Initial support for IF:M elements and string formatting.
Various minor changes related to ERM interpreter.
The following script should be functional now:
!!IF:M^Hello world number %X16!^;
* Fixed#736, #737.
* Fixed crash on loss/victory.
* Fixed crash on loading some AB maps.
* Fixed crash on loading map where victory/loss condition objective hero was placed inside the town.
* Fixed crash on loading map when neutral Dungeon has built Portal of Summoning.
* Mutex protecting GS will be used to prevent changes in GS when GUI might read it.
* Little more securities around moving hero and ending turn, still needed more.
* lib/ERMScriptModule.cpp
* lib/ERMScriptModule.h
* lib/CObstacleInstance.h
More jugglery with callbacks. Moving stuff from CGameState to CGameInfoCallback. Work on unified game events interface for player (AI or GUI) and script module. Directing events to ERM interpretetr, first attempts of calling some triggers. Crashy, if there any scripts.
Some other changes, including fighting amount of includes in includes and tracking of hero visits (need further work).
Code reorganizations in bonus system, allowing defining bonusNode-like classes.
Fixed some issues with artifact handling (proper updating of GUI when moving, minor fixes).
Restoring battle AI for neutrals after loading game.
* fixed console on Windows (restored old code)
* GeniusAI won't get blocked when it has a hero with tactics in battle
* fixed an issue with switching turns in hot-seat mode when there is Cover of Darkness active
* suppressed bonus system console output: it goes only to the logfile
* [win32] setting thread names (debug purposes)
* minor fixes
* THex for battle positions
* towards removal of battleGetStackByID
investigate the necessity of putting implementation of BattleAction CGlobalAI::activeStack( const CStack * stack ) in CGeniusAI.cpp
It's possible to connect several clients (running on localhost) and enter MP pregame. The actual MP game still not playable. (though it can be started)
Implemented and tested are
Defeat hero
Capture town
Defeat monster
Flag dwellings
Flag mines
Loss hero
Time expire
Some others may work but not has been tested yet.
I've added a new page in VCMI Status spreadsheet with status of various victory/loss conditions.