The AI should no longer chase enemy heroes that are not reachable in the same turn, when there's other options as this behavior was quite exploitable.
The AI should now take their overall strength into account when deciding whether to attack or not.
Previously it would attack as long as their assumed army-loss was at most 25%.
Now that is 50% times the ratio of their power compared to the total power of everyone.
Manarecoveryreward now uses float instead of unsigned int in order to avoid extremely high instead of negative scores when the hero has more mana than his mana-limit for example due to mana-vortex.
Moved upgrading armies to a lower priority tier as otherwise the AI would go back to their cities all the time even though there were plenty of other things to do.
Improved exploration logic by putting different kinds of exploration to different priority-tiers.
Looking at the other side of a portal has high priority, visiting an observatory has medium priority and scouting by visiting nearby tiles has low priority.
The StayAtTown-behavior now always creates tasks for all heroes to go and stay at a town. It will be treated differently than going to a town for mana in the sense that it is only considered at the lowest priority-tier. So it will only happen when the AI doesn't find anything else to do. It should resolve one of the two main-reasons for losing weak heros.
The hunter-gather-priority-tier now goes strictly by distance for all taks that are considered above 0 in value.
No longer using FuzzyEngine just to create a log-message. It's now only used when isUseFuzzy is set.
Removed < operator and instead use already existing "canAfford"-Method.
AI should score citadels and castles higher for better developed towns so that it focuses on finishing the main-town quicker as opposed to developing several smaller towns simultaneously.
Deliberately defending towns in danger will now only be performed when the town has at least a citatel.
The AI will now count the buildings per town-type and add a score-bonus to dwellings of towns it already has a lot of buildings of. This shall help with getting a stronger army with less morale-issues.
Scoring for mage-guild now increased the bigger the existing armies are.
AI is less afraid of enemy-heros than previously.
When evaluating their fighting-chance against towns with a garrisoned hero the AI didn't consider the attribute-boosts of the defending hero.
Now it does.