Bonus * -> std::shared_ptr<Bonus>
This cures the following problems:
1) Memory corruption at exit. Some Bonus-es were deleted twice (mods?).
2) Memory leaks. Some Bonuses were not deleted.
3) Reduce the number of "Orphaned child" messages.
Valgrind reports 0 leaked memory now and no invalid reads/writes.
- fixed evaluation of bank thread by AI (1850)
- fixed crash on evaluating bank threat after loading from save (1830)
- fixed typo in bank config. TODO: schema?
- Implemented Bank Constructor object.
- Merged Pyramid object into common Bank class. Banks can now grant
spells as part of their reward.
- Move bank config code to config/objects/creatureBanks.json. Note: WoG
banks are not updated yet, should be moved to WoG mod.
- Updated AI code so it can correctly evaluate bank danger (should be
generic enough for use with other objects)
- New files JsonRandom.* that contain routines for loading random
objects from Json (still WiP but should be stable)