- Changed get_inventory(1) to get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) to make it clearer which inventory we're getting.
- changed area charted to 3x3 full chunks cented on the chunk containing the pinged coordinate. Will now charta 96x96 tile area which is more reasonable considering the cost of /spy
Added lines to store the unix time the restart happens as well as how many ticks the game lasted. Starting storing these now so I have some interesting data to use in a week or two.
Added changed requested by grilledham:
- Used format_time function
- Added local var to show that text string was role ID.
- Added another commented var with the ID of a test role in case we want to test something and not ping @crash_site
- Added markdown to make printed string bold
Added discord notification for the @crash site role when crash site is restarted using the /restart command. Pings users with @Crash Site role and prints the map time to add to competitiveness.
- Changed behaviour for non-admins. Now checks for spawners, biters and turrets but doesn't require walls and power structures to be destroyed for restart
- Added checks to limit non-admins from changing the scenario by using an argument after /restart. Now defaults to current scenario for non-admins.
Updated crash site /restart command so that guests and regulars can call it when map is cleared
- Only admin can abort, once the map is cleared.
- Guests and Regular can both call /restart when all enemy units and structures are dead
- Tested on S10 by running this command:
/c local surface=game.player.surface
for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force="enemy"})) do
- Need to merge into develop to test on live server in case conditions at the end of the game are different
- Thought about adding rocket launched condition but decided against it.
When a scenario fails to start the restarting state was not reset, which prevented another restart from being started. We now clear the restarting flag.