2009-03-19 14:17:19 +00:00
0.7 -> 0.71 (as for r765)
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* fixed scrolling behind window problem (now it's possible to scroll with CTRL + arrows)
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* morale/luck system and corresponding sec. skills supported
* fixed crash when hero get level and has less than two sec. skills to choose between
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* added keybindings for components in selection window (eg. for treasure chest dialog): 1, 2, and so on. Selection dialog can be closed with Enter key
* proper handling of custom portraits of heroes
* fixed problems with non-hero/town defs not present in def list but present on map (occurring probably only in case of def substitution in map editor)
* fixed crash when there was no hero available to hire for some player
* fixed problems with 1024x600 screen resolution
* updating blockmap/visitmap of randomized objects
2009-02-14 19:12:40 +00:00
* fixed crashes on loading maps with flag all mines/dwelling victory condition
* further fixes for leveling-up (stability and identical offered skills bug)
2009-02-20 19:19:52 +00:00
* support for numpad keyboard
2009-03-12 18:50:36 +00:00
* support for timed events
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
2009-02-20 19:19:52 +00:00
* added "Next hero" button functionality
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* added missing path arrows
* corrected centering on hero's position
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* recalculating hero path after reselecting hero
* further changes in pathfinder making it more like original one
* orientation of hero can't be change if movement points are exhausted
2009-02-14 19:12:40 +00:00
* campfire, borderguard, bordergate, questguard will be accessible from the top
* new movement cost calculation algorithm
2009-03-12 18:50:36 +00:00
* fixed sight radious calculation
* it's possible to stop hero movement
2009-03-19 14:17:19 +00:00
* faster minimap refreshing
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
2009-02-12 14:44:58 +00:00
* partial support for battle obstacles
2009-02-20 19:19:52 +00:00
* only one spell can be casted per turn
* blocked opening sepllbook if hero doesn't have a one
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* spells not known by hero can't be casted
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* spell books won't be placed in War Machine slots after battle
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* attack is now possible when hex under cursor is not displayed
2009-03-09 10:37:49 +00:00
* glowing effect of yellow border around creatures
* blue glowing border around hovered creature
* made animation on battlefield more smooth
* standing stacks have more static animation
2009-03-19 14:17:19 +00:00
* probably fixed problem with displaying corpses on battlefield
2009-02-14 19:12:40 +00:00
* fixes for two-hex creatures actions
2009-03-09 10:37:49 +00:00
* fixed hero casting spell animation
* corrected stack death animation
* correct handling of flying creatures in battles
2009-02-14 19:12:40 +00:00
* a few tweaks in battle path/available hexes calculation (more of them is needed)
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* fixed positions of stack queue and battle result window when resolution is != 800x600
* corrected duration of frenzy spell which was incorrect in certain cases
* corrected hero spell casting animation
* better support for battle backgrounds
* blocked "save" command during battle
2009-02-14 19:12:40 +00:00
* spellbook displays only spells known by Hero
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
New spells supported:
- Mirth
- Sorrow
- Fortune
- Misfortune
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
2009-02-20 19:19:52 +00:00
* cannot build more than one capitol
* cannot build shipyard if town is not near water
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* Rampart's Treasury requires Miner's Guild
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* minor improvements in Recruitment Window
* fixed crash occuring when clicking on hero portrait in Tavern Window, minor improvements for Tavern Window
* proper updating resdatabar after building structure in town or buying creatures (non 800x600 res)
* fixed blinking resdatabar in town screen when buying (800x600)
2009-03-19 14:17:19 +00:00
* fixed horde buildings displaying in town hall
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* added scrolling scenario list with mouse wheel
* fixed mouse slow downs
* cannot select heroes for computer player (pregame)
* no crash if uses gives wrong resolution ID number
* minor fixes
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
2009-02-20 19:19:52 +00:00
* windmill gives 500 gold only during first week ever (not every month)
* After the first visit to the Witch Hut, right-click/hover tip mentions the skill available.
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
New objects supported:
2009-02-14 19:12:40 +00:00
* Prison
2009-02-06 11:15:39 +00:00
* Magic Well
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
* Faerie Ring
* Swan Pond
* Idol of Fortune
* Fountain of Fortune
* Rally Flag
* Oasis
* Temple
* Watering Hole
* Fountain of Youth
2009-03-19 14:17:19 +00:00
* support for Redwood Observatory
* support for Shrine of Magic Incantation / Gesture / Thought
* support for Sign / Ocean Bottle
2009-02-11 17:48:40 +00:00
Minor improvements and fixes.
