- Removed events.on_player_mined_item from outpost_builder because we don't want to add coins every time they mine and it's duplicated in player_stats.
- Removed events.on_player_mined_item from player_stats because it doesn't tell us what entity the items came from.
- Added coin tracking to events.on_pre_player_mined_item event instead. Checks if the mined item was a chest with coins in it and adds to the player stats if so.
- Tested that coins from trees and rocks still track when market is enabled
- While I was at it, added a pretty coin floating text for when RNG gives coins from mining trees/rocks
When the robot_owner is a spidertron there is no player for the owner and calling the player property would error, now we check that the owner is a character first.
- Players get an increment to entities built when a robot they own builds something
- Players don't get an increment if they placed the blueprint and the base's roboport con bots build the entity OR if another players robots do the building.
- Changed font size and line_to_live slightly on feedback from nibu and diffie
- Added check for if player is dead. Assume that if they're dead they're probably not distracted and will pay attention to chat.
- Removed us of game.get player and replaced with player.name
The biter corpse remover was attempting to be clever about removing corpses and only remove them when they exceeded a certain threshold per chunk. For some reason it is no longer working and I can't figure out why.
So I replaced it with a simpler approach. Now we keep track of the corpses in a queue. When the queue size exceeds the threshold we remove and destroy the oldest corpse.
- Rename biter_kill_counter->entity_died
- Refactor logic in entity_died function to reduce table lookups.
- Fix nil cause bug.
- Fix player_list kills header different size to cells.
- Saves more kill data to Scoreboard
- Displays total kills in score board
- Saves player data to crash site scenario data set
- Added scenario name to data set so that if we later want to add data for danger ores we can filter it out