* Made most Handlers derived from CHandlerBase and moved service API there.
* Declared existing Entity APIs.
* Added basic script context caching
* Started Lua script module
* Started Lua spell effect API
* Started script state persistence
* Started battle info callback binding
* CommitPackage removed
* Extracted spells::Caster to own header; Expanded Spell API.
* implemented !!MC:S, !!FU:E, !!FU:P, !!MA, !!VR:H, !!VR:C
* !!BU:C, !!BU:E, !!BU:G, !!BU:M implemented
* Allow use of "MC:S@varName@" to declare normal variable (technically v-variable with string key)
* Re-enabled VERM macros.
* !?GM0 added
* !?TM implemented
* Added !!MF:N
* Started !?OB, !!BM, !!HE, !!OW, !!UN
* Added basic support of w-variables
* Added support for ERM indirect variables
* Made !?FU regular trigger
* !!re (ERA loop receiver) implemented
* Fixed ERM receivers with zero args.
* Hero portrait serialization
* Fix town spells serialization
* Added support for float exponential part in Json
* Added support for int64 in Json
* Added basic Hero definitions serialization
* Added rumors serialization
* Advanced player info serialization.
* Added Disposed heroes serialization, (!) not covered with tests yet
* Added Local event serialization
* Added Pandoras box serialization
* Added Seer hut reward serialization
* Added CQuest serialization
* Added API for map object instance names serialization.
* Added random dwelling options serialization
* Advanced town options serialization
* Advanced hero options serialization
* More map format tests
* A lot of fixes, cleanup and refactoring
- Implemented Bank Constructor object.
- Merged Pyramid object into common Bank class. Banks can now grant
spells as part of their reward.
- Move bank config code to config/objects/creatureBanks.json. Note: WoG
banks are not updated yet, should be moved to WoG mod.
- Updated AI code so it can correctly evaluate bank danger (should be
generic enough for use with other objects)
- New files JsonRandom.* that contain routines for loading random
objects from Json (still WiP but should be stable)
- Converted dwellings.json into new format
- Implemented "mapObject" entry in town format
- Removed capital/fort/village fields from town in favor of overrides
- moved SoundBase.h to lib since it contains shared data
- added RMG info to object format. Note that data is not yet imported in
- slightly updated API of object handlers