Final goal (of multiple PR's) is to remove all remaining pointers from
serializeable game state, and replace them with either identifiers or
with shared/unique pointers.
CGTownInstance::town and CGHeroInstance::type members have been removed.
Now this data is computed dynamically using subID member.
VLC entity of a town can now be accessed via following methods:
- getFactionID() returns ID of a faction
- getFaction() returns pointer to a faction
- getTown() returns pointer to a town
VLC entity of a hero can now be accessed via following methods:
- getHeroTypeID() returns ID of a hero
- getHeroClassID() returns ID of a hero class
- getHeroType() returns pointer to a hero
- getHeroClass() returns pointer to a hero class
Modified goldPressure-formula to no longer use completely arbitrary part of lockedresources/5000.
Lockedresources is now just divided by a factor of the free gold like everything else.
Removed the restrictions of the greedy-playstyle.
Only count forts as gold-producing prerequisites when no same- or higher-level fort exists somewhere else in the empire.
When not threatened by nearby enemies the AI adds missing gold-income-buildings towards gold-pressure. This impacts the build-order in a way that they try to rush these more and get up a good economy more quickly.
Before marketplaces could only be built as part of a requirement for other buildings but not on their own when that other building already existed like it is the case in certain campaign-missions.
- extracted low-level reader from MapFormatH3M class
- added separate structure to define version-specific values
- cleared up some H3M format edge cases
- replaced witch hut skill vector with set
- converted several fields to enum type