mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-21 21:17:49 +02:00
Xilmi 79fb5faa2e Fixed a freeze
It was happening when all slots were full but no unit even needed disbanding because the unit to be bought is part of the units that are inside of the existing slots.

(This commit contains excessive debugging but I don't want to remove it just yet incase another issue pops up.)
2024-12-13 12:23:13 +01:00

618 lines
16 KiB

* BuildingManager.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "ArmyManager.h"
#include "../Engine/Nullkiller.h"
#include "../../../CCallback.h"
#include "../../../lib/mapObjects/MapObjects.h"
#include "../../../lib/IGameSettings.h"
#include "../../../lib/GameConstants.h"
namespace NKAI
class StackUpgradeInfo
CreatureID initialCreature;
CreatureID upgradedCreature;
TResources cost;
int count;
uint64_t upgradeValue;
StackUpgradeInfo(CreatureID initial, CreatureID upgraded, int count)
:initialCreature(initial), upgradedCreature(upgraded), count(count)
cost = (upgradedCreature.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost() - initialCreature.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost()) * count;
upgradeValue = (upgradedCreature.toCreature()->getAIValue() - initialCreature.toCreature()->getAIValue()) * count;
void ArmyUpgradeInfo::addArmyToBuy(std::vector<SlotInfo> army)
for(auto slot : army)
upgradeValue += slot.power;
upgradeCost += slot.creature->getFullRecruitCost() * slot.count;
void ArmyUpgradeInfo::addArmyToGet(std::vector<SlotInfo> army)
for(auto slot : army)
upgradeValue += slot.power;
std::vector<SlotInfo> ArmyManager::toSlotInfo(std::vector<creInfo> army) const
std::vector<SlotInfo> result;
for(auto i : army)
SlotInfo slot;
slot.creature = i.creID.toCreature();
slot.count = i.count;
slot.power = evaluateStackPower(i.creID.toCreature(), i.count);
return result;
uint64_t ArmyManager::howManyReinforcementsCanGet(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * source) const
return howManyReinforcementsCanGet(hero, hero, source);
std::vector<SlotInfo> ArmyManager::getSortedSlots(const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const
const CCreatureSet * armies[] = { target, source };
//we calculate total strength for each creature type available in armies
std::map<const CCreature *, SlotInfo> creToPower;
std::vector<SlotInfo> resultingArmy;
for(auto armyPtr : armies)
for(auto & i : armyPtr->Slots())
auto cre = dynamic_cast<const CCreature*>(i.second->getType());
auto & slotInfp = creToPower[cre];
slotInfp.creature = cre;
slotInfp.power += i.second->getPower();
slotInfp.count += i.second->count;
for(auto & pair : creToPower)
boost::sort(resultingArmy, [](const SlotInfo & left, const SlotInfo & right) -> bool
return left.power > right.power;
return resultingArmy;
std::vector<SlotInfo>::iterator ArmyManager::getWeakestCreature(std::vector<SlotInfo> & army) const
auto weakest = boost::min_element(army, [](const SlotInfo & left, const SlotInfo & right) -> bool
if(left.creature->getLevel() != right.creature->getLevel())
return left.creature->getLevel() < right.creature->getLevel();
return left.creature->getMovementRange() > right.creature->getMovementRange();
return weakest;
class TemporaryArmy : public CArmedInstance
void armyChanged() override {}
:CArmedInstance(nullptr, true)
std::vector<SlotInfo> ArmyManager::getBestArmy(const IBonusBearer * armyCarrier, const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const
auto sortedSlots = getSortedSlots(target, source);
if(source->stacksCount() == 0)
return sortedSlots;
std::map<FactionID, uint64_t> alignmentMap;
for(auto & slot : sortedSlots)
alignmentMap[slot.creature->getFactionID()] += slot.power;
std::set<FactionID> allowedFactions;
