mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 82c37573fa Removed save compatibility with 1.4
All save compatibility checks targeting 1.4 saves have now been removed.
Saves from 1.5 can still be loaded in 1.6

Implemeted few TODO's in serialization that were postponed to avoid
breaking save compatibility in MP for 1.5.X releases.

Fixed missed case for loading black market object from 1.5 saves
2024-08-29 18:51:53 +00:00

312 lines
8.6 KiB

* CMapHeader.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "../constants/EntityIdentifiers.h"
#include "../constants/Enumerations.h"
#include "../constants/VariantIdentifier.h"
#include "../modding/ModVerificationInfo.h"
#include "../serializer/Serializeable.h"
#include "../LogicalExpression.h"
#include "../int3.h"
#include "../texts/MetaString.h"
#include "../texts/TextLocalizationContainer.h"
class CGObjectInstance;
enum class EMapFormat : uint8_t;
/// The hero name struct consists of the hero id and the hero name.
struct DLL_LINKAGE SHeroName
HeroTypeID heroId;
std::string heroName;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h)
h & heroId;
h & heroName;
/// The player info constains data about which factions are allowed, AI tactical settings,
/// the main hero name, where to generate the hero, whether the faction should be selected randomly,...
struct DLL_LINKAGE PlayerInfo
/// Gets the default faction id or -1 for a random faction.
FactionID defaultCastle() const;
/// Gets the default hero id or -1 for a random hero.
HeroTypeID defaultHero() const;
bool canAnyonePlay() const;
bool hasCustomMainHero() const;
bool canHumanPlay;
bool canComputerPlay;
EAiTactic aiTactic; /// The default value is EAiTactic::RANDOM.
std::set<FactionID> allowedFactions;
bool isFactionRandom;
///main hero instance (VCMI maps only)
std::string mainHeroInstance;
/// Player has a random main hero
bool hasRandomHero;
/// The default value is -1.
HeroTypeID mainCustomHeroPortrait;
std::string mainCustomHeroNameTextId;
/// ID of custom hero (only if portrait and hero name are set, otherwise unpredicted value), -1 if none (not always -1)
HeroTypeID mainCustomHeroId;
std::vector<SHeroName> heroesNames; /// list of placed heroes on the map
bool hasMainTown; /// The default value is false.
bool generateHeroAtMainTown; /// The default value is false.
int3 posOfMainTown;
TeamID team; /// The default value NO_TEAM
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h)
h & hasRandomHero;
h & mainCustomHeroId;
h & canHumanPlay;
h & canComputerPlay;
h & aiTactic;
h & allowedFactions;
h & isFactionRandom;
h & mainCustomHeroPortrait;
h & mainCustomHeroNameTextId;
h & heroesNames;
h & hasMainTown;
h & generateHeroAtMainTown;
h & posOfMainTown;
h & team;
h & mainHeroInstance;
/// The loss condition describes the condition to lose the game. (e.g. lose all own heroes/castles)
struct DLL_LINKAGE EventCondition
enum EWinLoseType {
HAVE_ARTIFACT, // type - required artifact
HAVE_CREATURES, // type - creatures to collect, value - amount to collect
HAVE_RESOURCES, // type - resource ID, value - amount to collect
HAVE_BUILDING, // position - town, optional, type - building to build
CONTROL, // position - position of object, optional, type - type of object
DESTROY, // position - position of object, optional, type - type of object
TRANSPORT, // position - where artifact should be transported, type - type of artifact
DAYS_PASSED, // value - number of days from start of the game
IS_HUMAN, // value - 0 = player is AI, 1 = player is human
DAYS_WITHOUT_TOWN, // value - how long player can live without town, 0=instakill
STANDARD_WIN, // normal defeat all enemies condition
CONST_VALUE, // condition that always evaluates to "value" (0 = false, 1 = true)
using TargetTypeID = VariantIdentifier<ArtifactID, CreatureID, GameResID, BuildingID, MapObjectID>;
EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition = STANDARD_WIN);
EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition, si32 value, TargetTypeID objectType, const int3 & position = int3(-1, -1, -1));
ObjectInstanceID objectID; // object that was at specified position or with instance name on start
si32 value;
TargetTypeID objectType;
std::string objectInstanceName;
int3 position;
