mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-19 21:28:28 +02:00

Use remote upstreams of main branches to determine merged status of commits

This solves three problems:

1. When the local main branch is behind its upstream, the merged status of
   commits of a feature branch sitting on origin/main was not correct. This can
   easily happen when you rebase a branch onto origin/main instead of main, and
   don't bother keeping local main up to date.
2. It works when you don't have the main branch locally at all. This could
   happen when you check out a colleague's feature branch that goes off of
   "develop", but you don't have "develop" locally yourself because you normally
   only work on "main".
3. It also works when you work on a main branch itself, e.g. by committing to it
   directly, or by merging a branch locally. These local commits on a main
   branch would previously be shown in green instead of red; this broke with
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Haller 2023-06-10 10:49:18 +02:00
parent 4e573e4bb1
commit ff8bc91a8e
2 changed files with 43 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -490,13 +490,33 @@ func (self *CommitLoader) getMergeBase(refName string) string {
func (self *CommitLoader) getExistingMainBranches() []string {
return lo.FilterMap(self.UserConfig.Git.MainBranches,
func(branchName string, _ int) (string, bool) {
ref := "refs/heads/" + branchName
// Try to determine upstream of local main branch
if ref, err := self.cmd.New(
NewGitCmd("rev-parse").Arg("--symbolic-full-name", branchName+"@{u}").ToArgv(),
).DontLog().RunWithOutput(); err == nil {
return strings.TrimSpace(ref), true
// If this failed, a local branch for this main branch doesn't exist or it
// has no upstream configured. Try looking for one in the "origin" remote.
ref := "refs/remotes/origin/" + branchName
if err := self.cmd.New(
NewGitCmd("rev-parse").Arg("--verify", "--quiet", ref).ToArgv(),
).DontLog().Run(); err != nil {
return "", false
).DontLog().Run(); err == nil {
return ref, true
return ref, true
// If this failed as well, try if we have the main branch as a local
// branch. This covers the case where somebody is using git locally
// for something, but never pushing anywhere.
ref = "refs/heads/" + branchName
if err := self.cmd.New(
NewGitCmd("rev-parse").Arg("--verify", "--quiet", ref).ToArgv(),
).DontLog().Run(); err == nil {
return ref, true
return "", false

View File

@ -67,17 +67,21 @@ func TestGetCommits(t *testing.T) {
logOrder: "topo-order",
rebaseMode: enums.REBASE_MODE_NONE,
opts: GetCommitsOptions{RefName: "HEAD", IncludeRebaseCommits: false},
mainBranches: []string{"master", "main"},
mainBranches: []string{"master", "main", "develop"},
runner: oscommands.NewFakeRunner(t).
// here it's seeing which commits are yet to be pushed
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"merge-base", "HEAD", "HEAD@{u}"}, "b21997d6b4cbdf84b149d8e6a2c4d06a8e9ec164", nil).
// here it's actually getting all the commits in a formatted form, one per line
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"log", "HEAD", "--topo-order", "--oneline", "--pretty=format:%H%x00%at%x00%aN%x00%ae%x00%d%x00%p%x00%s", "--abbrev=40", "--no-show-signature", "--"}, commitsOutput, nil).
// here it's testing which of the configured main branches exist
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/master"}, "", nil). // this one does
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/main"}, "", errors.New("error")). // this one doesn't
// here it's testing which of the configured main branches have an upstream
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "master@{u}"}, "refs/remotes/origin/master", nil). // this one does
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "main@{u}"}, "", errors.New("error")). // this one doesn't, so it checks origin instead
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/remotes/origin/main"}, "", nil). // yep, origin/main exists
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "develop@{u}"}, "", errors.New("error")). // this one doesn't, so it checks origin instead
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/remotes/origin/develop"}, "", errors.New("error")). // doesn't exist there, either, so it checks for a local branch
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/develop"}, "", errors.New("error")). // no local branch either
// here it's seeing where our branch diverged from the master branch so that we can mark that commit and parent commits as 'merged'
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"merge-base", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master"}, "26c07b1ab33860a1a7591a0638f9925ccf497ffa", nil),
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"merge-base", "HEAD", "refs/remotes/origin/master", "refs/remotes/origin/main"}, "26c07b1ab33860a1a7591a0638f9925ccf497ffa", nil),
expectedCommits: []*models.Commit{
@ -207,7 +211,11 @@ func TestGetCommits(t *testing.T) {
// here it's actually getting all the commits in a formatted form, one per line
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"log", "HEAD", "--topo-order", "--oneline", "--pretty=format:%H%x00%at%x00%aN%x00%ae%x00%d%x00%p%x00%s", "--abbrev=40", "--no-show-signature", "--"}, singleCommitOutput, nil).
// here it's testing which of the configured main branches exist; neither does
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "master@{u}"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/remotes/origin/master"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/master"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "main@{u}"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/remotes/origin/main"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/main"}, "", errors.New("error")),
expectedCommits: []*models.Commit{
@ -240,12 +248,14 @@ func TestGetCommits(t *testing.T) {
// here it's actually getting all the commits in a formatted form, one per line
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"log", "HEAD", "--topo-order", "--oneline", "--pretty=format:%H%x00%at%x00%aN%x00%ae%x00%d%x00%p%x00%s", "--abbrev=40", "--no-show-signature", "--"}, singleCommitOutput, nil).
// here it's testing which of the configured main branches exist
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/master"}, "", nil).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "master@{u}"}, "refs/remotes/origin/master", nil).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "main@{u}"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/remotes/origin/main"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/main"}, "", errors.New("error")).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/develop"}, "", nil).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/1.0-hotfixes"}, "", nil).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "develop@{u}"}, "refs/remotes/origin/develop", nil).
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"rev-parse", "--symbolic-full-name", "1.0-hotfixes@{u}"}, "refs/remotes/origin/1.0-hotfixes", nil).
// here it's seeing where our branch diverged from the master branch so that we can mark that commit and parent commits as 'merged'
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"merge-base", "HEAD", "refs/heads/master", "refs/heads/develop", "refs/heads/1.0-hotfixes"}, "26c07b1ab33860a1a7591a0638f9925ccf497ffa", nil),
ExpectGitArgs([]string{"merge-base", "HEAD", "refs/remotes/origin/master", "refs/remotes/origin/develop", "refs/remotes/origin/1.0-hotfixes"}, "26c07b1ab33860a1a7591a0638f9925ccf497ffa", nil),
expectedCommits: []*models.Commit{