Now obstacles should be placed exactly like they were in OH3.
All problems with displaying obstacles in battlefield should be gone. They should be now matched to the single pixel.
If there are still some discrepancies, please report them.
* #785 and parts of #760
* first aid tent can heal only creatures that suffered damage
* war machines can't be healed by tent
* creatures casting spells won't try to cast them during tactic phase
* console tooltips for first aid tent
* console tooltips for teleport spell
* cursor is reset to pointer when action is requested
* fixed a few other missing or wrong tooltips/cursors
Implemented opening creature window by l-clicking on stack. Master Genie's spell is picked by server, not client.
Minor changes.
* Brought shared_ptr and unique_ptr and their factories (make_shared, make_unique) to the global scope.
* Removed excessive usage of shared_ptr in bonus system interface.
* Fixed bonus system limiters/caching interactions. That covers #823, #859 and a number of rare edge-cases.
* Implemented multiple-step limiters applying, fixing hasAnotherBonusLimiter and allowing transitional dependencies between bonuses.
* Bonus system should be slightly faster, since we cache limited bonuses. Some rare usages (limiting query against a foreign node) however can't use caching.
2. Refactoring for battle console hoover texts
3. Clone should work only for creatures of certain tier. However, ALL creature immunities stopped working in the meantime. Looking for an earlier bug.
* fixed crash when AI attacked player before his first turn
* fixed various crashes when mass-effect spells affected town turrets in sieges
* some refactoring around spell positiveness
* fixed crash when creature is casting Hypnosis (ie. exped Vampire Lords)
* fixed crash when creature is casting Cure before attack (ie. exped Unicorns)
* fixed crash when creature is summoning elemental (TODO fix it)
* fixed crash when doing a bonus system operation with a hero liberated from prison (ie. entering town or battle)
* fixed deadlock when StupidAI tried to assault the turrets
* fixed never ending siege when StupidAI has to use catapult (no more deadlocks on AI-AI siege)
* fixed deadlock when a hero received a level during another player's turn (ie. when he successfully defended)
* AI can win the game by defeating all enemies if there is a specific victory condition applying only to human players
* added options to help testing adventure map AI (--onlyAI, --autoSkip and --oneGoodAI).
* many minor changes
* Renamed color constants
* Renamed class AdventureMapButton to CAdventureMapButton
* Moved basic controls like CTextBox from GuiClasses to CIntObjectClasses
* Moved new creature window from GuiClasses to CCreatureWindow
* CHexFieldControl renamed to CClickableHex
* CCreatureAnimation.cpp/.h moved to BattleInterface/CCreatureAnimation.cpp/.h
* Removed unused project files
* Added VCMI_client filters file for VS 2010
* Gathered common parts of StdInc.h in Global.h
* Boost.Spirit has been included in PCH for ERM project
* StopWatch renamed to CStopWatch
* GuiBase.cpp split up in UIFramework/...
* fixed crash on sea battles (obstacles data got corrupted during conversion)
* fixed crash when StupidAI had a catapult
* minor fixes and refactorings (typename for bonus list under shared ptr)