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
0.64 -> 0.7 (Feb 01 2009)
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
* move some settings to the config/settings.txt file
* partial support for new screen resolutions
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* it's possible to set game resolution in pregame (type 'resolution' in the console)
* /Data and /Sprites subfolders can be used for adding files not present in .lod archives
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
* fixed crashbug occuring when hero levelled above 15 level
2008-12-27 01:01:59 +00:00
* support for non-standard screen resolutions
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* F4 toggles between full-screen and windowed mode
2009-01-22 17:30:15 +00:00
* minor improvements in creature card window
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* splitting stacks with the shift+click
* creature card window contains info about modified speed
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
2008-11-30 00:15:38 +00:00
* added water animation
2008-12-27 01:01:59 +00:00
* speed of scrolling map and hero movement can be adjusted in the System Options Window
2009-01-14 19:01:20 +00:00
* partial handling r-clicks on adventure map
2008-11-30 00:15:38 +00:00
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* the scroll tab won't remain hanged to our mouse position if we move the mouse is away from the scroll bar
2008-11-30 00:15:38 +00:00
* fixed cloning creatures bug in garrisons (and related issues)
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
2008-11-30 00:15:38 +00:00
* support for the Wait command
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
* magic arrow *really* works
* war machines support partially added
* queue of stacks narrowed
* spell effect animation displaying improvements
2008-12-27 01:01:59 +00:00
* positive/negative spells cannot be cast on hostile/our stacks
* showing spell effects affecting stack in creature info window
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* more appropriate coloring of stack amount box when stack is affected by a spell
2009-01-25 22:56:37 +00:00
* battle console displays notifications about wait/defend commands
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
* several reported bugs fixed
* new spells supported:
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
a) Haste
b) lightning bolt
c) ice bolt
d) slow
e) implosion
f) forgetfulness
g) shield
h) air shield
i) bless
j) curse
k) bloodlust
l) weakness
m) stone skin
n) prayer
o) frenzy
2008-12-27 01:01:59 +00:00
2008-11-30 00:15:38 +00:00
* Genius AI (first VCMI AI) will control computer creatures during the combat.
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
2009-01-10 22:08:18 +00:00
* Guardians property for resources is handled
* support for Witch Hut
* support for Arena
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
* support for Library of Enlightenment
2009-01-10 22:08:18 +00:00
2008-11-15 00:55:19 +00:00
And a lot of minor fixes
2009-02-05 09:49:45 +00:00
2008-11-01 22:32:56 +00:00
0.63 -> 0.64 (Nov 01 2008)
* sprites from /Sprites folder are handled correctly
2008-10-26 20:58:34 +00:00
* several fixes for pathfinder and path arrows
* better handling disposed/predefined heroes
* heroes regain 1 mana point each turn
* support for mistycisim and intelligence skills
2008-11-01 22:32:56 +00:00
* hero hiring possible
* added support for a number of hotkeys
* it's not possible anymore to leave hero level-up window without selecting secondary skill
* many minor improvements
2008-10-26 20:58:34 +00:00
* Added some kind of simple chatting functionality through console. Implemented several WoG cheats equivalents:
a) woggaladriel -> vcmiainur
b) wogoliphaunt -> vcminoldor
c) wogshadowfax -> vcminahar
d) wogeyeofsauron -> vcmieagles
e) wogisengard -> vcmiformenos
f) wogsaruman -> vcmiistari
g) wogpathofthedead -> vcmiangband
2008-11-01 22:32:56 +00:00
h) woggandalfwhite -> vcmiglorfindel
* clicking on a tile in advmap view when a path is shown will not only hide it but also calculate a new one
* slowed map scrolling
* blocked scrolling adventure map with mouse when left ctrl is pressed
* blocked map scrolling when dialog window is opened
* scholar will be accessible from the top
* partially done tavern window (only hero hiring functionality)
* water elemental will really be treated as 2 hex creature
* potential infinite loop in reverseCreature removed
* better handling of battle cursor
* fixed blocked shooter behavior
* it's possible in battles to check remeaining HP of neutral stacks
* partial support for Magic Arrow spell
* fixed bug with dying unit
* stack queue hotkey is now 'Q'
* added shots limit
2008-10-26 20:58:34 +00:00
2008-10-01 20:51:59 +00:00
0.62 -> 0.63 (Oct 01 2008)
2008-09-29 20:57:35 +00:00
* coloured console output, logging all info to txt files
2008-09-20 18:30:37 +00:00
* it's possible to use other port than 3030 by passing it as an additional argument
* removed some redundant warnings
* partially done spellbook
2008-10-01 20:51:59 +00:00
* Alt+F4 quits the game
* some crashbugs was fixed
* added handling of navigation, logistics, pathfinding, scouting end estates secondary skill
* magical hero are given spellbook at the beginning
* added initial secondary skills for heroes
* very significant optimization of battles
* battle summary window
* fixed crashbug occurring sometimes on exiting battle
* confirm window is shown before retreat
* graphic stack queue in battle (shows when 'c' key is pressed)
2008-09-20 18:30:37 +00:00
* it's possible to attack enemy hero
* neutral monster army disappears when defeated
* casualties among hero army and neutral creatures are saved
2008-09-29 20:57:35 +00:00
* better animation handling in battles
* directional attack in battles
* mostly done battle options (although they're not saved)
* added receiving exp (and leveling-up) after a won battle
2008-10-01 20:51:59 +00:00
* added support for archery, offence and armourer secondary abilities
2008-09-29 20:57:35 +00:00
* hero's primary skills accounted for damage dealt by creatures in battle
2008-10-01 20:51:59 +00:00
* mostly done marketplace
* fixed crashbug with battles on swamps and rough terrain
* counterattacks
* heroes can learn new spells in towns
* working resource silo
* fixed bug with the mage guild when no spells available
* it's possible to build lighthouse
* setting army formation
* tooltips for artifacts in backpack
* fixed bug with disappearing head of a hero in adventure map
* some objects are no longer accessible from the top
* no tooltips for objects under FoW
* events won't be shown
* working Subterranean Gates, Monoliths
* minimap shows all flaggable objects (towns, mines, etc.)
