilesystemList * getCoreData();
* Creates instance of initial resource loader.
@ -99,4 +100,5 @@ private:
/** Instance of resource loader */
static CFilesystemList * resourceLoader;
static CFilesystemList * initialLoader;
static CFilesystemList * coreDataLoader;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user