Factorio Mod - Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields (pheromones) allowing probing of defenses, retreats, reinforcements, counterattacking, breaching, raids, rallying death cry, and player hunting. Uses blockable biter projectiles. Adds new Enemies which can be disabled in mod settings. Difficulty setting in mod options menu.
- Nocturnal Mode - A mod option to force biters to only attack at night. Does not yet affect vanilla attacks. Best use with clockwork or daynight extender mod
- Recycling Biters - When large groups of biters form on the game map and aren't assigned to a unit group or near a base will be periodically removed and refunded to the ai causing attack waves proportional to the number of units removed.
- Frenzy squads - When a unit group gets close to a player or start combat they switch to attacking everything in there path for a set radius or until there is nothing left
- Rabid squads - Is in a permanent frenzied state as soon as the group is formed
- Player Hunting - Unit groups will track the player based on there emitted pheromone cloud
- Rallying Death Cry - When a unit is killed on a chunk that is past the retreat threshold, the unit will attempt to summon reinforcements to help them
- Counterattacks - When the player is in combat near nests they will send reinforcements to unit groups
- Reinforcements - Nests will send assistance to nearby nests under attack by the player
- No Homing Projectiles - All projectiles are fired at locations and no longer track the player
- Pathfinding - Unit groups will use potential fields to perform only single step pathfinding allowing for efficient and dynamic pathing
- Peace mode - If something sets peace mode, Rampant will respect it