AI heroes will be excluded from exploration if:
- There is no clear way to next exploration point or
- There is no possible exploration point at all
AI heroes will be erased from the list above if:
- FoW changes
- New object is added
- To prevent lock, primary hero will be erased at the start of each turn
* Heroes will try to use SectorMap if there are no accessible tiles
* Remove some loopholes and pitfalls when all the ways are blocked
* Fixed AI not conquering some (reserved) objects
Still missing: SectorMap does not use Subterranean Gates :(
- Improvements for army exchange
* Fixed exchange condition
* Bidirectional exchange is possible
- Moved placing campaign heroes before random object generation -> same behaviour as in OH3
- Refactored pickHero into pickNextHeroType (hero generation sequence) and pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly
- Added a SIGSEV violation handler to vcmiserver executable for logging stacktrace (for convenience only)
- Fixed Fuzzy.cpp and VCAI.h compilation on Clang
- Added a handleException function in addition to our macros (no use of macros, enables debugging support, does not re-throw, catches ...-case too)
- Core with callback handling and processing
- Logic (goal decomposition)
- Utility and helper functions based on simple mechanics
Also, Goals will now be organized in object-oriented fashion.
- replaced several boost classes with std (e.g. unordered)
- removed gcc-4.5 workarounds
- ran clang c++11 migration tool to detect some cases:
- - pointer initialized with "0" to nullptr
- - replace for with iterators with range-based for
- - use auto in some situations (type name specified twice, avoid long iterators type names)
- use std versions of function, bind and ref
- OVERRIDE -> override
- NULL -> nullptr
- use std versions of random distributions
NOTE: this may be last revision that supports gcc-4.5
Exchange between heroes is now a proper first-class query. Fixes#1269. #66 should also be finally fully fixed.
VC projects: /Zm flag to fix compilation issues with recent Boost.
- Fixed incorrect victory condition for AI (capture town/monster/hero)
- Possible fix for GET_OBJ not being completed (goal engine needs more work)
- So tweaks
- Fixed crash when there are no heroes available to recruit in the map. TODO: make AI handle it
- Fixed crash when Chain Lightning has not enough targets
- Fixed crash at Hill Fort (?)
- AI will buy Spellbook for its heroes
- AI will try to use Cartographer and Observatory when exploring
- AI will not visit Prison when heroes are at max
- Experiment: AI will try to capture Mines and Dwellings when there are no enemies around (part of CONQUER goal)