TeleportChannel is structure that contain two vectors of entrances and exits for certain teleport channel. It's also store passability state independently which almost only useful for Player and AI as they can't know if channel passible or not until enough entrances / exits are visible or server passed them information that certain channel is impassible when they visited entrance.
ETeleportChannelType is determined by checking intersection between entrances and exit vectors or checking their size:
- IMPASSABLE: one of vectors empty or only one entrance id is same as only one exit id.
- BIDIRECTIONAL: contents of both vectors is exactly the same.
- UNIDIRECTIONAL: contents of both vectors do not intersect.
- MIXED: contents of vectors only partially intersect. Not currently used; added for future modding.
Change IDs of two special buildings in Rampart to make them identical with one in config files / game assets.
Original code was introduced in 0ca9f64 with those two IDs likely was typo. As result Fountain of Fortune +2 luck bonus was given to Treasury and Treasury's weekly bonus didn't worked at all.
- replaced CDefObjInfo with ObjectTemplate class
- ObjectTempate is a direct member of objects instead of pointer with
shared ownership across CMap, handler and game objects
- simplified handling of objects that can change appearance (e.g. towns)
- all object queries regarding object appearance/blockmaps use h3m pos
instead of relative positions
- removed need of modhandler::reload
- cleanup of some old code
- victory/defeat will be detected using triggered events
- vcmi will convert h3 conditions into set of triggered events
- it is possible to either change number of days without towns or even
remove this loss condition completely
- possibility of custom win/loss text and icons in pregame (no longer
connected to win/loss conditions)
Still missing:
- No interface to pass custom events/victory conditions into the game
- AI would benefit from improvemets (handle all victory conditions,
select best one to fulfill)
- You have X days till defeat message still hardcoded to 7 days
- Fixed 'catapult tried to attack non-catapultable hex!' problem, now catapult attacks attackable wall parts only
- Fixed problem that the server performed applying damage on a wall part twice
- Added methods for checking what wall parts are attackable and if a wall part is potentially attackable
- Added functionality to trace net packages
- Added functionality to trace std::vectors
- Added tracing for CatapultAttack(CPack)
- Updated various toString methods to use {} instead of []
- Refactoring
- buiding/structure lists must use object format. This may break some
outdated mods.
- generic support for logical expressions that consist from and/or/not
- string ID's for buidings are now actually used.