-It is possible to toggle adventure AI on / off typing "ai" in the console (default is true)
-General cleaning and formatting of code
-Some minor optimizations
-Teal console log for AI
AI tends to hang in the maze of mutexes and current player interface, further investigation is needed.
minor tweaks
* battle settings will be stored
* fixed calculating battle casualties
* fixed crash when clicking on enemy stack without moving mouse when we receive action
* fixed issue when splitting stack to the hero with only one creatures
* version set to 0.73c, bumped save format version, updated changelog
* new stack queue for higher resolutions (needs new graphics!)
* improved stack ordering during battle
* many minor fixes
* temporarily disabled AI
* recalculating paths only after finished movement / switching selection
* moving hero uses "new" pathfinder
* moving hero by arrow keys / numpad
* VCMI window should start centered
* fixed pairing Subterranean Gates
* fixed issues with creatures sounds after loading
* several minor changes and improvements
-builds buildings
-recruits creatures/heroes
-upgrades creatures
-moves heroes to random destinations.
-passes units to heroes/upgrades heroes' units
-attacks weaker parties
-and more.
* spellbook shows adventure spells when opened on adventure map
* removed redundant quotation marks from skills description
* erasing path after picking objects with last movement point
* Some sound code cleanups
* Renamed soundBase::soundNames into soundBase::soundID
* Add a music handler destructor
* Add Archdevil and vampire pre and post movement sounds
I've applied minor change to fix CMusicHandler - GeniusAI conflict: moved sounds bimap to the .cpp file.
* unified yes/no and selection dialog interface calls
* VCMI won't anymore be always giving all three stacks in the starting armies
* fix for drawing starting army creatures count
* support for School of Magic
* support for School of War
* support for Pillar of Fire
* minor changes
* presumably fixed crash occurring sometimes on battle end
* fixed problems when attacking with two-hex creature another two-hex creature, when tile before our destination was blocked
* minor changes