mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00
cieniowanie i drobne poprawki
zawiera drobny błąd wyświetlania cienia (walnięta funkcja do flipowania)
This commit is contained in:
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void zerr(int ret)
void SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B)
/*void SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B)
Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)ekran->pixels + y * ekran->pitch + x * ekran->format->BytesPerPixel;
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ void SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B)
p[2] = R;
SDL_UpdateRect(ekran, x, y, 1, 1);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int xx=0, yy=0, zz=0;
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
CObjectHandler * objh = new CObjectHandler;
cgi->objh = objh;
CAmbarCendamo * ac = new CAmbarCendamo("4gryf"); //4gryf
CAmbarCendamo * ac = new CAmbarCendamo("9gryf"); //4gryf
CMapHeader * mmhh = new CMapHeader(ac->bufor); //czytanie nag³ówka
cgi->ac = ac;
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie pliku: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
@ -291,17 +291,17 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
THC std::cout<<"Rozpoznawianie pliku lacznie: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie defow: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
mapHandler * mh = new mapHandler();
CMapHandler * mh = new CMapHandler();
mh->reader = ac;
THC std::cout<<"Stworzenie mapHandlera: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Inicjalizacja mapHandlera: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
//SDL_Rect * sr = new SDL_Rect(); sr->h=64;sr->w=64;sr->x=0;sr->y=0;
SDL_Surface * teren = mh->terrainRect(xx,yy,32,24);
SDL_Surface * teren = mh->terrainRect(xx,yy,25,19);
THC std::cout<<"Przygotowanie terenu do wyswietlenia: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
SDL_UpdateRect(ekran, 0, 0, ekran->w, ekran->h);
THC std::cout<<"Wyswietlenie terenu: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
//SDL_Surface * ss = ac->defs[0]->ourImages[0].bitmap;
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
SDL_Surface * help = mh->terrainRect(xx,yy,25,18,zz);
SDL_UpdateRect(ekran, 0, 0, ekran->w, ekran->h);
updateScreen = false;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ std::string CSemiDefHandler::nameFromType (EterrainType typ)
void CSemiDefHandler::openDef(std::string name, std::string lodName)
void CSemiDefHandler::openDef(std::string name, std::string lodName, int dist)
std::ifstream * is = new std::ifstream();
is -> open((lodName+"\\"+name).c_str(),std::ios::binary);
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ void CSemiDefHandler::openDef(std::string name, std::string lodName)
defName = defName.substr(gdzie+1, gdzie-defName.length());
delete is;
void CSemiDefHandler::readFileList()
void CSemiDefHandler::readFileList(int dist)
howManyImgs = buforD[788];
int i = 800;
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void CSemiDefHandler::readFileList()
i+=dist; //by³o zwiêkszenie tylko o jedno
if (temp!="")
temp = temp.substr(0,temp.length()-4) + ".BMP";
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ public:
static std::string nameFromType(EterrainType typ);
void openImg(const char *name);
void openDef(std::string name, std::string lodName);
void readFileList();
void openDef(std::string name, std::string lodName, int dist=1);
void readFileList(int dist = 1);
void loadImages(std::string path);
#endif // SEMIDEF_H
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ void CSemiLodHandler::openLod(std::string path)
ourName = path;
CSemiDefHandler * CSemiLodHandler::giveDef(std::string name)
CSemiDefHandler * CSemiLodHandler::giveDef(std::string name, int dist)
CSemiDefHandler * ret = new CSemiDefHandler();
ret->openDef(name, ourName);
ret->openDef(name, ourName, dist);
return ret;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class CSemiLodHandler
std::string ourName; // name of our lod
void openLod(std::string path);
CSemiDefHandler * giveDef(std::string name); //loads def from our lod
CSemiDefHandler * giveDef(std::string name, int dist=1); //loads def from our lod
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SDL_Extensions.h"
#include "SDL_TTF.h"
#include <iostream>
extern SDL_Surface * ekran;
extern SDL_Color tytulowy, tlo, zwykly ;
bool isItIn(const SDL_Rect * rect, int x, int y)
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ void printAt(std::string text, int x, int y, TTF_Font * font, SDL_Color kolor=ty
void CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B, int myC)
void CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B, int myC, Uint8 A)
Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)ekran->pixels + y * ekran->pitch + x * ekran->format->BytesPerPixel-myC;
@ -63,10 +64,11 @@ void CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G,
///Reverses the toRot surface by the vertical axis
SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate01(SDL_Surface * toRot)
SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate01(SDL_Surface * toRot, int myC)
SDL_Surface * first = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(toRot->flags, toRot->w, toRot->h, toRot->format->BitsPerPixel, toRot->format->Rmask, toRot->format->Gmask, toRot->format->Bmask, toRot->format->Amask);
SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(first, toRot->format, toRot->flags);
//SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey);
for(int i=0; i<ret->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<ret->h; ++j)
@ -75,11 +77,11 @@ SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate01(SDL_Surface * toRot)
Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)toRot->pixels + j * toRot->pitch + (ret->w - i - 1) * toRot->format->BytesPerPixel;
CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(ret, i, j, p[0], p[1], p[2], 2);
CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(ret, i, j, p[0], p[1], p[2], myC);
CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(ret, i, j, p[2], p[1], p[0], 2);
CSDL_Ext::SDL_PutPixel(ret, i, j, p[2], p[1], p[0], myC);
@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::hFlip(SDL_Surface * toRot)
SDL_Surface * first = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(toRot->flags, toRot->w, toRot->h, toRot->format->BitsPerPixel, toRot->format->Rmask, toRot->format->Gmask, toRot->format->Bmask, toRot->format->Amask);
SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(first, toRot->format, toRot->flags);
//SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey);
for(int i=0; i<ret->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<ret->h; ++j)
@ -120,6 +123,7 @@ SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate02(SDL_Surface * toRot)
SDL_Surface * first = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(toRot->flags, toRot->h, toRot->w, toRot->format->BitsPerPixel, toRot->format->Rmask, toRot->format->Gmask, toRot->format->Bmask, toRot->format->Amask);
SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(first, toRot->format, toRot->flags);
//SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey);
for(int i=0; i<ret->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<ret->h; ++j)
@ -148,6 +152,7 @@ SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::rotate03(SDL_Surface * toRot)
SDL_Surface * first = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(toRot->flags, toRot->w, toRot->h, toRot->format->BitsPerPixel, toRot->format->Rmask, toRot->format->Gmask, toRot->format->Bmask, toRot->format->Amask);
SDL_Surface * ret = SDL_ConvertSurface(first, toRot->format, toRot->flags);
//SDL_SetColorKey(ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, toRot->format->colorkey);
for(int i=0; i<ret->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<ret->h; ++j)
@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ SDL_Cursor * CSDL_Ext::SurfaceToCursor(SDL_Surface *image, int hx, int hy)
return cursor;
Uint32 CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y)
Uint32 CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y, bool colorByte)
int bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
/* Here p is the address to the pixel we want to retrieve */
@ -215,7 +220,12 @@ Uint32 CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y)
switch(bpp) {
case 1:
return *p;
return colorToUint32(surface->format->palette->colors+(*p));
return *p;
case 2:
return *(Uint16 *)p;
@ -232,4 +242,70 @@ Uint32 CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y)
return 0; /* shouldn't happen, but avoids warnings */
SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(SDL_Surface *src)
Uint32 trans = SDL_MapRGBA(src->format, 0, 255, 255, 255);
//SDL_SetColorKey(src, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, trans);
/*SDL_SetColorKey(src, 0, trans);
src = SDL_ConvertSurface(src, ekran->format, ekran->flags);
for(int i=0; i<src->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<src->h; ++j)
Uint8 cr, cg, cb, ca;
SDL_GetRGBA(SDL_GetPixel(src, i, j), src->format, &cr, &cg, &cb, &ca);
if(cr == 255 && cb == 255)
Uint32 aaaa=src->format->Amask;
Uint32 aaab=src->format->Bmask;
Uint32 aaag=src->format->Gmask;
Uint32 aaar=src->format->Rmask;
Uint32 put = cg << 24 | cr << 16 | ca << 8 | cb;
SDL_Rect rrr = genRect(1, 1, i, j);
SDL_FillRect(src, &rrr, put);
//SDL_UpdateRect(src, 0, 0, src->w, src->h);
SDL_SetColorKey(src, 0, trans);
if(src->format->BitsPerPixel == 8)
for(int yy=0; yy<src->format->palette->ncolors; ++yy)
SDL_Color cur = *(src->format->palette->colors+yy);
if(cur.r == 255 && cur.b == 255)
SDL_Color shadow;
shadow.b = shadow.g = shadow.r = 0;
shadow.unused = cur.g + 25; //25 is a scalable constans to make it nicer
SDL_SetColors(src, &shadow, yy, 1);
if(cur.g == 255 && cur.b == 255)
SDL_Color transp;
transp.b = transp.g = transp.r = 0;
transp.unused = 255;
SDL_SetColors(src, &transp, yy, 1);
SDL_UpdateRect(src, 0, 0, src->w, src->h);
return src;
Uint32 CSDL_Ext::colorToUint32(const SDL_Color * color)
Uint32 ret = 0;
return ret;
@ -5,13 +5,16 @@
class CSDL_Ext
static void SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B, int myC=0); //myC influences the start of reading pixels
static SDL_Surface * rotate01(SDL_Surface * toRot);
static void SDL_PutPixel(SDL_Surface *ekran, int x, int y, Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B, int myC=0, Uint8 A = 255); //myC influences the start of reading pixels
static SDL_Surface * rotate01(SDL_Surface * toRot, int myC = 2); //vertical flip
static SDL_Surface * hFlip(SDL_Surface * toRot); //horizontal flip
static SDL_Surface * rotate02(SDL_Surface * toRot);
static SDL_Surface * rotate03(SDL_Surface * toRot);
static SDL_Surface * rotate02(SDL_Surface * toRot); //rotate 90 degrees left
static SDL_Surface * rotate03(SDL_Surface * toRot); //rotate 180 degrees