std::vector<SlotInfo> resultingArmy;
uint64_t armyValue = 0;
TemporaryArmy newArmyInstance;
while(allowedFactions.size() < alignmentMap.size())
auto strongestAlignment = vstd::maxElementByFun(alignmentMap, [&](std::pair<FactionID, uint64_t> pair) -> uint64_t
return vstd::contains(allowedFactions, pair.first) ? 0 : pair.second;
std::vector<SlotInfo> newArmy;
uint64_t newValue = 0;
for(auto & slot : sortedSlots)
if(vstd::contains(allowedFactions, slot.creature->getFactionID()))
auto slotID = newArmyInstance.getSlotFor(slot.creature->getId());
newArmyInstance.setCreature(slotID, slot.creature->getId(), slot.count);
for(auto & slot : newArmyInstance.Slots())
auto morale = slot.second->moraleVal();
auto multiplier = 1.0f;
const auto & badMoraleDice = cb->getSettings().getVector(EGameSettings::COMBAT_BAD_MORALE_DICE);
const auto & highMoraleDice = cb->getSettings().getVector(EGameSettings::COMBAT_GOOD_MORALE_DICE);
if(morale < 0 && !badMoraleDice.empty())
size_t diceIndex = std::min<size_t>(badMoraleDice.size(), -morale) - 1;
multiplier -= 1.0 / badMoraleDice.at(diceIndex);
else if(morale > 0 && !highMoraleDice.empty())
size_t diceIndex = std::min<size_t>(highMoraleDice.size(), morale) - 1;
multiplier += 1.0 / highMoraleDice.at(diceIndex);
newValue += multiplier * slot.second->getPower();
if(armyValue >= newValue)
resultingArmy = newArmy;
armyValue = newValue;
if(resultingArmy.size() <= GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE
&& allowedFactions.size() == alignmentMap.size()
&& source->needsLastStack())
auto weakest = getWeakestCreature(resultingArmy);
if(weakest->count == 1)
if (resultingArmy.size() == 1)
logAi->warn("Unexpected resulting army size!");
weakest->power -= weakest->power / weakest->count;
return resultingArmy;
ui64 ArmyManager::howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(const CCreatureSet * h, const CGDwelling * t) const
return howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(h, t, ai->getFreeResources());
std::shared_ptr<CCreatureSet> ArmyManager::getArmyAvailableToBuyAsCCreatureSet(
const CGDwelling * dwelling,
TResources availableRes) const
std::vector<creInfo> creaturesInDwellings;
auto army = std::make_shared<TemporaryArmy>();
for(int i = dwelling->creatures.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
auto ci = infoFromDC(dwelling->creatures[i]);
if(!ci.count || ci.creID == CreatureID::NONE)
vstd::amin(ci.count, availableRes / ci.creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost()); //max count we can afford
SlotID dst = army->getFreeSlot();
army->setCreature(dst, ci.creID, ci.count);
availableRes -= ci.creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost() * ci.count;
return army;
ui64 ArmyManager::howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(
const CCreatureSet * targetArmy,
const CGDwelling * dwelling,
const TResources & availableResources,
uint8_t turn) const
ui64 aivalue = 0;
auto army = getArmyAvailableToBuy(targetArmy, dwelling, availableResources);
for(const creInfo & ci : army)
aivalue += ci.count * ci.creID.toCreature()->getAIValue();
return aivalue;
std::vector<creInfo> ArmyManager::getArmyAvailableToBuy(const CCreatureSet * hero, const CGDwelling * dwelling) const
return getArmyAvailableToBuy(hero, dwelling, ai->getFreeResources());
std::vector<creInfo> ArmyManager::getArmyAvailableToBuy(
const CCreatureSet * hero,
const CGDwelling * dwelling,
TResources availableRes,
uint8_t turn) const
std::vector<creInfo> creaturesInDwellings;
int freeHeroSlots = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE - hero->stacksCount();
bool countGrowth = (cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) + turn) > 7;
const CGTownInstance * town = dwelling->ID == Obj::TOWN
? dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(dwelling)
: nullptr;
std::set<SlotID> alreadyDisbanded;
for(int i = dwelling->creatures.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
auto ci = infoFromDC(dwelling->creatures[i]);
if(ci.creID == CreatureID::NONE) continue;
if(i < GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN && countGrowth)
ci.count += town ? town->creatureGrowth(i) : ci.creID.toCreature()->getGrowth();
if(!ci.count) continue;
// Calculate the market value of the new stack
TResources newStackValue = ci.creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost() * ci.count;
SlotID dst = hero->getSlotFor(ci.creID);
// Keep track of the least valuable slot in the hero's army
SlotID leastValuableSlot;
TResources leastValuableStackValue;
leastValuableStackValue[6] = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
bool shouldDisband = false;
if(!hero->hasStackAtSlot(dst)) //need another new slot for this stack
if(!freeHeroSlots) // No free slots; consider replacing
// Check for the least valuable existing stack
for (auto& slot : hero->Slots())
if (alreadyDisbanded.find(slot.first) != alreadyDisbanded.end())
if(slot.second->getCreatureID() != CreatureID::NONE)
TResources currentStackValue = slot.second->getCreatureID().toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost() * slot.second->getCount();
if (town && slot.second->getCreatureID().toCreature()->getFactionID() == town->getFactionID())
if(currentStackValue.marketValue() < leastValuableStackValue.marketValue())
leastValuableStackValue = currentStackValue;
leastValuableSlot = slot.first;
// Decide whether to replace the least valuable stack
if(newStackValue.marketValue() <= leastValuableStackValue.marketValue())
continue; // Skip if the new stack isn't worth replacing
shouldDisband = true;
freeHeroSlots--; //new slot will be occupied
vstd::amin(ci.count, availableRes / ci.creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost()); //max count we can afford
int disbandMalus = 0;
if (shouldDisband)
disbandMalus = leastValuableStackValue / ci.creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost();
logAi->info("Should disband %d %s at %s worth: %d", hero->getStack(leastValuableSlot).count, hero->getStack(leastValuableSlot).getCreatureID().toCreature()->getNamePluralTranslated(), town->getNameTranslated(), leastValuableStackValue.marketValue());
ci.count -= disbandMalus;
if(ci.count <= 0)
ci.level = i; //this is important for Dungeon Summoning Portal
availableRes -= ci.creID.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost() * ci.count;
return creaturesInDwellings;
ui64 ArmyManager::howManyReinforcementsCanGet(const IBonusBearer * armyCarrier, const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const
if(source->stacksCount() == 0)
return 0;
auto bestArmy = getBestArmy(armyCarrier, target, source);
uint64_t newArmy = 0;
uint64_t oldArmy = target->getArmyStrength();
for(auto & slot : bestArmy)
newArmy += slot.power;
return newArmy > oldArmy ? newArmy - oldArmy : 0;
uint64_t ArmyManager::evaluateStackPower(const Creature * creature, int count) const
return creature->getAIValue() * count;
SlotInfo ArmyManager::getTotalCreaturesAvailable(CreatureID creatureID) const
auto creatureInfo = totalArmy.find(creatureID);
return creatureInfo == totalArmy.end() ? SlotInfo() : creatureInfo->second;
void ArmyManager::update()
logAi->trace("Start analysing army");
std::vector<const CCreatureSet *> total;
auto heroes = cb->getHeroesInfo();
auto towns = cb->getTownsInfo();
std::copy(heroes.begin(), heroes.end(), std::back_inserter(total));
std::copy(towns.begin(), towns.end(), std::back_inserter(total));
for(auto army : total)
for(auto slot : army->Slots())
