Manarecoveryreward now uses float instead of unsigned int in order to avoid extremely high instead of negative scores when the hero has more mana than his mana-limit for example due to mana-vortex. Moved upgrading armies to a lower priority tier as otherwise the AI would go back to their cities all the time even though there were plenty of other things to do. Improved exploration logic by putting different kinds of exploration to different priority-tiers. Looking at the other side of a portal has high priority, visiting an observatory has medium priority and scouting by visiting nearby tiles has low priority.
VCMI Project
VCMI is an open-source recreation of Heroes of Might & Magic III engine, giving it new and extended possibilities.
- Homepage:
- Forums:
- Bugtracker:
- Discord:
- GPT Store:
Latest release
Latest release can be found in Github Releases page. As of right now we plan to have major releases around 3 times per year. Daily builds are still available at but they are not guaranteed to be stable. So we encourage everybody to use them and report found bugs so that we can fix them. Loading saves made with different major version of VCMI is usually not supported, so you may want to finish your ongoing games before updating. Please see corresponding installation guide articles for details for your platform.
Installation guides
Documentation and guidelines for players
- Frequently asked questions (external link)
- Game mechanics
- Bug reporting guidelines
- Cheat codes
- Privacy Policy
Documentation and guidelines for game modders
- Modding Guidelines
- Mod File Format
- Bonus Format
- Translations
- Map Editor
- Campaign Format
- Configurable Widgets
Documentation and guidelines for developers
Development environment setup instructions:
- Building VCMI for Android
- Building VCMI for iOS
- Building VCMI for Linux
- Building VCMI for macOS
- Building VCMI for Windows
- Conan
Engine documentation: (NOTE: may be outdated)
- Development with Qt Creator
- Coding Guidelines
- Bonus System
- Code Structure
- Logging API
- Lua Scripting System
- Serialization
Documentation and guidelines for maintainers
Copyright and license
VCMI Project source code is licensed under GPL version 2 or later. VCMI Project assets are licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. Assets sources and information about contributors are available under following link:
Copyright (C) 2007-2024 VCMI Team (check AUTHORS file for the contributors list)