* better handling disposed/predefined heroes
* blocked scrolling adventure map with mouse when left ctrl is pressed
* scholar will be accessible from the top
* partially done tavern and hero recruitment
* fixed bug with formation button in hero window
* unified hero initialization code
* minor changes
For 0.63c dev release
* for screen is updated after buying creatures
* fixed crashbug on maps with random monster
* proper images of war machines are displayed in blacksmith
* picking starting hero should work again
* Ice Elemental will be treated as two-hex creature
* minor fixes
Because of really huge amount of modifications here I've probably missed some minor stuff. I doubt if it's still compatible with gcc - some changes should be reapplied.
Wspólne zmiany
* some objects such as river delta won't be blitted "on" hero
* tiles under FoW are inaccessible
* giving random hero on RoE maps
* improved protection against hero duplication
* fixed starting values of primary abilities of random heroes on RoE/AB maps
* disabled loading creatures battle animations
* fixed memory leaks (a few of many)
* creating default start options
* minor bugfix in main menu (slider wasn't removed)
* added txt file with portrait list
* reading heroes portraits
* CLodHandler init cleared up (a bit)
* giveDef optimized
* horizontal slider
* printAtMiddle updates corrrect rect
* adjusted shadows
* parts of advanced options menu
* minor fixes/improvements
Uwaga - wersja wczesna, z błędami. Niektórych nawet jestem świadomy.
Poza tym zmiany, które za ten cały czas mi się powprowadzały, a które zostaną bezlitośnie wypunktowane przez Traca.
- Nowe odkrycia w graczach, związane z głównymi zamkami.
- Poprawne obracanie terenu
- Zczytywanie informacji o głównych miastach. DUŻO więcej map dzięki temu obsługuje.
- nie krzaczy się na małych mapach
- Uaktualniony exek