* Added the missing AB video resource file in linux code, AB campaign selection videos should now play BUT they don't => it seems that ffmpeg can't handle older BINK videos
* Fixed a visual glitch which could be seen at the WOG animation in the main menu on a linux machine
* Fixed the random crashes bug on mouse centering at startup on linux
* Fixed a visual bug at the bonus selection screen when starting a campaign-map
* Changed some positions in the bonus selection screen, no bonus pre selection, you cannot start the campaign when no bonus is selected (like in h3)
* Added a border functionality to the AdventureMapButton
* InfoWindow buttons and some other buttons have now the border which heroes 3 buttons have
* Fixed a app crash when you start a campaign two times in one session
* Changed PreGame event handling and update/draw order.
* Changed mouse cursor drawing in PreGame
* Fixed linux bug where main menu WOG animation gets played only once, windows/linux video handling is now more similar
* Minor code improvements
* fixed console on Windows (restored old code)
* GeniusAI won't get blocked when it has a hero with tactics in battle
* fixed an issue with switching turns in hot-seat mode when there is Cover of Darkness active
* suppressed bonus system console output: it goes only to the logfile
* [win32] setting thread names (debug purposes)
* minor fixes
-- Reduced memory usage for images with margins
-- Implemented RLE compression
- Linux-related changes:
-- build system updated to include changed paths
-- new dependency: boost-program-options
-- configure option --disable-debug will produce optimized build
- Several gcc compile fixes
- Optimized CPU usage on town screens
- Removed several includes from headers
- Possible fix for #496
Commented out giving starting artifact - new artifact randomization make it crashing. Please fix it.
New control - CTextBox - for multi-line text with optional slider. Used it for map description and info windows. Related changes. Fixes#22 and #96.
Restructured thread structure: no new thread on yourturn, instead of that introduced update() method called by thread dispatching GUI events.
Further changes are planned.
* battle settings will be stored
* fixed calculating battle casualties
* fixed crash when clicking on enemy stack without moving mouse when we receive action
* fixed issue when splitting stack to the hero with only one creatures
* version set to 0.73c, bumped save format version, updated changelog
* new stack queue for higher resolutions (needs new graphics!)
* improved stack ordering during battle
* many minor fixes
* temporarily disabled AI
* recalculating paths only after finished movement / switching selection
* moving hero uses "new" pathfinder
* moving hero by arrow keys / numpad
* VCMI window should start centered
* fixed pairing Subterranean Gates
* fixed issues with creatures sounds after loading
* several minor changes and improvements
* r-click popups on selected town/hero.bonus and teams in pregame
* disabled music due to bugs in SDL_mixer and smpeg (probably it was the source of reported random crashes / hangups)
* minor fixes