* artifacts we pick up go to the appropriate slot (if free)
2008-09-20 18:30:37 +00:00
2008-09-01 00:25:36 +00:00
0.61 -> 0.62 (Sep 01 2008)
2008-08-20 19:02:48 +00:00
2008-08-22 12:21:09 +00:00
* restructured to the server-client model
2008-08-25 10:25:16 +00:00
* support for heroes placed in towns
2008-08-20 19:02:48 +00:00
* upgrading creatures
* working gaining levels for heroes (including dialog with skill selection)
2008-08-22 12:21:09 +00:00
* added graphical cursor
* showing creature amount in the creature info window
2008-08-27 10:19:18 +00:00
* giving starting bonus
2008-08-20 19:02:48 +00:00
* icon in infobox showing that there is hero in town garrison
* fort/citadel/castle screen
* taking last stack from the heroes army should be impossible (or at least harder)
* fixed reading forbidden structures
* randomizing spells in towns
* viewing hero window in the town screen
* possibility of moving hero into the garrison
2008-08-27 10:19:18 +00:00
* mage guild screen
* support for blacksmith
2008-08-25 10:25:16 +00:00
* if hero doesn't have a spell book, he can buy one in a mage guild
2008-09-01 00:25:36 +00:00
* it's possible to build glyph of fear in fortress
* creatures placeholders work properly
2008-08-20 19:02:48 +00:00
Adventure Interface:
* hopefully fixed problems with wrong town defs (village/fort/capitol)
Hero Window:
* bugfix: splitting stacks works in hero window
* removed bug causing significant increase of CPU consumption
* shooting
* removed some displaying problems
* showing last group of frames in creature animation won't crash
* added start moving and end moving animations
* fixed moving two-hex creatures
* showing/hiding graphic cursor
* a part of using graphic cursor
* slightly optimized showing of battle interface
* animation of getting hit / death by shooting is displayed when it should be
* improved pathfinding in battles, removed problems with displaying movement, adventure map interface won't be called during battles.
2008-09-01 00:25:36 +00:00
* minor optimizations
2008-08-20 19:02:48 +00:00
* updates settings when selecting new map after changing sorting criteria
* if sorting not by name, name will be used as a secondary criteria
* when filter is applied a first available map is selected automatically
* slider position updated after sorting in pregame
2008-08-22 12:21:09 +00:00
* support for the Tree of knowledge
2008-08-25 10:25:16 +00:00
* support for Campfires
* added event message when picking artifact
2008-08-22 12:21:09 +00:00
2008-08-20 19:02:48 +00:00
0.6 -> 0.61 (Jun 15 2008)
* improved attacking in the battles
* it's possible to kill hostile stack
* animations won't go in the same phase
* Better pathfinder
* "%s" substitutions in Right-click information in town hall
* windmill won't give wood
* hover text for heroes
* support for ZSoft-style PCX files in /Data
* Splitting: when moving slider to the right so that 0 is left in old slot the army is moved
* in the townlist in castle selected town will by placed on the 2nd place (not 3rd)
* stack at the limit of unit's range can now be attacked
* range of unit is now properly displayed
* battle log is scrolled down when new event occurs
* console is closed when application exits
* stack at the limit of unit's range can now be attacked
* good background for the town hall screen in Stronghold
* fixed typo in hall.txt
* VCMI won't crash when r-click neutral stack during the battle
* water won't blink behind shipyard in the Castle
* fixed several memory leaks
* properly displaying two-hex creatures in recruit/split/info window
* corrupted map file won't cause crash on initializing main menu
0.59 -> 0.6 (Jun 1 2008)
* partially done attacking in battles
* screen isn't now refreshed while blitting creature info window
* r-click creature info windows in battles
* no more divison by 0 in slider
* "plural" reference names for Conflux creatures (starting armies of Conflux heroes should now be working)
* fixed estate problems
* fixed blinking mana vortex
* grail increases creature growths
* new pathfinder
* several minor improvements
0.58 -> 0.59 (May 24 2008 - closed, test release)
* fixed memory leak in battles
* blitting creature animations to rects in the recruitment window
* fixed wrong creatures def names
* better battle pathfinder and unit reversing
* improved slider ( #58 )
* fixed problems with horde buildings (won't block original dwellings)
* giving primary skill when hero get level (but there is still no dialog)
