Update videojs-vtt.js and don't auto-export its versions of VTTCue globally.
When our TextTrack object is given a cue, if it's a native cue, wrap it in our emulated vttjs.VTTCue.
It allows you to use string as an key for the language files but have a default value that's different. In this case, we have a key of progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2} which is used so that we have a descriptive key to what is happening. The default value matches that default value in en.json: {1} of {2}. The reason for the default value is so that the translation uses {1} of {2} for the actual localization without requiring en.json to be included in videojs by default.
This fixes a lot of the issues from #2746 by making the dialog inherit from our actual ModalDialog which now has tab focus trapping.
The Captions Settings dialog has some accessibility issues:
- Field labels and fields are not explicitly associated
- Keyboard focus does not move into the dialog when it is opened
- Keyboard focus is not trapped inside the dialog while it is open
- Keyboard focus does not return to the control which opened the dialog when it is closed
- The extent (top and bottom) of the dialog is not indicated to screen readers
- The dialog cannot be closed with the Esc key
- The meaning of '---' in the select fields is not clear
- The control to close the dialog is labeled "Done" rather than "Close"
- The purpose of the "Defaults" button may not be obvious, and its effect may not be apparent to screen reader users
- Focus highlighting (outline) on the Default and Done buttons is *very* hard to see
- Pressing the Done button doesn’t seem to have the same effect as pressing the Close (x) button; does it trigger the same focus movement
- This requirement to move it back to the triggering element is tricky, since clicking on that item in the CC menu dismisses the CC menu. I need to think about this a little more - either the menu should open again, or the focus should go to the main CC Menu Button
- The focus outline on the whole dialog goes too far to the left (all the way to the edge of the video window, not just to the edge of the dialog)
Currently, the ARIA value of VolumeBar tracks the value of volume. It should instead track the position of the slider on VolumeBar, which tracks volume except when the player is muted, in which case it's 0.
If the modal dialog was opened and the focus was preset inside the
player, move the focus to the modal dialog.
When the modal dialog is closed, move the focus back to the previously
active element.
When focus is inside the dialog, trap tab focus. This was inspired by https://github.com/gdkraus/accessible-modal-dialog and ally.js.
Fix the structure of elements in menus so that actionable elements are not children of actionable elements, as required by ARIA.
Remove unnecessary aria-labels on menus.
If the control bar and playtoggle exist, focus the playtoggle after
triggering play via the keyboard from the Big Play Button.
If the control bar isn't available, then focus the player element.
If play() returns a promise, wait until it resolves to focus,
otherwise, use a setTimeout.
Prevents a title attribute from being applied to MenuItems.
MenuItem indicates to ClickableComponent that the control is not just an icon, so it shouldn't have a title attribute.
* Fixes#3986
* update `techOptions` to look for `TitleCase`/`camelCase` user tech options
* remove deprecated usage of Tech as Component
* add a unit test to verify that registerTech works
* change defaultTech_ to defaultTechOrder_
IE8 can't run the html5 tech and the mute toggle tests rely on a working
volume and mute functionality which tech faker does not have. Instead of
implementing it in tech faker, skip it on non-html5 environments.
If a user changed the volume to zero either via the mouse or keyboard, clicking unmute will now restore the volume back to this last position. Previously, the mute and volume values were completely not linked.