- loading of all objects (including H3 objects) will be directed by mod handlers
- common base for all handlers accessible from mod system (IHanderBase)
- json format changes: use struct with string ID's instead of vector
- fixed some gcc/clang errors and warnings
- fixed several cases of memory leaks and invalid memory access (mostly related to usage of bonus system and/or identifiers resolution)
Note that right now loading is much slower than before due to excessive json validation (or not fast enough validator)
- a lot of changes in configs;
- - update to creature format - abilities are now json structure
- - multiple bugfixes revealed by validation
- made schemas a bit more strict
- creatures data can be replaced via mods
- it is possible to validate vcmi configs using schemas (disabled)
* introduced new handler BonusTypeHandler
* config\bonusnames.json converted to common format and splitted info main and localizable parts
* hanlders initialization refactored
- removed duplicated json loading code in handlers
- simpler and mod-friendly handling of combined artifacts
- reorganized CCreature to avoid huge number of fields in one structure
* more config options for spells
+ mind immunity handled by config
+ direct damage immunity handled by config
+ immunity icon configurable
- removed mind_spell flag
* more use of new spell identifacation
- paths in "filesystem" node are now relative to mod directory
- "filesystem" entry in mod.json is now optional
- made "register object" log messages visible only in log
- minor fixes, including #1173
- - hero army and creature upgrade names are resolved using new system
- - faction names and creatures in towns are resolved using new system
- (linux) replaced build_data.sh with hopefully better vcmibuilder script
- minor fixes
* battle AIs receive ptr to CBattleCallback (not sure why it was CPlayerBattleCallback, likely mistake)
* reworked some battle callback methods to be more generic and able to handle some hypothetic scenarios
* for testing purposes in duel mode the first AI will be taken fro mconfig and the second will remain stupid ai
* minor changes
- town screen is mostly implemented, has some minor issues
- factions are now separate from towns, neutrals have faction with id=9
- more constants to GameConstants: town-specific buildings, strings for terrains and resources
- replaced most access to builtBuildings with isBuilt() method
- replaced id's with enums for town subtype and buildings id's
- config folder with all json files is used via new FS API
- fixed campaigns loading. Replaced "detect h3m starts" heuristics with CCompessedStream::getNextBlock()
- completely replaced CLodHandler, removed bitmaph and spriteh
- replaced CLodStream in favour of CCompressedStream (2 new files)
- renamed CResourceLoaderFactory and ResourceIndetifier to shorter names
- campaign loading is currently broken. Will fix.
- I am going to remove several unused files in several days (e.g. LodHandler)