- shared_ptr for destructibleEnemyTurns instead of raw pointer
- drop implicit int conversion for BattleHex class
and implement toInt() instead
- implement necessary operators in BattleHex
- adjust code to work properly with JSON serializer
- Moved short, frequently used functions to the BattleHex header for inlining
- Made BattleHex a class with a private hex value
- Moved getClosestTile implementation back to BattleHex
- Enabled access to static precomputed data in BattleHexArray via BattleHex
(note: circular dependency prevented static precomputed containers being directly placed in BattleHex)
- Replaced overcomplicated and broken math on dwelling ID's with fixed
- Fixed broken 2nd upgrades and 8th dwelling
- Removed no longer used enumeration values from building ID's
When an enemy is near our city that currently has a hero hiding in it, we don't buy a hero without army as that one would be forced to wait outside and likely be killed.
Fixed a rare case in which a town-defender could become an indirect part of a troop-delivery-task by doing a sub-task like capturing a shipyard that takes less than 1 turn but leaves him out in the open.
It was happening when all slots were full but no unit even needed disbanding because the unit to be bought is part of the units that are inside of the existing slots.
(This commit contains excessive debugging but I don't want to remove it just yet incase another issue pops up.)
The score for buying army now scales with the cost of that army.
The cost of the units that need to be disbanded in order to hire the new units is subtracted from the army-hiring-score so the AI will prefer hiring armies where the amount of troops to disband is low or non-existent.
Fixed a bug that also disbanded troops when there still were free slots available.
When the AI cannot buy units in a city because all slots are blocked and the units in the slot are cheaper than the units it wants to buy, the AI will now get rid of the units that block that slot in order to be able to buy the better units.
Fixed that armyInvolvement was only filled in when the action involved a target to interact with rather than just a tile.
Since armyInvolvement was used for scoring actions such as retreating towards the closest town, this caused the AI to never retreat to their towns when they were supposed to.
These can happen when an enemy spawns ontop of an AI-hero. If the action would win, it wouldn't be executed anyways. So now AI does the next best thing instead, which likely what it wanted to do anyways.
What was the rationale? AI loses fights with full Mana that it could easily have won otherwise. I just removed that weird logic and now it uses it's mana and wins.
When defending the AI is now much smarter to use their defensive-structures like walls, towers and the moat to their advantage instead of allowing them to be lured out and killed in the open.
A penalty-multiplier is now applied when deciding which units to walk towards. If an ally is closer than us to the enemy unit in question, we reduce our score for walking towards that unit too. This shall help against baiting a whole flock of AI-stacks to overcommit on chasing an inferior stack of the enemy.