static SDL_Cursor * SurfaceToCursor(SDL_Surface *image, int hx, int hy);
static Uint32 SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y);
static Uint32 SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y, bool colorByte = false);
static SDL_Color SDL_GetPixelColor(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y);
static SDL_Surface * alphaTransform(SDL_Surface * src); //adds transparency and shadows
static Uint32 colorToUint32(const SDL_Color * color); //little endian only
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#ifndef MAPD
#define MAPD
#ifndef MAPD_H
#define MAPD_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@ -205,4 +205,4 @@ public:
#endif //MAPD
#endif //MAPD_H
@ -4,10 +4,45 @@
#include "SDL_rotozoom.h"
#include "SDL_Extensions.h"
#include "CGameInfo.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
extern SDL_Surface * ekran;
void mapHandler::init()
void CMapHandler::init()
fullHide = CGameInfo::mainObj->sspriteh->giveDef("TSHRC.DEF", 2);
partialHide = CGameInfo::mainObj->sspriteh->giveDef("TSHRE.DEF", 2);
for(int i=0; i<partialHide->ourImages.size(); ++i)
for(int gg=0; gg<reader->map.width+8; ++gg)
for(int jj=0; jj<reader->map.height+8; ++jj)
visibility[gg][jj] = true;
for(int gg=0; gg<reader->map.width+8; ++gg)
for(int jj=0; jj<reader->map.height+8; ++jj)
undVisibility[gg][jj] = true;
visibility[6][7] = false;
undVisibility[5][7] = false;
visibility[7][7] = false;
visibility[6][8] = false;
visibility[6][6] = false;
//visibility[5][6] = false;
//visibility[7][8] = false;
visibility[5][8] = false;
visibility[7][6] = false;
visibility[6][9] = false;
terrainBitmap = new SDL_Surface **[reader->map.width+8];
for (int ii=0;ii<reader->map.width+8;ii++)
terrainBitmap[ii] = new SDL_Surface*[reader->map.height+8]; // allocate memory
@ -203,11 +238,12 @@ void mapHandler::init()
catch (...)
{ continue; }
} //end of internal for
} //end of external for
} //end of if
SDL_Surface * mapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level)
SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level)
int rmask = 0xff000000;
@ -220,6 +256,7 @@ SDL_Surface * mapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level)
int bmask = 0x00ff0000;
int amask = 0xff000000;
SDL_Surface * su = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, dx*32, dy*32, 32,
rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
if (((dx+x)>((reader->map.width+8)) || (dy+y)>((reader->map.height+8))) || ((x<0)||(y<0) ) )
@ -233,12 +270,263 @@ SDL_Surface * mapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level)
if (!level)
if( bx+x>3 && by+y>3 && bx+x<visibility.size()-3 && by+y<visibility[0].size()-3 && !visibility[bx+x][by+y])
SDL_Surface * hide = CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(getVisBitmap(bx+x, by+y, visibility));
Uint32 pompom[32][32];
for(int i=0; i<hide->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<hide->h; ++j)
pompom[i][j] = 0xffffffff - (CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(hide, i, j, true) & 0xff000000);
hide = SDL_ConvertSurface(hide, su->format, SDL_SWSURFACE);
for(int i=0; i<hide->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<hide->h; ++j)
Uint32 * place = (Uint32*)( (Uint8*)hide->pixels + j * hide->pitch + i * hide->format->BytesPerPixel);
SDL_BlitSurface(hide, NULL, su, sr);
if( bx+x>3 && by+y>3 && bx+x<undVisibility.size()-3 && by+y<undVisibility[0].size()-3 && !undVisibility[bx+x][by+y])
SDL_Surface * hide = CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(getVisBitmap(bx+x, by+y, undVisibility));
Uint32 pompom[32][32];
for(int i=0; i<hide->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<hide->h; ++j)
pompom[i][j] = 0xffffffff - (CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(hide, i, j, true) & 0xff000000);
hide = SDL_ConvertSurface(hide, su->format, SDL_SWSURFACE);
for(int i=0; i<hide->w; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<hide->h; ++j)
Uint32 * place = (Uint32*)( (Uint8*)hide->pixels + j * hide->pitch + i * hide->format->BytesPerPixel);
SDL_BlitSurface(hide, NULL, su, sr);
delete sr;
return su;
SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::terrBitmap(int x, int y)
return terrainBitmap[x+4][y+4];
SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::undTerrBitmap(int x, int y)
return undTerrainBitmap[x+4][y+4];
SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::getVisBitmap(int x, int y, std::vector< std::vector<bool> > & visibility)
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return fullHide->ourImages[rand()%fullHide->ourImages.size()].bitmap; //fully hidden
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[22].bitmap; //visible right bottom corner
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[15].bitmap; //visible right top corner
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[22].bitmap); //visible left bottom corner
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[15].bitmap); //visible left top corner
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[rand()%2].bitmap; //visible top
else if(visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[4+rand()%2].bitmap; //visble bottom
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[2+rand()%2].bitmap); //visible left
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[2+rand()%2].bitmap; //visible right
else if(visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[12+2*(rand()%2)].bitmap; //visible bottom, right - bottom, right; left top corner hidden
