* CGameHandler::buildStructure was using wrong requirements for buildings in auto mode.
* Build mode loading was wrong in case of omitted value
* Show town hall slot for not built building only if it have normal build mode
* Hero portrait serialization
* Fix town spells serialization
* Added support for float exponential part in Json
* Added support for int64 in Json
* Added basic Hero definitions serialization
* Added rumors serialization
* Advanced player info serialization.
* Added Disposed heroes serialization, (!) not covered with tests yet
* Added Local event serialization
* Added Pandoras box serialization
* Added Seer hut reward serialization
* Added CQuest serialization
* Added API for map object instance names serialization.
* Added random dwelling options serialization
* Advanced town options serialization
* Advanced hero options serialization
* More map format tests
* A lot of fixes, cleanup and refactoring
- Converted dwellings.json into new format
- Implemented "mapObject" entry in town format
- Removed capital/fort/village fields from town in favor of overrides
- moved SoundBase.h to lib since it contains shared data
- added RMG info to object format. Note that data is not yet imported in
- slightly updated API of object handlers
- updated code to use new interface
- removed old DefObjHandler (todo - rename file)
- most code but loading is now in place
- type names may deserve improvements (some of them are too similar)
- still barely compiles and not tested
- replaced CDefObjInfo with ObjectTemplate class
- ObjectTempate is a direct member of objects instead of pointer with
shared ownership across CMap, handler and game objects
- simplified handling of objects that can change appearance (e.g. towns)
- all object queries regarding object appearance/blockmaps use h3m pos
instead of relative positions
- removed need of modhandler::reload
- cleanup of some old code
- new property: affinity (might/magic) since in mods it is impossible to
rely on odd/even numeric indexes
- property commander is now part of hero class
- town hall slots now use string ID's
- converted building requirements to new format
- "upgrades" property from buildings now uses string ID's
- several fixes for improved support of alternative creatures
- removed no longer needed "id" property from structures
Old mods should still work but will produce error messages during