* if an upgraded creature is available it'll be shown as the first in a recruitment window
* creature levels not messed in Fortress
* war machines are added to the hero's inventory, not to the garrison
* support for H3-style PCX graphics in Data/
* VCMI won't crash when is unable to initialize audio system
* fixed displaying wrong town defs
* improvements in recruitment window (slider won't allow to select more creatures than we can afford)
* creature info window (only r-click)
* callback for buttons/lists based on boost::function
* a lot of minor improvements
0.55 -> 0.58 (Apr 20 2008 - closed, test release)
* recruiting creatures
* working creature growths (including castle and horde building influences)
* towns give income
* town hall screen
* building buildings (requirements and cost are handled)
* hints for structures
* updating town infobox
* merging stacks
* splitting stacks
* starting battles
* displaying terrain, animations of heroes, units, grid, range of units, battle menu with console, amounts of units in stacks
* leaving battle by pressing flee button
* moving units in battles and displaying thier ranges
* defend command for units
* a number of minor fixes and improvements
0.54 -> 0.55 (Feb 29 2008)
* Sprites/ folder works for h3sprite.lod same as Data/ for h3bitmap.lod (but it's still experimental)
* randomization quantity of creatures on the map
* fix of Pandora's Box handling
* reading disposed/predefined heroes
* new command - "get txt" - VCMI will extract all .txt files from h3bitmap.lod to the Extracted_txts/ folder.
* more detailed logs
* reported problems with hero flags resolved
* heroes cannot occupy the same tile
* hints for most of creature generators
* some minor stuff
0.53b -> 0.54 (Feb 23 2008 - first public release)
* given hero is placed in the town entrance
* some objects such as river delta won't be blitted "on" hero
* tiles under FoW are inaccessible
* giving random hero on RoE maps
* improved protection against hero duplication
* fixed starting values of primary abilities of random heroes on RoE/AB maps
* right click popups with infoboxes for heroes/towns lists
* new interface coloring (many thanks to GrayFace ;])
* fixed bug in object flag's coloring
* added hints in town lists
* eliminated square from city hints
0.53 - 0.53b (Feb 20 2008)
* added giving default buildings in towns
* town infobox won't crash on empty town
0.52 - 0.53 (Feb 18 2008):
* hopefully the last bugfix of Pandora's Box
* fixed blockmaps of generated heroes
* disposed hero cannot be chosen in scenario settings (unless he is in prison)
* fixed town randomization
* fixed hero randomization
* fixed displaying heroes in preGame
* fixed selecting/deselecting artifact slots in hero window
* much faster pathfinder
* memory usage and load time significantly decreased
* it's impossible to select empty artifact slot in hero window
* fixed problem with FoW displaying on minimap on L-sized maps
* fixed crashbug in hero list connected with heroes dismissing
* mostly done town infobox
* town daily income is properly calculated
0.51 - 0.52 (Feb 7 2008):
* [feature] giving starting hero
* [feature] VCMI will try to use files from /Data folder instead of those from h3bitmap.lod
* [feature] picked artifacts are added to hero's backpack
* [feature] possibility of choosing player to play
* [bugfix] ZELP.TXT file *should* be handled correctly even it is non-english
* [bugfix] fixed crashbug in reading defs with negativ left/right margins
* [bugfix] improved randomization
* [bugfix] pathfinder can't be cheated (what caused errors)
0.5 - 0.51 (Feb 3 2008):
* close button properly closes (same does 'q' key)
* two players can't have selected same hero
* double click on "Show Available Scenarios" won't reset options
* fixed possible crashbug in town/hero lists
* fixed crashbug in initializing game caused by wrong prisons handling
* fixed crashbug on reading hero's custom artifacts in RoE maps
* fixed crashbug on reading custom Pandora's Box in RoE maps
* fixed crashbug on reading blank Quest Guards
* better console messages
* map reading speed up (though it's still slow, especially on bigger maps)
to 0.5 (Feb 2 2008 - first closed release):
* Main menu and New game screens
* Scenario selection, part of advanced options support
* Partially done adventure map, town and hero interfaces
* Moving hero
* Interactions with several objects (mines, resources, mills, and others)