- Hero can now can have several separate specialty nodes
- Fixed typo (speciality->specialty)
- Fixed several crashes related to commanders
- Improvements to specialty handling, bugfixes and temporary solutions for upcoming hero specialties in mods
* serializing icon index, otherwise creature portraits are gone after loading a game
* VCAI: fixed crash on attempting revisiting a boat (that is no longer present because it was boarded)
* Fixed strange crash with "neutral hero" (there should be no such thing... but somehow it appears, needs further investigation)
* battle AIs receive ptr to CBattleCallback (not sure why it was CPlayerBattleCallback, likely mistake)
* reworked some battle callback methods to be more generic and able to handle some hypothetic scenarios
* for testing purposes in duel mode the first AI will be taken fro mconfig and the second will remain stupid ai
* minor changes
* Updated MSVC project files
* Filesystem: My version of .SND archive does not have \0 after WAV extension. Fixed (though hardcoded 3-char extension length).
* New bonus types: BLOCK_MAGIC_ABOVE for blocking casting spells above given level and BLOCK_ALL_MAGIC for blocking all magic.
* Heavy rewrite of battle callbacks. Fixed some minor bugs. Code reusage between lib/client/server (removed proxy calls). Better access control and support for various perspectives.
* Fixed#1031
* Fixed Orb of Inhibition and Recanter's Cloak (they were incorrectly implemented). Fixed#97.
* Fleeing hero won't lose artifacts. Spellbook won't be captured. Fixed#980.
* Fixed crash when attacking stack dies before counterattack (ie. because of Fire Shield)
* Server does some basic checks if action requests during battle are valid
* Minor stuff.
- New creature window - visit forum for package with necessary graphics: http://forum.vcmi.eu/viewtopic.php?p=6908#6908
- More AI optimizations - heroes will be processed starting from the fastest one.
- AI will check is GATHER_ARMY object is reachable
* Brought shared_ptr and unique_ptr and their factories (make_shared, make_unique) to the global scope.
* Removed excessive usage of shared_ptr in bonus system interface.
* Fixed bonus system limiters/caching interactions. That covers #823, #859 and a number of rare edge-cases.
* Implemented multiple-step limiters applying, fixing hasAnotherBonusLimiter and allowing transitional dependencies between bonuses.
* Bonus system should be slightly faster, since we cache limited bonuses. Some rare usages (limiting query against a foreign node) however can't use caching.
* fixed crash when AI attacked player before his first turn
* fixed various crashes when mass-effect spells affected town turrets in sieges
* some refactoring around spell positiveness