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[13].bitmap; //visible right, right - top; left bottom corner hidden
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[13].bitmap); //visible top, top - left, left; right bottom corner hidden
else if(visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[12+2*(rand()%2)].bitmap); //visible left, left - bottom, bottom; right top corner hidden
else if(visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[10].bitmap; //visible left, right, bottom and top
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[16].bitmap; //visible right corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[18].bitmap; //visible top corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[16].bitmap); //visible left corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::hFlip(partialHide->ourImages[18].bitmap); //visible bottom corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[17].bitmap; //visible right - top and bottom - left corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::hFlip(partialHide->ourImages[17].bitmap); //visible top - left and bottom - right corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[19].bitmap; //visible corners without left top
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[20].bitmap; //visible corners without left bottom
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[20].bitmap); //visible corners without right bottom
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[19].bitmap); //visible corners without right top
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[21].bitmap; //visible all corners only
if(visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[6].bitmap; //hidden top
if(visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[7].bitmap; //hidden right
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[8].bitmap; //hidden bottom
if(visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[6].bitmap); //hidden left
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[9].bitmap; //hidden top and bottom
if(visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[29].bitmap; //hidden left and right
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[24].bitmap; //visible top and right bottom corner
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[24].bitmap); //visible top and left bottom corner
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[33].bitmap; //visible top and bottom corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[26].bitmap); //visible left and right top corner
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[25].bitmap); //visible left and right bottom corner
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[32].bitmap; //visible left and right corners
if(visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x+1][y-1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[30].bitmap); //visible bottom and left top corner
if(visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[30].bitmap; //visible bottom and right top corner
if(visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[31].bitmap; //visible bottom and top corners
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[25].bitmap; //visible right and left bottom corner
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && !visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[26].bitmap; //visible right and left top corner
if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[32].bitmap); //visible right and left cornres
if(visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y-1])
return partialHide->ourImages[28].bitmap; //visible bottom, right - bottom, right; left top corner visible
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && visibility[x+1][y] && !visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x-1][y+1])
return partialHide->ourImages[27].bitmap; //visible right, right - top; left bottom corner visible
else if(!visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y+1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[27].bitmap); //visible top, top - left, left; right bottom corner visible
else if(visibility[x][y+1] && !visibility[x+1][y] && visibility[x-1][y] && !visibility[x][y-1] && visibility[x+1][y-1])
return CSDL_Ext::rotate01(partialHide->ourImages[28].bitmap); //visible left, left - bottom, bottom; right top corner visible
return fullHide->ourImages[0].bitmap; //this case should never happen, but it is better to hide too much than reveal it....
@ -1,11 +1,27 @@
#include "CAmbarCendamo.h"
class mapHandler
#include "CSemiDefHandler.h"
#include "CGameInfo.h"
class CMapHandler
CAmbarCendamo * reader;
SDL_Surface *** terrainBitmap;
SDL_Surface *** undTerrainBitmap; // used only if there is underground level
SDL_Surface * terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level=0);
SDL_Surface mirrorImage(SDL_Surface *src);
SDL_Surface * terrBitmap(int x, int y);
SDL_Surface * undTerrBitmap(int x, int y);
CSemiDefHandler * fullHide;
CSemiDefHandler * partialHide;
std::vector< std::vector<bool> > visibility; //true means that pointed place is visible
std::vector< std::vector<bool> > undVisibility; //true means that pointed place is visible
SDL_Surface mirrorImage(SDL_Surface *src); //what is this??
SDL_Surface * getVisBitmap(int x, int y, std::vector< std::vector<bool> > & visibility);
void init();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user