AI no longer thinks it can recharge their mana at towns without a mage-guild.
AI no longer treats neutral monsters as if they were their enemies.
Upgrading armies no longer has it's own priority-tier. It is now handled at the same-priority as hunter-gather.
AI-heroes are reduce their confidence for attacks based on how many of the units they currently have stacks from exist somewhere else in their empire. So for example if an AI has 2 black-drakes while 3 more are waiting in their castle, they act as if their army was only 2/5th as strong as it is. This should make them more likely to first reinforce their army before attacking.
Changed the formula of scoring dwelling-upgrades in a way that doesn't overvalue upgrading vs. producing new units so much.
AI will no longer be so overconfident when fighting enemy heroes near their own castle. This lead to a lot of horrible trades, especially between different AI which made FFAs way easier in the long run.
AI should be better at preventing their enemies finding their towns undefended due to considering enemies that are not immediately in their castle's range too.
If only gold is missing but no special-resources the AI will no longer devalue what building it wants to build next and build something cheaper instead. This should lead to AI quicker reaching their tier 7 units and skipping some unnecessary lower tiers on the way to it.
When attacking non-neutral towns that are far away, the AI now considers whether their attack would arrive in the same week. If it wouldn't, it means there's a high risk that newly bought troops might flip around who is stronger. So they now refrain from sending a hero towards an enemy town that is too far away.
The AI should no longer chase enemy heroes that are not reachable in the same turn, when there's other options as this behavior was quite exploitable.
The AI should now take their overall strength into account when deciding whether to attack or not.
Previously it would attack as long as their assumed army-loss was at most 25%.
Now that is 50% times the ratio of their power compared to the total power of everyone.
Manarecoveryreward now uses float instead of unsigned int in order to avoid extremely high instead of negative scores when the hero has more mana than his mana-limit for example due to mana-vortex.
Moved upgrading armies to a lower priority tier as otherwise the AI would go back to their cities all the time even though there were plenty of other things to do.
Improved exploration logic by putting different kinds of exploration to different priority-tiers.
Looking at the other side of a portal has high priority, visiting an observatory has medium priority and scouting by visiting nearby tiles has low priority.
Deliberately defending towns in danger will now only be performed when the town has at least a citatel.
The AI will now count the buildings per town-type and add a score-bonus to dwellings of towns it already has a lot of buildings of. This shall help with getting a stronger army with less morale-issues.
Scoring for mage-guild now increased the bigger the existing armies are.
AI is less afraid of enemy-heros than previously.
Added building-cost including all resoruces as evaluation-context for more sophisticated building-selection and also as a countermeasure to softlocking a build-order by having no ways to obtain certain resources.
For example, if the AI would drop below 5 wood, while having no market-place and no wood-income it will avoid building any buildings that neither allow trading nor produce wood.
There's 3 new evaluation-contexts that are now taken into account:
Whether an action is building, whether an action involves sailing and the newly introduced threat.
The value-evaluation of creatures now also takes special resources into account.
No longer treating other AIs differently than players when it comes to how afraid we shall be of them.
The cost of buildings for decision-making now determines missing resources. Available resources are ignored when it comes to how they impact the cost. But missing-resources will heftily impact the assumed price by calculating their market-value. This shall encourage the AI to rather build what it currently can build instead of saving up for something that it lacking the special resources for.
AI is no longer willing to sacrifice more than 25% of their army for any attack except when it has no towns left.
Revamped the priority-tiers of AI decision-making.
Higest priority is conquering enemy towns and killing enemy heroes. However, the AI will no longer try to do so when the target is more than one turn away and protected by a nearby enemy-hero that could kill the one tasked with dealing with the target. Except when they have no towns left. Then they get desperate and try everything.
As a general rule of thumb one could say the AI will prioritize conquest over collecting freebies over investing army to get something that isn't a city. It's a bit more complex than that but this is roughly what can be expected. It will also highly value their own heroes safety during all this.
Heroes with conquest-tasks will only endanger themselves to be killed when they can execute a conquest in the same turn.
Heroes with other tasks will dismiss any tasks except of defending when they'd be within one turn of an enemy hero that could kill them.
Tasks are now in different priority-tiers. For now there's 2 tiers. One for regular tasks and one for tasks of the new "conquest"-type. Regular tasks will only be considered when no possible conquest-type tasks were found.
Slightly reworked scoring heuristics.