EWinLoseType condition;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h)
h & objectID;
h & value;
h & objectType;
h & position;
h & condition;
h & objectInstanceName;
using EventExpression = LogicalExpression<EventCondition>;
struct DLL_LINKAGE EventEffect
enum EType
/// effect type, using EType enum
si8 type;
/// message that will be sent to other players
MetaString toOtherMessage;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h)
h & type;
h & toOtherMessage;
struct DLL_LINKAGE TriggeredEvent
/// base condition that must be evaluated
EventExpression trigger;
/// string identifier read from config file (e.g. captureKreelah)
std::string identifier;
/// string-description, for use in UI (capture town to win)
MetaString description;
/// Message that will be displayed when this event is triggered (You captured town. You won!)
MetaString onFulfill;
/// Effect of this event. TODO: refactor into something more flexible
EventEffect effect;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h)
h & identifier;
h & trigger;
h & description;
h & onFulfill;
h & effect;
enum class EMapDifficulty : uint8_t
EASY = 0,
HARD = 2,
/// The map header holds information about loss/victory condition,map format, version, players, height, width,...
class DLL_LINKAGE CMapHeader: public Serializeable
void setupEvents();
static constexpr int MAP_SIZE_SMALL = 36;
static constexpr int MAP_SIZE_MIDDLE = 72;
static constexpr int MAP_SIZE_LARGE = 108;
static constexpr int MAP_SIZE_XLARGE = 144;
static constexpr int MAP_SIZE_HUGE = 180;
static constexpr int MAP_SIZE_XHUGE = 216;
static constexpr int MAP_SIZE_GIANT = 252;
virtual ~CMapHeader();
ui8 levels() const;
EMapFormat version; /// The default value is EMapFormat::SOD.
ModCompatibilityInfo mods; /// set of mods required to play a map
si32 height; /// The default value is 72.
si32 width; /// The default value is 72.
bool twoLevel; /// The default value is true.
MetaString name;
MetaString description;
EMapDifficulty difficulty;
MetaString author;
MetaString authorContact;
MetaString mapVersion;
std::time_t creationDateTime;
/// Specifies the maximum level to reach for a hero. A value of 0 states that there is no
/// maximum level for heroes. This is the default value.
ui8 levelLimit;
MetaString victoryMessage;
MetaString defeatMessage;
ui16 victoryIconIndex;
ui16 defeatIconIndex;
std::vector<PlayerInfo> players; /// The default size of the vector is PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT.
ui8 howManyTeams;
std::set<HeroTypeID> allowedHeroes;
std::set<HeroTypeID> reservedCampaignHeroes; /// Heroes that have placeholders in this map and are reserved for campaign
bool areAnyPlayers; /// Unused. True if there are any playable players on the map.
/// "main quests" of the map that describe victory and loss conditions
std::vector<TriggeredEvent> triggeredEvents;
/// translations for map to be transferred over network
JsonNode translations;
TextContainerRegistrable texts;
void registerMapStrings();
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h)
h & texts;
h & version;
h & mods;
h & name;
h & description;
if (h.version >= Handler::Version::MAP_FORMAT_ADDITIONAL_INFOS)
h & author;
h & authorContact;
h & mapVersion;
h & creationDateTime;
h & width;
h & height;
h & twoLevel;
if (h.version >= Handler::Version::SAVE_COMPATIBILITY_FIXES)
h & difficulty;
uint8_t difficultyInteger = static_cast<uint8_t>(difficulty);
h & difficultyInteger;
difficulty = static_cast<EMapDifficulty>(difficultyInteger);
h & levelLimit;
h & areAnyPlayers;
h & players;
h & howManyTeams;
h & allowedHeroes;
h & reservedCampaignHeroes;
//Do not serialize triggeredEvents in header as they can contain information about heroes and armies
h & victoryMessage;
h & victoryIconIndex;
h & defeatMessage;
h & defeatIconIndex;
h & translations;
/// wrapper functions to register string into the map and stores its translation
std::string DLL_LINKAGE mapRegisterLocalizedString(const std::string & modContext, CMapHeader & mapHeader, const TextIdentifier & UID, const std::string & localized);
std::string DLL_LINKAGE mapRegisterLocalizedString(const std::string & modContext, CMapHeader & mapHeader, const TextIdentifier & UID, const std::string & localized, const std::string & language);