* fixed crash when creature is casting Hypnosis (ie. exped Vampire Lords)
* fixed crash when creature is casting Cure before attack (ie. exped Unicorns)
* fixed crash when creature is summoning elemental (TODO fix it)
* fixed crash when doing a bonus system operation with a hero liberated from prison (ie. entering town or battle)
* fixed deadlock when StupidAI tried to assault the turrets
* fixed never ending siege when StupidAI has to use catapult (no more deadlocks on AI-AI siege)
* fixed deadlock when a hero received a level during another player's turn (ie. when he successfully defended)
* AI can win the game by defeating all enemies if there is a specific victory condition applying only to human players
* added options to help testing adventure map AI (--onlyAI, --autoSkip and --oneGoodAI).
* many minor changes
* Fixed#736, #737.
* Fixed crash on loss/victory.
* Fixed crash on loading some AB maps.
* Fixed crash on loading map where victory/loss condition objective hero was placed inside the town.
* Fixed crash on loading map when neutral Dungeon has built Portal of Summoning.
* Mutex protecting GS will be used to prevent changes in GS when GUI might read it.
* Little more securities around moving hero and ending turn, still needed more.
It's possible to connect several clients (running on localhost) and enter MP pregame. The actual MP game still not playable. (though it can be started)
* Updated changelog
* Support for Lighthosues and Obelisks
* Bonus system extended on players
* Army speed won't affect movement points when sailing
* Picking grail position (digging not implemented though, puzzle map only partially)
* Minor improvements
Implemented and tested are
Defeat hero
Capture town
Defeat monster
Flag dwellings
Flag mines
Loss hero
Time expire
Some others may work but not has been tested yet.
I've added a new page in VCMI Status spreadsheet with status of various victory/loss conditions.
* Hopefully fixed all issues with bliwWithRotate functions family. If there are any artefacts on terrain drawing, let me know.
* Fixed drawing of objects shadows.
* recalculating paths only after finished movement / switching selection
* moving hero uses "new" pathfinder
* moving hero by arrow keys / numpad
* VCMI window should start centered
* fixed pairing Subterranean Gates
* fixed issues with creatures sounds after loading
* several minor changes and improvements