- When crew is protected: officer becomes captain, if it joins a crew with no captain.
- If officer becomes captain, old captain gets demoted to officer, instead of member.
- When captain changes, officers don't reset anymore.
- Elite biter health now scales additionally with leagues after 1000 leagues.
- Fixed an issue where player could get stranded on water when standing in front of ship as it departs.
- Biter wave size now increases faster, the longer you stay on island.
- Increased wave size on harder difficulties (up to 50% on nightmare difficulty).
- Fixed an issue where removing flamethrower when it's damaging spawner with virtual health would cause an error if it was killed.
- Shoresman class now grants 3 ore passively from 5.
- Shoresman and Quartermaster classes now give ore directly to inventory.
- Biters around biter boats will now be sent to attack the ship every minute.
- Biters from biter boats now don't immediately attack the player ship upon arrival.
- When players enter the game they are now placed at the lobby. If the player left the game and rejoined within few minutes, they will be auto placed in the crew they were before.
- Increased amount of worms you need to kill for a quest in Sandworm Caldera island.
- Worm quest now can sometimes appear in Mysterious Caves island.
- Fixed an issue where worm quest was sometimes incompletable due to not enough worms on the island.
- Slightly reduced the cost of extra hold and new class purchases in captain's cabin.
- When player joins protected run with no captain, he will get information in whisper, instead of parrot announcing it.
- Quest structure rewards now scale with leagues.
- Coin amount from trees now scales with leagues.
- Coin amount from rocks now scales with leagues.
- Slightly nerfed item amount and rarity from chest loot in harder difficulties.
- Slightly nerfed amount of ore lumberjacks acquire from trees.
- Coin amount from rocks in Mysterious Caves island now scales with leagues.
- Increased amount of resources you can mine from rocks in Mysterious Caves by ~20%.
- Reduced amount of fish in Mysterious Caves island by 50%.
- More nodes of oil now spawn in Mysterious Caves island, but amount of oil is reduced.
- Increased amount of extra damage that biters do at night from 10% to 50%.
- Reduced the rewards from GUI island quests by ~30% (slightly less for easier difficulties).
- Reduced the coal reward scaling with leagues from launching rocket.
- Reduced the coin reward from launching rocket, but now the amount scales with leagues.
- Kraken rewards now scale with leagues.
- Nerfed flamethrower dmg by 15%.
- Increased evolution scaling from leagues by 15%.
- Doubled the chance for elite biters to spawn in hard and nightmare difficulties.
- Reduced amount of iron/copper plates found in chests, but the amount now scales with leagues.
- Reduced the chance to find speed modules from chests.
- Fixed an issue where players would require launching silo in Red desert and Mysterious caves island to escape.
- Fixed an issue where if captain and all officers were afk (or captain would leave the game), some other crew member would get captain role.
- Fixed an issue where the crew would lose, if boat would leave the island when there was ~10 secs left until auto undock in >800 leagues on hard+ difficulty, even when requirements were fulfilled.
- Attempt to fix some desyncs.
- Fixed an issue, where crew would lose when ship auto undock timer reached 0, but crew hadn't escaped from island by then, causing it to lose (in cases where resources are a must to escape from island).
- Fixed an issue, where boat wouldn't auto undock in radioactive island when auto undock timer reached 0.
- Adjusted some dock market prices (for converting one item to another).
- Decreased the amount of items needed for a gui island crafting quest for harder difficulties and decreased the scaling of item requirement. This should make these quests completable even in late game.
- Slightly decreased the reward for gui island crafting quest to accommodate the change above.
- Reduced amount of items needed for island market quests.