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< Documentation / Modding / Bonus Format / Bonus Updaters
List of Bonus Updaters
Updaters come in two forms: simple and complex. Simple updaters take no parameters and are specified as strings. Complex updaters do take parameters (sometimes optional), and are specified as structs.
Check the files in config/heroes/ for additional usage examples.
- Type: Complex
- Parameters: valPer20, stepSize=1
- Effect: Updates val to
ceil(valPer20 * floor(heroLevel / stepSize) / 20)
Example: The following updater will cause a bonus to grow by 6 for every 40 levels. At first level, rounding will cause the bonus to be 0.
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 6, 2 ],
Example: The following updater will cause a bonus to grow by 3 for every 20 levels. At first level, rounding will cause the bonus to be 1.
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 3 ],
- The rounding rules are designed to match the attack/defense bonus progression for heroes with creature specialties in HMM3.
- There is no point in specifying val for a bonus with a GROWS_WITH_LEVEL updater.
- Type: Simple
- Effect: Updates val to
val * heroLevel
"updater" : "TIMES_HERO_LEVEL"
Remark: This updater is redundant, in the sense that GROWS_WITH_LEVEL can also express the desired scaling by setting valPer20 to 20*val. It has been added for convenience.
- Type: Simple
- Effect: Updates val to
val * stackLevel
"updater" : "TIMES_STACK_LEVEL"
Remark: The stack level for war machines is 0.
- Type: Complex
- Parameters: basePerSpeed, dividePerSpeed, additionalMultiplier, maxValue
- Effect: Updates val to val+= max((floor(basePerSpeed / dividePerSpeed)* additionalMultiplier), maxValue)
- Remark: this updater is designed for MOVEMENT bonus to match H3 army movement rules (in the example - actual movement updater, which produces values same as in default movement.txt).
- Example:
"updater" : {
"parameters" : [ 20, 3, 10, 700 ],
"type" : "ARMY_MOVEMENT"