* It is possible to set the battle ai that'll be used by neutrals by typing in VCMI console:
setBattleAI <AIName>
VCAI also respects that setting and uses given AI as its battle back-end.
* disabled features unsupported by MinGW
* fixed issues with DLL_LINKAGE
! BOOST_THREAD_VERSION in now 3 workaround for existing code added, consider refactoring.
* some small tweaks ("-fpedantic" warnings)
* CTRL+T will open marketplace window
* T in adventure map will switch to next town
* T in castle window will open a tavern window (if available)
* G will open thieves guild window if player owns at least one town with tavern
* various minor changes
* Hackish solution allowing AI undertaking actions from event-handling thread
* Fixed crash when death stare or acid breath activated on stack that was just killed
* minor fixes
* Brought shared_ptr and unique_ptr and their factories (make_shared, make_unique) to the global scope.
* Removed excessive usage of shared_ptr in bonus system interface.
* Fixed bonus system limiters/caching interactions. That covers #823, #859 and a number of rare edge-cases.
* Implemented multiple-step limiters applying, fixing hasAnotherBonusLimiter and allowing transitional dependencies between bonuses.
* Bonus system should be slightly faster, since we cache limited bonuses. Some rare usages (limiting query against a foreign node) however can't use caching.
* fixed crash when creature is casting Hypnosis (ie. exped Vampire Lords)
* fixed crash when creature is casting Cure before attack (ie. exped Unicorns)
* fixed crash when creature is summoning elemental (TODO fix it)
* fixed crash when doing a bonus system operation with a hero liberated from prison (ie. entering town or battle)
* fixed deadlock when StupidAI tried to assault the turrets
* fixed never ending siege when StupidAI has to use catapult (no more deadlocks on AI-AI siege)
* fixed deadlock when a hero received a level during another player's turn (ie. when he successfully defended)
* AI can win the game by defeating all enemies if there is a specific victory condition applying only to human players
* added options to help testing adventure map AI (--onlyAI, --autoSkip and --oneGoodAI).
* many minor changes