totalArmy[slot.second->getCreatureID()].count += slot.second->count;
for(auto & army : totalArmy)
army.second.creature = army.first.toCreature();
army.second.power = evaluateStackPower(army.second.creature, army.second.count);
std::vector<SlotInfo> ArmyManager::convertToSlots(const CCreatureSet * army) const
std::vector<SlotInfo> result;
for(auto slot : army->Slots())
SlotInfo slotInfo;
slotInfo.creature = slot.second->getCreatureID().toCreature();
slotInfo.count = slot.second->count;
slotInfo.power = evaluateStackPower(slotInfo.creature, slotInfo.count);
return result;
std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> ArmyManager::getHillFortUpgrades(const CCreatureSet * army) const
std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> upgrades;
for(auto creature : army->Slots())
CreatureID initial = creature.second->getCreatureID();
auto possibleUpgrades = initial.toCreature()->upgrades;
CreatureID strongestUpgrade = *vstd::minElementByFun(possibleUpgrades, [](CreatureID cre) -> uint64_t
return cre.toCreature()->getAIValue();
StackUpgradeInfo upgrade = StackUpgradeInfo(initial, strongestUpgrade, creature.second->count);
if(initial.toCreature()->getLevel() == 1)
upgrade.cost = TResources();
return upgrades;
std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> ArmyManager::getDwellingUpgrades(const CCreatureSet * army, const CGDwelling * dwelling) const
std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> upgrades;
for(auto creature : army->Slots())
CreatureID initial = creature.second->getCreatureID();
auto possibleUpgrades = initial.toCreature()->upgrades;
vstd::erase_if(possibleUpgrades, [&](CreatureID creID) -> bool
for(auto pair : dwelling->creatures)
if(vstd::contains(pair.second, creID))
return false;
return true;
CreatureID strongestUpgrade = *vstd::minElementByFun(possibleUpgrades, [](CreatureID cre) -> uint64_t
return cre.toCreature()->getAIValue();
StackUpgradeInfo upgrade = StackUpgradeInfo(initial, strongestUpgrade, creature.second->count);
return upgrades;
std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> ArmyManager::getPossibleUpgrades(const CCreatureSet * army, const CGObjectInstance * upgrader) const
std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> upgrades;
if(upgrader->ID == Obj::HILL_FORT)
upgrades = getHillFortUpgrades(army);
auto dwelling = dynamic_cast<const CGDwelling *>(upgrader);
upgrades = getDwellingUpgrades(army, dwelling);
return upgrades;
ArmyUpgradeInfo ArmyManager::calculateCreaturesUpgrade(
const CCreatureSet * army,
const CGObjectInstance * upgrader,
const TResources & availableResources) const
return ArmyUpgradeInfo();
std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> upgrades = getPossibleUpgrades(army, upgrader);
vstd::erase_if(upgrades, [&](const StackUpgradeInfo & u) -> bool
return !availableResources.canAfford(u.cost);
return ArmyUpgradeInfo();
std::sort(upgrades.begin(), upgrades.end(), [](const StackUpgradeInfo & u1, const StackUpgradeInfo & u2) -> bool
return u1.upgradeValue > u2.upgradeValue;
TResources resourcesLeft = availableResources;
ArmyUpgradeInfo result;
result.resultingArmy = convertToSlots(army);
for(auto upgrade : upgrades)
SlotInfo upgradedArmy;
upgradedArmy.creature = upgrade.upgradedCreature.toCreature();
upgradedArmy.count = upgrade.count;
upgradedArmy.power = evaluateStackPower(upgradedArmy.creature, upgradedArmy.count);
auto slotToReplace = std::find_if(result.resultingArmy.begin(), result.resultingArmy.end(), [&](const SlotInfo & slot) -> bool {
return slot.count == upgradedArmy.count && slot.creature->getId() == upgrade.initialCreature;
resourcesLeft -= upgrade.cost;
result.upgradeCost += upgrade.cost;
result.upgradeValue += upgrade.upgradeValue;
*slotToReplace = upgradedArmy;
return result;