- Entity interface now has getNameTranslated & getNameTextID methods
- Entity interface no longer has getName method
- removed (most) usages of normalizeIndentifier workaround method
- all moddable objects have identifier in form of mod:name
- all moddable object register strings in form of mod.type.name
* Made most Handlers derived from CHandlerBase and moved service API there.
* Declared existing Entity APIs.
* Added basic script context caching
* Started Lua script module
* Started Lua spell effect API
* Started script state persistence
* Started battle info callback binding
* CommitPackage removed
* Extracted spells::Caster to own header; Expanded Spell API.
* implemented !!MC:S, !!FU:E, !!FU:P, !!MA, !!VR:H, !!VR:C
* !!BU:C, !!BU:E, !!BU:G, !!BU:M implemented
* Allow use of "MC:S@varName@" to declare normal variable (technically v-variable with string key)
* Re-enabled VERM macros.
* !?GM0 added
* !?TM implemented
* Added !!MF:N
* Started !?OB, !!BM, !!HE, !!OW, !!UN
* Added basic support of w-variables
* Added support for ERM indirect variables
* Made !?FU regular trigger
* !!re (ERA loop receiver) implemented
* Fixed ERM receivers with zero args.
* Indirect spell effects loading
* Json serializer improvements
* spell->canBeCastAt do not allow useless cast for any spell
* Added proxy caster class for spell-created obstacles
* Handle damage from spell-created obstacles inside mechanics
* Experimental GameState integration/regression tests
* Ignore mod settings and load only "vcmi" mod when running tests
* fixed https://bugs.vcmi.eu/view.php?id=2765 (with tests)
* Huge improvements of BattleAI regarding spell casts
* AI can cast almost any combat spell except TELEPORT, SACRIFICE and obstacle placement spells.
* Possible fix for https://bugs.vcmi.eu/view.php?id=1811
* CStack factored out to several classes
* [Battle] Allowed RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE effect on server side to be optional
* [Battle] Allowed BattleAction have multiple destinations
* [Spells] Converted limit|immunity to target condition
* [Spells] Use partial configuration reload for backward compatibility handling
* [Tests] Started tests for CUnitState
* Partial fixes of fire shield effect
* [Battle] Do HP calculations in 64 bits
* [BattleAI] Use threading for spell cast evaluation
* [BattleAI] Made AI be able to evaluate modified turn order (on hypothetical battle state)
* Implemented https://bugs.vcmi.eu/view.php?id=2811
* plug rare freeze when hypnotized unit shots vertically
* Correctly apply ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT / ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT for unit damage, attack & defense
* [BattleAI] Try to not waste a cast if battle is actually won already
* Extended JsonSerializeFormat API
* fixed https://bugs.vcmi.eu/view.php?id=2847
* Any unit effect can be now chained (not only damage like Chain Lightning)
** only damage effect for now actually uses "chainFactor"
* Possible quick fix for https://bugs.vcmi.eu/view.php?id=2860
* AI libs registering shenanigans on android;
* Fixed resolution aspect + mouse event scaling;
* Proper server init/deinit (through android IPC);
Enabled threaded init in CMT;
* Prevented a deadlock in logger on some devices;
* Fixed frozen intro frame after interrupting the video;
Added android progressbar displaying during initial data loading;
* Hacky fix for choppy animations during heroes movement (should look better now, but it's definitely not a good solution);
* Changes/fixes for new android launcher building process;
* Fixed app hang after getting SDL_QUIT when activity was destroyed;
* Functioanal, configurable advmap swiping support;
* VCMI changes cleanup;
Added few missing VCMI_ANDROID guards on swipe mechanics;
* Removed unneeded sleep in server startup code for android;
* Removed android ioapi hack (fixed in newest ndk);
* Removed unused android's library loading logic;
* Added android's swipe option to settings schema;
* Moved NO_STD_TOSTRING to be defined in global.h instead of build files;