- renamed CAdventureMapButton to more expectable CButton
- merged CButtonBase into CButton
- created more generic class for clickable elements
- created more generic class for selectable elements
- renamed CHighlightableButton to CToggleButton
- renamed CHighlightableButtonsGrous to CToggleGroup
- minimized differences between API of all these classes
- removed all but one contructors in buttons, with same parameters across all classes
This is import of ancient unfinished branch from svn. As of now window is largely finished but commander-related elements are still TODO.
Note that I also uploading graphical content - this is intended and necessary for final goal - to make VCMI functional without any additional graphical pack.
- This file is now split into multiple smaller files in mapObjects
- CObjectHandler itself now contains only core classes (Handler itself,
CGObject and interfaces)
- Cleaned up excessive #include's through whole project
1) spell handler refactored to support modding in general way
2) imunnity icons moved to WoG as they depends on wog`s graphics
3) introduced new class template for handlers (todo: use this in other handlers)
4) save format changed
5) introduced "absolute immunity" - unaffected by "the Orb" etc. (todo: use it in config)
6) new format documented on wiki, added json schema.
* more split of registertypes - fixes 32 mingw build
- proper block of "back" button in campaign menu.
- proper block of AI switch in battles
- vertical garrisons can now be attacked from top
- better UI logging, vcmi will print to log file all pressed buttons
- server will not try to build already existing building
- Fixed 'catapult tried to attack non-catapultable hex!' problem, now catapult attacks attackable wall parts only
- Fixed problem that the server performed applying damage on a wall part twice
- Added methods for checking what wall parts are attackable and if a wall part is potentially attackable
- Added functionality to trace net packages
- Added functionality to trace std::vectors
- Added tracing for CatapultAttack(CPack)
- Updated various toString methods to use {} instead of []
- Refactoring
- Minor improvements to JSON validation
- Cleanup in SDL_Extensions.cpp
- Implemented new propery for creature format: idle animation duration
- Disabled idle animation of some of conflux creatures (was clearly
- moved all traslatable strings into one json file, removed threats.txt file
- implemented "spellbook animation" option
- fixed missing central tower when attacking fort